View Full Version : The Streets: XXIX

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2007-10-25, 12:45 PM
The streets... not much more to say...

2007-10-25, 12:49 PM
Oh Oh

comes out in tandem.

Take us to your leader Or governmental equivalent.

Great, they're going to start finnishing each other's sentences.

Hmm...how about NOT? Does NOT do it for you? :smallannoyed:

2007-10-25, 12:50 PM
theres a leader or governmental equivalent here?

2007-10-25, 12:54 PM
Oh Oh

Again with the speaking at the same time.

We'll just have to find your lead ourselves then.
Mullet looks over again
Why does everything you say come out sinister?
Because I'm cool.
Right, that.
Don't worry, we're still holding to the plan.
Shh! We don't want them to know we have a secret plan!
Way to tell them about it then.

They both slowly turn back to the townies.

2007-10-25, 12:55 PM
((It supposed to be Streets XXIX))

2007-10-25, 12:55 PM
:smallannoyed: ....Alright, look, we're all going to find out sooner or later, so just cough up the info now, or we go through a long and annoying interrogation I'd rather not have to do. Moose scans around the saucer for signs of sentient life.

2007-10-25, 01:00 PM
((erm, seeing as I have a class about to start :$ sorry))

The Hologram pops off, and the saucer trys to add itself to Moose's possesions. There is no life within it, but there is certainly more technology than in your average household plate.

If it doesn't become a belonging of Moose's it will fly back off into the sky.


2007-10-25, 01:01 PM
Moose blinks at it as it winds up in his pocket. He shrugs and decides to go to the TDI HQ for the hell of it.

2007-10-25, 01:04 PM
Waddle follows him

2007-10-25, 01:42 PM
Moose leaves the TDI HQ and looks around. Rather enjoying the cold weather, he heads for Trog's.

2007-10-25, 02:29 PM
Raril steps out of the "Foaming Pie" Cleaning service and onto the streets. He hugs himself and rubs his arms against the cold. What had he been thinking wearing a sleeveless tunic like this? Other than he looked damned good in it, not much. Grumbling about the cold he wanders off towards Trog's, hoping to get a decent meal to ward off the chill in the air.

* * *

A while later he walks towards the AMEN base, looking to oust some paladins.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 05:17 PM
Rex seems to smoke as he walks. He breaths clouds, and it smolders from his body. His hand is charred and burnt. It looks bad, but he doesn't care, it isn't his body anyways.

"Trog's..." He breaths more than says.

Lord Magtok
2007-10-25, 05:22 PM
Glit steps out of the tavern, glances at Rex for a moment, and then continues on his path, reading through a book and barely paying attention to where he's going.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 05:33 PM
Rex follows him, just a few feet behind.

2007-10-25, 05:49 PM
An immensely powerful wind suddenly howls its way along the streets of the Town, strong enough to blow away hats and to rob the breaths of those in its path. It is even stronger and colder than the wind that blew the Town the previous night.

Those aligned with the fire element who feel its icy touch suddenly feel weakened. If they possess material bodies, the sensation is comparable to a queasiness in their stomachs; if they are immaterial, they find their aura weaken slightly, sort of like a candlelight hit by a soft breeze.

The frozen four (See "The Cemetery" thread) begin to stalk along the main avenue of the Town where most of the businesses lay. As they move along, ice forms underneath their feet and creeps along the ground and the surfaces of buildings like a thing alive.

Wisely, the lower-powered residents of The Town begin to flee. The large man with the harpoon hurls it at a helpless bystander who does not run fast enough, spearing him through the torso; he then yanks on it, hard, dragging the man's corpse along the now-frozen dirt.

The hound, as large as a dire wolf, also lopes forward to attack another bystander. It sinks its teeth into his gut, and tears horribly at his innards.

The grey-skinned woman and the charred man do nothing, except silently watch the spectacle. When the other two have made their kills, they all press forward silently; they do not try to enter any residence or business, and they ignore those who peek out from their windows and doorways as they move towards their unknown destination.

2007-10-25, 05:54 PM
Raril steps back onto the streets, only to have his hat get blown off. "Gods damn it!" He curses and runs after his hat, keeping a firm grip on the bandanna wrapped around his head.

2007-10-25, 05:57 PM
Mounted on horses, three of the paladins mentioned earlier run past the drow while Charles stays behind and attempts to fetch the drow's hat.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 05:58 PM
Rex walks into the street to greet the four, he the wind tugs at him, but to no avail, heat waves drift up from him. He laughs.

"You'll have to pass through me." He grips the source of his heat, a Katana in it's sheath. He taps his fingers across it waiting.

2007-10-25, 06:04 PM
(OOC: Forgive me for godmoding a little, but it's in your favour.)

Raril suddenly hears a whistle that doesn't fit in with the howl of the wind, and he dodges just in time to avoid being impaled by a long harpoon attached to a chain. The weapon strikes a building ahead of him, and quivers there momentarily.

The weapon is then yanked from the wall, and Raril looks back to see the giant human covered in icicles reeling in his weapon like a whaler who missed his target. The other three are standing beside him, regarding the drow with empty eyes.

Suddenly, Rex shouts out his challenge, and all four turn as one to face him. While the three make no sound, the hound begins to growl loudly.

Lord Magtok
2007-10-25, 06:07 PM
Glit pauses for a moment, having forgotten where he was going. With nothing better to do, he leans against a nearby building, and watches the fight with his robotic canine friend.

2007-10-25, 06:10 PM
The hound takes a few steps forward, and opens its mouth as though to bark. But instead of a sound, instead a cone-shaped stream of pure white energy, nearly bright enough to blind those watching the battle, comes flying at Rex.

@V: ((OOC: Admiral, what are you talking about? I haven't even referred to your characters. I attacked Raril and reacted to Rex, but I never even mentioned the paladins.))

2007-10-25, 06:11 PM
((FoE? I'm sorry, but NO GODMODING! I do not appreciate you controlling my charachters. Those actions you have dictated regarding what my charachters do don't happen, plot or none. Sorry.))

"Who art though who blocks our way?" Says Kaldorin to the man in front of them. Nesnamnd reaches for his broadsword, Valareen prepares her bow.

Charles stops trying to fetch Raril's hat and turns to the monster.

2007-10-25, 06:15 PM
((Funny, AK, he didn't touch any of your characters.))

Raril dives and rolls, managing to pick up his hat and cram it back on his head. "Well, I think that explains the change in weather." He remarks, coming to his feet and looking at the large frozen man.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 06:18 PM
With a quick swipe, the white cone is met with a wall of fire.

"O! Light? Scary." He says, sarcastically.

2007-10-25, 06:20 PM
The freezing energy dissapates, having been cancelled out by the flame. The wolf growls fiercely, and then barks again. An even larger and more intense cone of cold comes flying at Rex.

The other three stare down anyone who stands in their way.

2007-10-25, 06:22 PM
Raril pulls out his crossbow and loads an explosive bolt. "I hate the cold!" He shouts as he fires at the big guy with the harpoon.


2007-10-25, 06:29 PM
The large man moves surprisingly fast, but the force of the explosion sends him flying. He hurtles through the air, flipping upside-down and smashing into a nearby building with a loud crunch. The man flops to the ground on his face, his limbs twisted at unnatural angles and smoke rising off his body. He does not move.

The hound is also hit by the explosion and is sent rolling along the ground, its fur singed. But the magical cone of ice still hurtles towards Rex.

The woman sprints forward and is seemingly caught in the explosion. When the smoke clears, she appears to have disappeared.

The charred man stands firm and is engulfed in the flames of the explosion. But a minute later, he is still standing there, the smell of burned flesh filling the air. The wind blows up again, and in an instant the scent is gone.

EDIT: The thing starts shambling towards Raril, and continues to move towards him even as he turns invisible (see below).

