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2020-05-04, 10:13 PM
You are a group of heroes on your first quest..

It is a cold autumn night and the wind howls ominously. Your newly formed band of adventurers gathers around the campfire to rest after the day’s march. Accompanied by little more than the crackling fire, you ponder the path that lead you to this place.

Evil lurks in wilderness and ancient dungeons, along with valuable treasure and equipment teeming with magic from an age long forgotten. If you delve into the depths darkness, will you emerge rich and victorious, or fail and perish like so many before you?

After years of training and honing your skills, a call for adventure came along in the form of a poster hanging in a tavern wall. The small town of Wartbell has issued a call for help. The poster didn’t offer much detail other than “Please hurry! Our township is under great peril!” Uncertain of the dangers ahead, your group took on the road hoping for a reward and a chance to test your skills.

Suddenly, a strange growl is heard from the trees nearby. A menacing group of creatures approaches the camp site...

What will you do?

2020-05-04, 10:54 PM
F*** Jacques curses under his breath. Do you guys hear that?

As he speaks softly to his comrades Jacques surreptitiously draws his dagger and squints into the darkness trying to make out what’s approaching (if there’s time he also tries to maneuver so that the fire is between himself and whatever is approaching.)

(Ok Jacques don’t freak out. If it’s dangerous blow it apart with magic. If it’s a person listen and if you don’t like what they have to say blow them apart with magic.)

Slight of Hand: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2020-05-05, 02:43 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Desmond had been staring into the crackling flames that made his metallic skin glow, lost in thought, thoughts of new inventions and projects flying around in his head. Then he heard the growl, and the battle instincts embedded into his body made him stand up quickly, his arm going for the shield that he'd laid nearby. The menacing sound didn't exactly pump him full of adrenaline or make his heart beat faster, seeing how he lacked both, but he was filled with anticipation for a battle. It was familiar and comfortable emotion, which Desmond didn't exactly like, since it was a reminder how he'd been built for a very violent purpose, but at least it helped him keep his cool.

Desmond looked around, trying to spot the source of the growl. He started strapping his shield on, his red eyes glinting curiously. "Hello there!" he shouted into the darkness, his voice sounding affable. "What brings you to our fire tonight?" Well, this didn't seem to be a social visit, and Desmond couldn't even see the creatures clearly yet, so who knew if they could even appreciate a pleasant conversation. But as a former merchant, his first instinct was to be polite.

2020-05-05, 06:54 AM
Franklin sat huddled in his thick bearskin cloak, honing the edge of his greatsword by the fire.

He'd been telling stories earlier the evening about his homestead, a grand Dwarven city deep down underground, hewn within the heart of the earth itself. He'd told the story about the mad architect that designed many of the cities iconic features before going insane and disappear never to be seen again.
The story had a good punchline, and he'd laughed himself the loudest when he told it, before settling back in nostalgic introspection, and letting the sound of the whetstone on steel take over.

He had a thick red beard and bushy eyebrows, and his eyes were half closed when he heard it. He didn't change the rhythm of the grinding whetstone and didn't move a muscle as he lazily scanned around with his bright green eyes. He noticed the others had heard it too, and grunted in acknowledgement when Jaqcues whispered.

When Desmond spoke up, the grinding stopped and Franklin rose. He was a big Dwarf, wide and broad shouldered. 5 foot 2 and almost 200 pounds, he cut an impressive figure against the light of the campfire and his greatsword gleamed menacingly in the dark.

He squinted and peered into the dark, trying to make out any shape or size of what they were up against.
He grabbed the Holy symbol of Morradin as he did so and scanned for an unholy presence while he did.

Action: Use Divine sense.

Divine SensePHB, pg. 84
As an action, you can detect good and evil. Until the end of your next turn, you can sense anything affected by the hallow spell or know the location of any celestial, fiend, undead within 60 ft. that is not behind total cover. You can use this feature 3 times per long rest.

John Cribati
2020-05-05, 07:16 AM

He'd been grumbling to himself for a good while. Sure, he was on a quest for untold riches and whatnot, but did it have to be such a sausagefest?

Still, they were fine company for the time. No real complaints. Except possibly that it would be rude to swindle them.

In any case, it looked like things were about to get decidedly less friendly around here.

Well, not in the metal one's case. Way to let everyone know we know they're there.

Sighing, Tinsley reaches for his sword, keeping up the guise that he's still asleep.

Sleight of Hand [roll0]

2020-05-05, 12:14 PM
Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)

Nile was happy to sit quietly by the fire, listening to the others share stories and jokes. He offered a few questions, but little more in the way of conversation. It was pleasant enough to hear the others speak without adding his own voice, though occasionally he felt compelled to turn away from all of them and the light of the fire for a moment's respite in the darkness. He did so as nonchalantly as possible, not wishing to highlight his own strangeness any more-so than he likely already had in the span of their short time together.

Nile was small for his race, an odd contrast to Franklin's impressive size for a dwarf. At 5'8" and 120 lb, his appearance seemed in-keeping with the sickly pallor of his skin.

A sound, and not a pleasant one broke Nile free of his own thoughts. Instinctively all but his eyes froze, peering out into the dark in his field of vision, trying to find the source. As he heard the others whisper and then later welcome their visitors, Nile stood slowly. Pretending to yawn and stretch with palms open and attempting to appear as non-threatening and weaponless as possible despite the crossbow at his feet and the dagger on his hip, Nile nonetheless scanned the trees around them, eyes alive with interest.

Perception to try to locate the source and any details about the sound. Nile has Darkvision (120ft). Deception if applicable to appear completely useless and non-threatening, which may well be the truth regardless.

Perception: [roll0]
Deception: [roll1]

2020-05-05, 03:33 PM
Jacques can see clearly four figures approaching. Two of them coming from the south, two from the east. They look like ordinary human soldiers, but something is off. They could either be suffering from some kind of sickness or under an enchantment, because they are not walking normally. They don’t bear torches nor any sort of light, which is weird for humans. They do carry swords, though… They are hunching and their footing is off.. They are stumbling rather than walking. Jacque’s best guess is that they could be zombies.

Franklin: You are truly puzzled. Your divine sense reveals no evil, nor good. No celestial, no fiends, no undead. And yet, the creatures approach!

With his darkvision, Franklin sees them clearly! They are medium-sized humanoids, wearing dirty and worn out soldier uniforms. They carry shortswords and stumble slowly towards the group, but not trying to be stealthy. They seem to be just slow of movement. They walk and growl like zombies, with a dead stare in their eyes, the filthy clothing.. You could swear you’re looking at zombies. And yet, your divine power senses nothing.

Nile: You see clearly four creatures. Two approaching from the east and two approaching from the south. They are slow moving and appear not to be trying to sneak up on the group. They seem to be wearing soldier uniforms, which are dirty and ripped. They carry shortswords.

As Desmond tries to address the approaching humanoid figures, they offer no response. But at this point, you all start to believe they are not capable of communication.

The creatures continue to move towards the party, but they are very slow paced and their walk is more like clumsily throwing your body forward, rather than an actual march.

There’s four of them: two coming from the south and two coming from the east. They appear to be wearing soldiers uniforms, which are dirty and worn out. They carry shortswords, but no torch, nor any source of light.

Please roll initiative and post combat actions. These guys, whatever they are, are going to attack you.

2020-05-05, 07:59 PM


John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 10/10


Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 13/13

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 12 HP 8/8

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 10/10

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 10/10

John Cribati
2020-05-05, 08:46 PM

Well, the sword is a Plan B. Plan A? Throw stuff.

Pulling his sling, he takes a step back, loads a bullet and fires.

Move action: step diagonally northeast
Attack Zombie #1 with Sling.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-05-05, 09:24 PM

Nile's eyes narrow as he drops his hands, realizing all too quickly that these were not the sort of creature to be deceived. They couldn't care less whether he appeared non-threatening. They couldn't care about anything, anymore.

Without a word, ink-black shadow swirls around his hand before jumping to the open flames of their campfire, the light dimming slightly as it envelopes a log. In a heartbeat, it launches from the fire in a shower of sparks, a flaming projectile hurled across the field towards one of the shambling creatures.

Couldn't help myself. I cast Catapult as an action towards monster 4, assuming it's still a clear shot after they move.

Catapult is a Dex save against DC 13. If it hits, it deals magic bludgeoning damage: [roll0]

After I finish casting, I pick up my crossbow and bolts in conjunction with stepping away from fire and zombies, one square north-west.

2020-05-05, 09:58 PM
Jacques raises his right hand and focuses on Zombie? 2. Stop! Don’t take a step closer! Jacques yells out to them and prepares magic to obliterate it if it advances.

Jacques horizontally slashes his outstretched right hand violently in front of himself. Back!!! He yells as waves of translucent forces erupt from his hand straight towards the Zombie.

Bonus Action: Cast Hex on Zombie? 2
Hold Action to cast Magic Missile on the condition of the Zombie moving closer at all with all missiles targeting Z2.

Magic Missile Damage (just in case): [roll0] + [roll1] x3=24 damage total

2020-05-06, 02:59 AM
"What madness is this?" Franklin growled as he made his way around the campfire to get a better look at the assailants.

"These folk look as if they rose fresh from the grave, but I can't smell the taint of the undead on them."

He gauged their distance and speed, and when they'd moved within charging distance he rose his greatsword in the air with one hand.

"Dead or alive, you threaten the campsite of a dwarf and his allies, you can expect steel in your face with a quick hurry!" His words boomed into the night as he ran up to meet his victims.

attack 2d6+3[/roll] damage

2020-05-06, 06:21 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 10/10, AC: 19, Concentrating on: Faerie Fire, Saved DC: 13

"Undead you say? I suppose fighting is the only option then." Desmond grabs his hand and twists, making it go slack. However, out of it pops out a metal tube, with runes etched on its sides. The warforged aims it at one of the zombies closing in, and with a shouted word a bolt of fire shoots out of the tube. He also takes a few steps back, wanting to avoid melee for now.

Firebolt at zombie 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + crit damage 6 (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?611579-Dungeon-Hunters!-D-amp-D5e-OOC&p=24492429#post24492429)

Move two spaces to northwest.

2020-05-06, 02:01 PM
The agile rogue Tinsley slings a rock at one of the foes, but the creature takes a misstep and hunches just enough that the rock goes flying straight above its head.

At their turn, the monsters rush forward with blank and distant eyes, as if moved by a force beyond their own will. They start swarming the group getting in close range to Nile and Jacques. But they fail to make any attacks. This close to the fire, you all can notice how unusual these enemies are. Surely they were humans once, but now their bodies are taken over by moss and fungi. One of them has vines growing out of his shoulder, with strange black flowers sprouting. Another one has a toadstool mushroom growing out of the left eye socked.

The paladin Franklin moves forward to protect his allies and attack the enemies, but he swings too wide and misses the blow.

Meanwhile, the Sorcerer Niles catapults a log from the camp fire, hitting one of the foes in the head! Specks of cinder fly in the air as the creature falls inert to the ground.

Almost simultaneously, the cleric Jacques conjures bright magical missiles aimed at one of the creatures approaching him. The forceful damage of the magic reduces the creature to little more than a pile of dust.

Just as the enemies approach, the construct Desmond casts a firebolt that hits with uncanny accuracy! The monster is rapidly engulfed by magical flames and falls down, never to rise again. The black petals on its body whiter and burn in the magic fire.

Round 2: Tinsley, you’re up again!



John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 10/10


Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 13/13

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 12 HP 8/8

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 10/10

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 10/10

John Cribati
2020-05-06, 02:12 PM

Well, staying out of the way was definitely the right decision here. And given that he has the least in terms of magical firepower, he's more than glad to retreat even more, loosing another slingstone.

Move action: Two spaces North, 1 space west (1 space Northeast of Desmond's current position)

Attack with Sling: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-05-06, 02:20 PM
Tinsley’s sling shot misses again! It is not the Rogue’s lucky night..

The last enemy creature standing, branding its rusty sword, attacks the cleric Jacques with a violent blow!

Eventual damage: [roll1]



John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 10/10


Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 13/13

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 12 HP 8/8

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 03/10

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 10/10

2020-05-06, 02:35 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 10/10, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Saved DC: 13

"Hold out for just a moment, master Jacques, it shouldn't take long for us to finish the last of these wretches", Desmond says, aiming the metal cylinder at the remaining undead monstrosity.

Firebolt at the remaining zombie: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-05-06, 05:10 PM
"Jaqcues! You alright there?" Franklin inquired as he managed to push the strange creature away enough to give himself space for another swing.

[roll0] attack [roll1] damage

2020-05-06, 06:06 PM
WOW! Jacques exclaims as a Flaming bolt streaks through the air near his head. Always good to have your artillery in a fight Desmond.

Cracking swing Franklin! he calls out to the dwarf and he sidles around to the other side of the monster. Jacques points his right index finger at the creature and a blue-white laser beam sizzles from his extended digit towards the fungal monstrosity.

Jacques cast Sacred Flame in the remaining Zombie.
Dex save DC 13
Radiant Damage: [roll0]

2020-05-06, 08:55 PM
With greater skill than before, the dwarven paladin Franklin lands a crushing blow, finishing the last of the enemies! Desmond and Jacques react quickly casting spells almost simultaneously to Franklin’s attack, but to no greater use than to confirm the creature has ceased to be.. alive? Undead? …Ceased to be whatever it was.

The night returns to the silence and tranquility the party enjoyed before this strange attack.

Scanning the tree line and surroundings with great attention, it is safe to state there is no more imminent danger.

This has returned to be a safe area to rest and tend to your wounds. You can spend your class hit die to recover health, if you wish so.

What will the party do?

2020-05-06, 09:56 PM

Once Nile finishes scanning the treeline and feels they're no longer threatened, he lowers his crossbow. "Curious," he says slowly, walking over to the nearest remains, "I don't think I've ever seen their like before. Have any of you?" he asks, setting down his crossbow and investigating what's left of the zombies. He's searching for a sign, some taint of darkness on them, but anything of material use might catch his attention as well. During his search, he finds the zombie with the strange dark flowers growing out of him, pulls out his dagger, and cuts one free, sniffing at it.

2020-05-07, 12:26 AM
Nile I com confidently say that I’ve never seen something like... whatever those were, or are? Do any of you guys feel particularly cold or...kind of wet?

As that final question passes through Jacques lips he looks down at the slash across his abdomen and the wet blood stain that has soaked through his chain shirt he not the nice linen shirt he wears over it.

I’ve been hit... I think I’m okay though. That was pretty spirited wasn’t it? I don’t suppose you gentlemen would mind keeping an eye out while I get the blood out of these clothes and make sure all my essential features are intact? Can any of you cast Mending?

Jacques cleans up his blood with Prestidigitation and if there’s time for a short rest he spends a hit die to heal

Hit die roll: [roll0]

2020-05-07, 03:38 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

As the last creature fell, Desmond pushed the cylinder back into his hand. "Wet? No, though my sense of touch is quite a bit duller than... Ah." The warforged says as he notices the blood. "I don't personally know the spell, but perhaps I can try my hand at stitching your clothes the old fashioned way. I'm not a healer, but I don't think the wound looks life-threatening."

Desmond joins the others in looking at the strange, plant-covered corpses. "No, I don't think I've seen anything like this either, curious indeed. They look too fresh for plant growth like this to have occurred naturally. I hope we don't have a hostile druid in our hands, could get tricky... But perhaps in any case we should burn the corpses, just in case in case a unwary scavengers decide to eat them."

Investigation: [roll0], just checking if there's anything interesting on the corpses.

2020-05-07, 08:01 AM
Nile: Poking at one of the creatures, Nile notices that beneath a thin layer of rotting flesh, the interior is almost completely made out of vines, plant root and fungi. Very little remains of internal organs or even blood.
Most of the flowers were consumed by the magical flames of the Construct’s spell, but Nile finds one nearly intact. Its petals are twisted, of pitch black color, and from the center of the flower, a second set of petals sprout again, making it even more unusual. It smells quite nice and perhaps if you had access to a laboratory, you could brew a potion out of it.

Desmond Desmond finds a badge in one of the creatures. It’s made of wood and it has the sigil of Wartbell (the town the party is headed towards). The image is an upside down jellyfish, and it looks like the badge of a town guard or soldier. There’s also a bit of silver in a small pouch. Desmond shares with the party.

