View Full Version : Wizard monk multiclass help

2020-05-04, 09:40 PM
Title says it all. I want to play a wizard monk, because it's an awesome martial wizard blend. Please don't try to change mind about what classes I want, but I'd like help figuring out the best combinations of it.

2020-05-04, 09:53 PM
Anything I'm 5E can work

IMO what will suffer a bit could be your wisdom for AC and stunning fist.

But you can just use mage armor which is equivalent to 16 wisdom

So your AC will get to an 18 with max dex. Also you have the shield spell which will aid in melee.

Since your multiclassing your unarmored strike will only be great with FOB.

While bladesinger could work, both via for the extra attack.

I like divination. Divine potent could prove helpful with saves vs your stunning fist. And it feels monky

I would go with Sun soul for reliable radiant damage. Or shadow for easier escape

It all depends how much monk in your build.
3 for archetype
5 for extra attack
6 for magic fists

2020-05-04, 09:57 PM
This sounds fun! I suggest high elf for the Dex+Int

2020-05-04, 10:07 PM
Anything I'm 5E can work

IMO what will suffer a bit could be your wisdom for AC and stunning fist.

But you can just use mage armor which is equivalent to 16 wisdom

So your AC will get to an 18 with max dex. Also you have the shield spell which will aid in melee.

Since your multiclassing your unarmored strike will only be great with FOB.

While bladesinger could work, both via for the extra attack.

I like divination. Divine potent could prove helpful with saves vs your stunning fist. And it feels monky

I would go with Sun soul for reliable radiant damage. Or shadow for easier escape

It all depends how much monk in your build.
3 for archetype
5 for extra attack
6 for magic fists
I'm actually thinking going mostly equal.
Probably gonna do a sun soul monk but I'm definitely considering Kensei, long death, open hand, and four elements.

This sounds fun! I suggest high elf for the Dex+Int
Probably will. Either that or human, possibly eladrin or shifter.

My goal is to create a "mind over matter" martial feeling character. Their magic is less traditional studying of spells and theory, and more exerting their will against the laws of the world to produce magic.
My mantra for this character is:
Wood to Steel
Heart to Mind
Will to Reality
"Wood to Steel" make that which is soft strong.
"Heart to Mind" temper your urges and principles with logic and knowledge.
"Will to Reality" enforce your will on the world around you.
I also plan on actually turning his wooden staff metal for flavor when he completes that step of his training, and the different symbology from there.

2020-05-04, 10:29 PM
The strongest wizard-monks aren't the blasters or the enchanters, but the monks who use magic to further strengthen and protect their own body.

you'd want to start monk obviously, and then take that up to level 5 when you get stunning strike. only take 13 int. Trust me, you won't need it. from there, abjurer, warmage and bladesinger all have ways to boost your AC and defenses so choose the one you prefer. Here are some spells that will help you plenty:

Absorb Elements
Feather Fall
False Life
Alter Self
Mirror Image (A great one with no concentration. Have your monk tattoos leap off your body)
See Invisibility
Spider Climb
Water Breathing
Fire Shield (Another great non-concentration buff. Unleash the power of Tummo Yoga)

2020-05-04, 11:00 PM
The strongest wizard-monks aren't the blasters or the enchanters, but the monks who use magic to further strengthen and protect their own body.

you'd want to start monk obviously, and then take that up to level 5 when you get stunning strike. only take 13 int. Trust me, you won't need it. from there, abjurer, warmage and bladesinger all have ways to boost your AC and defenses so choose the one you prefer. Here are some spells that will help you plenty:

Absorb Elements
Feather Fall
False Life
Alter Self
Mirror Image (A great one with no concentration. Have your monk tattoos leap off your body)
See Invisibility
Spider Climb
Water Breathing
Fire Shield (Another great non-concentration buff. Unleash the power of Tummo Yoga)

I'm planning in leaning harder on caster than martial for this build but I'll keep that in mind.

2020-05-05, 12:15 AM
I know you said you want to keep the classes, but would you at all consider Arcana Cleric instead of Wizard? It has plenty of the Wizard-y flavour, but keys off Wisdom.