Lord Magtok
2007-10-25, 06:34 PM
((No thanks. Glit just wanted to watch. And now he's bored.))

Glit gets bored with watching the fight, and heads back to the tavern.

2007-10-25, 06:37 PM
Raril mutters a curse, seeing that the woman has disappeared, and casts an invisibility spell of his own to avoid getting attacked by an unseen foe.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 06:45 PM
The cones of cold are countered by the katana's fiery aura.

"Gotta try better than that."

2007-10-25, 06:51 PM
Oh, come on...How do you see me?! The Drow mutters another spell, and suddenly an illusion of himself appears superimposed over his invisible form. The real Raril quietly takes a few steps back, while the illusion stands its and appears to draw its blades, a pair of frozen short swords.

2007-10-25, 06:54 PM
The charred creature shambles towards the illusion of Raril, and looks almost bewildered as its blackened arms sweep through seemingly nothing. In truth, it could not see Raril, but it was only going towards where it had last seen him.

Rex's flame successfully dispels the attack. But as he savours his victory, a shadow appears above him.

2007-10-25, 06:55 PM
Kaldorin, Charels, and Nesnamnd charge at the monster, wielding to their heavy sabers. Valareen fires a three-arrow multishot at it.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 06:59 PM
The Trickster kicks out of Curtis' Body, still holding the sword.
"C'mon, Incorporeal Action?"

To anyone without True Seeing, it just looks like the katana is moving on it's own.

2007-10-25, 06:59 PM
One of the bolts slams into the dog's haunches, but it dodges aside in time to avoid getting hit with the other two. As the riders charge forward, the thing growls and leap at Nesnamnd's horse, trying to tear the tender flesh on its neck.

2007-10-25, 07:07 PM
Thinking that the charred being hadn't been effected by the fiery explosion, he wonders how it would react to cold steel. Calling upon his racial abilities, the Drow lines the man in blue faerie fire before dropping a Darkness spell around him. Raril draws his real frozen short swords and goes in for a killing blow.

((Sneak attack, death attack, yadda yadda. Feel free to wait to reply until you've got all your answers.))

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 07:09 PM
((Rex is sent backwards, holding to Katana, Curtis' body is sent forward, laying in the ground, dead.))

2007-10-25, 07:15 PM
It is extremely fortunate that Rex has moved, as the growing shadow above him was the grey-skinned woman — she did not turn invisible, she literally leaped into the air. She lands on her feet where Rex used to be, and everyone on the street can see that her hands, which were covered in ice, are now sheathed in shards of ice thicker and comparable in length to a longsword. Upon landing, she whirls her head around as though confused, and then fixes her stare on the katana, assuming a combat stance.

It is now extremely cold on the street, and anyone outside can now feel a deep chill. Anyone who is vulnerable to the elements will develop hypothermia within twenty minutes or so.

2007-10-25, 07:17 PM
((It looks like AK deadtimed))

Raril's still trying to stab the fire lined figure...

2007-10-25, 07:21 PM
((It looks like AK deadtimed))

((OOC: Lovely. OK, I'm going to retroactively assume he meant the dog, since he's probably not going to want attack the charred man, seeing as Raril has dropped a Darkness spell around him.))

The darkness enshrouds the charred thing, and it freezes in place. Raril can slip up easily on the thing.

Both of his swords stab into the creature, and they slide right through, albeit with some difficulty — it's like stabbing through petrified wood. But if Raril expects the creature to fall, it does not; instead, it grabs at one of his wrists and lashes out with the back of its other hand, as though to slap the drow.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 07:24 PM
"C'mon, you think a sword forge out of a thousand flames pounded over thousands of times, each one embedding a flame in, Shogun Curtino's Katana, the Goldbrand, the Godsword, can be blocked by icicles?" He scoffs and twirls the artifact in hand leaving a large trail of flames. even their weather effects don't affect the five foot radius of the Sword.

2007-10-25, 07:28 PM

Raril gets whacked across the face. There goes his hat again. He attempts to withdraw his blades from the charred man and strikes again.

2007-10-25, 07:30 PM
Rex: The woman almost seems to hestitate, but instead of running away, she lifts her ice-sheathed arms in the air. The ice suddenly grows along the length of her body, covering her chest, her torso and her legs in ice. Only her eyes are visible in a small gap on her face, and there is a hole in the back of her "helmet" where her white hair trails down.

She charges forward, the spikes on her hands lengthening even as she moves.

Raril: As Raril is struck in the face, he feels an immense cold run through his body, and it pains him terribly.

But Raril recovers quickly and manages to pull his swords out. The thing does not react to his attack, waiting for him to slice it again. When it does, the swords cut deep into the creature but do not quite chop it in half. It counter-attacks by trying to rake him across the chest — its blackened fingernails are gnarled into claws.

2007-10-25, 07:32 PM
An Erinyes dives down form the skies and lands on the tallest building he can find, he surveys the streets.

2007-10-25, 07:44 PM
The Drow gets cut across the chest, his tunic tearing under the creature's claws. Now Raril was angry, not only was he cold, but this was the second shirt ruined is as many days. He strikes again, hoping to finish chopping the thing in half.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 07:45 PM
The Trickster goes to parry to blows, there's really no point if she doesn't have Ghost touch, though. One way to find out, The Trickster goes for an incorporeal touch attack to drain her of a bit of life. Not a lot. (2d6 Str.)

2007-10-25, 07:57 PM
Raril: The drow feels a heavy cold sweep through his body for a second time, but manages to finish his attack. It is successful, and Raril slices it in half! The upper torso falls to the ground, and the lower half teeters like a rotted tree before falling over.

Suddenly, there is a tug on his leg, and Raril sees the upper half of the creature has scrambled along the icy dirt to clutch his calf. Ice is now crawling up the length of his leg and is nearly to his knee.

The Trickster: Incredibly, the creature's ice-spikes do connect with the blade, but the fire from the sword is too great and the ice on her arms is sheared in half. But it is not a total victory for The Trickster; as he attempts to drain her strength, he only feels a dead cold, and it does suceed in weakening him just slightly. The creature is not undead but it is not technically alive either — it is though the woman is just a puppet on strings, being manipulated by some outside will.

Perhaps sensing it is fighting a losing battle, the woman leaps away farther than should be humanely possible, and then bounds straight into the air to land on top of a building. She then begins to bound from rooftop to rooftop, heading towards some unknown destination.

Seeing the woman flees, the dog releases its fangs from the warpony's throat and scampers away up the street, incredibly fast.

Anyone looking over to see the large man where he lies crumpled against the building sees he has disappeared as well.

2007-10-25, 08:03 PM
Raril swears some more and desperately tries to hack off the limb grabbing his leg. His teeth are chattering and he might just black out from the cold.

2007-10-25, 08:09 PM
Raril slices through the thing's wrist, and that seems to stop the ice from spreading; although the thing's hand is still attached to his leg, it is now just a dismembered body part, however. But now it is reaching over to his other leg with its free hand.

2007-10-25, 08:12 PM
Joseph undeadtimes and blinks a few times.


2007-10-25, 08:15 PM
Raril stumbles backwards and collapses in the street. "Gods...I hate...the cold." The Drow gasps, his breath coming out in puffs of steam in the chill night air.

2007-10-25, 08:32 PM
"It looks like some people went nuts out here," Nick replies, waving one hand at all the carnage around the streets in general. "Though I missed the better part of it because of that time freezing stuff."

2007-10-25, 08:34 PM
"I see."

Joseph takes another look around.

"Guess we should get back to finding a new place to plan from. Where were we, exactly?"

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 08:38 PM
The Trickster hops back into Curtis.
"Aw... I didn't even get to kill any of them..."

2007-10-25, 08:40 PM
((Minor note - Nesnamnd is a goblin and, being to small for a horse, rides a warpony.))