Everyone adds 10 silver pieces.
and deduct 1 portion of rations, because of today's travel.

John Cribati
2020-05-07, 09:44 AM

Well, as much as I signed up to walk into a deathtrap with you lot, I draw the line at a town that's likely overrun with plant monsters. This is, unfortunately, where we have to part-

The jingling of coin cuts him off. His hands reach out almost of their own accord to collect the proffered silver.

Or... Maybe the people of the poor beleaguered town can use the assistance of men of our talents, yeah?

2020-05-07, 09:45 AM

Nile stares inquisitively at the flower a moment longer, admiring the rich black color of the petals before pocketing it along with a few pieces of silver. Standing, Nile looks over at Jacques as he attempts to remove the stain of his own blood from his torn clothing. With a simple flourish, Nile manipulates Jacques' shadow in the firelight, seeming to pull a piece from it to form a full-sized replica of his clothing floating in front of Nile.

"Apologies friend," Nile says to Jacques, "my control over the material plane is decidedly...transitory." With that, Nile lazily swipes at the illusion of clothing floating in front of him, the image swirling into a mass of shadows before dissipating.

"Good point, big man. Err, Desmond," Nile says, looking up at the construct. "They do seem relatively...fresh, for such an array of plant life, though looks can be deceiving. Perhaps they've been not-dead for a while now." Nile shifts uncomfortably at the thought of bathing anything in flame, even creatures such as these, though he says no more.

Nile casts minor illusion, then dismisses it.

2020-05-07, 09:52 AM
Jacques is almost taken back by the generous it’s of Desmond’s offer. Desmond if you’re able to help sew up my shirt I really owe you one. I really rather not enter Wartbell looking like I tried to walk through a blade barrier spell. Do you think that burning the bodies has any chance of releasing spores from whatever plants are growing in these things? I’d really hate to inhale anything that was growing on an animated corpse.

Whether the body gets burnt or not (and he stands far away from the fire if it does) Jacques is ready to move onto the next day after trying to help Desmond stitch up his shirt.

2020-05-07, 01:24 PM
Franklin was similarly stumped by what they had encountered. He tried to commit whatever features the men had to memory, so that when they came to Wartbell they might be identified.

He sent a quick prayer down to the earth for them and hoped Morradin would take their twisted husks and take pity on them.

He wasn't at all sure what to do with said husks, but wasn't opposed to burning them and he helped as good as he could.

"I'm hoping these souls were out and about, and that the town stands. We may at least notify the people of Wartbell what we've witnessed here." He said solemnly as he went to work, dragging the corpses to a suitable location.

He'd be eager to head off to Wartbell at the crack of dawn.

2020-05-07, 01:52 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Desmond looked at Tinsley. His expression was still, but his eyes briefly flickered as he handed the coins over, a sign of amusement. "Yes, I agree they'll be glad to have any assistance they can get, if there are more of these running around."

"It is no problem", Desmond replied to Jacques. "I do enjoy crafts, though my needlework isn't as precise as tailors."

Desmond started helping Franklin haul the bodies away. He made a shrugging motion as Jacques mentioned a possible spread, his shoulders clanking. "I don't know, but I don't believe it's likely. They seem to burn well enough, so this should be better than nothing. Better to haul them far away though."

Desmond watches the corpses burn for a while before returning to camp, making sure they didn't start to move again or that the fire didn't spread. He wasn't really worried about inhaling anything poisonous, which was the upside to not having a proper mouth or even lungs. It was annoying he couldn't whistle though.

2020-05-07, 02:47 PM
After short deliberation, the party drags the remains of the nightly assailants deeper into the woods, far from the camp.

Being careful not to cause a forest fire, the heroes burn the inanimate monsters. No spores or harmful effects are created, other than oddly colored flames. It appears direct contact with the creatures is harmless. The contamination must come from another source, perhaps magical in nature.

(Someone needs to deduct 1 torch from the inventory)

The burning produces pink colored ashes, that can be used as a spell component with an extra kick. But without a proper vial to store it, only small portions can be gathered.

The rest of the night is uneventful and the party rests.


The next morning...

Morning comes with a light drizzle and the peculiar scent of wet grass. The party continues the journey to the small town of Wartbell, answering to the call of a tavern wall poster. “Heroes needed! Please hurry! Our townships is in great peril!”. The lack of information is frustrating to some extent. But the promise of adventure is enticing enough!

The light drizzle starts to turn into heavier rain just about the time the group reaches the outer walls. From a distance of about 200ft, you see the gates of the town:

The gates are closed and the area close to the entrance of the town is entirely empty. No travelers or merchants coming in or out. The wall is made of stone and not very high, just about 15ft. in height. On top of the wall, two soldiers are standing guard (they wear similar uniforms to the monsters from the night before).

Upon seeing the group, one of the soldiers shouts:
“Hello travellers! Please hold on a moment, stay your distance! We’ll come down to you for the medical inspection!”
Soon after the wooden gates open and a human soldier comes out, followed by a halfling pushing a cart with a 5ft. cubic empty cage in it. They approach the party.

The human soldier is a robust man. He is wearing a cloth mask covering his mouth and nose, along with heavy work gloves. His chest has the same jellyfish badge Desmond found before. The man says: “Greetings! I’m Gunnar and this is my helper Chogguf. So you’re here for the reward, right? Thank you so much for showing up! We’re in dire need of adventurers.. But don’t go in expecting piles of gold.. Our coffers are pretty light as it stands.”

The soldier takes a small stick of white chalk from his pocket and asks to see everyone's hands. "We need to make sure you're not infected before letting you see the mayor. Well, acting mayor.."

What will the party do?

2020-05-07, 03:31 PM
Jacques shrugs and holds his hands out. If it’s just chalk it should be a problem. Having a bit of a problem with weeds these days Mr. Gunnar?

John Cribati
2020-05-07, 04:54 PM

Tinsley rolls up his sleeve, seemingly in preparation to receive his chalk test. When the guard moves to mark him, though, Tinsley's quick fingers snatch it away.

What's this? Some kind of magic test?

He makes a show of rolling it along his knuckles and spinning it between his fingers, before expertly palming it to make it "disappear," after which he starts turning out his pockets and searching along the floor.

Huh. Gone missing? Guess they don't make 'em like they used to. Oh, wait, there it is!

Reaching behind the guard's ear, he "finds" the missing chalk, brandishing it with a grin.

Carry on, then.

2020-05-07, 06:41 PM
When Jacques offers his hand, Gunnar replies “Yes, there’s the spore curse in the woods. Or perhaps it comes from the crypt north of here… In any case, people go out and return transformed into monsters. It is a terrible ordeal.” He draws a simple rune on the back of the cleric’s hand. “See now, if it turns pink, you’re in trouble”. But the rune turns bright yellow and disappears, to which the diligent soldier responds “Yellow is good mate, one step ahead. Next!” he motions to Tinsley.

The quick-witted rogue vexes the guard with his trickery “Wait a minute now!” The guard pleads mid-performance. “Hold on!” he insists. “Give it back already!” the man shouts to no avail.

After Tinsley finally hands it back, Gunnar says grinding his teeth. “You know what. You all look healthy enough. Go on ahead, the lot of you.”

Tinsley earns 1 inspiration point

The party moves towards the gate and right before entering, Gunnar places a heavy hand on Desmond’s shoulder. “I’m sorry my friend. You are a bit strange looking. We’ve had trouble with individuals like you in the past, so if you want to go into town, you need to be locked on this cage that Chogguf brought. There’s a cart, your friends can wheel you around, but I’ll keep the key. When you’re ready to leave, I’ll open the cage.”

Chogguf, the Halfling, says “Yes, into the cage please, sir Heartless.”

2020-05-07, 07:13 PM

Nile watches with amusement as Tinsley's fingers make fools of the two guards, the bigger of the two appearing more and more irate with time. Happy to have avoided being marked, Nile decides momentarily that at least the pair seemed decent enough. At their urging for Desmond to cage himself, however, that attitude rapidly changes.

"Perhaps it would be best if you took your hand and your cage back before you find yourself being wheeled around, Brainless," Nile responds, his tone tightly controlled as he stares unblinking at Gunnar. "You stand here desperate for help with little and less to offer by way of reward, yet you would cage the very people who come to your aid regardless? Let us pass, and we may yet forget this insult. Speak of cages again, and your new acting mayor will be searching for new acting guards."

Chaotic Neutral, and not at all a fan of cages. Not at all, not ever, not even for a good reason. Nile would prefer to settle this non-violently, but no one is getting in a cage.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2020-05-07, 07:22 PM
Jacques puts the absolute minimum effort into hiding his laughter at the guard as he fumbles to get his chalk back from Tinsley but as soon as they try out there little cage spiel on Desmond any hint of joviality gets wiped clean from his face.

You must not be that desperate for heroes if you demand to cage up people who have come to offer you aid in such trying times. Come on guys I’m sure we can find work in another town the doesn’t insist on treating one of us like an animal.

Desmond has endeared himself to Jacques by offering to help with the sewing last night. There’s no way Jacques isn’t gonna stand up for him.
Persuasion: [roll0]

John Cribati
2020-05-07, 08:39 PM

As much as he disliked the idea of putting Desmond in a cage, he had likely not endeared himself to anyone with his trick, and he lacked the physique to make a show of force to try and change matters.

He does stand beside Nile and level Gunnar with his most withering glare, in a show of where his (admittedly sometimes fickle) loyalties lie.

2020-05-08, 03:24 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Desmond was disheartened, but not surprised to hear about this arrangement. It was better than pitchforks and an angry mob he supposed. His party members standing up for him did cheer him up though, even if Desmond himself didn't want to make too big of a number. It seemed tensions were already high enough.

"I don't want any trouble, or violence, so if this arrangement truly unavoidable, I'll submit it." Desmond says, his tone dull.

"In any case, we already encountered some of the transformed last night, and unfortunately had to dispose of them. It seems they may have been your compatriots, and I'm sorry." Desmond hands Gunnar the badge he'd taken off from one of the corpses.

2020-05-08, 04:06 AM
Franklin looked at the whole thing and his facial expressions turned from friendly to baffled only to land on a certain cold expressionless glare.

He placed his thick meaty hand on Desmonds cool shoulder. "No, friend." He said quietly. He turned to address the guards.

"If he's to be wheeled in here as a common thief, you'll do the same with me. This here is a good man, and my friend, and I'll have the same treatment as him." Franklin stated everything quite matter of factly and made his way into the cage.
If anyone tried to stop him he'd brush them aside, and climbing into the cage the front of the cart suddenly went up in the air as 200 pounds of stubborn dwarf promptly sat down.

From within the cage Franklin growled at the halfling. "Go on then, you've made your bed. Lie in it." As he gauded the henchman to wheel him into town.

2020-05-08, 10:24 AM
After the strongly worded speeches, the guards look down in embarrassment and step out of Desmond’s way. The large guard, Gunnar, takes the badge offered by Desmond and mutters to himself “This one was my cousin’s. He marked his initials in the back.”

Chogguf, the Halfling, politely asks Frankling to climb down “No need for that, milord. Please walk on in, we’ll cause no trouble.”

They allow the party in without adding any further remarks and stand staring at their boots to avoid eye contact.


As the party walks in, they notice Wartbell is a regular small town, populated by humans who tend to ordinary affairs. Despite the rain, lumbers, cobblers, weavers and cheese makers walk around a small center plaza trading goods and small talk. Children run in the unpaved streets chasing loose chickens and jumping in the muddy puddles for fun.

When the party walks by, the adventurers get equal looks of admiration and mistrust.

From a short walk in the main street, it is easy to spot the local library, the town’s tavern, the mayor’s manor and a cleared plot of land stacked with practice targets reserved for honing your skill with bow or sword.
Amidst all of the movement, it is impossible not to notice a stunningly beautiful elf training with bow and arrow by herself. She seems never to miss a shot.

John Cribati
2020-05-08, 12:31 PM

Tinsley finds himself near the training grounds. Though not really one for combat himself, he had an enjoyment of watching people go through the motions.

The archer catches his eye near-instantly. He'd always had an appreciation for that art. Form and precision, dedication and focus. Much like his own study of the arts of illusion and trickery, but put toward something so straightforward, and deadly in its perceived elegance.

He takes a seat on the grass- a good distance away where for once, he hopes wouldn't bother anyone- to continue his observation.

2020-05-08, 03:20 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Desmond was surprised by Franklin's actions, but pleased. As they walked away from the guards, Desmond had a little more spring in his step. "Thank you for that. I understands the guards, the tensions must be very high already, so I better be on my best behavior, but still. Thank you." Desmond then continued in a lower voice, in Dwarvish. "<Dwarvish> Certainly noble of you." If it was physically possible, Desmond would have been smirking. He hadn't missed the tattoos, and was fairly certain what they meant, but hadn't wanted to bring it up since the dwarf hadn't either.

Seeing the skilled elf practicing reminded Desmond he should be doing some himself, namely spending some on maintenance, and crafting some equipment for battle. The fire cylinder had performed well, but Desmond thought he could hone it further. Though that wasn't all he wanted, Desmond didn't think he'd be satisfied with just hanging back on the battlefield, but he felt he should do some more practicing and honing his battle instincts before he could do that. He was also carrying parts for one specific project with him, but it'd still probably take several nights before it'd be ready for field testing.

2020-05-08, 05:30 PM
Jacques has some really trouble keeping his eyes from drifting to the elf with the bow. Well gentlemen I suppose we should (his eyes flick to the elf as the sound of the bow twangs) probably head to talk to the mayor.

Waiting for a break between shots Jacques approaches the elf and gives a polite nod. Pardon me Ma’am. Can you point us in the direction of the Mayor? We’ve just arrived and we’re hoping we could help with some of the problems the town’s been having.

2020-05-08, 08:07 PM

Glancing back and forth between Tinsley and Jacques, a small smile tugs at Nile's lips as he stands idle next to Franklin and Desmond. "It seems Tinsley prefers to admire archery from afar, whereas Jacques looks interested in trying archery out for himself. Either of you guys like archery?" Nile asks, pausing to look at them and seeming to be genuinely concerned with the answer.

John Cribati
2020-05-08, 10:02 PM

Well, now that the opportunity has presented itself...

Tinsley goes over the trick in his head. Rather off-the-cuff, but he could still swing it.

He pulls one of the elf's arrows out of the target she was practicing with as he approaches.

I'm Tinsley. You've just met my associate, Jacques. Sorry he's so rudely interrupted your training.

He offers her the arrow, slipping it into his sleeve at the last moment.

Apologies. Sometimes m'sleeves have a mind of their own, y'know? Here, let me...
Reaching into his sleeve, he pulls out... the arrow.

He hesitates a moment. Oh, hold on, that's not how it...
Putting the arrow back up his sleeve, he tries again.

There we are! It's a pleasure to-

It isn't the arrow this time, but a wooden wand, about a foot long, painted mostly black with white tips at the end.

And that isn't it either... He reaches up his other sleeve, and begins to pull out a train of colored handkerchiefs.... Sod it.

He produces her arrow, puts it into her hand, and walks off.

As he does, a single red rose falls out of his sleeve onto the ground.

2020-05-08, 10:31 PM

Watching Tinsley's fingers fool the guards earlier, Nile wouldn't have guessed he could fumble a trick quite so badly. There is a certain fascination that comes from watching a disaster play out in front of you that keeps the eyes fixed, and Nile was completely spellbound as the scene in front of him unfolded.

The spell holding Nile in place, however, seems to break as soon as Tinsley's rose hits the ground. Nile hesitated indecisively a moment longer, wondering just how well Tinsley would handle a fresh insult coming off of such a disastrous introduction, but from what little he knew of him, it seemed Tinsley didn't think there was ever a bad time for a joke.

With a wave of his hand, Nile casts a simple spell, projecting his voice into Tinsley's ear as he walks away.

"Don't give up yet, I think she was just starting to come around! Come on, give it another shot. Ask her if she likes guys with really long rapiers!"

I cast minor illusion.

John Cribati
2020-05-08, 10:54 PM

Tinsley sends his own magical whisper right back.
How about you open with that, and I take bets on which of your body parts will collect the most arrows?