If not (and fair), I would go Sun Soul Monk 4/Bladesinger X. This would grant you a Dex-based ranged spell attack option you can use with Extra Attack, and with which you can make two bonus action attacks four times per short rest. When in melee, use Booming Blade. You could take Spell Sniper at some point along the way, meaning your ranged spell attacks from Sun Soul will ignore cover, and you can Booming Blade people at 10ft with a whip. Technically it doesn't double the range of your ranged attacks as while they are spell attacks, you aren't casting a spell, but a nice DM might allow it since you aren't exactly power-gaming with this combo.

You can also wear light armor, which will prevent some Monk features but not your Sun Soul attacks, even the bonus action attacks. Or you can Mage Armor, whatever suits.

2020-05-05, 01:52 AM
I know you said you want to keep the classes, but would you at all consider Arcana Cleric instead of Wizard? It has plenty of the Wizard-y flavour, but keys off Wisdom.

If not (and fair), I would go Sun Soul Monk 4/Bladesinger X. This would grant you a Dex-based ranged spell attack option you can use with Extra Attack, and with which you can make two bonus action attacks four times per short rest. When in melee, use Booming Blade. You could take Spell Sniper at some point along the way, meaning your ranged spell attacks from Sun Soul will ignore cover, and you can Booming Blade people at 10ft with a whip. Technically it doesn't double the range of your ranged attacks as while they are spell attacks, you aren't casting a spell, but a nice DM might allow it since you aren't exactly power-gaming with this combo.

You can also wear light armor, which will prevent some Monk features but not your Sun Soul attacks, even the bonus action attacks. Or you can Mage Armor, whatever suits.

I`d say the same, Arcana Cleric gives you access to some wizard cantrips and such and cleric spells which are nothing to sneeze at al the while letting you use wisdom for your spells, lvl 8 also gives you potent spell casting which would let you add your wisdom modifier to any cleric cantrip dmg (toll the dead being great here) also spells such as spirit guardians and spirit weapon make for great spells to use.

Using wisdom as your main stat holds true to your mind over matter saying and makes you alot less MAD with your stat spread.

I would use DEX/WISDOM/CON as main stats to maximize ac/saves/concentration checks. If you want to get some melee into your build you could always take the Magic initiate feat take druid for Shillilagh cantrip to turn your d6 Quarter staff into a d8 magical weapon which uses wisdom for dmg and attack rolls. SHillilagh here could actually work great with your ``wood to steel`` mantra, turning a normal wooden quarter staff to something much stronger.

This here I beleive stays true to what your looking too build and could make for a fun play style.

2020-05-05, 02:32 AM
Title says it all. I want to play a wizard monk, because it's an awesome martial wizard blend. Please don't try to change mind about what classes I want, but I'd like help figuring out the best combinations of it.

Honestly? Outside of having godlike stats rolled and even then, you'll be much better off single-classing or choosing a different multiclass. Monk offers almost nothing to a Wizard and there's almost nothing the Wizard offers Monk; especially if you're looking at going more caster than martial.

It's really really important to note that you don't have to be a Monk to be a contemplative any more than you have to be a Cleric to be a priest or a Rogue to be a thief. You can play a straight Wizard and still hold true to your tenets, still be bald and wear eastern-style robes, still meditate in the lotus position, etc.

The question you have to ask is this; "What am I getting out of multiclassing?"

If the answer is "theme", "fluff" or anything of that ilk, then it's the wrong answer. Classes do not give or determine your characters personality, background or aesthetic. Classes give you mechanical benefits. You say Wizard/Monk is "an awesome martial wizard blend", but there is very little hard evidence for that actually being the case.

So, the question stands; Why do you want to multiclass Monk/Wizard?

It's not so much to be a Kung Fu genius with spells augmenting his martial prowess. You've made that clear in your reply to ftafp. You say you want a "mind over matter" style spellslinger, but that begs the question of what you want out of Monk.
- Do you want to mix it up in melee? If not, then I suggest a dip in Monk for Unarmoured Defence is about as far as you want to divert from Wizard and even then, it's probably a waste; Mage Armour exists and can easily be fluffed as your "psychic shield", or whatever;defending against attacks with nothing but your mental fortitude. What else is Monk offering? Unarmed attacks? Pretty useless for a spellslinger when you have a staff. Extra attacks? When are you going to use them? You're not speccing for melee, so stay out of it if at all possible. Jumpy-goodness? Jump is a lvl.1 spell? Sun Soul or 4-Elements Monk might give you some fun little elements to play with at range, but neither of them is going to give you anything really worth using compared to what the Wizard will offer solo.
- If you do want to mix it up in melee, then you probably want as little Wizard as possible, to give you as many Ki points as possible to play with Stunning Strike, Flurry, etc. If that's the case, then would you be better served playing single class Monk and grabbing Magic Initiate and/or Ritual Caster feats to give you the Wizard feel. Flipside, nix the Monk and go straight Bladesinger; it's a very solid option for a Wizard who wants to get all up in the enemies grill and if Elf isn't your bag, then "Abjurer with a big stick" is a character I've personally had a blast playing and can easily reflect a monk-like style of character.

