View Full Version : So how DID a Yuan-Ti Wizard combine Lizardfolk and Troglodytes to be Tren?

2020-04-30, 09:06 PM
So I need an interesting plotline about the method of combining Lizardfolk and Troglodytes into Tren, a best of both worlds race... Is there any lore about how the hybrid race was originally made? Presumably magic was involved, yes? Yuan-Ti shenanigans? How might a Wizard go about replicating the results?

2020-04-30, 09:37 PM
Well, in Serpent Kingdoms, it doesn't seem to go into a lot of detail on how the Tren came to be: maybe there was magic involved, maybe the two races were similar enough that their hybrid offspring bred true into a new race.

On the other hand, Troglizards (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20031018a) (another Lizardfolk/Trogldyte hybrid, which may have later been revised as the Tren) have a history about them being created by "Praetorius, the legendary alchemist, wizard, and cleric"...

Emperor Tippy
2020-04-30, 09:53 PM
Fusion + Astral Seed for the initial group, and then some generations of natural breeding?

Perhaps by one of those hundred thousand year old high level Elan Psions who just does these kinds of experiments for ****s and giggles.

2020-04-30, 10:09 PM
Hey that Troglizards write-up mentions they call themselves Tren!

Draconi Redfir
2020-04-30, 11:05 PM
Well first they tried putting a trogdolite and a lizardfolk into a room filled with love potion. the results were successful, but chaotic and unrefined.

then they tried chopping the trogdolyte and the lizardfolk into pieces and sewing them together into one mega being. but that didn't work out. dang thing opened it's eyes, said "kill me" in broken lizard, and then died.

then they tried making three chairs, two of which each teleported whoever sat in them to the third chair. then they made a lizardfolk sit in one, then a trog sit in the other, and activated them both at the same time. The result looked promising, but it turns out part of the Troq's skull ended up in the fusion's chest. so it didn't live more then a few days.

then they tried potions. they're still cleaning up that mess.

A contract with a devil almost got everyone's souls consumed and took the legal team months to get them out of.

then they tied a lizardfolk to a table and a troq to the bottom of an anvil suspended sixty feet above the table. At this point they were just goofing off.

the fusion dance? yeah that's just a myth.

but then, THEN! they found the secret ingredient. the missing link! the solution to all their problems! Kobold.

Mixing a troq and a Lizardfolk is hard. But mixing a Troq and a Kobold? Easy. Mixing a lizardfolk and a Kobold? Easy. Mixing a Troq AND a lizardfolk with a Kobold? Slightly tricky, but hey! it works!

2020-04-30, 11:21 PM
Polymorph, sex, 9 months give or take.

2020-05-01, 02:27 AM
I seem to recall 2e having a bunch of spells to do this sort of thing.
They were cool, unreliable and flavorful but completely unsuited to murderhoboing about the countryside killing princesses and rescuing dragons so they never made the cut for later editions.

2020-05-01, 03:44 AM
The epic spell origin of species just makes a race from whole cloth, in theory, so there's no reason that an epic wizard couldn't just cast a spell that makes a creature with lizardfolky traits and troglodytey traits and calls it a mixture of the two.