2020-05-09, 04:45 AM
Franklin grumbled at Desmonds words. "Twas nothing." His mood had soured by the actions of the guards and he had a hard time adjusting his demeanor.

However as Desmond dropped the Dwarvish word 'noble' Franklin raised an eyebrow and looked squarely at the warforged for a full second before giving the slightest nod of acknowledgement and respect before turning his attention to the town before them.

As Nile shares his observation, Franklin chuckles and was about to answer when Tinsley pulled his stunt.
The chuckle turned to a great smile and his bad mood had disappeared as fast as it had come.

"That's smart." He remarked to Desmond and Nile. "Confuse them with skill and dazzle them with humour, well played. Shall we?"

He waited for Jaqcues again to join before heading to the Mayor's Manor. He was sure Tinsley would tag along when it suited him.

2020-05-09, 08:35 AM
When Jacques approaches the elf, she replies:

“Greetings, stranger! If you follow the main street to the end, you’ll find the mayor’s manor. It’s not hard to spot it, even from here.” She pauses to shoot another arrow, dead on target. “However, the mayor is not there. The real one, I mean. You’ll have to settle whatever score you have, be it bounty or trade, with old man Felmor, who is acting in Lady Isabel’s stead.”

After Tinsley’s performance, the archer laughs joyfully and says “You’ve brightened my day, trickster, but I would advise against taking my arrows without permission. I won’t be merciful next time.” Still, the elf smiles and seems pleased to make your acquaintance.


The party moves on to the mayor’s manor finding it to be not that much larger than a regular home. Knocking on the door, the group is allowed in by a servant who leads them into the warmth of a small audience room. The servant pokes the fireplace “Just so it doesn’t die out, milords, one moment please” and proceeds to call the acting mayor, old Felmor.

“ Huh..? Oh, there you are! I knew someone would come to our aid!”

The old man walks up to the group. His left leg was replaced by a wooden log, so he limps and moves with difficulty.
"My name is Felmor! In my day, I used to be captain of the town guard. Now, I’m little more than a frail old man… Please, there’s tea in the kettle and cake at the table, help yourselves and come join me by the fire."

He sits down and begins to explain:

“A few days ago, our town was invaded by an ogre. The terrible foul beast kidnapped the real mayor, Lady Isabel, and took her away! I pray to gods she is still alive, but by now we all have very little hope. At the very least, however, she deserves a proper burial. So we are offering a reward for anyone who brings her back.”

He takes a key out of his pocket and limps towards a safe on the wall, producing a map and a heavy pouch full of coins.

“Our scouts believe the ogre has made his nest in this cavern here” he points to an x in the map, north of the town. “Some say it’s an old crypt, but I prefer not to lend ear to superstitious rumors. It is a hole in the ground, with an ogre inside.”

He pours the gold onto the table: “I plead you, bring back our Lady Isabel, and the gold is yours.” (There is at least 400 gold coins in the table)

2020-05-09, 11:22 AM

A fit of giggles escapes Nile as he tries to compose himself to respond to Tinsley, but he just can't. The simple cantrip ends with Nile wiping a tear from his eye, nodding in appreciation. "Well played indeed, Franklin," Nile says, still chuckling.


Nile helps himself to cake and tea before finding the seat furthest from the fire to listen to the old man's story. Though the story is neither long nor complicated, the cake disappears from Nile's plate before Felmor finishes a sentence. Nile can't help glancing back at what remains, not wishing to appear rude, but much more interested in another piece than the man's story. Should he just interrupt the old man and get some more or should he wai--

As 400 gold coins spill out onto the table in front of them, Nile's thoughts finally catch up to the matter at hand. Something about ogres, he was reasonably sure. 400 gold pieces though, Nile caught that part very clearly. In his whole life, Nile had never managed to string together more than 20 gold pieces. Wealth for the sake of wealth wasn't a preoccupation for Nile like it was for some, but wealth could buy a measure of power all on its own. Nile's fingers twitched under the table before he clasped his hands together. Looking around at his colleagues, Nile cleared his throat.

"Felmor, sir, your tale grieves us deeply. I, um, ahem, I think I speak for all of us when I say it would be our honor to aid you in this matter," he says, looking around for confirmation and feeling sure he would find it. "Umm, there is the small matter of our expenses upfront though, as it were," Nile says, carrying on. "Perhaps you'd allow us a nominal amount of, oh, 50 gold in advance so that we might be fully prepared to take on the beast."

Roll for persuasion: [roll0]

2020-05-09, 11:38 AM
Nacques thanks the elven woman and gives a huge smile to Tinsley Its been a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I’m sure we’ll see you around town after our talk with the new mayor.

While listening to the old man speech Jacques take a piece of cake simply to be polite. As he sees Nile race through the slice he took Jacques leads towards him and offers his own untouched cake to the sorcerer.
Mr. Felmor do we have this right? Not only is your town suffering from so sort of magical vegetal ailment, but on top of that your mayor has been made off with by an ogre?

John Cribati
2020-05-09, 04:43 PM

And then there was an ogre, because plant zombies weren't enough apparently.

He swallows a bite of cake- only those who paid close attention were aware of when he took a slice; fewer still knew how many he'd had- and claps a hand in Nile's shoulder.

Normally I wouldn't go so far as to request part our payment up front, but I can't help but agree with my friend here. I'm not sure what other ills might befall you while we're gone, you know?

2020-05-09, 06:02 PM
Desmond wasn't exactly certain what Tinsley was trying to accomplish, but did find it amusing, chuckling with the others.

At the not-really-mayor's house, Desmond listened to the man's tale, helping himself to a cup of tea. It didn't do anything for him, but it felt nice to take part in rituals like that.

"Your town certainly has had a string of bad luck, my condolences." Though this of course was good luck for Desmond. The reward they offered seemed quite handsome indeed, and Desmond could use some new tools.

"I heard a rumour that this outbreak might be connected to an old, this wouldn't be the same crypt?"

2020-05-10, 09:16 PM
Old man Felmor listens to Nile’s request and responds with a reluctant smile: “It’s a fair request. 50 gold to each hero, the remaining of the purse upon your safe return.” As he counts the coins and hands them to the party, the acting mayor replies to Jacque’s concerns:

“Ah! Yes, the town’s coffers are running low. But this gold is my own personal treasure. Mind you, I had my good share of adventures in my day. But now, I have no need for gold. You’ll face a strong foe, hence a fitting reward.”

When Desmond mentions the crypt, the old man waves his hand dismissively “Ah, the old crypt! Twonsfolk have been blabbering about it since I was a toddler. Pay no mind to it… nothing but a story to frighten young children. It is a cave! – A cave with an Ogre inside –, but still a cave.” He finishes handing the payment and moves to a chest in the corner of the room.

“I have a few of these left, they could come in handy. Ah, and of course my good old weapon.. I have no use for it anymore, and it’s not fair for such a good blade to be gathering dust in an old man’s home.”
Felmor puts three vials of healing potion on the table, along with a distinct looking dagger. It gleams with the typical glow of magic weapons.

2020-05-11, 02:27 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

"Ah, excellent!" Desmond exclaims as he puts the gold coins into his coin purse, sounding excited. "I believe I shall put most of this back to your economy as soon as possible, I'm in dire need for some more tools."

Desmond does wonder if the deputy mayor is trying to downplay the danger in the crypt, and tries to gauge if he's hiding something.

Insight, to see if Felmor is holding something back: [roll0]

2020-05-11, 05:20 AM

With so much wealth gathered on the table in front of him, Nile can't help looking at the old man with a newfound sense of respect. Nile inclines his head, bowing slightly before returning his gaze. "You have our gratitude Felmor," he says, pocketing his share of the gold. "We'll find the Lady Isabel if we can."

Once they're well away, Nile's respect gradually slips to suspicion. He inspects the dagger and a few of his coins just to be as sure the man was true to his word.

Insight: [roll0]
Investigation: [roll1]

John Cribati
2020-05-11, 06:50 AM

Tinsley tucks away his share- and technically only half of it at that, how exciting- of the gold, but can't help but narrow his eyes.

Sorry, Common isn't really my first language, but crypts are where you keep dead folks, right? And you have a specific issue concerning dead folks who are still shamblin' about because of magic flowers or summat, right? Am I the only one seeing some tenuous connection?

2020-05-11, 10:26 AM
Mr. Felmor you’re a credit to your town. Jacques says to the old man as he sweeps his share of the money into his coin pouch (trying to look nonchalant and to hide his greed over the small fortune). Any city would be lucky to have you counted among its citizens. Don’t worry about Lady Isabel we’ll save you mayor or die trying, and he says with a chuckle, I don’t think any of us are planning on doing any dying!

After which Jacques listens to Tinsley’s comment and does a half shrug. Maybe the reanimated dead and the ogre will battle each other and we can just slip in and out with a rescued mayor.

2020-05-11, 11:36 AM
The warforged’s suspicion is correct. The old man is afraid that if he confirms the crypt rumors, the heroes will start having second thoughts –or even worse, claim a bigger reward that he cannot afford. Of course there is something dark and mysterious at the heart of all of this. But he doesn’t seem dishonest, just unsure of what is out there.

Nothing wrong with the gold: Authentic legal tender. Nothing wrong with the weapon. Good old +1 dagger. Fitting for adventure!

With Tinsley's remark, the acting mayor replies “Ah, the spore curse… Terrible affliction… Maybe it is all related…” The old man frowns and adds “Truth be told, I have no idea of what waits for you in that cave. Or crypt, whatever the hells it is. The Ogre alone would be terrifying, but it’s likely you’ll find more cursed and frightening things. If you wish to leave and abandon the quest, I won’t hold it against you.” He gets up from his chair and pokes the fire, as if expecting the cinders to provide the answers he doesn’t have. “It is a fool’s errand. Going up against the unknown… Too dangerous.”

But then Jacques says “Maybe the reanimated dead and the ogre will battle each other and we can just slip in and out with a rescued mayor” And that gives a boost to the old man’s spirit. He lets out a hearty laugh and says “Oh! I’d give my good leg to see that battle!”

The acting mayor thanks the group for their help, reaffirms he’s promise to pay the reward upon the party’s return and sees the heroes out.

The rain outside has turned into heavy downpour, which means the road north will be muddy and hard to trek.

2020-05-11, 02:50 PM
“Oh! I’d give my good leg to see that battle!”

Preferably with a strong drink in hand and at a comfortable distance. Speaking of which this weather doesn’t exactly inspire joy in me when I think about marching through it. What do you guys think about investigating the local Inn’s vacant room situation?

2020-05-11, 04:43 PM
Franklin had been standing to the side during the meeting. Everything that crossed his mind had been asked and answered, and so he pocketed the gold and nodded briskly.

Felmore possibly only saw a stoic dwarf taking money from the table and giving the barest of acknowledgement to his person. Franklin however, had in his mind completed a ritual of honor and respect. Taking the money meant he would fulfil the task even if it meant his death, or shame would befall his name. Soiling the agreement with words was unnecessary so the curtest of nods was sufficient.

As they walked out Franklin nodded. "Yes! Let's seek out the local establishment before heading out."

John Cribati
2020-05-11, 04:51 PM

So, just putting it out there, is anyone else frugal enough to go halfsies on a room?

2020-05-11, 05:00 PM

Nile nods slowly, warming to the idea as the cake settles in his stomach. He had to admit, even if he didn't personally mind a good rain, it would be a good deal more comfortable listening to it from inside a tavern with a drink in his hand than walking through it for the next few hours. Besides, Jacques had slipped him a slice of cake earlier. Nile wasn't much for honor and all that, but he figured he was something like honor-bound to agree with Jacques for the next few minutes at least.

"You're right, of course. Let's see if we can find something stronger than a cup of tea and perhaps a dry place to rest our heads."

Nile looks back and forth between Tinsley and his own bulging pouch full of coins and shrugs. "I've never been rich enough to say I don't care about a few silver. Guess I'm still not. I'll room with you Tinsley.

2020-05-11, 10:36 PM
Depending on how many rooms are even available at the inn we may all end up being bunk bed brothers

2020-05-12, 03:24 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

"Oh, well I wouldn't mind that. I don't really like to rest on a bed, and watching sleeping people is rather comforting", Desmond responds to Jacques' comment. His tone was casual, so it was hard to tell if he was actually joking or not.

John Cribati
2020-05-12, 05:20 AM

Des, my man, that may be- actually, hold on.

By what can only be divine intervention, Tinsley shuts his mouth, and what's more, appears to actually consider his words. After a time, he visibly gives up.

For the record, you have not rendered me speechless, as it were. I in fact have a myriad of things I could say to that, but I'm concerned about offending your personhood, and what with that whole thing back then with the cage, and me not really saying anything, I do want you to understand where I stand on that whole... angle.

It may be the closest thing to an apology that's left his mouth in years. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and mumbles some more.

I'm not exactly completely what you'd call "human" myself, so I get it.

2020-05-12, 07:42 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Desmond quizzically watches Tinsley struggle with his words, not really catching the gist of it. Nevertheless, he patted the rogue's shoulder in good humor. "Do you have elven lineage or something like that then? In any case, don't feel bad about that incident, you weren't the one trying to put me into a cage after all. I hope you aren't afraid to speak your mind though, because as you can see, I have a rather thick skin, heh", Desmond says, knocking on his head and producing a metallic "klang", chuckling about his own joke.

"If I did say something odd, I do apologize. To be honest, I've mostly kept to myself for a rather long time, so I'm not always quite certain when I shouldn't say what's on my mind."

2020-05-12, 08:41 AM
After short deliberation, the party seeks shelter from the heavy rains at the local inn to spend the night and get ready for the morning’s journey. As far as inn’s go, this particular one is rather nice. Not the most accommodating the group has ever seen, but far from the worse.

The innkeeper is a polite old man, but he laughs at the notion of bunking mates. He brings you upstairs to one big communal room revealing you all had to share to begin with. The price is one gold coin per night, which reduces the old man from polite to greedy. At least he throws in a hot meal: a bowl of vegetable soup and a piece of brisket.

(Jacques: During the evening, as Jacques reviews his notes and say his prayers, he can also perform the finding familiar ritual, to acquire the bat helper! If Jacques wants to.)

(If your character is a heavy drinker, please roll a 2d6 and subtract that in silver pieces. That’s your bar tab)

Morning comes again with a light drizzle. Someone mentions it is unusually rainy for the season. It was good to rest in a comfortable bed with warm blankets. The second the heroes step out, they are greeted with a gust of chilled wind, reminding them that autumn will soon give way to the snowy season.

As the party prepares to leave town, following the map to the marked location, the heroes are interrupted by a barefoot gnome with unkempt hair “Greetings, strangers!” the gnome is holding a squirrel close to his chest, as if comforting a newborn “On behalf of the Druid’s guild, allow me to offer my services! I see you intent to depart on yet another harrowing journey! So, for a small sum of 5 gold pieces, I can send a woodland critter carrying a message to a loved one. Let them know you fare well and send your regards!”

(this is a postal druid. This service is common in small towns)

John Cribati
2020-05-12, 09:23 AM

{This is still last night}

Tinsley chuckles- it comes out more like a snort.

You're not wrong, but you also- literally- barely know the half of it.

So my mum's half-orc, and my Dad's half-elf. Then my grandfather on my mum's side, he was mostly human but his grandmum was a gnome, and then my dad was a second generation half elf- his mum was half-Drow and his dad was Half Wood-Elf.

... Travelin's been in my blood for a few generations now, if you can't tell.

{The morning now}

Tinsley thinks it over- it had been a few weeks since he'd had the coin to get in touch with his folks.

He offers the gnome the gold and pens a short letter.

2020-05-12, 10:44 AM
Before he heads to sleep at night Jacques takes the time to light his incense and casts find familiar. Promptly a small celestial spirit manifests a little black bat that Jacques names Ophelia.

Jacques starts to make a face at the idea of having someone stare at him while he slept all night but manages to turn it into a shrug. (Desmond’s just about the nicest war machine you could imagine. I can’t imagine he’s gonna get up to any mischief while I sleep and it not exactly like it’s a human eyeballing me through the night)

With the weather so blustery Jacques makes sure to buy a thick overcoat or cloak to protect him from the elements. With that out of way and Ophelia safely tucked under the new coat Jacques is ready to once again face the wilderness.