It's hard to give you good advice about a combination that synergises about as well as steak and ice-cream. Yeah, they're both super tasty and might even taste ok together, if that's your thing, but at the end of the day what do you want; steak or ice-cream? Both are better without the other and there are much better complimentary sides for either.

2020-05-05, 04:17 AM
I recently wrote up a Drunken Master/Bladesinger. Wild Elf w/ Outlander background. I like how it turned out. It's pretty MAD, but with the right spells, you don't need Int above 13. You'd also want to focus on Monk.

Took Woodcarver's tools. He carves his spell directly onto the staff he uses to bap you in the face with.

I refluffed Booming Blade & altered it slightly: can only be delivered w/ an unarmed strike. Called it Dim Mak. Took Prestidigitation - perfect for the drunken beggar to clean up, erase the smell of booze... or make himself reek of booze when he's sober. Took Shocking Grasp - not a cantrip I normally take w/ a wizard, but works for a melee fighter. If I went higher than 2nd in Wiz, I'd get Lightning Lure @ 4th (Get over here!), and Lightning Bolt when he got 3rd lvl spells.

For items, Cestus +1, & Bottle of Perpetual Booze. Figured I'd ask the GM to make my Staff +1 eventually - get it blessed at a monastery or something.

Dex>Wis>Con>Int, adjust as needed to get at least a 13 Int, so you can multiclass into Wizard. He wasn't high enough to have have any ASI's yet, so hadn't really looked at them.

Had a character I played a while back who was a goblin Shadow Monk/Shadow Sorcerer. Just a 1 level dip is valuable, because it lets you cast Darkness that you can see through. Though a 2 lvl dip into Warlock instead would get you the ability to see in ANY magical darkness.

2020-05-05, 07:14 AM

If the answer is "theme", "fluff" or anything of that ilk, then it's the wrong answer. Classes do not give or determine your characters personality, background or aesthetic. Classes give you mechanical benefits. You say Wizard/Monk is "an awesome martial wizard blend", but there is very little hard evidence for that actually being the case.

The evidence is

...I want to play a wizard monk,....

Obviously we're not going for synergy or min/max efficiency. This character already sounds fun as heck. Like if you could collab with the DM and make a whole Monastery order that's a blend of Arcane and Pure Mind and Body type monks. It's full of the usual cliques, of those who favor Monk like ability, those who favor Wizard like ability, the few and far between wise masters who have achieved the balance. Now there's your PC trying to decide a focus, or attempt to achieve balance through adventures.

As for a build, my first thought was Kensai / War Magic.

2020-05-05, 07:38 AM
So the two things that can be attractive are:

Shadowmonk with a wizard dip (1) for booming blade which works pretty well with shadowstep (possibly augmented with arcane trickster). Advantage on one attack is good, if you can make it count for a lot of damage. Alternatively hitting them then moving away with shadowstep so there is no one nearby and they have an incentive to move.

Open hand monk with a diviner dip to use portent on quivering palm for assassinations... which at level 19 is pretty late game.

Then xanathar's gives war wizard, which has a nice reaction boost to AC and saves from 2 - worth more to a monk than many classes as if you play more of a skirmisher your opportunity attacks are rage so your reaction is more free.

It really comes down to asking yourself what you want to actively be good at and what you want to be passively strong at and what you are prepared to sacrifice. I presume from the comments in the OP that the itch cannot be scratched with eldritch knight or arcane trickster levels to get wizard spells?

2020-05-05, 07:45 AM
I know you said you want to keep the classes, but would you at all consider Arcana Cleric instead of Wizard? It has plenty of the Wizard-y flavour, but keys off Wisdom.

