View Full Version : DM Help Low level priest NPCs as support casters

2020-05-02, 06:34 AM
I really like having priest type NPCs supporting groups of enemies, but I am having real trouble to make them seem interesting.

Command and hold person are great spells at 1st and 2nd level, but I feel that they would stop being fun for the players very quickly if they encounter them in every second or so fight against humanoids.

Shield of faith is something nearly all priest NPCs and monster seem to have, but it just looks really bad to me. +2 to AC for one target is not bad, but it keep the priest from using any other spells with concentration, which is most good ones. It's also a spell that does not actively do anything. Having one or two people in a group glow for a round or two with no noticeable effect for the players just doesn't seem like a good use of enemy support casters.

Bane and bless don't look that bad. Bane at least will get noticed by the players because they will be told they have to subtract 1d4 from their attack rolls and saving throws, but bless is again completely invisible.

Sanctuary seems like a good idea. Primarily because its one of the few ongoing spells for low level priests that doesn't require concentration. It can help the priest stay in the fight one or two rounds longer, but that's only really contributing if the priest has interesting spells to cast while he's still alive. Not sure what sense it would make to cast it on most other enemies.

Blindness actually looks really good. That is, compared to most other low level cleric spells. It does something that the players will really feel and does not require concentration. Why does that one never show up in the Monster Manual stats?

Guiding bolt and spiritual weapon seem to be the way to go. Just deal some damage. But that doesn't really feel like priests giving their people support from their gods.

2020-05-02, 06:51 AM
Never forget that you aren't limited to the Cleric list. Feel free to use spells from other lists, particularly if it's thematically appropriate; Druid spells for Nature Priests and so forth. Also remember that you aren't limited to spells either; giving your NPC Priests auras or other effects/abilities that aren't specifically spells can really shake things up and keep the players on their toes.

2020-05-02, 08:35 AM
If I have NPC use impactful spells like bless make sure the players realize it with both descriptive effects and if the spell causes them to hit or pass a save I let them know it.

I also agree giving them auras is a great idea. Bane 30 ft radius is simple and effective.