2020-05-12, 11:59 AM

[The night before]

Standing just outside the mayor's manor, Nile can't help feeling incredibly fortunate as he looks from one face to the next. They were still making plans for that evening, but Nile was momentarily distracted, wondering if he'd felt this comfortable around a group of new people this quickly before. Nile had avoided others at first, preferring to travel the road alone, but it wasn't long before he'd discovered just how dangerous adventuring alone truly was. One close call had been enough. Even so, he had expected to drift from group to group, growing his power and his fortune slowly on his own. It had seemed foolish just a few weeks ago to trust anyone on the road. Perhaps it still was, but Nile was having a harder time remembering why.

As Desmond demonstrates his 'thick skin,' Nile squeezes his hands together, resisting the urge to reach up and knock on his noggin. How would one go about politely requesting permission to knock on a Warforged? Before Nile can give the question full consideration, Tinsley dives into his lineage, and Nile's thoughts are turned elsewhere. His puzzlement finally gives way as a look of understanding passes over his face. Nodding sagely, he remarks, "I think I can see it." He examines Tinsley even closer, sharp eyes roaming over the rogue's features. "And there's something else too, isn't there? Is that...did one of your ancestor's mate with a were-rat, perhaps?"

Later that night, Nile watches with interest as Jacques proceeds with the ritual necessary to bring Ophelia into his service. It's both fascinating and inspiring, as Nile can only imagine what sort of familiar he might choose given such an opportunity. A hound of some kind, perhaps.

I can think of worse things to spend coin on. I have a few drinks, whether to join someone else or just to block out the sound of someone else snoring and/or the sight of Desmond staring unblinkingly.


[The next morning]

Nile eyeballs the druid suspiciously, but ultimately doesn't say or do anything. Instead he thinks back, trying to remember if he's ever used a spell to catapult a living creature. He frowns, unable to remember such a time. If one were to catapult a squirrel into an ogre, how might that play out?

2020-05-12, 02:02 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Desmond is surprised to hear about Tinsley's colorful ancestry. "That's... quite the tapestry." he comments, in turn seeming lost for words. Though he did wonder if the roguish man was pulling his leg.

Desmond doesn't really feel like wasting food, but he does politely enough buy an ale, mostly just holding it during the evening. As everyone goes to sleep, Desmond goes to stand next to a wall, becoming as motionless as a statue. The red glow of his eyes dims to almost nothing, though he can still indeed see everyone, and decides to watch for any pickpockets who might be sharing a room with them.


In the morning, rested and full of energy, Desmond starts working early, tinkering a little to create some goggles that would allow the wearer to see in the darkness. They were going into a crypt after all, couldn't expect it to be well lit.

Desmond isn't worried about the chill, but the hopes the weather won't obscure visibility or make their trip otherwise harder. He doesn't have a user (or the money) for the gnome's services though, and just gives his greetings to the druid.

Create Goggless of the night (artificer skill).
Add Sanctuary to prepared spells.

2020-05-12, 02:43 PM
Franklin showed a side of himself he hadn't yet revealed. He was enjoying many different drinks, talked to many different people and laughed loud at jokes, his own and others.

He'd been social around the campfire before, but in a sort of reserved way. Telling stories, listening.
Tonight he'd been unencumbered by social status, and he had felt free as a bird. The music, the strange exotic architecture of above ground dwellings, the fresh air and warm fire. He was feeling the vibe and spent the coin to show it.

Something about being with this group of people made him, happy, he realised as he stumbled up to his bed and fell into a deep careless slumber, with a foolish grin under his red beard.

The next day he was surprisingly fit, and already almost done eating a large breakfast before most made it downstairs. He greeted everyone and finished off his beans, eggs, bacon and toast and washed it away with a good amount of coffee. He paid his tab from the night before and laughed as he shared a joke with the innkeep. All that could be made out was "No, keep the change, I insist. Lovely place."

He joined the others and remarked more then once about what a nice little inn they'd stumbled across.

As they met the druid, Franklin looked at the squirrel sceptically.
"Sorry friend, I don't think they'll make it to where I'm looking to send word to."

At that he turned his attention back to the druid. "Say, you look like you're in tune with the natural order of things. Notice anything off these days? Plants infecting folk and using their dead husks as a way to move around kind of off, perhaps?"

2020-05-13, 10:23 AM
The druid introduces himself as Zimo, the gnome. He crumble’s Tinsley’s letter into a small paper ball “To preserve your privacy, milord”and adds it to his smoke pipe. After a few long puffs, he whispers words to the squirrel’s ear, which immediately bolts off into the woods carrying the magical message.

To Franklin’s question, he answers “Terrible thing, the spore curse. I can only guess its origin. Keep your blade sharp and don’t let the monsters eat you. Sadly, that’s all the advice I can offer, milord.” He then goes on to send other townsfolk letters calling on birds, squirrels and even a ladybug, for a shorter message.


Leaving the town, the party sees the same two guards from the day before: the large man Gunnar and his Halfling helper Chogguf. Both of them avoid eye contact with the group and try to be invisible as the party walks by.


The trail to the location marked on the map is a lesser challenge for the heroes. The woods get denser at a few spots as you get closer, but nothing impossible to overcome and no surprise attacks from evil creatures.

After about 5 hours of hiking, the party arrives at a clearance and spots something that looks like a mine shaft or an ordinary cave. It is closed by heavy metal doors, large enough for an Ogre-sized being to enter and leave comfortably. There is also something that looks like an old well or watering hole close to the doors and surprisingly, a pack mule is roaming the area. The animal has a riding saddle with pockets for carrying equipment or supplies. It is tied to a tree near the entrance, eating grass peacefully.

What will the party do?

2020-05-13, 12:42 PM
Hmmm. Well... I didn’t really expect this. I guess someone else had beat us here? Is it possible that old man sent off multiple groups of adventurers to track down the mayor?

2020-05-13, 01:02 PM
"Certainly a possibility. We should be cautious about attacking the first thing we see, in case it's a friendly. I hope the ogre just hasn't gained a second prisoner", Desmond says, eyeing the entrance cautiously.

"Jacques, you recently gained a familiar, yes? Do you think you could send it to scout ahead of us?" Desmond asks. He also goes to examine the door, if it looks it should open easily enough.

2020-05-13, 01:05 PM
They are large metal doors, a little heavy. But they are unlocked and are fairly easy to open. If you peek inside, you see dark stone steps leading down into a corridor. Nothing out of the ordinary, but a strong scent of mold.

2020-05-13, 03:05 PM
Franklin approached the Mule as gently as he could, and searched the saddlebags and pockets for any indication to its owner.

2020-05-13, 03:36 PM
I was thinking the same think Desmond. If the rest of you are all right with it I think Ophelia here would be up for a little scouting.

2020-05-13, 05:10 PM

Nile looks on the bat fondly, nodding in agreement. "Can't say I'd be opposed to having Ophelia take a look-see. She's liable to do a much better job of getting in and out sight-unseen than I would."

John Cribati
2020-05-13, 06:07 PM

Tinsley mostly hangs back. He'd hoped something described as a "cave" would be a lot less... straightforward. Still it wouldn't hurt to take a good look at those steps, would it?

Just to be sure he hadn't missed any nooks, crannies, or other such hidey-holes...

Investigation: [roll0]

2020-05-14, 12:48 PM
Franklin:Searching the mule’s saddlebags, Franklin finds ordinary travelling gear, all in terrible condition.

The only item worth of note is a small leather book that seems to be some kind of diary/journal. Shuffling through the pages, he finds the name of the owner, written in gold ink and fancy calligraphy, “an adventuring gnome named Gemma”. All of the entries are written in the gnomish language, which no one in the party is able to read, but at the very least Franklin can tell the dates, due to a few similarities with the dwarven language. The last entry is dated month Therendor 30th, year 760, which more than ten years ago.

After that page, it’s mostly blank. Except for a few random pages with nonsense scribble in terrible calligraphy and doodles of ponies inside poorly shaped hearts. But these were clearly made by someone other than the original owner.

Tinsley:Venturing a few steps into the dungeon, Tinsley finds nothing out of the ordinary. The doors are heavy, sure, but there is no kind of trap or harm at the entrance.

Sending Ophelia down the corridor, the bat finds a dark hallway leading into a large room that seems to be either a library or a laboratory. But it seems not to have been used in quite some time. The furniture is in poor shape or outright broken, the dusty books are torn and tossed around the room, along with broken empty vials and pots.

A few things stand out: There is a stone statue hunched over a desk, posed as if examining notes or a book of some sort. And at the far side of the room, next to a firmly closed door, there is another stone statue of a man posed in a praying position. Around its neck, hangs a big metal key.

Not only that, Ophelia is able to hear loud snoring coming from the following room and, as far as the sense of smelling goes, the bat does not enjoy the scent of this place.

John Cribati
2020-05-14, 02:15 PM

Satisfied that everything was as straightforward as it looked, Tinsley returns to the group.

No traps or anything; not that you really expect an ogre to be smart enough for that, but measure twice, cut once and all that. Only issue I see is that it's the one entrance and exit, so the current contingency plan for getting caught is to not be the slowest one in the group.

2020-05-14, 03:31 PM
Franklin didn't know what to make of the diary. He flipped through it, and mumbled a bit. "Ten years ago, wonder what happened to you." He spent a few seconds staring at the ponies and hearts. "Childlike innocence."

He showed the diary to the others shared his findings before tucking it away in his backpack. He made sure the Mule wasn't going anywhere, and fed it some bread he had.

"You sure your Ophelia is safe down there Jaqcues?" Franklin asked as he took hid large blade from his back and unstrapped the leather guard.

2020-05-14, 07:40 PM
I hope so Franklin. I imagine a bat doesn’t stand out too much in a cave and she can fly and everything but it’s still brave of her to investigate. Definitely deserving of double rations of familiar treats when she gets back.

I can’t imagine that mule has just been here for 10 years. What the hells is going on here?
I think we should investigate what’s going on on the next level but we should be even more careful than before. Those statues aren’t exactly what I’d carve. There could be cockatrice or Medusa or basilisks down there.

2020-05-14, 08:33 PM

Nile's frown grows deeper and deeper as he puzzles over the mule, the 10 year old gnomish journal, and Jacques' description of the pair of statues and the inside of the cave.

"Whatever else may have happened here," he finally says, "this cave has certainly changed hands. Any sign of Lady Isabel? Maybe if we're quiet enough we can find out her fate before waking the...new owner of this beautiful home."

2020-05-15, 04:27 AM
"Perhaps the contents of the diary led the mule's owner here. Since this is a crypt, perhaps there's something valuable buried with a body, and I imagine that sort of thing would attract treasure hunters..." Desmond muses.

"The statues do seem rather worrisome, though I suppose not terribly out of place in a crypt. Though if there's indeed valuable here, I wouldn't disregard any possible magical defences or traps. Better watch your step, I suppose."

"If we want to take the sneaky approach, I don't think I should be in the front. I wasn't exactly built for stealth, so I don't think I should be in the front. In any case, if the occupant is currently asleep, I believe we shouldn't loiter too long." Desmonds start preparing for the exploration, putting on his new goggles and strapping on his shield.

2020-05-15, 12:49 PM
My vote is that we go in as slowly and quietly as possible. We should search every inch of every room. It’s like Tinsley pointed out, there’s only one exit so we want to make sure nothing gets a chance to flank us and trap us if we need to exercise the discretion and run away.

2020-05-15, 12:58 PM
hey guys, I'm a bit overwhelmed with work stuff today. A fresh post will come tomorrow or maybe later today!

2020-05-15, 01:23 PM
Take it easy Yonks, happy Friday everyone!

2020-05-16, 12:02 PM
Carefully, the party goes down the steps leading into a dark hallway that soon leads into the area that Ophelia had explored. A room that once served as a library or study of some sort and now is in decaying conditions. The furniture is broken and books are tossed around.

A few things stand out: There is a stone statue hunched over a desk, posed as if examining notes or a book of some sort. And at the far side of the room, next to a firmly closed door, there is another stone statue of a man posed in a praying position. Around its neck, hangs a big metal key.

The party is able to hear loud snoring coming from the following room and the entire are reeks with a sickening foul odor.


2020-05-16, 12:53 PM

Nile looks around at the others, seeming to reassure himself that he's not alone in the presence of that snoring. Butterflies churn in his stomach as he considers just how menacing the sound is despite its otherwise innocent nature. Carefully, Nile creeps forward, stepping over to the nearest statue and examining it along with the notes it may well study for eternity.

Stealth and investigation if necessary.

Stealth: [roll0]
Investigation: [roll1]

2020-05-16, 04:38 PM
Desmond doesn't really smell anything, but does recognize the expressions on his friends' faces. Sometimes it did pay not to have a nose.
"Can anyone check for magic in the room? There might be a magical trap", Desmond whispers.

2020-05-16, 07:08 PM
While his friends looked around the room Franklin carefully moved over to the door from which they could hear snoring, and positioned himself next to it. This way, if who, or rather whatever, would come storming out he'd be in the right place.

He had his greatsword ready and scanned the room while he stood guard.

Perception 1d20

2020-05-17, 10:14 AM
Nile examines the first statue. At careful examination, it seems to be completely made of ordinary stone and depicts a short humanoid wearing adventuring gear. Though it is wearing a hooded cloak, Nile can tell the facial features resemble those of a female gnome. Across the room, Tinsley examines the second statue and comes to the same conclusion. Simply ordinary rock carved into the likeness of and old man praying.

Back to the sorcerer Nile: On the desk, amidst a mess of parchments and broken vials, he finds an open book written in a strange language featuring drawings of cockatrice monsters, followed by what appears to be a manual to brew a potion, but it is impossible to understand.

Besides the book, Nile finds a silver necklace that appears to be valuable. But before the Sorcerer can celebrate his finding, the face of the statue turns to him abruptly with a hateful stare and raises its hand attacking with sharp claws, but the creature's efforts to hurt the sorcerer are halted by the powerful mage armor protecting Nile.

advantage: [roll1]
damage: [roll2]
*this monster had advantage on its first attack

Simultaneously, on the other side of the room, as the rogue Tinsley reaches out for the metal key hanging around the neck of the second statue, it also comes alive, revealing to be another hateful monster launching a claw attack: The monster slashes Tinsley and it stings like hell! The claws are dripping with a gray gooey substance.

damage: [roll5]
*this monster has advantage on its first attack

Spell Slots

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 17/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 02/17

Gnome Statue

Old Man Statue


2020-05-17, 01:25 PM

Declaring actions since I definitely have (too much) time to post right now and I don't think anyone will do anything to change these actions.

Nile let out a shriek a few octaves higher than he might have otherwise wished were possible. Claws reached out for him, but the wispy hint of armor that swirled around him suddenly turned opaque at the point of contact, deflecting the blow.

Recovering his senses, Nile draws the shadows to him and feels the energy crackle in his fingers before reaching out to give it to the statue.

"Bad touch!" Nile announced deliriously, though it wasn't altogether clear whether he was referring to the creature's attempted attack or his own.

Action: Cast Shocking Grasp

Melee spell attack: [roll0]

If I roll a 10 or below (on the roll, 15 total), I will use one point of Lucky (3x available) to reroll.

Reroll if applicable: [roll1]

If Nile succeeds on the hit, he runs away to tile O-12 and pulls out his crossbow.

If Nile fails on the hit, he pulls a dagger and tries not to pee his pants.

Bonus Action:
Either way, Nile spends both sorcery points to generate another 1st level spell slot. He now has 3 remaining.

2020-05-17, 02:24 PM
Jacques (at M12) calls out, Tinsley are you ok?! What the hells are these things?

He points at the rocky monstrosity that Nile shocked and a blue-white bean of energy lasers out of his outstretched digit.

Jacques casts Sacred Flame DC 13 Dex Save or [roll0] Radiant damage

2020-05-17, 02:30 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 17/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

Well, the statues were indeed more than statues. Desmond brings out the metal cylinder inside his hand, aiming it at the statue Nile was currently facing, and fired a shot of fire at it.