If not (and fair), I would go Sun Soul Monk 4/Bladesinger X. This would grant you a Dex-based ranged spell attack option you can use with Extra Attack, and with which you can make two bonus action attacks four times per short rest. When in melee, use Booming Blade. You could take Spell Sniper at some point along the way, meaning your ranged spell attacks from Sun Soul will ignore cover, and you can Booming Blade people at 10ft with a whip. Technically it doesn't double the range of your ranged attacks as while they are spell attacks, you aren't casting a spell, but a nice DM might allow it since you aren't exactly power-gaming with this combo.

You can also wear light armor, which will prevent some Monk features but not your Sun Soul attacks, even the bonus action attacks. Or you can Mage Armor, whatever suits.
Thanks for not pushing the cleric option.
And I like the things you've put forward. I probably am going to go sun soul monk. Though shadow and open hand are vying for it in my head. At first blade singer was my obvious choice but now I'm thinking about going divination too so I'm not sure.

I`d say the same, Arcana Cleric gives you access to some wizard cantrips and such and cleric spells which are nothing to sneeze at al the while letting you use wisdom for your spells, lvl 8 also gives you potent spell casting which would let you add your wisdom modifier to any cleric cantrip dmg (toll the dead being great here) also spells such as spirit guardians and spirit weapon make for great spells to use.

Using wisdom as your main stat holds true to your mind over matter saying and makes you alot less MAD with your stat spread.

I would use DEX/WISDOM/CON as main stats to maximize ac/saves/concentration checks. If you want to get some melee into your build you could always take the Magic initiate feat take druid for Shillilagh cantrip to turn your d6 Quarter staff into a d8 magical weapon which uses wisdom for dmg and attack rolls. SHillilagh here could actually work great with your ``wood to steel`` mantra, turning a normal wooden quarter staff to something much stronger.

This here I beleive stays true to what your looking too build and could make for a fun play style.
I definitely wanna take Shillilagh if I can for the "wood to steel" part, but I'm not going to be changing my decision on my multiclass. Thanks for the help though. Any other ideas for symbolizing the mantra?

Honestly? Outside of having godlike stats rolled and even then, you'll be much better off single-classing or choosing a different multiclass. Monk offers almost nothing to a Wizard and there's almost nothing the Wizard offers Monk; especially if you're looking at going more caster than martial.

It's really really important to note that you don't have to be a Monk to be a contemplative any more than you have to be a Cleric to be a priest or a Rogue to be a thief. You can play a straight Wizard and still hold true to your tenets, still be bald and wear eastern-style robes, still meditate in the lotus position, etc.

The question you have to ask is this; "What am I getting out of multiclassing?"

If the answer is "theme", "fluff" or anything of that ilk, then it's the wrong answer. Classes do not give or determine your characters personality, background or aesthetic. Classes give you mechanical benefits. You say Wizard/Monk is "an awesome martial wizard blend", but there is very little hard evidence for that actually being the case.

So, the question stands; Why do you want to multiclass Monk/Wizard?

It's not so much to be a Kung Fu genius with spells augmenting his martial prowess. You've made that clear in your reply to ftafp. You say you want a "mind over matter" style spellslinger, but that begs the question of what you want out of Monk.
- Do you want to mix it up in melee? If not, then I suggest a dip in Monk for Unarmoured Defence is about as far as you want to divert from Wizard and even then, it's probably a waste; Mage Armour exists and can easily be fluffed as your "psychic shield", or whatever;defending against attacks with nothing but your mental fortitude. What else is Monk offering? Unarmed attacks? Pretty useless for a spellslinger when you have a staff. Extra attacks? When are you going to use them? You're not speccing for melee, so stay out of it if at all possible. Jumpy-goodness? Jump is a lvl.1 spell? Sun Soul or 4-Elements Monk might give you some fun little elements to play with at range, but neither of them is going to give you anything really worth using compared to what the Wizard will offer solo.
- If you do want to mix it up in melee, then you probably want as little Wizard as possible, to give you as many Ki points as possible to play with Stunning Strike, Flurry, etc. If that's the case, then would you be better served playing single class Monk and grabbing Magic Initiate and/or Ritual Caster feats to give you the Wizard feel. Flipside, nix the Monk and go straight Bladesinger; it's a very solid option for a Wizard who wants to get all up in the enemies grill and if Elf isn't your bag, then "Abjurer with a big stick" is a character I've personally had a blast playing and can easily reflect a monk-like style of character.

