View Full Version : Rules Q&A 3.5: How to become immune to flat-footedness?

2020-05-02, 05:35 PM
Greetings, all!

How to become immune to flat-footedness? (For purposes of this thread, keeping your DEX bonus to AC while flat-footed isn't enough.) I know foresight works, Dire Tortoise form seemingly works, the Scout's Uncanny Dodge works (and since it references the Barbarian's Uncanny Dodge which is the general Uncanny Dodge ability, that likely also works), and I heard there were other ways. What say you?


2020-05-02, 06:57 PM
This is the first google search result for "3.5 immune to flat footed" and I think it should cover everything you need:

2020-05-02, 07:49 PM
Detect hostile intent makes you immune to flat-footed, but only against enemies who aren't immune to mind-affecting. You can get it continuously from an amulet of peace for 17,000 gp (see Secrets of Sarlona, page 139).

2020-05-02, 08:48 PM
The feat Mark of Stars, found in Dragonmarked pg 142

"You are never surprised or f lat-footed. In addition, you gain a +2 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves"

The Viscount
2020-05-02, 08:56 PM
The feat Mark of Stars, found in Dragonmarked pg 142

"You are never surprised or f lat-footed. In addition, you gain a +2 insight bonus to AC and on Reflex saves"

This does require a siberys dragonmark, which to the best of my knowledge can only be obtained from 2+ levels in Heir of Siberys.

2020-05-02, 09:05 PM
This does require a siberys dragonmark, which to the best of my knowledge can only be obtained from 2+ levels in Heir of Siberys.I was curious about that. I'm not nearly as familiar with Eberron as I'd like to be, and I was confused about how to get such a dragonmark, since I couldn't find any feats that do it.

There are a lot of good dragonmarked feats, but the regular dragonmarks are bleh for anyone with spellcasting (and most PCs in general), because they all grant a tiny number of uses of a couple of very low level spells, most of which aren't very useful even for that. Maybe the Siberys ones would be more useful?

2020-05-02, 09:16 PM
This does require a siberys dragonmark, which to the best of my knowledge can only be obtained from 2+ levels in Heir of Siberys.

Yes, Heir of Siberys is the only RAW mechanical PC-choice way to get a Siberys dragonmark. Dragonmarks are one of those things that are tied in fairly closely with the lore and fluff of Eberron, much like the dragonshards are. So there are potential fluff/lore ways for a person to have one, but Heir of Siberys is the only method I'm aware of for a PC to decide to get one.

The Siberys marks are indeed much more powerful than the Least, Lesser, and Greater marks, with most of them providing the equivalent to a 7th or 8th level spell, typically 1/day, but they're much harder for a PC to acquire, so aren't as often worth it.

2020-05-02, 09:49 PM
I was curious about that. I'm not nearly as familiar with Eberron as I'd like to be, and I was confused about how to get such a dragonmark, since I couldn't find any feats that do it.

There are a lot of good dragonmarked feats, but the regular dragonmarks are bleh for anyone with spellcasting (and most PCs in general), because they all grant a tiny number of uses of a couple of very low level spells, most of which aren't very useful even for that. Maybe the Siberys ones would be more useful?
Regular dragonmarks are better for casters than you might think if you're not well-versed with the material. They can unlock some pretty powerful dragonmark spells, including summon marked homunculus, marked pulse, dragonmark demesne, and spell haven, all of which are only castable if you have a dragonmark.

They're also de facto list expansion. Getting dimension leap, dimension door, and overland flight is not too shabby if your class doesn't already have them, for example.

2020-05-02, 10:59 PM
Ye Olde combat reflexes feat allows you to take AoOs while flat-footed, if that's why you're not interested in means of keeping your Dex to AC while flat-flooted.

2020-05-03, 12:05 AM
I agree that certain Dragonmark feats are worthwhile, especially Mark of Stars and Mark of the Dauntless if your build is setup for them.

However, back to the topic of being flat-footed immune!