Firebolt: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

John Cribati
2020-05-17, 03:15 PM


Tinsley was the kind of guy who picked "flight" when given the option. By the time the statue came to a presumably unholy semblance of life, he was in the process of scrambling away. He only recognized he'd been struck when he felt something try to change within him. He put a hand to the pain and stiffness in his stomach, and his fingers came back red and... grey?

... Ow.

He felt his body react to the poison, his instincts screaming at him to keep moving and stay safe, and he was behind Desmond before it registered he started moving again.

Stone beats Flesh; Metal beats Stone. You mind handin' me one of them potions before my insides become my outsides?

Disengage with Old Man Statue, move to N14, Use healing potion

2020-05-17, 04:57 PM
Suddenly the room erupted in frantic action and Franklin was dumbfounded for a second, not realising what was going on. It took for Tinsley next to him darting back and seeing the statue land a blow on him for Franklin to solidify what he knew needed to be done.

"Not on my watch you sneaky garden ornament!"

He shifted his weight and rammed the stoney old man with his shoulder, as he spun around and by doing so created space for his sword swing.

Arms out straight, he aimed for the statues neck and put his put his weight behind it.

When he felt the blow connect he let the power of his lineage, his blood, flow through his arms, hands and weapon. Blessed by the Allfather himself, the Stone Eye, the Gilded Mask and the Divine Architect, his weapon dealt a destructive blow.

2020-05-17, 05:45 PM
As soon as the stone statues start clawing at the heroes, the construct artificer Desmond launches one of his famous firebolts! The fire engulfs the creature, damaging the stone surface.

On the other side of the room, imbued with sacred power, the dwarf Franklin lands a crushing blow that reduces the old man statue to powdered rock! A pile of dusty crumbled rocks forms on the ground and the only thing that remains intact is a solid skull made of black stone.

On his turn, the Arcane Cleric Jacques casts a radiant magical flame at the gnomish statue, causing yet more damage, reducing it to a frail figure of crumbling stone that somehow still stands.

Finally, the shocking grasp sent out by Nile is enough to destroy whatever was left of the stone monster. Like the old man, it also crumbles into a pile of broken stones, leaving a black stone skull intact.

Everything in the room returns to the calm stillness of mere moments ago.

John Cribati
2020-05-17, 06:07 PM

Tinsley scoops up the key- he'd nearly been disemboweled trying to get the thing, so he may as well- as his flesh knits back together enough to stop the bleeding.

I'll have to come up with a better backstory for this scar than this. How does "robbed an Earth Elemental blind" sound?

2020-05-17, 08:16 PM

Nile clenches his hands together for a moment to stop them from shaking and then busies them investigating the black stone skull at his feet.

"I prefer a good garden ornament story myself, but I could see how one of the fairer sex might feel differently. If we put an end to that snoring and get back to Wartbell alive we'll find a bard to write the song. For now though, how in the seven hells is that thing still sleeping?"

Investigate: [roll0]

2020-05-17, 09:00 PM
Do you guys know what those things were? That was tense for a second there.

Jacques tries to steady his breathing but he’s still not used to being in any kind of danger.

If you guys think we have time I’d love to cast Detect Magic and scan this room for anything else that not what it looks like.

If people are willing to wait Jacques ritual casts Detect Magic and looks over the whole room.

2020-05-18, 03:17 AM
"No idea. Perhaps they were just something akin to golems, an automatic defense of sorts?" Desmond muses, looking around the room casually now that it's quiet. "That sounds good, there might more magical traps, or perhaps even something valuable. We're of course here on a rescue mission, but I'm sure nobody here would mind a bonus." He only briefly glances at Tinsley.

While Jacques is casting his spell, Desmond starts to examine the room, especially the writing desk the other statue was hunched over.

Investigation: [roll0]

John Cribati
2020-05-18, 12:20 PM

Take all the time you need, Tinsley huffs, catching his breath now that the adrenaline is gone. I want to put as much time as possible between suffering life-threatening injuries.

Though absolutely willing to play up his injury for all it's worth, he still shuffles about the room, making an attempt at finding something important and/or valuable.

Investigation: [roll0]

2020-05-18, 01:41 PM
Nile picks up one of the skulls. It is heavy, with a clean smooth surface, and dark as the night. Staring at the eye cavities gives Niles an eerie feeling and for a second, the sorcerer believes the skull is trying to whisper something.
An Arcana check DC 20 is required to understand the whispers.

Casting detect magic, Jacques sees the typical glow of magic coming from the silver necklace that Nile found on the desk. If the Cleric spends a short rest examining the item, he’ll be able to tell its magic effect.

Looking over the desk, Desmond finds broken vials and moldy tomes written in a strange language. They have detailed anatomic drawings of monsters such as cockatrices and basilisks, followed by what seems to be instructions for brewing potions. But they are impossible to comprehend and some of the pages are missing.

Tinsley finds a sack in one of the shelves with 98 copper pieces.

2020-05-18, 02:54 PM
Desmond decide to store some of the notes just in case. Perhaps someone in the town or one of the other party members could translate them, but now wasn't the time for academic research. "Hmmh. Better watch out for monster that might try to turn your flesh to stone. And metal perhaps as well, never had the opportunity to test that, as far as I can remember."

2020-05-18, 02:56 PM
Franklin surveyed the wreckage and made his way over to Tinsley. "That was quite a blow there." He said as he put his hand on Tinsleys shoulder.

The effect is instant and under his clothes Franklin's tattoos glow blue briefly as warmth and energy fills Tinsley. "You should be able to breathe a bit better now." He said as the hand on the shoulder turned into a friendly tap.

"I don't know about you lot, but I'm dying to know what's behind this door right here." He said as he pointed at the direction of the snoring.

2020-05-18, 06:22 PM

Nile stares into the sockets of the skull, his thumb tracing over the perfectly smooth bone. The skull is fascinating all by itself, its surface a beautiful black, but the hair on the back of his neck stands up momentarily when he imagines a whisper. He redoubles his concentration, staring harder as he realizes the skull may hold more secrets than it first appeared to. A second later, he realizes with a chuckle that it was just a draft coming from the entrance. He sets the skull back down on the desk and turns away, watching Franklin demonstrate his power. Damned useful power, he had to admit. He stared down at his hands, wondering if there was any way to patch up his wounds with the shadows. He thought on it for a second and then decided he was being dumb.

He looks back up at Franklin and nods. "Provided that what's behind that door right there is just the mayor who happens to be a sound sleeper and snore a bit, I'm right there with you Franklin."

John Cribati
2020-05-18, 08:36 PM

Thanks, mate.

Though his shirt is still ruined- and the scar would be much less impressive now- he considers it a fair trade for the amount of pain he's no longer in.

So how's formation gonna work? I suggest our two armored members go in first.

2020-05-18, 08:56 PM
Cautiously, anticipating the dangers beyond, the party uses the key to open the door…

On the other side, they find a 70ft. long empty hallway filled with a foul-smelling blue mist. On the far side of the hallway, there’s another door. The sound of snoring is much louder here.

Everyone must roll a Constitution Saving throw.
Except for Desmond, who doesn’t breath so is naturally immune.
Dwarven resilience doesn’t apply.
Jacques and Franklin have inspiration points.

2020-05-19, 10:17 AM
The party is nauseated by the foul odor of the blue fog, except Desmond who perhaps feels excluded from the experience of irritated stomach and lungs.

Covering their noses and mouths with cloth or rags, the party presses forward across the hall reaching an unlocked door at the other end, where the snoring becomes almost deafening.

Cautiously, the party opens the door into another large chamber. Now free of the aggravating mist, the party finds what looks like a large humanoid creature sleeping belly up on a pile of indistinct trash. There are leftovers of food scattered across the floor, including chewed up chicken bones and rotting pieces of fruit. Close to the sleeping creature, there is a small pile of horse feed.

Beyond the sleeping monster, there is a heavy iron gate that appears to be locked. The key can be seen clearly dangling from the belt of the slumbering creature. The creature mumbles in its sleep, speaking gibberish in the giant language.

Tinsley: Your eyes got severely irritated by the blue fog and your vision is slightly blurry. But other than that, you feel no harmful effects.

Franklin: The blue fog carried the scent of the most horrific evil the paladin has ever sensed. Franklin’s heart feels an uncomfortable icy cold and his gut is overwhelmed with a feeling of despair. But for now, the hero shakes it off and moves on. No significant harmful effect.


2020-05-19, 12:55 PM
Desmond scanned the room with his unblinking eyes. He might be able to get through the door without a key, but the ogre seemed too big of a problem to just ignore. He looked at the party members, pointing at the ogre, then making a "slit the throat" gesture, and waited for a an acknowledgement.

2020-05-19, 04:46 PM

Nodding slowly to Desmond, Nile looks around at the others. He's not eager to do anything that could wake the sleeping giant, but very concerned with being prepared should that happen. He shifts to a position just inside the door and silently loads his crossbow, taking careful aim should the snoring suddenly stop.

I'd like to position myself at C6 and ready an action to loose a shot into the ogre if it appears to wake up.

John Cribati
2020-05-19, 05:00 PM

Even though the journey so far has been more than a bit of a pain, he still isn't quite in the mood to kill something that's asleep. He starts to talk, but thinks better of it and instead goes for an illusion of words on a very large scroll.

I think we should give the blighter a chance. You four get in position, and I can try and pick the lock. If he wakes up, you can go ahead and pound on him. If he's still asleep, we take the mayor and leave.

Minor Illusion.

2020-05-19, 09:35 PM
Jacques cast Minor Illusion as well:

That’s a pretty good call Tinsley. Why don’t you try the door and the rest of us can get into position around the Ogre.

As quietly as possible Jacques isolates a bit of his focus with magic and touching Tinsley’s shoulder, transfers to the rogue.
Jacques casts Guidance on Tinsley

2020-05-20, 03:46 PM
Franklin nodded and moved up close to the monster. The tip of his weapon held close to its throat.

2020-05-21, 10:01 AM
Opening his case of tools, Tinsley proceeds to fiddle with the lock for a few minutes, looking over his shoulder every now and then to check on the party and the sleepy monster. But between his irritated eyes and the deafening snores of the creature, the young rogue gets too distracted to pick the lock.

The key to the gate still hangs from a metal ring in the belt of the sleeping Ogre, within the grasp of all the heroes. But who dares reach for it?

2020-05-21, 10:59 AM
Jacques shrugs silently and using Minor Illusion writes, Time for Plan B? And again casts Guidance on Tinsley.

John Cribati
2020-05-21, 12:22 PM

Tinsley nearly tosses his tools in frustration, but remembers himself and deftly sends them back up his sleeves.
Lock must be Giant-made. Bigger on the inside or something.

He accepts the magical boost again- not that he needs it; he could probably snatch a key in his sleep, but it's never been a matter of life and death before- takes a deep breath, and goes for the key before he can psyche himself out.

Sleight of Hand: [roll0]
Guidance: [roll1]

2020-05-21, 02:17 PM
Without giving up, and with his resolve reinvigorated by Jacques magical guidance, the rogue snatches the key from the Ogre’s belt!! After a hushed round of celebration, the group of heroes opens the door into the next chamber...

Being careful enough to close the doors behind them, the party finds another large chamber. The stone floor in this area is slightly wet and the heroes can hear the echoing sound of dripping water in the distance. In several areas of this room, the floor opens up revealing muddy pits beneath. It is likely these are some sort of rudimentary cells where prisoners were dropped, but they are empty (at least the closer ones), as far as the group can see.

Before taking a second step into this room, a humanoid figure wearing full plate armor appears in front of the group and claims in loud and clear common language: “You who dare enter, speak the password or face your doom!” It is impossible to see the face of this creature, for it is covered in shadows. Or perhaps it has no face.


2020-05-21, 05:15 PM

Nile pauses for a moment in the doorway just behind his companions, trying to think as his eyes are helplessly drawn to the impossibly cloaked face. Ever since he began to understand his own nature, Nile has learned to fear and respect the power shadows can lend. For all that, he has no idea what this creature can mean. Wracking his brain, Nile can only think there's one possibility staring him in the face. Taking a deep breath, Nile shouts in a clear voice:

"'The password!'"

Surely a creature such as this meant say 'the password' literally, right?

2020-05-22, 10:28 AM
The armored creature replies "Incorrect." and takes a menacing step forward.

The armored figured will attack the party. Please roll initiative!







Spell Slots




Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Warforged Artificer


AC 19 HP 17/17




John Cribati

Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)

Human Rogue


AC 14 HP 16/17





Armored Figure








Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)

Dwarf Paladin


AC 16 HP 22/22





Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)

Human Cleric


AC 17 HP 17/17





Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)

Human Sorcerer


AC 15 (12) HP 14/14




2020-05-22, 04:58 PM

"Whoa whoa whoa, hang on a second! I latilquent! Wer molislex! Tel' keyysele?!" Nile squeaked, hoping against hope as he ran out of languages that one would satisfy the shadowy figure as he began to advance.

2020-05-23, 09:35 AM
Diregarding Nile’s plead, the armored figure marches forward, in a threatening manner. The party is in combat!

Desmond: This creature is known as an animated armor. It is a construct made by wizards and other arcanists to serve as subservient guards. It has no mind of its own.






Spell Slots




Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)

Human Cleric


AC 17 HP 17/17





Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Warforged Artificer


AC 19 HP 17/17





Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)

Dwarf Paladin


AC 16 HP 22/22




John Cribati

Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)

Human Rogue


AC 14 HP 16/17





Armored Figure






can't take reactions


Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)

Human Sorcerer


AC 15 (12) HP 14/14





2020-05-23, 01:35 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 17/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

"Don't worry about killing it, it's just an automaton", Desmon said. Since this creature was metallic, his shock contraption should work rather well. He quickly grabbed a metallic disc that stuck to the palm of his hand, and rushed the armor. Electricity sparked as made a grasping motion at the creature.

Move to K-11
Shocking grasp: [roll0]
Advantage, because it's metallic: [roll1]

Damage: [roll2]
If it hits, the animated armor can't take reactions.

2020-05-23, 04:54 PM
Jacques edges around the room with his finger pointed at the metal foe. As soon as he sees Desmond’s electric assault connect he fires off his own blue-white laser at the thing, hoping to finish it off before it got the chance to hurt anyone.

Jacques moves to 11-N and casts Sacred Flame on the monster. [roll0] Radiant Damage Dex save DC 13

John Cribati
2020-05-23, 10:12 PM

Tinsley slips a dagger from his sleeve, lining up a shot between the gaps in the figure's armor, and then flings it, hoping for the best.

Attack Roll with Thrown Dagger: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage: [roll2]

2020-05-24, 01:53 PM
As the armored creature menacingly steps forward, the first to react is the human cleric Jacques, who casts his sacred flame spell, damaging the enemy, but only slightly.

Courageously, Desmond moves towards the creature and conjures a touch spell, dealing lightning damage to the monster.

On his turn, Franklin moves forward and strikes the enemy with his Greatsword, cutting a large slice of armor off! The cut shows no blood nor any other sign of life inside the metal armor.

The armored figure tries to slam Franklin with a heavy metal forearm, but the brawling dwarf easily avoids the blow!

Monster attack: [roll0], eventual damage [roll1].

In a second quick motion, the enemy grabs the artificer Desmond and tries to launch the warforged in the pit!

(Resisted check: [roll2] Desmond needs to roll athletics or acrobatics skill, whichever is higher).






Spell Slots




Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)

Human Cleric


AC 17 HP 17/17





Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Warforged Artificer


AC 19 HP 17/17





Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)

Dwarf Paladin


AC 16 HP 22/22




John Cribati

Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)

Human Rogue


AC 14 HP 16/17





Armored Figure








Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)

Human Sorcerer


AC 15 (12) HP 14/14





2020-05-24, 02:03 PM

Nile's so caught up in trying to guess the password that he ends up flat-footed as the rest of the party jump into action. Fumbling for his crossbow and moving into position for a clear shot, Nile looses a bolt at the creature, hoping to stop it before it can hurt any of his friends.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-05-24, 02:19 PM
Nile fires with uncanny accuracy! A crossbow bolt swiftly flies through the air, cutting a few beard hairs from Franklin and landing straight into the armor’s metal helm.

The creature is now heavily damaged, moving with difficulty, but it insists “Incorrect...Password...”