It's hard to give you good advice about a combination that synergises about as well as steak and ice-cream. Yeah, they're both super tasty and might even taste ok together, if that's your thing, but at the end of the day what do you want; steak or ice-cream? Both are better without the other and there are much better complimentary sides for either.
I'm pretty sure I made my point on sticking with this class choice at the beggining. In fact I did so specifically so the thread wouldn't devolve into me defending my character choices mechanically to everyone who thought this was a bad idea.
That said I'm going to explain it this once and then I'm done:
I do plan on mixing it up in melee with augmented spells, last night I hadn't had a lot of time to consider what I wanted the build to be. But I'd also like to maintain a higher wizard to monk ratio as primarily in my mind this character is a wizard first.

The evidence is

Obviously we're not going for synergy or min/max efficiency. This character already sounds fun as heck. Like if you could collab with the DM and make a whole Monastery order that's a blend of Arcane and Pure Mind and Body type monks. It's full of the usual cliques, of those who favor Monk like ability, those who favor Wizard like ability, the few and far between wise masters who have achieved the balance. Now there's your PC trying to decide a focus, or attempt to achieve balance through adventures.

As for a build, my first thought was Kensai / War Magic.

Exactly what I'm going for and why I'm personally stoked. As for magic over martial, I think as I play the character will come into his own and it'll be easier to decide. But the more I think about it the more I think augmented combat suits him best.
War mage could be one heck of a combo that I hadn't considered.

2020-05-05, 08:05 AM
Exactly what I'm going for and why I'm personally stoked. As for magic over martial, I think as I play the character will come into his own and it'll be easier to decide. But the more I think about it the more I think augmented combat suits him best.
War mage could be one heck of a combo that I hadn't considered.

This has actually inspired me, I had a backup toon for a CoS game, and we use a 3rd Party Book, called 5e Options, and it has a flaw table, where if you roll a flaw, you can take a feat at first level. Well my Yuan-ti Monk ended up being blind.

To attempt and overcome it, my second level would be a 1st level fighter dip, and take Blind Fighting Style (UA Variant). Since then, the DM second guess CoS due to IRL circumstances. So now my original load out doesn't matter, and I'm considering 8 Sun Soul Monk, 11 War Magic Wizard, 1 Fighter.

Being blind adds so much difficulty, the DM is going to have auto advantage on me, and for spellcasting, there goes all the "Target you can see" spells. But being able to be a PC and create a Spellbook of Braille, that just sounds awesome.

2020-05-05, 08:31 AM
This has actually inspired me, I had a backup toon for a CoS game, and we use a 3rd Party Book, called 5e Options, and it has a flaw table, where if you roll a flaw, you can take a feat at first level. Well my Yuan-ti Monk ended up being blind.

To attempt and overcome it, my second level would be a 1st level fighter dip, and take Blind Fighting Style (UA Variant). Since then, the DM second guess CoS due to IRL circumstances. So now my original load out doesn't matter, and I'm considering 8 Sun Soul Monk, 11 War Magic Wizard, 1 Fighter.

Being blind adds so much difficulty, the DM is going to have auto advantage on me, and for spellcasting, there goes all the "Target you can see" spells. But being able to be a PC and create a Spellbook of Braille, that just sounds awesome.

Depending on your GM, you might be able to get around the blindness with a familiar.

2020-05-05, 08:43 AM
I'm pretty sure I made my point on sticking with this class choice at the beggining. In fact I did so specifically so the thread wouldn't devolve into me defending my character choices mechanically to everyone who thought this was a bad idea.
That said I'm going to explain it this once and then I'm done:
I do plan on mixing it up in melee with augmented spells, last night I hadn't had a lot of time to consider what I wanted the build to be. But I'd also like to maintain a higher wizard to monk ratio as primarily in my mind this character is a wizard first.

My point is not to get you to defend your concept, but to get you to explain what you want out of the build. The more specific you are, the better the help you will receive. Your OP was about as vague as it gets, while simultaneously being as defensive as your last; not a recipe to get the help you want.

An arcana augmented Monk with more Wizard levels is a good start, but it's still pretty vague;
- What Wizardry do you want? Blasting? Control? Utility? A mix of everything?
- What's your focus from Monk? Is it mobility? Unarmed combat? Defence?

You want advice on an unusual class combination? Be specific. So I'll ask again; Why do you want this multiclass and what do you want out of it?