Nesnamnd's warpony is bitten on by the neck. Using his Saber, he attempts to fell the best with a single stroke aiming for the neck and torso.

2007-10-25, 08:41 PM
From the ground, Raril starts laughing. "Heh, I got t..t..two of them. And y..you only got... ... None! Hahaha!" Normally he'd have the good sense not to mock Rex, but the cold was really starting to effect him.

2007-10-25, 08:46 PM
"Well, I was asking if you knew of a place that would be private and quite," Nick muses. "Somewhere vampires wouldn't be able to walk into because it isn't public property."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 08:47 PM
Rex goes to grab his Katana. "I may have my chance to get one tonight." He turns to Raril.

2007-10-25, 08:54 PM
A snowy owl flies overhead as KerfuffleMach2 reminds AK of a certain thread.

2007-10-25, 08:55 PM
"Heh. Go get 'em, Rexy!" He's stopped shivering, but he's laughing a bit more now.

2007-10-25, 09:01 PM
Joseph shakes his head. "Nothing here. You got any ideas?"

2007-10-25, 09:03 PM
"Not really... I've been staying at the inn on the second floor of the tavern. Not sure if that would be the best place to be plotting."

Rebonack reminds Warpfire of the vampire slayer's home thread near the slums.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 09:06 PM
"You don't get it, do you?" Rex goes to draw his blade, and Akane comes running up from no where.

"Stop! Don't hurt anyone else!"

Rex hesitates for a moment, and walks away.

2007-10-25, 09:06 PM
Joseph doesn't generally like people coming to his home, the only reason he did it last time being that he didn't want to leave a small child in the care of a vampire.

But he is considering it as a last option. "Maybe an abandoned church that's still sanctified?"

2007-10-25, 09:19 PM
Since the monsters are deadtimed, the paladins go about helping wounded and injured citizens.

Charles walks over to Raril, dismounted from his horse. "Are you alright, friend?"

2007-10-25, 09:20 PM
"That's certainly an option," Nicholas replies with a nod. "Considering the way things seem to always pop up here in Town no doubt there are a few scattered around. Should we start looking around now?"

2007-10-25, 09:22 PM
Joseph nods, and as is his fashion he simply sets off in a direction without another word.

((So...you want to make the thread?))

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 09:23 PM
"I think he's cold... and dead...timed." Akane says to the paladin.

2007-10-25, 09:41 PM
Nick retroactively follows the vampire hunter.

2007-10-25, 10:18 PM
A vulture flies over Raril and Akane.

And then a swarm of bugs devour the vulture, now we know what Anom' Lie usually eats, and why we don't see many vultures in the streets.

2007-10-25, 10:24 PM
For the past few days death and mayhem had reigned supreme in the Streets of Town. The rampages of the blood festival. The frozen creatures from the grave yard ravaging all that they found in their path.

By this time one would expect that the people without the power to bend the universe to their whims would have gotten off the Streets. But they don't.

They don't because this is their soul reason for existence.

To die.

To be slain or saved to further plots and amuse those more powerful than they.

They don't know this.

But they are none the less compelled by forces beyond their understanding to place themselves in these dangerous situations. To remain in Town despite the imminent peril it presents.

Swarms of cat sized imp-like creatures that have far more mouth than torso come pouring into the cobbled roads of Town, devouring a swath of macabre red through all in their path.

Civilians scatter in all directions in a desperate bid to escape. And a lone woman armed with nothing more than a basket of boots stands transfixed in fear. No doubt she will be getting devoured shortly.

2007-10-25, 10:30 PM
The paladins actually find no weak and wounded, except for Raril, whose chest is wounded and whose lower leg is entirely sheathed in ice. Most citizens fled at the creatures' approach, and those they did assault are now quite dead.

Although Raril was successful in freeing himself from the creature's grasp, the blackened thing is not dead — only chopped in half at the waist, and one of its hands is now missing. In fact, the thing is now dragging itself along the ground, leaving a trail of ice as it slides along the ground, though where it's going is anyone's guess.

Raril is incorrect in another assumption — the large man with the harpoon is not dead, it is gone. While these things are hardly alive, it is obviously moving, as it has left a trail of ice in its wake that follows along the street and around a corner before disappearing from sight.

The air is now unseasonably cold, and ice cover most of the street. The skies have now turned grey overhead, and a flurry of snowflakes are now beginning to float to the ground.

2007-10-25, 10:30 PM
Raril blinks awake. "A..Akane?" He asks, hopefully.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 10:31 PM
"Are you alright, Ray-ray?" She asks, looking him over.

2007-10-25, 10:35 PM
The charred thing — though in truth it is not burned, but its flesh has been turned black from frostbite — begins dragging itself over to Akane and Raril's location.

((OOC: Although Raril's body has suffered little damage, he is likely suffering from a little hypothermia. He will need healing or at the very least medical attention of some sort.))

2007-10-25, 10:36 PM
"It's... so cold." He replies.

2007-10-25, 10:39 PM
The terrified mob runs.

It runs at the horrible snapping monstrosities that are close at their heels. They run from certain death to certain death. There simply isn't any other option for them.

As soon as the thirty or so people hit the ice that was created by the presence of the frozen fiends a tangle of limbs soon results as the poor civilians trip and tumble over one another. It won't be long before their pursuers catch up.

A basket that was once filled with boots now sits overturned and splashed with blood.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 10:39 PM
"Get closer to me. We can keep each other warm!" She goes to huddle closer to him, her warm breath causing a small cloud in the air. She looks at the frost bitten beast. "I know someone really warm, let's go to him! He'll keep everyone warm!" She summons a bit of Fenix's fire around them both to prevent them from being hypothermic.

2007-10-25, 10:42 PM
Anom' Lie is still curiously hovering above, munching the rest of the vulture's bones just for the fun of munching.

Somewhere else, more of Anom' Lie goes and attempts to open a chasm between the people and the corrupt.

Begone foul spawn of the abyss!

2007-10-25, 10:43 PM
Suddenly, as the mob of flesh-eating imps close, the frostbitten corpse lifts its head; if Akane and Raril are listening, they hear it speak three words in a voice that sounds like steel grinding against stone:

"Winter will come."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 10:48 PM
Rex jumps out from the roofs. Apparently, he had been spying on Akane. He attempts to impale the corpse's head.
"Go on, get out of here."

2007-10-25, 10:48 PM
Ignoring the madness around him, Raril pulls Akane closer to him. "Gods, I've missed you."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 10:50 PM
She pulls him close, and tries to lead him to the Temple of Inari Fenix.
"I missed you too, Ray-ray. I was so mad when Maggy took you away from me."

2007-10-25, 10:51 PM
Charles uses his Lay on Hands ability to heal Raril, watching the two hug eachother closely.

The other paladins, unmounted this time, gather together to see what the commotion is about with the new attackers.

2007-10-25, 10:56 PM
Raril follows Akane, and how could he not? She was soft and warm...dang he's gone off the deep end.

2007-10-25, 10:56 PM
The imps don't reply. For two reason, really.

A fair number of the ghoulish monsters go tumbling into the massive rift in the street. And those that don't are still on the way toward the civilians. Fortunately for them they have a wizardy fellow in their midst that proceeds to create a wall of stone to further ward off the encroaching hoard.

And the frostbitten corpse may find himself getting hit with a boot.

The source of this improvised projectile is a rather disheveled looking woman near the rest of the non-combatants. She looks by no means like any more of a warrior than the rest.

She also looks poorly dressed for the current weather, clad in a few layers of loose fitting cloth. A robe and a number of sashes. The fact that she's clad in sandals really helps to cement the generally Mediterranean look about her.

"Y-you leave them alone!"

2007-10-25, 10:57 PM
A moment after the woman smacks it with a boot, the thing's head is successfully impaled by Rex's blade, and a loud crunch is heard as its skull is split in two.