Spell Slots




Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)

Human Cleric


AC 17 HP 17/17





Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Warforged Artificer


AC 19 HP 17/17





Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)

Dwarf Paladin


AC 16 HP 22/22




John Cribati

Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)

Human Rogue


AC 14 HP 16/17





Armored Figure






can’t take reactions


Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)

Human Sorcerer


AC 15 (12) HP 14/14





2020-05-24, 02:25 PM
Tossed by the monster into the pit, the construct Desmond suffers damage from the fall. The hero falls to the bottom of a muddy pit.

Falling damage: [roll0]






Spell Slots




Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)

Human Cleric


AC 17 HP 17/17





Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Warforged Artificer


AC 19 HP 15/17





Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)

Dwarf Paladin


AC 16 HP 22/22




John Cribati

Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)

Human Rogue


AC 14 HP 16/17





Armored Figure






can’t take reactions


Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)

Human Sorcerer


AC 15 (12) HP 14/14





2020-05-24, 03:11 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 17/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

"Oh!" Desmond exclaimed as for a moment he felt weightless, before hitting the muddy ground on the bottom of the pit. At least the landing had been soft, he didn't feel that damaged.

"I'm alright!" he shouts, as he tries to scramble back up. Then he notices something rumbling behind him, vines lashing out as some sort of plant creature seems to stir. "But, uh, looks like I woke up something, so watch out!"

Athletics: [roll0]

2020-05-24, 06:51 PM
From the corner of the room, the agile Tinsley throws a dagger hitting the small piece of metal connecting the body of the armor to its helm. The decisive blow dismantles the animated armor, reducing it to a pile of scrap metal on the ground!

But before the party can celebrate their victory, another threat appears.

At the bottom of the muddy pit, Desmond sees a large mass of entangled roots and spiky vines emerge from the mud! The creature sets itself up using parallel sets of roots to rush quickly across the muddy surface, like a spider walking on its net. This strange monster rushes towards the Artificer, but Desmond climbs quicker than the creatures attempt to ensnare him with a tentacle-like long vine.

Following Desmond, the plant creature climbs with surprising agility and reaches the group of heroes closer to the destroyed armor. The dorso of the plant monster is covered with black flowers.

Reminder: Jacques and Franklin have inspiration points!






Spell Slots




Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)

Human Cleric


AC 17 HP 17/17





Plant Monster








Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)

Warforged Artificer


AC 19 HP 15/17





Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)

Dwarf Paladin


AC 16 HP 22/22




John Cribati

Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)

Human Rogue


AC 14 HP 16/17





Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)

Human Sorcerer


AC 15 (12) HP 14/14





2020-05-25, 01:47 PM
Oh gods, what the hells is that? Jacques calls out as he almost instinctively fires off another beam, this time at the vegetal monstrosity.

Sacred Flame: [roll0] radiant damage DC 14 Dex save

2020-05-25, 02:30 PM
The plant monster is hurt by the sacred flame, but the spell doesn’t stop it. The large plant creature coils and shakes vigorously, releasing a cloud of pink spores in the air reaching as far as 10ft away from it.

Franklin, Jacques and Nile have to make a Constitution Saving Throw.
(Reminder: Franklin and Jacques have inspiration points)

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Plant Monster

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


John Cribati
2020-05-25, 02:35 PM

Tinsley leaps into the air with a whoop and a fist pump, more surprised than happy that his attack actually worked.

Ha! There's only room for one walking suit of armor around these parts, and I vastly prefer the one with a name, thank you.

He moves to see what he can do to help Desmond out of the pit, and then scrambles away twice as quickly.


He's back in the corner before the syllable finishes leaving his mouth.

2020-05-25, 03:49 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 15/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

Desmond turned to face the plant monster, electricity crackling on his palm. "Appreciate the sentiment", he said, nodding to Nile as his hand stretched out to give the plant a shock. In lieu of a grin, he gave Tinsley a thumbs up, though it seemed the rogue had already backed up when Desmond glanced at his direction. The man had quick feet.

Shocking grasp attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-05-25, 04:28 PM

Nile shares Tinsley's jubilation at watching the suit of armor crumble, followed immediately by a slack-jawed gaze as a monstrous creature covered in black flowers crawls out of the pit after Desmond. He's shaken free of his terror as pink spores erupt from the creature and rain down around him. Coughing and spitting, Nile is able to keep his wits about him, insofar as he's able to realize for the first time in his life that he really doesn't like the idea of a sentient plant trying to kill him.

Cursing, he draws the shadows to him before grabbing an inanimate gauntlet from the suit of armor and launching it at the monster.

I cast catapult. Dex saving throw DC is 13.

Damage if it hits: [roll0]
Nile is down to 2 spells.

John Cribati
2020-05-25, 05:33 PM

So I'm not leavin' this corner again until we're sure everything that might want to kill us is dead.

The cloud of spores is an even more effective deterrent- not that he needed more reason to stay put. He pulls his other dagger- which seems to be doing much better than a sling, scans the plant's physique for something that looks important, and fires.

2020-05-25, 07:00 PM
Desmond attempts his lightning spell again, but the entangled mass of roots and leaves wiggles away from the warforged touch, making the hero miss his attack.

From his protected corner, Tinsley shoots another dagger, hitting the monster in the center of what could be presumed to be its face! But the creature shrugs off the piercing damage as a minor inconvenience and continues to flail about, preparing a lashing attack with its whip-like vines.

On his turn, Nile magically catapults a heavy piece of armor against the monster! But in spite of the devastating potential of this spell, the creature seems only slightly bruised by the bludgeoning damage.

The smell in the room becomes horribly foul with the pink cloud of spores in the air. Desmond is spared of this sensorial experience.

Reminder: Jacques and Franklin have inspiration points!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Plant Monster

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-26, 06:46 PM
The dwarven paladin Franklin resists the harmful effects of the spore cloud and strikes at the plant monster with a devastating blow, cutting a big chunk of root and vines. It appears that slashing is more effective than other forms of damage. The creature emits a loud shrieking sound.

Reminder: Jacques and Franklin have inspiration points!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Plant Monster

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-26, 08:17 PM
Jacques doesn’t want to give the arboreal assailant a chance to get an attack on him so he reluctantly stays close to the monster. At least the thing was between himself and the pit.

Noticing how poor of a job the plant did avoiding his last blast he holds his mouth and nose close with one hand and fires off another blast of radiant energy with the other.

Sacred Flame DC 13 Dex save [roll0] radiant damage

2020-05-26, 11:46 PM
The monster hisses as the sacred flame burns its roots! Enraged, the creature sends two whip-like vines towards the heroes:

The first one lashes at Franklin!
[roll0], damage: [roll1]

And the second one tries to grapple Jacques!
[roll2] - Skill check: Jacques needs to roll athletics or acrobatics, whichever is higher, to avoid being grappled.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Please hold your actions until the monster turn is resolved.

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Plant Monster

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 14/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-27, 04:37 PM
The evil plant tries to grapple the cleric Jacques, but fails! Jacques is only slightly scratched by the thorny vines, suffering no damage.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Plant Monster

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 14/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-27, 09:45 PM

Slightly dazed from the whirlwind of spells and attacks, Nile tries to refocus. Slashing and fire damage seemed to be the most effective, but he didn't have a good weapon for the former, and he made it a practice to stay away from the latter if possible. Settling on an alternative, Nile collects shadow into a glove around his hand and then reaches out towards the monstrosity.

Nile casts Chill Touch.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-05-28, 02:00 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 15/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

Desmond attempts to again shock the plant monsters, trying to watch out for those grabby vines.

Shocking grasp: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-05-28, 04:28 PM
The magic hand of shadows conjured by Nile fails to touch the enemy creature!

But at the very least, it provides enough distraction for Desmond to hit with a shocking grasp, electrfying the creature with damage.

From his safe corner, the rogue Tinsley shoots a bullet from his sling and although it hits the monster with perfect accuracy, it fails to cause any significant damage.

The paladin Franklin, on the other hand, raises his greatsword in a swift motion and slashes the creature in half with a devastating blow! The mass of entangled roots and vines falls to ground, inert, and starts to dissolve into a mulch of rotten plant. The cloud of pink spores subdues immediately.

[Combat is over]
The rest of the room seems empty, except for a wooden cabinet in the upper west side. There is a door leading beyond in the north of the room.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 14/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-28, 04:36 PM

"Summer must be over, because Franklin just made that plant Fall." Nile dispelled some magic he'd used to shade his eyes, walking up and clapping Franklin on the back. "Yeeeeah, well done Franklin."

John Cribati
2020-05-28, 05:31 PM

Can I come out now? Or at the very least can someone kick my daggers back over?

2020-05-28, 06:36 PM
As soon as the plant monster dies, the spore cloud fades out completely. The tiny specks of pink spores remaining in the air are now entirely harmless.

When Tinsley recovers his daggers, the one that was thrown at the plant is a bit different now. The blade has a light pink hue. It appears to be a kind of oxidation and has no effects on the weapon, other than the color change.

The other dagger, however, is bent and is now useless as a weapon. It was thrown at the animated armor and it landed the killing shot. But afterwards, the sorcerer Nile catapulted that exact segment of armor into the plant monster, ruining the weapon in the process.

[Tinsley’s bent dagger can still be used, but it has disadvantage on attack rolls.]

[Combat is over]
The rest of the room seems empty, except for a wooden cabinet in the upper west side. There is a door leading beyond in the north of the room.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 14/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-28, 08:31 PM

Looking back and forth between what's left of the plant monster and the nearby pits of mud, Nile creeps up to the one nearest him and looks over the edge, trying to figure out if another one is going to pop out at him.

"Do you guys think the mayor got pulled down here somewhere?" he asks, still staring down into the muck, then towards the other pits. "I really hope she didn't meet one of these things."

2020-05-29, 03:46 AM
Desmond picks Tinsley's daggers, and brings them back to the rogue. "Does look like your weapons suffered some damage, unfortunately. I might be able to do something when we get back to the village."

"Hmm, perhaps it's good to check the pits, though if the ogre went through the trouble of taking a prisoner, and not eating them, I hope it means the brute also meant to keep her alive", Desmond replies to Nile, and starts going around the room, carefully looking into the pits for signs of a corpse.

2020-05-29, 10:24 AM
Looking down the pits, Nile is sure that there are no monsters left. Only mud, still and motionless.

Desmond finds a few bones scattered across the room, mostly of animal origin. No fresh corpses in sight.

[Combat is over]
The rest of the room seems empty, except for a wooden cabinet in the upper west side. There is a door leading beyond in the north of the room.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 14/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-29, 04:02 PM
Jacques eyeballs the cabinet curiously. (What the hella was the purpose of this room?)

He and Ophelia both scan the cabinet for any signs of traps and if he seems clear he checks to see if it’s unlocked.

Ophelia uses the help action on Jacques
Perception check on the cabinet
W/Advantage: [roll0]
Second Roll: [roll1]

2020-05-29, 04:29 PM

No traps in sight, just a plain old wooden cabinet. Maybe a wardrobe?

When opened, Jacques finds numerous mundane items. Kitchen supplies, bed sheets, blankets, a few wooden dolls and a collection of mystery novels. Amidst all the worthless junk, two items stand out:

1.A small glass sphere, perfectly round, with a mystic glow.

2.A fine set of Studded Leather Armor.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-29, 07:12 PM

Stepping up to Tinsley, Nile pulls a dagger and spins it around in his hand, holding it by the blade and passing the handle to him. "Sorry about your dagger. Here, no doubt you'll have more use for this than I will."

Walking over to what remains of the plant monster, Nile investigates it's withered form, searching for any of the strange, dark flowers that might remain. Afterwards, he stares about the room, looking for an exit other than the way they came in.

Plant investigation: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Is that an exit at M1? If not, I investigate the walls, tracing my fingers over them and walking slowly around.

Wall investigation: [roll2]

2020-05-29, 08:13 PM
You can harvest 1d6 of black flowers in good condition.
M1 is a door leading into the next room.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


John Cribati
2020-05-30, 06:00 AM

He accepts the new knife with a smile.

I planned to have you front the repair costs, but this is an adequate solution.

2020-05-30, 07:06 AM

Chuckling to himself, Nile is down on his knees by the plant monster. He cuts a few flowers free and lines up a row of four prior to socking them away in his pouch. "Where'd you get that dagger, anyhow? If you paid more than a copper for it, you got taken for a ride. Oh well, glad I could give you a real one."

Standing back up, he looks at the others and pulls a flower back out to show them. "I'm not sure what these are, but between the zombies and that thing," he says, kicking the remains of the plant monster, "seems like we might be able to find the root of the problem if we keep going a bit further. Besides, the mayor might be mixed up in all this."

2020-05-30, 05:47 PM
"The plant monster could still be a coincidence, since we haven't seen any zombies here... I doubt the ogre was controlling or creating them."

Desmond took a closer look at Nile. "You mean she might be causing this? I certainly hope not, that'd make this mission much more complicated and awkward. But perhaps it's indeed good idea to be on our guard, and not to take anything for granted."

John Cribati
2020-05-31, 05:22 AM

One of the first tenets of illusion is to keep the audience's eyes off the trick in the first place. If the mayor is up to something, staging her own kidnapping would throw people off of her scent. But that's really a question for after we get our money.

2020-05-31, 09:07 AM

Nodding grimly, Nile holds up his hands as if to urge them to slow down. "I don't wish to take my suspicions too far, but you both have the right of it. Let us proceed with caution. We came here expecting an ogre and a trapped maiden. The ogre we found, but in place of a mayor we have monsters. She may well just be a captive or a casualty, but I will not say I know that for sure as long as our lives are at stake. I have no plans to die down here."

2020-05-31, 02:24 PM
After investigating the muddy pits in search of prisoners or corpses, the party finds no recent remains.

The cleric Jacques finds an interesting glass sphere with a light glow inside and a good quality set of studded leather armor.

The sorcerer Nile harvests more black flowers from the dead plant monster. These can be turned into powerful necromancy components, but the exact properties need further investigation with the proper tools or even a laboratory.

Franklin, who was severely injured by the plant’s lashing vines, summons his divine power to cure his wounds.

Then, the group proceeds on to the door at the north of the room. It is a simple wooden door, unlocked and easy to open, leading into spiraling stairs that descend into a lower level of the dungeon.

Climbing down the steps cautiously, the party finds themselves in a small vestibule that leads into an area that is completely flooded. Perhaps an underground river. There is a weirdly shaped stone platform that can be used to cross the room to reach another door, but the middle section has collapsed.

The small room before the river is completely flooded with mud, up to the character’s knees.

Tinsley: Tinsley’s eyes are still feeling very irritated from the blue mist. The young rogue fells like the condition is getting worse.

The torch: The rogue Tinsley is carrying the torch that provides light for him and Jacques. (The rest of the party has darkvision). But the party has been in the dungeon for a while now, so the fire is starting to go weak. It will last for another 15 minutes.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-31, 02:56 PM

Grimacing at the muck, Nile wades over to the doorway and peers through, trying to see if there's anything lurking in the mud around the pathway.


2020-05-31, 03:57 PM
Jacques scoops the magical bobble into his bag and continues on with the party.

When he finishes climbing down to the next room his stomach lurches. (Who knows what could be lurking in the darkness of an underground river like this?)

As he see the light from the torch he handed Tinsley begin to flicker he makes a mental note to hand another to the rogue when it finally starts to falter completely.

When he sees Nile head over to peer into the water He sends Ophelia to do a fly over of the flooded room, using her blindsight to perceive deeply into the murky depths.

2020-05-31, 06:24 PM
Nile notices at least three snakes crawling in the mud. They are medium-sized creatures. They don’t seem hostile.

In the river: There is a large creature in the bottom of the river.

In the muddy area: There are six snakes hidden in the mud. Each snake is a medium sized creature. Oddly enough, one of the snakes has a collar with a metal key hanging from it. The snakes don’t seem to be hostile.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-05-31, 08:17 PM

"Uh, I don't mean to alarm anyone unnecessarily, but if you don't like snakes, you should probably avoid looking into the mud. I mean, they seem nice enough as far as snakes go, but...they're still snakes." Nile slides back a step, giving an "after-you" motion to everyone else.

2020-05-31, 11:22 PM
Nike, that snake, and Jacques points at the snake he’s referring to, is wearing a collar.