2020-05-05, 08:51 AM
Mechanically, this multi class has two problems. First, it is MAD, likely requiring good DEX, INT, WIS and CON to be effective. Second, both classes rely on progression to keep up and are not great dips. Monks need to keep building Ki points and Wizards need to keep their spell level progression.

If you can live with both of those drawbacks, I would take one level of one class for flavor and then take the other class to level 5 to either get 3rd level spells or extra attack first. Then take the first class to 5. I think this multi class works better as a 3 level dip either way than an even split. Add a little magic to your monk or add some durability to your wizard. But you said you wanted it to be even so the above is my recommendation.

War magic is probably your best bet unless you get to start with all 18's, then I might go bladesinger. But if you want a more magic feel, you could consider Enchanter wizard. Hypnotic Gaze fits in well thematically with a monk. It's my go to Jedi build.

2020-05-05, 09:26 AM
I've been planning a character like this for a few months now. I like your "mind of matter" take and I was going to do something similar in blending monk and wizard abilities to at least thematically, feel connected and unified.

My plan: War Wizard 3 (or possibly 5) / Open Hand Monk X. This will be played as a melee controller with wizard levels providing utility and a use for my open concentration. The +4 to saves as a reaction seems very strong (though I'm happy for someone to convince me otherwise). The character is 13 int and won't rely on saves unless I get a headband of intellect.

I've talked to my DM about using Spell Points variant and being able to use a spell point as ki. This would allow me to be more versatile. Somehow I need to get the mobile feat so I can control by using booming blade. Essentially, an attack is either booming blade and run away or monk attacks with flurry of blows and open hand abilities.

Finally, the +1 int mod gets applied to initiative, but if I can get it to +4 with magic item, that's a nice boost too.

Good luck. I think this combo can be made to work and I'm going to give a try in my next game.

2020-05-05, 01:42 PM
I've been planning a character like this for a few months now. I like your "mind of matter" take and I was going to do something similar in blending monk and wizard abilities to at least thematically, feel connected and unified.

My plan: War Wizard 3 (or possibly 5) / Open Hand Monk X. This will be played as a melee controller with wizard levels providing utility and a use for my open concentration. The +4 to saves as a reaction seems very strong (though I'm happy for someone to convince me otherwise). The character is 13 int and won't rely on saves unless I get a headband of intellect.

I've talked to my DM about using Spell Points variant and being able to use a spell point as ki. This would allow me to be more versatile. Somehow I need to get the mobile feat so I can control by using booming blade. Essentially, an attack is either booming blade and run away or monk attacks with flurry of blows and open hand abilities.

Finally, the +1 int mod gets applied to initiative, but if I can get it to +4 with magic item, that's a nice boost too.

Good luck. I think this combo can be made to work and I'm going to give a try in my next game.

Definitely sounds like a good combo to me

Joe the Rat
2020-05-05, 03:09 PM
My goal is to create a "mind over matter" martial feeling character. Their magic is less traditional studying of spells and theory, and more exerting their will against the laws of the world to produce magic.
My mantra for this character is:
Wood to Steel
Heart to Mind
Will to Reality
"Wood to Steel" make that which is soft strong.
"Heart to Mind" temper your urges and principles with logic and knowledge.
"Will to Reality" enforce your will on the world around you.
I also plan on actually turning his wooden staff metal for flavor when he completes that step of his training, and the different symbology from there.
First of all, I'd have a strong inclination towards Sorcerer or Warlock instead of Wizard for the caster aspect. Nothing here screams "prepared from a recipe book." (that and tomelocks can get shillelagh on the casting stat, which as casting primary would be more beneficial).

If you intend to mix it up in melee, I'd push War Wizard or Abjurer. Abjuration definitely leans into Harmony - denying the effects of the world, or other's magic to the self or others. Elsewise, Transmutation would set more into the change the world approach, and lets you magic weapon your stick, though I'm not sure if the philosopher stone is going to be on theme here. If you want to get deep in the philosophic weeds, Illusionist becomes a mild reality warper at high levels.

I'm not sure Sun Soul is going to bring that much to the table. Spark of radiance theme, with fire spells and laser fists. Kensei (for iron staff) or Open Hand (for body control and pushing people around) might be a better fit. Drunken Master could be an interesting take - less "tipsy sway" and more "warp causality and probability."