View Full Version : Smiting Spell - Good/Bad, and would you allow this combo in your game?

2020-05-04, 02:08 PM
I’m evaluating Smiting Spell for use in a fairly high powered campaign, and wanted people’s thoughts on this specific ability combination as well as general Smiting Spell tricks.

Trick 1: Smiting Spell + Archmage Arcane Reach.

In theory, this combo would let me imbue an ally’s weapon within 30 feet with a Smiting Spell touch spell, which discharges on the next successful attack or dissipates after one minute. Probably need to succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit the ally’s weapon, per Arcane Reach.

Trick 1.1 Smiting Spell + Arcane Reach + Chain Spell.

Chain Spell excludes Touch range spells, but thanks to Arcane Reach, Touch spells have a range greater than touch.

I’m not interested in chaining the damage the spell does when discharged (which would still be excluded from Chaining reading the effect fairly strictly), I plan to chain the imbue effect from Smiting Spell to all my allies’ weapons and ammunition (Caster Level targets, max 20). To simplify things, the initial ranged touch should go to a secondary weapon on my character (This is cool enough, I’m willing to strap a dagger to my forearm or something for it and zap it with my free hand instead of touching it), then chain to all my allies’ weapons and my primary weapon.

I feel like I should be able to imbue creatures with natural attacks or improved unarmed strike (monks) at least once, but the smiting spell description is pretty fixated on held weapons and ammunition. Maybe the animal companion’s collar of Greater Magic Fang?

This is taking three feats or two feats and an Archmage ability, using a +4 spell slot, to get CL+1 uses (eventually) of damage out of a touch spell, distributed across the party (favoring any archers) over several rounds. It’s way more interesting for the party than ending the combat with some superspell.

I’m aware of Combust, Necromancy is not an option for this Wizard (Vampiric Touch), any other good touch spells to try this with? (Shivering Touch would probably be too OP) Maybe something that deals force damage?

Trick 1.2 (epic). Smiting Spell + Arcane Reach + Chain Spell + Twin Spell + Repeat Spell + Quicken Spell + 3X Metamagic cost reduction. Spell Slot +5, imbue allies’ weapons within 30 feet with double damage smiting spells as a swift action, next round any allies still within 30 feet get buffed again.

Edit: Spoilered to increase readability. If anyone’s used Smiting Spell and had a lot of fun with it, or was super dissapointed, I’d love to hear how it worked out for you, and what sort of game it was in!