Jacques casts Shape Water and draws a quantity of water out of the muck at his feet. He shapes the water into the shape of a snake-handlers crook at the end of a long pole and freezes the entire contraption into place.

Who wants to catch it and fling it over here so we can have a better look at it. They don’t seem particularly ornery. Oh speaking of which, there’s some large creature at the bottom of the river. Let’s hope for a manatee.

John Cribati
2020-06-01, 06:34 AM

He'd been getting surlier by the minute as his eyes had begun to bother him more. He knew better than to run them, hoping that it was just an allergy and not, like, a blindness curse or something.

Can we at least get across first? I'm not in favor of bothering things that are bigger than I am as a rule, but I at least want to be on the advantageous side of the mud hole if we do.

2020-06-01, 11:23 AM
"I can certainly give it a try, I'm not quite immune to poison, but it doesn't work too well on me." Desmond takes the improvised ice tool, and calmly approaches the collared snake. "I believe earlier you used a spell that could help with concentration? I think I could use that right now,", Desmond says to Jacque.

Animal handling: [roll0] + Guidance [roll1]
(Just wanna move swiftly, and I assume Jacques won't mind casting it)

2020-06-01, 05:19 PM
Even with magical assistance, Desmond pokes the snake clumsily with the ice tool. The creature hisses revealing sharp fangs dripping with poison and jumps out of the mud to bite the artificer! The other snakes around become agitated and move to attack as well.

ooc: Everyone, please pick any empty square in the muddy part of the map and roll initiative. Tinsley can be all the way across, if he wanted to move before Desmond tried to catch the snake.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 15/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-06-02, 12:46 PM
After Desmond’s clumsy attempt to catch the snake with the collar, the angry animals jump out of the mud to bite the artificer!

All Snakes move and attack Desmond.
The snake’s bite attack reaches 10ft, so some of them are not in melee range with Desmond.
Snake1 has the collar.

Snake1 attack: [roll0]
Snake one damage: [roll1] piercing

Snake2 attack: [roll2]
Snake one damage: [roll3] piercing

Snake3 attack: [roll4]
Snake one damage: [roll5] piercing

Snake4 attack: [roll6]
Snake one damage: [roll7] piercing

Snake5 attack: [roll8]
Snake one damage: [roll9] piercing

Snake6 attack: [roll10]
Snake one damage: [roll11] piercing

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 8/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-06-02, 03:16 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 8/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: Faerie Fire, Save DC: 13

Desmond did his best to block the attacking fangs, though one managed to pass his defenses. He felt the pain dully, as the sharp fangs found a weak spot. Perhaps it hadn't been a wise idea to try to take the key, Desmond wasn't exactly handy with animals, but it had seemed like a good idea. He dropped the icy tool, and instead pulling out a colorful sphere from his pouch. He threw it upwards, and it started to spray rainbow colored mist everywhere. It clung to surfaces, making them glow slightly. He was aiming to get it stuck on the snakes, though unfortunately he was in the blast zone as well.

The warforged doesn't manage to avoid the colorful mist, and starts glowing.

Desmond casts Faerie Fire (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Faerie%20Fire#content)

Since it's a 20-foot cube, I think he can target every snake, though he is in the area as well.

Every creature has to make a DC 13 dexterity saving throw, or attacks against it will have advantage.

Desmond's dex saving throw: [roll0]

2020-06-02, 03:31 PM
Most of the snakes evade the magical effect, but two of them are glowing with the faerie fire.

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Snake#4 and Snake#6 are affected by the Farie Fire!
Attacks against these targets have advantage.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 8/17
Faerie Fire
Faerie Fire

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-06-03, 03:54 PM
The rogue Tinsley had gone a bit too far north, enough so that he left Jacques out of range for the light provided by the torch. To spare his companion from the dangers of stumbling in the dark, Tinsley takes a few steps south and positions himself to attack with his sling, aided by the magical glow of the faerie fire.

Tinsley attacks Snake #6 with his sling
[roll0] advantage:[roll1]
damage: [roll2]
sneak damage: [roll3]

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Snake#4 and Snake#6 are affected by the Farie Fire!
Attacks against these targets have advantage.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 8/17
Faerie Fire
Faerie Fire

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-06-03, 04:06 PM
The snake hisses as it’s hurt by the heavy bullet flung by Tinsley, but the creature is still alive.

Snake blood splashes onto Franklin’s face and the paladin replies with a grunt and forceful strike with his greatsword onto the same foe.

The snake is decapitated in one blow, falling dead into the muddy ground.

Franklin attacks Snake #6 with his greatsword.
[roll0], advantage:[roll1]
damage: [roll2]

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Snake#4 is affected by the Farie Fire!
Attacks against these targets have advantage.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 8/17
Faerie Fire
Faerie Fire

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 16/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


John Cribati
2020-06-03, 08:45 PM

Something about firing a slingstone at the glowing snake was so easy, it was like he didn't even have to think about what he was doing. Before he knew it, he'd brained one of them with a powerful strike, setting it up perfectly for Franklin to finish off.

So Jacques, Des? One of you is getting an "I told you so" and the other is the designated haunting target if we wake the big motherf***er and it kills me. Decide amongst yourselves.

2020-06-03, 09:18 PM

Narrating my action before Jacques gets a chance because I will have a hard time getting online again tomorrow.

Light Crossbow attack against snake #2: [roll0]
Damage if it hits: [roll1]

Watching Tinsley and Franklin combine to decapitate one of the snakes does little to make Nile feel better as the rest swarm Desmond. He pulls his crossbow up, taking careful aim at the snake directly in front of him before loosing a bolt. "I have had at it with all these motherf***ing snakes in this motherf***ing dungeon!"

2020-06-04, 11:34 AM
Well this all went south fast. Don’t worry Desmond, we’ll get you out from the snakes; and Tinsley, I call dibs on being haunted!

Jacques calls out as he rushes past Nile to the snake in front of the two of them. As he moves he draws his Magical Dagger and as he swings it horizontally Green Flames erupt from the handle and extend across the blade. His slash is directed at the first snake be he follows through with the blow and the green fire continues on the the next snake to the right.

Jacques moves to I16, draws his Magic Dagger and cast Green Flame Blade on Snake 1

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll[roll1]
Extra Damage if Crit: [roll2]
Snake 2 takes [roll3] fire damage.

2020-06-04, 06:01 PM
Nile shoots one of the snakes with a crossbow bolt, causing it to coil in pain, but the creature lives.

Jacques attacks with his new dagger, but fails to connect. Green magic sparks fly through the air, finding no target.

Sensing the snakes are ready to bite, Desmond dispels the faerie fire.

The venomous creatures attack once again!

Snake #1: Bite attack against Franklin: [roll0], damage: [roll1]
Snake #2: Bite attack against Jacques: [roll2], damage: [roll3]
Snake #3: Bite attack against Tinsley: [roll4], damage: [roll5]
Snake #4: Bite attack against Desmond: [roll6], damage: [roll7]
Snake #5: Bite attack against Desmond: [roll8], damage: [roll9]

Reminder:Franklin has 1 inspiration point!

Desmond needs to make Constitution Saving throws DC 11.

Snake #2 is wounded.
#1, #3, #4 and #5 are at full health.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 0/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 2/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 7/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


John Cribati
2020-06-04, 10:09 PM

Huh. Figured I'd go out with a bit more style.

Tinsley had never had reason to draw his father's rapier before, so he kisses it for good luck before stabbing at the snake with what little might he has left.

Stabby Stabby with the Rapier
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-06-05, 08:33 AM
Desmond, Tinsley and Franklin suffer vicious bites from the aggressive snakes and feel the sting of poison running through their bodies.

The paladin Franklin strikes the snake in front of him!

Franklin attack against Snake#1:
Seeing allies fall, the paladin will use his inspiration point.
damage: [roll2]

Snakes #1 and #2 are wounded.
Snakes #4 and #5 are at full health.
Snakes #3 and #6 are dead.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 0/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 2/17
Hiding in the mud

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 7/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


John Cribati
2020-06-05, 08:57 AM


For once, Tinsley questions his penchant for keeping himself out of trouble. It was one thing to be pragmatic and avoid obvious trouble. It was another to leave an ally to die.

But no, any help he could offer would be useless if he died. Leaving the torch on the stones, he slinks into the dimmer light and hides in the mud.

Move action from previous turn: leave Torch at P11, move to V14

Cunning Action to Hide:
Stealth: [roll0]

2020-06-05, 09:09 AM
Desmond felt his leg wobble as yet another snake found a place to sink its. He kicked it away, but then felt woozy. "I... Think the poison is getting to me..." Desmond started to mutter, but then crashed on the ground.

2020-06-05, 12:24 PM
Whoa! Wait! No no no! No ones going under right now!

Jacques calls it out Desmond As he holds his hand, fingers extended towards the warforged. As he speaks a glimmer of pale light glows around Desmond and his internal damage from the poison begins to repair.

After healing his inorganic ally Jacques redoubles his efforts on the offensive, slashing back and forth with he Flaming Green blade.

Healing Word on Desmond for [roll0] HP

Green Flame Blade on S1: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Extra Damage if Crit: [roll3]
Fire Damage for S2: [roll4]

2020-06-05, 12:51 PM
With incredible focus, the cleric Jacques casts a healing spell at Desmond while killing the collared snake with a swift attack! A small flame burns the closest enemy creature, but not enough to stop it.

Snakes #2 is wounded.
Snakes #4 and #5 are at full health.

Snakes #1, #3 and #6 are dead.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 4/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 2/17
Hiding in the mud

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 7/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-06-05, 06:36 PM

As things seem to spiral out of control, Nile watches one companion go down while others shout his name. A moment of panic seizes Nile. Were they going to die down here? For coin? Physically slapping himself across the face, he wills himself out of panic and jumps down into the pit to his left, praying he doesn't awake something else in the muck. Moving over until he can get a clear shot, Nile looses another bolt at the same snake. As he reloads after the shot, he looks around, terrified something else might be nearby just waiting to strike.

First move to G-17, then light crossbow attack on snake #2.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Perception: [roll2]

2020-06-06, 10:18 AM
Proving himself a true marksman, Nile shoots down his target. The wounded snake is hit again and falls down motionless.

However, two enemy creatures remain alive and very aggressively they position themselves to launch bite attacks against Jacques and Franklin!

(In doing so, one of the snakes passes right next to Desmond, allowing him an attack of opportunity.)

Snake#4 Bite attack against Jacques: [roll0], damage: [roll1]
Snake#5 Bite attack against Franklin: [roll2], damage: [roll3]

Desmond has an attack of opportunity against Snake#5
But he should roll at disadvantage, because of prone.

Snakes #4 and #5 are at full health.

Snakes #1, #2, #3 and #6 are dead.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 4/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 2/17
Hiding in the mud

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 7/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-06-06, 03:35 PM
Desmond feels magic refresh him, and as he's getting up, tries to smack one of the snakes with his shield. The strike misses though, but electricity is already crackling as Desmond is determined to drop the remaining snakes as quickly as possible.

Shocking grasp: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If it hits, Desmond moves to L-14

John Cribati
2020-06-06, 09:33 PM

It was admittedly a rough camouflage job, but either it had done the trick or the snakes were just preoccupied.

Either way, it was the opportunity he needed.

He slings his recently acquired dagger at a snake out in the open, then does his best to slink back into the shadows.

He hopes it looks cool, at least. Actually, maybe it shouldn't, since he's trying not to be seen.


Attack Snake 5 with Thrown Dagger
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Cunning Action to Hide again: [roll2]

2020-06-07, 09:50 AM
The revived Desmond doesn’t waste any time and applies his famed shocking grasp to the snake near him. The shocked creature becomes even more aggressive.

From the other side of the room, Tinsley shoots a dagger, but it fails to connect. The agile rogue hides in the mud again.

The paladin Franklin lies in the stone ground unconscious.

death saving throw: [roll0]

Snake #4 is hurt.
Snake#5 is at full health.

Snakes #1, #2, #3 and #6 are dead.

Franklin's death saves: 1 success.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 4/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 2/17
Hiding in the mud

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 0/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-06-07, 10:33 AM

As Franklin succumbs to the poison, Nile struggles to keep his hands from shaking while he tries to reload his crossbow. For a moment he thinks about pulling the shadows to his aid, but his crossbow had already managed to take one of the bastards down. With luck it would take this one down as well.

Nile attacks snake #4, trying to put it down before it can attack again.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

I keep thinking about using a Catapult spell, but Yonks is on fire with these rolls so they'd probably make their dex save easily for no damage :smallyuk:

2020-06-07, 01:48 PM
Once again, Nile shoots with impressive accuracy! His target falls dead to the muddy ground.

Snake#5 is at full health.

Snakes #1, #2, #3, #4 and #6 are dead.

Franklin's death saves: 1 success.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 4/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 2/17
Hiding in the mud

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 0/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14


2020-06-07, 04:15 PM
Jacques steps over the fallen Franklin and with a wave of his hand the Dwarf glows momentarily and come back to consciousness.

With his other hand Jacques point and the remaining snake and the familiar blue-white laser sizzles from his outstretched finger towards the serpent.

Healing Word on Franklin for [roll0] HP

Sacred Flame on the snake DC 13 Dex or [roll1] Radiant damage

2020-06-08, 07:07 AM
The sacred flames burn the last remaining snake. The creature hisses angrily and feeling outnumbered, it burrows in the mud, fleeing.

The collar with the key lies on the stone platform, next to a dead snake.

Franklin, the dwarf, nods in appreciation to Jacques who saved his life. He then grabs a healing potion from his bag and offers it to Tinsley.

Combat is over: unless, of course, you want to dig in the mud looking for the last snake.

Spell Slots

Giant Snakes

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 4/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 2/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 5/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14

John Cribati
2020-06-08, 08:07 AM

He trudges over and accepts the potion, quaffing most of it and putting a few drops into his itchy eyes for good measure.

He grumbles in a stage whisper as he recovers his dagger.

When we get back, I am going to demand the most luxurious bath service they have to offer. Only the most fragrant of aromatic oils. Chamber wenches to feed me grapes. Ask me to deal with mud snakes. How the - here, he inserts a word in Orcish that can likely be translated through context- do you poison someone made of metal anyway?

Healing Potion; [roll0]

2020-06-08, 08:34 AM
While Desmond didn't speak Orcish, he got the gist from the context. While Tinsley had been hidden for a part of the fight, the rogue looked scuffed and bruised. "Occupational hazards, I suppose. I'm not certain wenches were covered in our agreement, but you can certainly try", Desmond commented wryly.

"That's an interesting question though. My body is not completely metal, just the exterior. Wouldn't be very limber if I was, I think. Most of my organic parts are made out of special sort of enchanted wood that serves as my muscles, and while it doesn't get poisoned easily, it's possible. But don't ask me how, most knowledge seems to have been lost about a millennia ago. I can also eat and drink, but it seems a bit wasteful to usually do."

2020-06-08, 07:15 PM

Pulling himself back up on the raised path, Nile sits down in a muddy heap. He was not an orcish scholar, but that didn't seem necessary all things considered. He grunted agreement, allowing himself to drop until he was flat on his back, staring up at the cavern ceiling above. Idly he wondered how much Tinsley's bath complete with chamber wenches would cost. Did Nile already have enough to make that dream a reality? What was he doing here?

At the mention of being poisoned, Nile finally sits back up, able to think about someone other than himself for a moment. "You're alright though?" Nile asks, staring at the big Warforged. "You look a little...worn. I mean, that was a little touch-and-go, wasn't it?" Nile asks, looking around at the others. He wasn't the most experienced in these things, but damn.

2020-06-08, 10:01 PM
Jacques tried to stead his breathing. Two people were so badly poisoned in front of him that they collapsed. One of them was an automata that should be able to shrug of just about any venom.

(Adventuring was supposed to be mostly grave-robbing and bragging. If I thought it was gonna be this dangerous I would have just keep lying my way through the Scholomance.)

How’re you guys feeling after all that? Desmond, Franklin? Tinsley did you get hit too?

Jacques checks in with his compatriots before making his way to the corpse of the snake with the collar and investigating it. He grimaced at having to step off of the pathway into the deeper mud but as soon as he retrieves his prize he meticulously uses Prestidigitation to clean his legs and trousers and any other part of his person that has become soiled.

