View Full Version : playing with oblivion

2020-04-29, 08:59 AM
i was recently rereading "the voidstone arsenal" and it inspired a few questions regarding Pandorym.

so first we have voidstone: (Ex) DC25 vs fort or disintegrated
second is the sphere of annihilation: 2ft diameter ball of nothingness
third is the body of Pandorym: a 30ft diameter uncontrollable sphere of annihilation
last is the Crystalline Prison trapping the mind of Pandorym: a modified, solidified form of permanent prismatic wall sans the violet layer. anyone touching the prison (protective clothing or no) is subject to the effects of one color layer per round in consecutive order. anyone still touching it on the seventh round is drawn in: DC45 vs will or blotted from existence. if successful then disintegrated as the spell (no save)

i am running a campaign that i am hoping will run long enough to start running afoul of one or more of the elder evils and three potentially long term allies of the PC's are obsessed with trying to harness the power of the objects they come across (for good or ill) and such a lawful and powerful being would certainly pique their interest.

so i would like to start a discussion on if and how you would go about containing and reshaping the ridiculously sized ball of destruction that is Pandorym's body into something more useful and preferably able to interact with the world in a meaningful way. doesn't have to be 100% RAW. just plausible and something the PC's can constructively contribute to through things like research and quests for components and items.

that few thought's I've had so far:

1.) a voidstone suit or armor, this assumes that voidstone is immune to the annihilation. but also doesn't give a meaningful way to interact with the worlds
2.) the crystal prison is resistant to the annihilating effect of the imprisoned mind of Pandorym perhaps it to could be harnessed to create a suit or some armor though subjecting everything touched to a prismatic spray is only marginally better. and perhaps could be combined with the voidstone to give it some crystal bling.
3.) prismatic walls. if the violet layer can counter or contain the annihilation effect then perhaps an object imbued with a permanent prismatic or violet layer effect may work as well or perhaps contain with something like the prismatic golem whose moral code ability may help controlling Pandorym. on par with 2 for usefulness but anyway.

those are the best i have got, what do you guys think?