View Full Version : Good cleric of neutral deity casting [Evil] spells?

2020-04-29, 11:16 AM
After asking in the RAW thread and getting no answer, I turn to a new post.

Is it possible? I thought Heretic of the Faith allowed for it, but after checking the book it apparently doesn't... Too bad.

Any way to do it? Preferably with feats or items, though I'd be okay with a dip here or there.

2020-04-29, 11:21 AM
I remember in a dragon magazine that there was a variant that added evil domain spell to the list of a druid but i don't think what are you asking is possible without a change of alignment in the long time

2020-04-29, 11:26 AM
Play in Eberron? I think it specifically states Eberron clerics, unlike regular clerics, may cast spells of any alignment - though it also says that character alignment may change if, for example, the cleric casts a lot of [Evil] spells.
Eberron clerics can also be of alignments opposed to their deity's, without penalty, so this kind of alignment change wouldn't handicap them.

Also, as I recall, the Malconvoker PRC from Complete Scoundrel (if entering it as a Good cleric) gets to both ignore "may not cast [Evil] spells" and "may change alignment from casting such spells" - but only Summoning spells.

2020-04-29, 07:22 PM
Play in Eberron? I think it specifically states Eberron clerics, unlike regular clerics, may cast spells of any alignment - though it also says that character alignment may change if, for example, the cleric casts a lot of [Evil] spells.
Eberron clerics can also be of alignments opposed to their deity's, without penalty, so this kind of alignment change wouldn't handicap them.

While we don't play in Eberron, the homebrewed setting does have some similarities. I'll check with the DM just in case this is one of them. Thank you!