And with that, the glow emanating from the thing's head suddenly winks out, and instead a blue mist-like energy comes rushing out of the killing blow. It flies upward and begins to swirl in the air above Rex, Akane and Raril, and it slowly forms into a shape that is similar to the frostbitten corpse, only far less defined.

They can see that the thing is beginning to disappear — its edges are beginning to vanish into the air itself — but it is not fading fast enough. Two pinpricks of white light appear in the area of the wraith's "head" and a piercing wail echoses throughout the street.

And then it begins to fly forward, veering towards the paladins, Rex, Akane, Raril and the woman, extending claws made of icy mist.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 11:00 PM
Rex goes to block it. Yes, the blade does have Ghost Touch, how else could The Trickster use it?

Akane doesn't notice anything strange with Raril. Starts moving really fast, and pulls him through the gates to Inari's.

2007-10-25, 11:02 PM
Kerfuffle walks out of the tavern. You'd think that because he just has a t-shirt and blue jeans on, that he'd be cold. But he doesn't seem to be. Guess years of living in the woods have given him a resistance. That, and the fact that he has a lightning spirit in his sword.

He walks a little, noticing the snow and ice. He likes it. It looks nice to him. Then he sees the large group of people. Not sure what is going on, he slowly walks closer.

2007-10-25, 11:04 PM
The thing collides with Rex's blade, and their touch sends blue and red energy flying in all different directions. The wraith cartwheels backwards as though it simply bounced off the sword. More of its substance has faded, but it flies forward once again, howling.

2007-10-25, 11:04 PM
Raril gets tugged along by Akane.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 11:06 PM
I wouldn't say Rex has felt the deepest cold he's ever felt. He can't feel cold. He doesn't have a body, at least a living one. The blade still burns feverishly. He goes for an aggressive attack.

2007-10-25, 11:06 PM
Anom' Lie would follow, but he wont because he is everywhere, so he will just show up in Inari's.

2007-10-25, 11:11 PM
By this time the remaining imps are doing their best to gnaw their way through the stone wall erected by the unnamed wizard. He'll probably remain unnamed and fade back into obscurity as soon as this particular encounter is over.

Several of the monstrosities apparently decide to turn their attention elsewhere. Elsewhere in this case includes Kerfluffle and any more of the icy winterhaunts that happen to still be sitting around on the streets.

The now bootless woman is presently weighing her options. As it stands she's just backing toward the other civilians.

2007-10-25, 11:11 PM
((OOC: OK, Rex didn't feel cold. I've edited my post.)))

As the same time Rex swings his blade, the ice-wraith allows itself to be struck and swings back with claws of pure energy in an effort to damage Rex's form.

The thing is sent howling backwards and more of its mistlike form fades into nothingness; it is now approximately the size of a dwarf. The thing flies back and nearly slams into the imps chewing at the stone wall, but manages to stop in time and hover in place.

2007-10-25, 11:13 PM
Kerfuffle draws his sword, thinking that these things aren't friendly. The sword glows a little as a thin bolt of electricity runs down it. Kerfuffle waits to see if they attack or not.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-25, 11:15 PM
Rex shifts his head to the side at last second to prevent it from being totally ripped off. The Claw rips through Curtis' face, tough, taking out a few teeth and part of the upper jaw.

"That's my cue to leave." He slashes his blade to illuminate the entire area around him.

2007-10-25, 11:15 PM
Kaldorin and Nesnamnd strike at the creature with their broadswords. Valareen fires a single arrow at the creature's head.

Charles follows Raril and Akane; something was amiss other than the danger they faced.

2007-10-25, 11:18 PM
((OOC: My response depends on the nature of the paladins' weapons. If those weapons are magical, then they are able to damage the wraith, which contributes to its diminishing. If they are mundane, they would be better to concentrate on the imps. The monster was only vulnerable to mundane weapons when it still had flesh — this was its power, so to speak, to exist outside of its body for a short time after death as a wraith.))

2007-10-25, 11:21 PM
Oh do they ever.

As soon as they draw near two attempt to circle around from behind and bite at his legs while another leaps toward his torso in a bid to chomp of his head. No doubt they intend to consume his corpse should he die.

After a short stint of tending to the people who are cowering behind the stone wall away from the horrible little imps the cobbler apparently decides to do something about the menace.

She finds a stick.

Not a stick, really. It looks like it was once part of a cart axel. Now it's an improvised great club. And its current wielder looks rather awkward holding it.

She heads around to the other side of the wall and begins to swing at the imps rather clumsily.

This really doesn't last very long before several of the monsters tackle her.

More of the ape-like beasts come swarming toward the paladins. They repeat their mobbing tactic of swamping the legs and then attempting to leap on them.

2007-10-25, 11:25 PM
Kerfuffle will side step the one attacking from the front. That should also let him dodge the two behind him. He swings his unoccupied hand and knives come flying towards the imp. Knives surrounded by electricity. Three to each imp.

2007-10-25, 11:28 PM
As the imps on the wall clamber towards the wall, they pass near the wraith, who is burned by the presence of their body heat. Now diminished to the size of a large dog, the thing begins to swoop towards Rex and the paladins once again. But this time, it passes through eight or nine of the imps; as its mist-like form slices through them, they are frozen solid. Those still in motion tumble forward, and shatter on the street like glass.

2007-10-25, 11:41 PM
The nasty slathering little creatures are dispatched quite easily by the weapons. Though the fact that they're abyssal monstrosities appears to render them immune to damage from electrical attacks.

Not really sure why.

That's just apparently the way these things work.

Though this really doesn't seem to put a dent in their numbers. At least for the time. And in that spirit one of the ugly little things leaps off the roof of Trog's toward Kerfluffle's head.

As for the creature's frozen and shattered by the wraith they proceed to implode rather violently, leaving behind holes in space that busy themselves with sucking everything in their general vicinity into whatever dank layer of the Abyss these things came from.

Several hapless NPCs go tumbling in.

2007-10-25, 11:46 PM
Kerfuffle, up! Lampo shouts at Kerfuffle, though only Kerfuffle will hear him. Kerfuffle swings straight up, which probably stops the imp.

Well, they may be immune to electrical damage, but I don't think they can penetrate an electric shield. As such, Kerfuffle creates a double-layered one around him. He also magnetically attaches knives to his sword. Then he uses electricity to make them move. This basically makes a chainsaw.

Then he magnetically attaches his feet to the ground, to prevent him from being sucked into one of those portals.

2007-10-25, 11:50 PM
The ice-wraith flies along the street, freezing what imps it can, ignoring the portals and dodging in between them. The body heat from these creatures pains it, but it is pleased to see that at least twenty of the things are now frozen statues that soon implode and collapse into portals to the Abyss.

But its strength is failing, and the wraith has one more target: the drow who robbed it of its body. Wailing aloud, it goes flying towards the Temple of Inari.

2007-10-25, 11:59 PM
Sadly the imps have a neutral electric charge, so making an electrical shield won't really help.

Though that won't matter to terribly much. Even the weakest of PCs in Town should be able to slay these things with relative ease. And slain they are.

The chainsaw just expedites this process.

Before long this particular swarm is routed. The civilians are currently taking care of the wounded. Fortunately there are a few low powered adepts among them.

The cobbler, meanwhile, is laying on the ground and looking rather dead. She's covered in all sorts of nasty black oozing wounds.

2007-10-26, 12:01 AM
Kerfuffle, seeing that the imps are gone, walks up to the nearest injured and living person, and sees if he can help. Also, the electric shield doubles as a protection against the cold.

2007-10-26, 12:10 AM
There are a number of unpleasant looking bite wounds, but other than that most of the people appear to be fine. That's probably because all the people who aren't fine were eviscerated and devoured.

If Kerfluffle has any knowledge of binding wounds he will probably be able to help.

