View Full Version : Roleplaying Strongest character that takes levels in every class?

2020-04-27, 05:53 PM
Random exercise for fun, what is the strongest character that takes at least one level in every class?

Here is how I would do it:

My idea for this build was to get at least SOME use out of every level, I feel like in the end this makes a stronger character than one who just relies on a couple abilities and lets the rest be wasted. Id be interested in hearing if you think this isn't the best way to do it!

Character creation: take human, put your abilities at 12,13,13,12,12,13. This sets you up or decent unarmored defense, good enough dexterity to use, and charisma for getting out of problems (also eldritch blast for backup)

Take your first two levels of rogue. Take expertise in athletics and stealth. Act as a pretty normal rogue at this point. Cunning action will always be a useful feature for you.

Take three levels in gloomstalker ranger. This gives you an extra attack the first turn and invisible a lot of the time, which is always super helpful! Take dueling fighting style and use a rapier and shield.

Next, two levels of barbarian. This gets you reckless attack, meaning you can always be sneak attacking! The advantage of strength checks is also great with the expertise in athletics if you ever want to grapple or shove anyone.

Take two levels in paladin. This is mostly for divine smite, as we are going to be getting a fair amount of spell slot levels we don't have spells for, this is going to be the main way you use them. Also some healing power is nice.

take 2 levels in monk. This gets you a nice mobility bonus (which pairs well with gloomstaler and cunning action) as well as a reliable bonus action attack. At this point drop your shield and start using a dagger (a monk weapon that can sneak attack). Also you can smite with your bonus action attacks, which is a fun use of them!

take two levels in artificer. We are mostly here for the enchanted weapon, (get a +1 dagger and a hat of wizardy, the rest get fun flavor items).

Take your level in wizard. This is to get a lot of low level wizard rituals, which are always useful out of combat. you need someone with identify!!

Take a level in celestial warlock. This gets you a spellslot to smite with every short rest, as well as a nice bonus action heal that will always do some good! eldritch blast is also always a nice backup.

Take a level in storm sorcerer. This is nice because it adds some additional Arial mobility in combats where we are using spells and not raging.

Take a level in fighter, the extra fighting style is always nice, take archery so that you can use a bow well for backup in case someone is really far away.

take our level in knowledge cleric. This will give you a ton of skills and languages to be useful outside of combat.

Take your level in bard. At this point, giving your other allies a bonus for their things might be a better idea than doing your own thing, so bardic inspiration can always be a help.

And finally take your level in druid. It doesn't give you much in all honesty, but thorn whip is a fun cantrip and you get some nice low level out of combat spells like speak with animals.

So in the end you have a fairly strong progression of power from level 1 to 18 (with the last two levels I'll admit being a bit of a weak point). You get to play as a stealthy scout who has a fair amount of skills and out of combat ability, some good mobility in combat, extra attacks per turn from monk to use those smites on, and some decent bonus action healing and support!

What do you think think of this build? How would you modify it if you weren't using artificer? How would you do a all classes build?

2020-04-27, 07:12 PM
Random exercise for fun, what is the strongest character that takes at least one level in every class?

"Abserd is very powerful. Strongest in all the magics and the fighting and the singing, yes!"


2020-04-27, 08:21 PM
I reckon you'd be better off taking 1 level of Monk and 2 levels of Moon Druid for Wildshape. The versatility plus "oh **** need some emergency HP" options it provides will make the character more useful overall than the mobility bonus and Ki from Monk 2, IMO. Plus, more spell slots for smiting!

2020-04-27, 08:44 PM
I did this once as an experiment. It's not a bad character if you're willing to take two or three levels in a class. He's excellent in skills thanks to Rogue and Bard. He has all the cantrips he could possibly want. Make sure you have Booming Blade since you don't have Extra Attack. Green Flame Blade too. Lots of 1st level spells, many useful to upcast, but mainly use those higher slots to smite from Paladin. Barbarian gives him some damage resistance. Maybe go three levels for bear totem. Fighter, Paladin, and Ranger give fighting styles - one for melee, one for archery, one for armor. Pick two warlock invocations you want. The only useless class was monk. It added nothing. 1d4 for unarmed strike is ok but not important. I took one level for the concept, but I really didn't want it.

2020-04-27, 08:51 PM
"Abserd is very powerful. Strongest in all the magics and the fighting and the singing, yes!"


hah! yeah that is what I was thinking of!

I reckon you'd be better off taking 1 level of Monk and 2 levels of Moon Druid for Wildshape. The versatility plus "oh **** need some emergency HP" options it provides will make the character more useful overall than the mobility bonus and Ki from Monk 2, IMO. Plus, more spell slots for smiting!

Oh fun! yeah I took 2 levels in monk because I feared that with 1 level the monk wasn't... doing anything. But if it benefits wildshape than that is enough of a benefit!

2020-04-28, 12:28 AM
I would lower something else for Wizard 2 Divination Portent, it's so good which this character is so just so average for.

2020-04-28, 01:43 AM
Half Elf:

Str: 13
Dex: 14
Con: 10
Int: 13
Wis: 14
Cha: 16 (15 +1 from Elven Accuracy)

Start with 1 level of Rogue
7 levels of Paladin (Dueling fighting style, Elven Accuracy for Feat): Pick your Oath, I would probably go Conquest
2 levels Fighter (Defense fighting style)
1 level Barbarian
1 level Bard
1 level Cleric: Tempest Domain
1 level Druid
1 level Monk
1 level Ranger
1 level Sorcerer: Shadow Magic
1 level Warlock: Hexblade
1 level Wizard

You still have one level to play with.

With half-plate, a short sword and shield, you have 20 AC, +9 to Hit, 1d6+5 damage, two attacks a round (action surge once per short rest for 4 attacks). You can apply smite, Green Flame Blade, or Booming Blade to an attack. Your hit points are lack luster, but you have decent saves due to your paladin auras. Half-elf gives you advantage against charm, and you can't be put to sleep.

You have up through 4th level spell slots to play with.


2020-04-29, 11:41 AM
How would you do a all classes build?
12 13 11 13 13 13.
Feat: Resilient Con. (Con is the only stat not needed for MC) Ending array =
S 13 D 14 C 12 I 13 W 13 Ch 13
1 Additional Skill from the Feat. Medicine or Survival, depends on the campaign.
Background: Sailor (Athletics, Perception)

Leve 1: Rogue. Skills: Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Investigation, Persuasion
Expertise: Athletics, Thieve's Tools.
Levels 2, 3: Druid. Circle of the Moon. And a few useful spells like guidance.
Level 4: Fighter (Fighting Style: Archery) (Second Wind can't hurt)
Level 5: Rogue for cunning Action. At this point one will need this benefit.
Level 6: Cleric; Knowledge Domain (Arcana and Nature or History proficiency seems a nice fit here)
Level 7: Sorcerer, Draconic (a resistance and a bit of bonus HP)
Level 8: Paladin; lay on hands does some neat things
Level 9: Warlock (GOO for Telepathy probably)
Level 10: Wizard. Need a few rituals.
Level 11: Ranger, figure out a preferred Enemy; odds are that at this point, it's fiends
Level 12: Monk, because we need to use all classes. (Artificer does not count)
Lever 13: Barbarian, because sometimes we need to rage and have resistances.
Lever 14: Bard (vicious mockery and a few other handy spells like Dissonent whispers.
Level 15: I doubt the game lasts this long