View Full Version : Is Absorb Elements included in the Arcane Spell Book Cards?

2020-04-26, 03:54 PM
Is Absorb Elements included in the Arcane Spell Book Cards? I am looking through my cards and do not see it, but I had my stack of cards knocked over once and I am not sure if I lost this card... I could have sworn I used it in my Artificer Spell Deck but now I am not sure....

2020-04-26, 05:39 PM
Is Absorb Elements included in the Arcane Spell Book Cards? I am looking through my cards and do not see it, but I had my stack of cards knocked over once and I am not sure if I lost this card... I could have sworn I used it in my Artificer Spell Deck but now I am not sure....

gale force 9? no, there was a seperate pack for xanathar's

2020-04-27, 08:15 AM
Oh! It's XGE!!! I was looking in the wrong place that's why I couldn't find it! Thank you!