2007-10-26, 12:14 AM
Oh, he has much knowledge when it comes to healing. So, he goes about bandaging and giving pain relieving potions and such.

2007-10-26, 12:20 AM
Pain relieving potions? Wouldn't a good old fashioned healing potion be more useful?

Ah well.

The random civilians are beginning to filter back to their homes now, happy to be alive. Little do they no they will probably die as soon as someone else needs a dramatic scene with people running for their lives.

The cobbler, meanwhile, sits bolt upright. This is despite the fact that she looks like she should be dead at the moment. What with all the gashes oozing black inchor and all.

Really, she looks like she could pass for ground beef.

2007-10-26, 12:22 AM
Well, you know what I mean.

Kerfuffle sees the woman. His curiosity gets him, and he slowly walks over, sword drawn, but not in front of him. Makes him look less likely to hit her with it. The knives on it have stopped moving, but they are still there.

2007-10-26, 12:30 AM
It's actually rather hard to see in the dim light of the full moon, but the black... stuff... isn't purely black. It's iridescent. Slight hues of metallic purples and blues and reds, though mostly the former rather than the latter.

The cobbler appears to look her horribly disfigured arm over. Appears because she presently lacks any eyes. And then she concentrates.

Ebony ooze pulls back into a human shape as it begins to once again take on the color and texture of flesh and cloth. Within a few moments the cobbler looks completely unharmed.

Though that odd iridescent quality to her remains. It remains in all the colors that can be seen on her in the form of a peculiar sheen.

The civilians don't appear to notice. They've seen stranger things before.

The cobbler then rises to her feet and heads toward the location of the shoe she had hurled at the icy wraith.

2007-10-26, 12:33 AM
Well that was strange. Lampo says to Kerfuffle. Nobody will be able to hear Lampo.

Kerfuffle slowly walks up to the woman, still cautious of her. Are you alright?

2007-10-26, 12:47 AM
The cobbler is in the process of retrieving her shoe when the electrical swordsman addresses her. She jumps slightly as the sudden sound, apparently still on edge from the rather nasty fight that had recently ended.

"Alright? I think so, yes."

Really doesn't sound that certain.

2007-10-26, 12:49 AM
Ok. You sure? Cause what you just did was...weird.

2007-10-26, 12:55 AM
"I know it is," she replies, holding the boot close, pulling her arms around herself. It's the sort of thing one might expect someone who is rather uncomfortable about a subject to do. "Please, I would rather not talk about it."

2007-10-26, 12:59 AM
Kerfuffle nods. Ok. The knives on the sword fold up onto it, and he puts it back into his sheath. Then he walks down the streets. As he walks, he sees the junkyard. Curiosity gets him again, and he walks in.

2007-10-26, 01:07 AM
The cobbler fades back into the crowd, appearing as just another helpless NPC.

2007-10-26, 05:45 AM
Pulling his colourful cloak tighter, the Magician leaves Trog's, closing the door behind him, and makes his way towards the library. He's been thinking, and a book he left there a long time ago should help his thoughts...

((Unless their deliberately trying to block access to the library, he'll probably avoid them, but it's your call, FoE.))

2007-10-26, 09:36 AM
There is a strange distortion in the air, and things start blurring and swirling oddly. It becomes almost foggy and warped, then as it slowly regains focus and its original shape, two figures are shown there.
First of the two is a short woman with long, beautiful red hair that accents her clear blue eyes. Two pale gold wings are folded partially around her slight frame, and she looks around curiously but hesitantly. Strange red tattoos are etched on the left half of her face, but are somehow rather unnoticeable.
Behind her is a smiling, confident man with brown hair that goes past his waist, and warm red eyes. Two small black horns sprout from his head. He wears a black vest and white shirt that reveal his arms, showing off two tattoos that match the girl's. From his black leather belt hang five masks of beautiful craftsmanship, and a hint of magic clings to them.
The man speaks first.
We've arrived, my lady. Seems that not much has changed...
The girl nods to him and looks around, remaining silent.
He smiles down at her in a manner that is almost brotherly, then gestures to the tavern.
Shall we?
She gives another little nod and lets him lead her by the arm to Trog's.

2007-10-26, 02:29 PM
Metakirb, who's been wandering around suddenly falls to the floor in pain, the phazon flowing through his wings glowing brightly

2007-10-26, 02:57 PM
Raril steps onto the streets, grumbling about the cold, his lost hat, and yet another ruined shirt. He starts walking up and down the streetys, looking for the feathered hat that got knocked off his head the night before.

2007-10-26, 03:02 PM
(Two things, one, Estate please, two, E's going to get him some sovereign glue to keep that thing on if he loses it one more time.)

2007-10-26, 03:03 PM
Much of the street is still covered in ice. Raril spots his hat half-buried in a pile of snow.

(OOC: No encounters here from me, just letting you know I'm still around.)

2007-10-26, 03:03 PM
Hiding somewhere, Anom' Lie takes the image of some random human woman with a basket of flowers on one hand and a a basket of clothes on her back that walks up to Raril.

"Good afternon sir, would you lile to buy some small goods from me? To help a poor family in need... I have some clothes to sell, and these flowers, a handsome young man like you probably has someone to give a bouquet."

2007-10-26, 03:06 PM
((No, he will lose his hat as often as I like.))

Raril picks up his hat and brushes the snow off of it before cramming it back on his head. He looks at the woman and scowls, mostly because of his own foul mood and nothing she had done, but when she mentions the flowers his expression softens as he thinks. "What do you have?"

2007-10-26, 03:08 PM
(Did I say E was going to ask permission? I meant glue it to his head. And that was a joke about how he keeps losing it.)

2007-10-26, 03:11 PM
The woman pulls out of her basket a bouquet of turnips tulips, another of orchids, and a third one that is many of many different flowers, but some lazy player doesn't really want to describe it.

"Just two silver each one, the clothes are a bit old, and I am selling for just fifty cooper."

She also shows the clothes in the basket on her back, mostly wool, some made of linen, no silk. They don't show sigs of being old and used, but are deffinitely clothing of simpletons.

(>> err, sorry.)

2007-10-26, 03:17 PM
I do hope you mean tulips, because handing someone a grouping of root vegetables would be rather odd.

Raril selects the orchids, their interesting color and shape catching his eye. He fishes out two silver and pays the woman. The Drow ignores the clothing completely, although he's already shivering again.

2007-10-26, 03:23 PM
"Thank you my boy, I hope the girl whom you give these enjoys them."

The woman turns back, not shivering because she is covered with heavy clothing, and slowly walks alway.

2007-10-26, 03:27 PM
"Yeah...thanks." Raril takes his hat and the flowers and heads straight for Trog's.

2007-10-26, 03:30 PM
A young woman blessed by a spirit of beauty undeadtimes suddenly and enters a building at random.

((Hey, Bookboy, if you're still here, I'm being pressured to tell you that you've been challenged by joe kickass. AKA Richard. He'll be at his mage guild. He won't use magic.))

2007-10-26, 03:31 PM
The woman turns around an alley, and out of the views of anyone, her body, her clothing, even the flowers she held, everything turns into a chittering mass of vermin crawling over each other.

Then, the mass disincorporates and spreads, leaving no trait of it's presence other than footprints in the snow that end abruptly.

2007-10-26, 03:57 PM
Shadowbow walks out of a normal looking building.

2007-10-26, 04:13 PM
Fuzzy walks out of Trog's Tavern, before heading off in the direction of the Mountains.

2007-10-26, 04:48 PM
The Fat Magician leaves the Library, and thinks for a moment, before walking fairly fast (for him, at least) towards the graveyard, holding a book under his arm.

2007-10-26, 04:54 PM
Gunther's frozen ghost follows behind, floating in the air. (He is compelled to remain in the presence of the book.) Anyone who tangled with the ice-creatures yesterday will note his resemblance to the frost-bitten creature that Raril and Rex killed.

((Anyone you wish to involve in the Plot, by the way, you are free to do so, Xaspian. You can also pass on the book to someone else if you wish; the Ghost must go with the book.))

2007-10-26, 05:08 PM
((The paladins' melee weapons normally do not have magical properties.))

Charles walks out of Inari's and meets up with the other paladins. They climb onto their mounts and head for Trog's.

That is unless their is some immediate danger before them or someone nearby is in danger.

2007-10-26, 05:27 PM
Raril, Nearly unrecognizeable under a large cloak if it weren't for his hat, steps out from behind the tavern and makes his way towards the cemetary.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-26, 05:37 PM
Rex follows Raril. He hardly tries to remain hidden, but also doesn't contact Raril directly.

2007-10-26, 08:16 PM
Signy and Raziel come out into the streets and begin hunting around for any signs of Kara.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-26, 08:19 PM
No, but they do see a screaming blond fifteen year old running away from what appears to be his own ghost.

2007-10-26, 08:23 PM
Raziel looks over curiously, but Signy merely draws back and away, and he sighs as he follows her.
That way.
Signy timidly points towards the mountains.
Brilliant. Looks like we should start hiking.
Raziel sounds tired, and Signy just looks down.
Well, come along.
He takes her by the arm and leads her off towards the mountains.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-26, 08:25 PM
Aram keeps running and screaming, trying to escape his apparently homicidal ghost.

2007-10-26, 09:18 PM
Kerfuffle walks away from the junkyard, sheathing his sword as he does so. After a while, he heads into Trog's.

A while later, a motorcycle rolls out of the junkyard and into the streets. A few NPCs give it odd looks, as it's driving itself. It continues rolling down the streets, revving the engine loudly as it goes. When it nears the tavern, it senses much activity. It pulls up in front of the tavern, gives a final loud rev, then promptly transforms into a large jukebox. It positions itself in front of the door. Of course, no NPC saw it transform.

2007-10-26, 09:35 PM
A young man suddenly exists in the streets? How? Why? Because he believed he could. He walks to Trog's.

2007-10-26, 11:05 PM
Lucas walks out of Trog's and looks around, just kind of standing there.

2007-10-26, 11:07 PM
Eris and Desmonda walk just outside of Trog's.

"Do you ever miss home?" The red dressed girl asks the blue dressed girl.

Desmonda answers with a sigh "Sometimes."

2007-10-26, 11:12 PM
Brie steps out of the tavern and stands next to Lucas. "He said west, right?"

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-26, 11:16 PM
They'll see Aram screaming and being beaten by a ghost of himself with a sock full of rocks.

2007-10-26, 11:19 PM
Draken walks out along the others, mostly out of boredom.

This is a day for odd surprises isn't it...

2007-10-26, 11:19 PM
Desmonda takes this moment to laugh finding someone being beaten by a ghost of themselves funny. Eris considers casting a high-powered Disrupt Undead spell at the ghost, but otherwise dose nothing for the moment.

2007-10-26, 11:20 PM
Lucas nods. "Correct, west."

Then he notices the screaming Aram. "Well, that's not normal."

2007-10-26, 11:22 PM
Ayin walks rather timidly out of the tavern, looking a fair bit uncomfortable still.

"I... I know where the necropolis is..." she mutters at the ground.

2007-10-26, 11:23 PM
"Necromancy gone wrong? Maybe he could help us at the Necropolis?" Brie reasons, drawing a shortsword, glowing in white light, and approaches the man and the ghost attacking him.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-26, 11:24 PM
The ghost seems not to notice that the others are there. It just keeps beating the screaming Aram.

2007-10-26, 11:26 PM
Call me if you need.

He remarks to Brie.

I think I will tag along, but taking a less offensive role, yes, yes... Yes, he is speaking to himself in a very audible tone.

2007-10-26, 11:26 PM
Something takes over Eris and she runs over to tackle the man to the ground, using her own body as a shield against the ghost. Desmonda, out of instinct to aid her friend, runs over to try and pull her away.

2007-10-26, 11:27 PM
Lucas picks up on Ayin's muttering. "We might not need any help, actually...."

2007-10-26, 11:28 PM
"Still, the man's being attacked. We should help him." Brie remarks casually, swinging for the ghost's head.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-26, 11:31 PM
The head is happily severed, ignoring any supernatural effects the blade has.

Aram is not tackled, trying to flee from someone running near him, and tries to hide behind Brie.

2007-10-26, 11:34 PM
Despite him running away from her, Eris follows Aram. "Are you okay? I was only trying to help."

Desmonda raises an eyebrow at Eris.

2007-10-26, 11:37 PM
"I... saw, felt what he did before he... before..."

You know. Head burst like an overfed tick.

"I know where it is. I... can take you there..."

2007-10-26, 11:38 PM
Lucas draws his rapier and sighs. He mutters, "Alright, Jim, it's a ghost. You know what to do."

The blade briefly crackles with black magical energy, as Lucas slowly advances on the spirit.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-26, 11:40 PM
Except for the small problem of the ghost fading from existence as Aram keeps cowering from everyone, really.

2007-10-26, 11:41 PM
Brie stands her ground and lets Aram hide behind her, although her small frame probably won't provide him with any protection. She keeps her sword out, uncertain if her strike was enough to take the ghost down. She puts away her sword, seeing that the threat is gone.

2007-10-26, 11:45 PM
Lucas sheathes his sword and turns to Ayin.

"You say you can lead us to the Necropolis?"

2007-10-26, 11:46 PM
Draken claps his hands to recognize a job well done.


Ask me if you need any healing.

2007-10-26, 11:50 PM
"Eris, what are we doing here?"

"We're helping, Des. We're police officers, remember?"

Desmonda blinks, baffled by her response.

2007-10-26, 11:59 PM
Ayin nods, ready to lead the way as soon as the GM gives the go ahead.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-27, 12:02 AM
Aram asks the group clearly, C-c-c-can I g-g-go with you? I'm n-n-n-not safe on my own...

2007-10-27, 12:05 AM
Eris attempts to put a hand on Aram's shoulder and her eyes indicate a smile. "'Sallright. You can come along if you feel safer with us." Desmonda watches Eris, wondering what hit her on the head to cause her to act this way.

And then AK deadtimes; but Eris and Desmonda will follow along with the rest of the group so they do not miss out on the plot.

2007-10-27, 12:10 AM
Brie gives Aram a curious look. "Sure...why not?"

From a dark alley way, a sillohuette appears. The six foot tall shadow approaches the group, it's red eyes glowing brightly.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-27, 12:10 AM
Aram nods and the GM gives the all green.

To the Necropolis!

2007-10-27, 12:11 AM
Lucas surveys the group, including the stuttering Aram and the shaken Ayin. "Well, isn't this the finest adventuring group ever assembled..." He mutters to himself.

2007-10-27, 12:12 AM
Your words riddle me in the thousands of meanings they might have.

Draken unfolds a pair of bat-like wings, and moves along.

2007-10-27, 12:16 AM
"I've seen worse" Brie remarks, taking Draken into consideration. "but I've seen better too." She follows after Lucas, the Shadow tagging along behind her.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-27, 12:19 AM
Aram follows closely behind Brie, worried as usual.

2007-10-27, 12:23 AM
Ayin nods and heads off in the right direction.

2007-10-27, 10:39 AM
Ina wanders along the streets, looking to be hungry.

After a while she successfully pickpockets a drunk human, gaining a small amount of cash.

2007-10-27, 11:33 AM
Metakirb gets up, in pain

phazon... too active...

He looks around, then walks off

Emperor Ing
2007-10-27, 11:47 AM
Ser comes out of deadtime, and stares in the direction of the desert
...What the hell?
And he hovers to it.

2007-10-27, 11:58 AM
After a while Ina enters Trog's tavern.

2007-10-27, 03:55 PM
Raril walks out of the cemetery, dusting dirt off his hands and clothes, grumbling about digging holes and not getting paid for it. He makes his way towards the Tavern.

2007-10-27, 04:10 PM
Raril never gets a break.


Case in point.

An inky black web is suddenly hurled at the drow as he passes by a fairly unassuming building on the way to the tavern. Should the projectile hit he find himself tangled in the sticky threads.

To make matters worse the fell substance will nettle at his mind, quite possibly leaving him dazed and disoriented.

The source of the attack is a rather hideous creature that looks like some vile cross between human and spider. Not like a drider. Just eight limbs, four sporting clawed hand and the other serving as feet.

Though the retracted joints just under the wrists suggest that the 'arms' could be legs as well if the need should arise.

The thing has eight massive black eyes and a rather unpleasant maw that appears to have no fewer than three pairs of jaws.

2007-10-27, 04:18 PM
Raril spots the sticky projectile flying at him and dives out of the way. Unfortunately he wasn't quite fast enough, his leg getting caught by the webbing. The drow hits the ground hard, and rolls on his back to see what's caught him. Raril's eyes go wide in terror. "Dr... dr... DRIDER!!!!"

2007-10-27, 04:28 PM
Except, you know, not.

But it's still a vaguely humanoid spider thing, so Raril is free to call it a drider if it makes him feel like Lolth is more out to get him than she actually is.

The monster comes skittering down from its perch toward the ensnared drow, probably with the intent of liquefying and then drinking his innards.

2007-10-27, 04:33 PM
Yes, well Raril's rather stubborn like that. He's called half-scorpion men driders too, even after being told differently.

His daggers slip into his hands and he tries to cut away the webbing holding him to the ground. "Vhaeraun help me! What have I done to deserve this?!"

2007-10-27, 04:36 PM
The answer to his question is quite simple.

The universe has to balance out all his really really good luck with really really bad luck.

The dagger ends up getting stuck to the web itself, though it does manage to get his foot free before adhering.

Now close enough to strike the monster attempts to backhand him with one of its point, chitinious forelegs.

2007-10-27, 04:57 PM
Raril gets hit, but now free of the webbing he rolls with the strike and comes to his feet. Taking a few steps back from the spidery creature, he draws his rapier and one frozen shortsword.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 04:59 PM
Akane exits the temple. It's still cold out, so she's wearing a fleece cloak. She happens to come across the battle. "O! Ray-ray, don't get hurt!"

2007-10-27, 05:06 PM
Yes, getting hurt is usually unadvisable.

The monster turns its attention elsewhere upon hearing another voice. And hey, would you look at that? Something that's edible and unarmed.

The spidery creatures disengages from Raril and goes skittering off toward Akane, hurling one of its ebon webs at her on the way. Oddly enough it doesn't weave it as a normal spider would. It just seems to shimmer into place between its clawed hands.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 05:09 PM
"Ghah!" She screams, getting bound by the web.

2007-10-27, 05:10 PM
Something in Raril's head goes 'click' and his fear of the spidery creature goes flying out the window.

Witht he monster's back turned towards him, Raril takes the opportunity to strike with both blades, aiming for the soft points between the armor plating, and hoping to drive cold steel through the creature's vital points.

2007-10-27, 05:15 PM
The web can do more than just bind things up. It can also fog the mind to the point that the afflicted creature can't do much more that sit around and be stupefied.

The creature takes some nasty wounds through the back. The force driving it to the ground and causing its legs to flail futily. The thing hisses at Raril, swinging at him haphazardly with its arms.

2007-10-27, 05:19 PM
Kneeling over the monster, Raril stabs at its torso with his rapier, and tries to drive his frozen shortsword through its head. From his position on the thing's back, it should find it difficult to hit him.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 05:20 PM
Doesn't make much of a change with Akane... but sure.

2007-10-27, 05:27 PM
Poor evil spider thing... It just wanted to eat their organs...

After a fair bit more furious stabbing the creature grows still, a pool of dark red growing around it.

The web should be disintegrating in a minute or so.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 05:30 PM
"Ew..." Akane says, peeling off the web. "Wow, my hero! Raril the Spiderslayer!"

2007-10-27, 05:30 PM
Raril steps away from the spider thing and shudders. he then looks over to Akane. "Are you alright, love?"

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 05:31 PM
She gets up and goes to give him a hug. "I'm fine, how about you?"

2007-10-27, 05:35 PM
He returns the hug and smiles. "Now that you're here? Perfect."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 05:41 PM
"Yeah... You should be a superhero." She says, "You are already one to me."

2007-10-27, 05:41 PM
How fine could you possibly be when about a dozen nasty imp things are darting through the streets and converging on your position?

The cobbler, meanwhile, has managed to make her way back from the nebulous 'streets that are elsewhere' to the streets proper in her search for somewhere that isn't overrun with corrupted.

2007-10-27, 05:44 PM
The drow grins, then spots the oncoming imps. "Hold that thought." he draws his crossbow, loads an explosive bolt, and fires at the center of the group.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 05:47 PM
Akane works on a few protection spells to help in preventing harm from Raril and her. Add a few to AC...

2007-10-27, 05:52 PM
Several of the nasty little buggers go sailing in all directions from the explosion, though it doesn't seem to have quite the potency necessary to do them in.

The blast, however, does get the attention of something else. Several something elses wheeling far overhead. A pair of those unpleasant wyvern looking things begin to dip lower in the sky. One proceeds to vomit up a nasty blob of black stuff which splatters ickly on the ground near the Drow and his companion of a race Rebonack isn't certain off.

The patch of goo suddenly sprouts dozens of fleshy tentacle with jagged bits of bone protruding from the surface which even now attempt to twine around our heroes. All the while the surviving imps are still closing distance.

Ayin is, at this point, wondering if she will be able to help at all. The cobbler looks down at her arm, trying to remember how she had blasted that other creature.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 05:56 PM
"Ah... let's try to get out of here." Akane says.

2007-10-27, 05:59 PM
"Run!" Raril orders akane, pushing her out of the way of the tentacles. Suicidal devotion, aren't love potions fun?

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 06:04 PM
Akane gets pushed out of the way, the freedom of Movement spell she was casting is sent to Raril.

2007-10-27, 06:09 PM
As per his player's consent one of the tendrils winds around the drow in a particularly painful fashion and begins to flail him around in the air whilst doing its best to crush him into paste. Though once freedom of movement kicks in he should be able to get loose.

At the same time the imps go swarming past the tentacle field and attempt to swamp Akane with general swarming tactics. This involves sever trying to bite her legs while more attempt to leap onto her and eat her head.

The pair of wyvern begins to descend. Though one descends much faster than the other. There's a pretty good reason for this, really. It's mostly because of the sudden and inexplicable explosion that just tore through the air around it and sent it spiraling into the ground.

Ayin, meanwhile, is pointing one arm at where the wyvern thing was previously. Said arm is presently bathed in a sheath of tiny bursts of energy.

2007-10-27, 06:14 PM
Raril gets picked up into the air, but is subsequently dropped once the spell kicks in. Using his innate levitation ability, he manages to land on the ground unhurt. Loading another bolt, he fires at the tentacled mass.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 06:15 PM
Akane runs, casting Sanctuary on herself, hopefully Raril can handle himself. Of course he can, he's her superhero. She ducks into a dark alleyway. How can she help Raril, how can she do anything with all of these things about. It's too cold, it's too much for this. She wasn't a fighter, she's a lover. Is it too much to walk outside and find your lover, and go to a romantic place?

"Fenix, help me, what should I do?" She mutters, hiding behind a barrel.

2007-10-27, 06:22 PM
The flailing mass of tendrils makes a rather unhappy noise at it sinks back into the Abyss from where it apparently came. It probably won't be giving anyone else any trouble for now.

Though the wyvern-thing that swoops out of the air and tries to rake Raril with its talons apparently will.

The imps, due to the fact their prey went running off, go skittering after Akane. The monsters come swarming into her hiding spot, though do to her abjuration most can do little more than stare at her hungrily. Except one.

That one.

The one that's trying to eat her head.

Ayin is presently edging closer to the fight, looking for something else she can blast without catching someone else in the explosion. This... seems familiar to her. Where had she done this before...? There are... flashes. Combat? From the adventure?

Or from something else?


Why was she...?

The cobbler shakes her head. It's all so confused.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 06:32 PM
Akane screams as the Imp attacks her, she stumbles backwards through the dark alleyway, trying to avoid the demons. Holding onto her necklace, with the bird icon, she mutter, "Fenix, save me."

A burst of fire fills the way, it shouldn't kill any of the imps, just burn and singe. Fenix now stands in the alleyway. @#$%in' Deus Ex Machina.

2007-10-27, 06:32 PM
Raril curses and drops to the ground, rolling to avoid the wyvern's talons. Not wanting to stick around and fight, he activates a wand on his belt, opening a dimensiondoor beneath himself and falling through.

2007-10-27, 06:38 PM
The nasty imps get scorched well enough, though they don't seem to be at all dissuaded by it. This is probably due to their inherent resistance to flames. You know, demons and all.

The monster continue to crowd around the priestess. Unless those few that managed to shrug off sanctuary get killed in short order there's going to be some entrail eating.

As soon as Raril drops out of sight the second wyvern eats a blast of explosive energy in the face. This removes the better part of its head and leaves it bleeding all over the streets.

Ayin still has no idea how she's doing this, but it seems to be working pretty well.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 06:40 PM
Fenix stands glowing in between Akane and the Demons, ready to take any attack. Akane curls up at the end of the Alley.

2007-10-27, 06:43 PM
Another shimery door opens up, right above Akane. Raril falls out of it and lands lightly next to Akane, his twin icy shortswords in his hands, ready to defend her from the imps.

2007-10-27, 06:49 PM
Fenix is an outsider. Outsiders don't taste as good.

As such, the imps will do their best to just run right around him and devour Akane. Since Raril is in the way they would be trying to consume him first.

Ayin is presently looking around for any other people being threatened by the monsters, hundreds of minute explosions still detonating around her right arm. She may very well end up near the alley as well.

Presently she's moving in that direction.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 06:52 PM
Fenix does his best to block most of them. "Go on, git 'er out o' 'ere."

Akane is curled up into a ball holding onto her Holy Symbol for her life. She's too shocked and scared to react.

2007-10-27, 06:57 PM
Hoping Fenix will hold off the imps long enough, Raril stoops down to pick up Akane, before activating another wand and teleporting them to safety...Let's say Inari's.

2007-10-27, 07:00 PM
And away they poof!

With their source of food gone the imps turn their attention to other random people huddling in corners in the streets. Too bad for them they get caught in the middle of a crippling explosion as soon as they come skittering out of the alley.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-27, 07:02 PM
Fenix flies away, as fiery birds are likely to do.

Akane allows herself to be carried away.

2007-10-27, 07:29 PM
A disgruntled NPC finally gets sick of the madness, mounts on a horse, and leaves the town.

"See you never you freaking madness!"

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-27, 07:30 PM
Abraxas hurls a massive glob of blow-upi-ness at the NPC.

2007-10-27, 07:31 PM
The NPC is hit by the massive glob of blow-upi-ness.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-27, 07:33 PM
And thus, he likely blows up.

A few streets away, a kid is performing an elaborate ritual involving the mixing of trout guts, marmalade, cream cheese, and chalk.

2007-10-27, 07:45 PM
Mushroom and Mullet walk through the streets of Town, eventually deciding upon a place to go.


2007-10-27, 07:48 PM
A giant, black robed squirrel leaps at the ritual performing child and attempts to kill him with force lightning. Wind sweeps the hood aside to reveal the reddened eyes of the dreaded:
Sith Squirrel.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-10-27, 07:51 PM
The child is fried and turns into a rather large piece of most delicious cinnamon toast.

Which then devours itself. And also tries to devour the squirrel. In that order.

2007-10-27, 07:57 PM
The squirrel is devoured- for now...
But there is always one sith squirrel... always...

2007-10-27, 09:55 PM
A man appears up on the top of a lightpole. He watches the town with red eyes, and licks his lips, slightly revealing the sharp canines. Blood. He smelled it, and it smelled amazing.

2007-10-27, 10:35 PM
Kerfuffle walks out of the tavern. He wanders the streets a little.

A little while later, the jukebox walks out of the tavern. It drops to the ground for a minute or two, then unfolds to reveal Runner. He now has some features similar to parts of a jukebox. He gives the streets a quick look, then wanders in the direction opposite Kerfuffle. Oddly, there happen to be no NPCs in the streets as Runner goes. He happens to pass by the Temple of Inari as he goes. He also leaves large footprints in the streets, being a twelve foot tall robot and all.

When he reaches the temple, he stops. He senses activity inside, and decides to check it out.

2007-10-27, 10:48 PM
The vampire leaves his perch, and after finding a NPC, whips out a pocket knife. The man raises an eyebrow...until there's a giant slit in his throat. The vampire dines on the NPC...then vanishes.

2007-10-27, 11:47 PM
After a while of wandering, Kerfuffle remembers something. He rushes back towards the junkyard. He stops in front of it.

Lampo. Are those energy trails still there?

Yes. One of them seems to be leading to the beach, which is probably closest.

Let's go. Kerfuffle heads toward the beach, drawing his sword and building up his shields as he goes.

2007-10-27, 11:54 PM
Grey stormclouds now cover the entire Town, and snow begins to drift downward. Winter has come at last.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-28, 12:08 AM
As it happens every night. Rex walks down from the graveyard. Where to go? How about the Beach?

Orb in hand he follows the line and heads to the beach.

2007-10-28, 12:11 AM
"Rhygar is there," Gunther whispers, hanging back of Rex, "He fights another. Evenly matched. Fang and Sara ... are elsewhere."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-28, 12:14 AM
"Where's Sara?" He says, woman or dog? Which would be more of a challenge. They'll probably both go down with as much ease.

2007-10-28, 12:20 AM
((Roughly equal, though Sara's probably a bit stronger. She's at the Public Park, which Rex can determine by following the energy strand.))

Rex Idiotarum
2007-10-28, 12:21 AM
Rex walks to the park. Maybe he'll have a picnic with his new spiritual friend.

2007-10-28, 12:36 AM
Some time after Rex has left, the grey furred dog runs through the Streets, its undead horde following close behind. It attacks anyone trying to block its path, including a few hapless NPC soliders; once killed, they rise and begin to shamble along with the army of frozen zombie horses and other animals.

2007-10-28, 07:34 AM
several phazon creatures run into the streets from the direction of the desert, several NPCs fall prey to them

Emperor Ing
2007-10-28, 07:39 AM
Ser flies in from the desert. He notices the creatures already there. He fires several fireballs at them.

2007-10-28, 07:53 AM
The fireballs don't appear to do much damage, several hoppers spit phazon at ser, while one lunges at him from behind

Emperor Ing
2007-10-28, 09:59 AM
The phazon doesnt affect him much. He gets knocked back by the hopper from the rear, but quickly recovers, and flies into the air, and fires a blast of energy from both of his hands at 2 hoppers.

2007-10-28, 10:17 AM
The blasts hit the hoppers, which recoil back, a little pain, but nothing major, the three hoppers lunge at ser

((gits have waaaaay too much health...))

Dark Demon Lord
2007-10-28, 10:18 AM
Gaith TCW walks down the street.

2007-10-28, 10:21 AM
Several phazon shriekbats divebomb Gaith