John Cribati
2020-06-08, 10:31 PM

Tinsley grins, showing off the puncture wounds in his arm.

One of the buggers got me, but my gran's an orc. I may not have her strength, or her night vision, or her tusks, her skin- well actually I'm told that in the right light I can look a bit greenish... But the one of the few things I got from her is the capacity to take a hit. The other is the fuzzy pointed ears.

2020-06-09, 02:58 AM
"I think I'm alright now, little banged up, but if we rest for a while, I think I can fix it. Looks like everyone is alright as well, nobody's leaking anywhere? But at least we got the key, hopefully it'll open something useful."

As they rest, Desmond spends it straightening and patching himself. Piece of metal around his ankle had been bent, giving a glimpse of his insides. There was some sort of smooth wood, that looked almost sinewy. The warforged bent the metal back, and finished the job with a piece of leather, wrapping it around the damaged part. "Should be good enough until I have more time..."

Desmond couldn't really see any orcish heritage on Tinsley, but he was just going to take the man on his claim. Maybe the gnome or elf part sort of balanced it all out.

2020-06-09, 01:39 PM
After a hard-fought battle against man-sized venomous snakes, the group stops to rest and tend to wounds. In a moment of silence, If one pays close attention, distant snoring can still be heard from the ogre chamber in the level above. But the party’s main concern is what lies ahead.

The underground river’s water flows gently towards the west. The party’s cleric, Jacques, holds the key to the next door, but the stone platform doesn’t have the middle section, offering a new dilemma: how to get across?

The paladin Franklin suggests they all try to jump across, but what happens if someone slips and falls off the platform? Ophelia, the bat, has detected a large creature lurking in the water.

Ophelia: The familiar detects something else in the bottom of the river: a dead adventurer, wearing scale mail, holding onto a chest.

Spell Slots

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14

John Cribati
2020-06-09, 02:28 PM

Tinsley had proven himself surprisingly competent at salvaging materials from the dead snakes (admittedly, magical mental enhancement helped him remember much of the technique). With any luck he'd get some nice clothes out of it- at least some shoes and a light jacket.

Though when he mentioned he learned some things from his grandmother who was a ranger- no, his mother's mother was an orc; it was his father's mother who taught him a few things on an extended camping trip when he was younger and his parents were off traveling- and he eventually found a stick and drew out the whole thing- or at least as much as he could remember.

When everyone seemed rested up, they kept going directly into the lair of an Even Bigger Thing. The prospect of More Treasure was tempting, but ultimately, Tinsley wasn't about to push his luck. One person had already died trying to get some treasure, and he wasn't about to double the number.

So Jacques, you up for making an ice bridge?

2020-06-09, 03:31 PM
Exactly what i was thinking. Jacques responds with a smile. There’s no rush to rescue the treasure Ophelia sees under the water. I doubt its going anywhere. We can always come back for it with some fishing hooks to reel it in.

As Jacques talks he makes his way to the edge of the stone walkway. Talking helps distract Jacques from the fact that he’s heading over to the edge of a deep, dark pool of subterranean water filled with a huge monster. Not the sort of location Jacques feels the most comfortable.

When he arrives at the end of the stone path he exhales slowly to try and steady his nerves and falls silent. He raised his right hand and, moving it like an orchestra conductor, directs the water to raise up into two parallel 4’ high walls with 3’ between them that stretch 5’ long that abut the edge of the stone walkway. When he is satisfied with the shape he freezes the walls solid along with a 1’ thick section of water under both of them as well as freezing the entire ice structure to the part of the stone path the juts out into the water.

In this way Jacques creates a 5’ section of ice bridge from one side of the stone path towards the other (the floor of the bridge is 1’ thick so it’s not too brittle and the top of the floor is textured like the bottom of a shoe to add traction. If someone falls while walking across it there are 4’ high walls built into either side so that the person will fall flat rather than falling off into the water).

Jacques repeats this process, freezing each new section of bridge to the last till a path is created between the two sides of the room. The entire enterprise takes 36 seconds. While he works Ophelia flies overhead and watches with blindsight to see if the creature starts to take an undue interest in his activity. If it does Jacques scrambles back to the rest of the party.

2020-06-09, 07:42 PM

Everything had happened so fast with the ice hook and the snakes that Nile had barely had time to process it. Now, having had a chance to calm down and rest a moment, he stood fascinated by Jacques' art. Looking down at his own hands for a moment, Nile puzzled over how in the world he would do such a thing. He flicked a mote of shadow at the water's edge, but quickly gave up on the idea for the moment, instead simply cataloging what he'd seen to meditate on later.

"That was impressive," Nile says without sarcasm. "I should like to see you do that again when we're not so...occupied."

John Cribati
2020-06-09, 09:24 PM

Probably wouldn't hurt to learn more practical magic myself. Given how many things we've ended up fighting.

2020-06-10, 07:58 AM
The ice bridge is sturdy enough for all of the heroes to walk across safely.

Before any brave soul volunteers to open the door, the paladin Franklin mentions something about his divine senses and the presence of undead nearby. He casts a spell blessing most of his companions. The dwarf then offers an apologetic look to Jacques, explaining there’s limitations to his magic.

[Bless: Tinsley, Nile and Desmond are blessed. You get an extra d4 to add to attack rolls and saving throws]

2020-06-10, 05:22 PM
Don’t worry about it Franklin. I’m not gonna get into melee with whatever’s on the other side of the door if I can help it.

Jacques casts Guidance on himself and trues to mentally prepare himself for another fight.

2020-06-10, 07:54 PM

"Me neither," Nile says aloud after Jacques, "but I definitely appreciate it Franklin." Nile checks and rechecks his crossbow, fiddling with the drawstring before blowing out a breath. "Whatever's waiting on the other side of that door, well," Nile says, trailing off as he searches for the right words to lift everyone's spirits and focus on the task ahead instead of the pit of snakes behind them. "Whatever it is, it sure didn't plan on us coming down to put it out of its misery. Let's go make sure these things stay dead this time," Nile says with more confidence than he feels.

2020-06-11, 01:49 PM
After carefully opening the door, the party walks into a large cave chamber with rugged stone walls and high ceiling. The ground is covered in knee-high mud, making it incredibly difficult to walk around.

Hanging from the ceiling with thick iron chains, there are several cages. All of which are empty, except for one in the far north area of the room. Inside this cage, there is a humanoid figure laying down, covered in muddy rags. From the distance, there’s no way to tell if the person is conscious.
The remaining cages are empty, but have signs recent use such as rags, a bucket of water, a lonely boot and even blood stains.

Besides the cages, there are weirdly shaped natural stone pillars, covered in a strange blue moss that sheds dim light.

At the northeast area of the room, a tall humanoid figure of pale skin and long dark hair is concentrated reading from a tome. The man is dressed in what could have been long ago a set of fine clothing, worthy of a nobleman, but they are now filthy with mud and blood stains. He doesn’t seem to notice the party’s presence. If he did, he doesn’t bother to steer eye from his reading.
The tome is positioned in a small golden altar, shouldered by lit candles. The scene denotes a ritual in course.

Prowling through the mud, there is one humanoid figure with sickly grey skin and blood injected red eyes. Its face is contorted in an expression of hatred with fang-like teeth and hands resembling claws with sharp black fingernails. This creature immediately notices the party and turns its head in a sudden move, then starts moving towards the heroes.

It's Nile's turn, but Jacques and Tinsley can post actions too.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Grey skin humanoid

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22


2020-06-12, 05:39 PM

Taking a moment to scan the room, Nile's eyes were quickly drawn to the sickly looking creature staring back at them with bloodshot eyes. He didn't need any more time to size up the situation. Moving quickly, Nile waded through the muck until he had clear line of sight. He pulled the shadows into one palm while grabbing the broken dagger he'd traded Tinsley for with the other. Finishing the spell and bringing both hands together, he was still for just a moment before sending shadow surging through the dagger as it shot out at the humanoid.

Move to F-23 through difficult terrain first. Pull the bent dagger as part of his move. Cast the Catapult spell on the dagger and allow it to fly out of Nile's hands at the enemy.

Dex Save DC 13
Damage if it hits: [roll0] bludgeoning

2020-06-12, 06:36 PM
(Oh Hells that must be the Undead) Jacques thinks to himself as he steps into the room and begins to cast his spell.

With finger outstretched he fires off a familiar blue-white laser at the unliving monster in front of him.

Sacred Flame: DC 13 Dex save or [roll0] radiant damage

2020-06-13, 01:58 PM
The dagger that used to belong to Tinsley flies through the air and explodes violently in the torso of the monstrous enemy, opening a large hole on its chest. But the creature doesn’t seem bothered by it and keeps marching through the mud towards the group of heroes.

In a flash of radiant light, Jacques casts the sacred flame spell directed at the enemy, but it misses the target!

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Grey skin humanoid

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22


John Cribati
2020-06-13, 09:11 PM

He loads a bullet into his sling almost monotonous at this point, backing away and firing on the creature. He never thought that his practically time-honored tradition of "hide in the corner and throw things ate the abomination" would get boring, and yet, here he was.

I really need to start working on better magic, he grumbles to anyone who'll listen.

Move to K23 and attack Zombie with Sling
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-06-14, 09:01 AM
Tinsley launches a sling bullet, piercing the monster’s left eye socket and bursting through the other side, leaving a hole in the creature’s head. But as if unphased by the attack, the enemy monster keeps on marching through the mud and claws violently at the paladin dwarf, Franklin, but the dwarf is able to dodge the attack!

Monster attack [roll0]
damage: [roll1] slashing

At this moment, the man reading from the tome looks back at the fighting scene and whispers an inaudible word with a satisfied grim. Immediately, grey skinned arms raise from the mud a few steps behind the heroes and two more of the undead monsters start to hoist themselves up from the muddy ground.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Grey skin humanoid

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22


2020-06-15, 02:17 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 14/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

Desmond aims a hand crackling with electricity at the creature.

Shocking grasp: [roll0] + [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] and if it hits, the creature can't take reactions.

2020-06-15, 06:41 AM
As the undead monster is zapped by Desmond’s shocking grasp, the paladin Franklin swings his heavy sword!
After a devastating blow, the monster falls down splashing mud at the heroes and stops moving.

Franklin’s attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] slashing

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22


2020-06-15, 07:25 PM

As Desmond sends a shock through the creature, finally putting it down, Nile looks back and forth between his companions and the other two monsters before setting his eyes on the man in the corner. Indecision grips him for a moment, but then he starts slogging through the mud towards the mysterious man, eyes locked on him.

Yep, it's a dash round. I'm 'running' to G-17. Nile's gotten it in his head to go wizard-hunting, which may turn out to be incredibly foolish, but we'll see.

2020-06-16, 06:29 AM
The sorcerer Nile rushes through the mud, bolting towards the villainous reading man.

Meanwhile, Tinsley attempts to climb up to one of the cages hanging from the cave ceiling. But the rogue fails to get a good grip and falls back into the muddy ground.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22


2020-06-16, 03:01 PM
Jacques trudges through the mud towards Franklin, in a battle with undead he knows he wants to be as close as possible to a friendly paladin. As he sees two more of the beasts rise from the mud he silently curses to himself and fires off another blue-white laser.

Jacques moves to H22 and casts Sacred Flame on Zombie 4. DC 13 dex save or [roll0] radiant damage

2020-06-16, 10:36 PM
The undead burns with the magical flame invoked by Jacques! But the creature is still moving.

On the far end of the room, the man shouts “Uninvited visitors! You shall make fine additions to my army, after I kill the lot of you.” He moves unbelievably fast in the muddy terrain. At each step, the man’s feet barely sink into the mud at all.

At the same time, the grey skinned putrefied monsters keep on marching towards the heroes.
One of them reaches Tinsley and slashes him with a claw attack.
Another one chooses Desmond as its prey and also attacks with sharp claws.
Both monsters fail to hit their targets!

Claws at Tinsley: [roll0]

Claws at Desmond: [roll1]

Grey Undead #4 is hurt.
#3 is at full health.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22


2020-06-17, 03:29 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 14/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

Desmond did briefly wonder, if a necromancer would have any use for his body. He hadn't at least heard of any warforged zombies, though who knew. Desmond himself wasn't ready to give his body up for scholarship.

These thoughts brief, as Desmond raised his shield block the claws, and responded with a blast of electricity.

Shocking Grasp: [roll0] + [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Edit: since the attack likely hit, Desmond will move to J-24, as the creature can't take reactions due to Shocking grasp

2020-06-17, 04:30 PM
With his mind full of the mysteries of the afterlife, Desmond shocks the undead creature and moves out towards Tinsley, the climber.

In a roar of anger, the dwaf Franklin attacks the monster with his greatsword., but being waist deep in mud, the hero fails to connect.

Greatsword: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

It's Nile's turn, but Jacques and Tinsley can act out of order.

Grey Undead #4 is hurt.
#3 is at full health.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 22/22


2020-06-17, 06:46 PM

Slogging his way through the mud and seemingly unconcerned about just how fast the other man is moving or what that might mean, Nile's vision tunnels on getting closer. Moving his hand in a familiar pattern, Nile grabs the shadow hovering in place behind the wizard and bends it to his will.

Move to H-14. If able, cast Catapult for [roll0] with Dex save of 13.

If it's obvious Nile can't do this, he'll look around for something to cast on and then settle for attacking with his crossbow.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2020-06-17, 07:10 PM
Jacques tried to stay as light on his feet as is possible while deep in the muck. He tries to keep his heavily armored paladin friend in between himself and the monster. Seeing how effective his last laser was against the undead fiend he fires again attempting to bring it down.

Tinsley, are you okay dealing with that one by the cage?

Sacred Flame DC 13 dex save or [roll0] radiant damage

John Cribati
2020-06-17, 08:50 PM

He should have known he didn't have the upper body strength to try and climb the bars of the cage, but it was the most immediate possible option. Noe he had to work. And with nobody to show off for either.

He takes a step back to get as much of a running start as he can, and he's already started moving when he hears Jacques call to him.

Whaddya mean, the one by the- ACK!

Though his normal speaking tone was something of a medium-high tenor, he showed off quite an impressive range. As the Zombie's attack blindsided him.

Luckily enough, he was halfway through the motion of running directly up the bars of the cage, and the claw swipe was aimed at where his hip would have been had he been standing.

Without much thought, he sprung off of the bars, throwing his newly-pink dagger nearly the same instant it came up his sleeve, before landing on the Zombie's shoulders and using it as a final springboard to make his way on top of the cage. He takes a shake breath that could also be a laugh.

I think I'll manage just fine.

Improbable Anime Dagger Toss Attack!
Attack Roll: [roll0]+ Bless [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2020-06-18, 07:17 AM
The strong-willed sorcerer Nile fights through the mud and casts his deadly catapult spell, commanding his mystic shadows to launch a thick book at the villain. But some strange force diverts the trajectory of the spell and the foe is unharmed.

Another radiant flash of light hurts the undead near the entrance. Courtesy of the cleric Jacques. But the monster insists on growling and moving forward.

After a failed attempt to climb, Tinsley finds a new vantage position away from the clawing monster below and slings a dagger hitting the creature the shoulder. The monster growls and turns away seeking easier prey on the ground level.

Meanwhile the villainous man who was reading the tome grabs a potion from the cabinet in front of him and drinks it. Once again, he whispers an inaudible word and an undead monster raises from the mud.

Back at the entrance of the room, the undead monsters make claw attacks!

Claw attack at Desmond: [roll0], damage: [roll1] slashing
Claw attack at Franklin: [roll2], damage: [roll3] slashing

It's Desmond's turn.

Besides the reading man, there are three grey undead monsters:
Grey Undead #4 is hanging by a thread.
#3 is hurt.
#5 is at full health.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22


2020-06-18, 07:24 AM
Hurt by the claws, Franklin attacks again with his greatsword.

Attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

With a devastating attack, the paladin slays the undead in front of him and rushes towards Desmond to offer support.

It's Desmond's turn.

Besides the reading man, there are two grey undead monsters:
#3 is hurt.
#5 is at full health.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22


2020-06-18, 08:27 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 14/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

"Great work!" Desmond exclaims as he sees the paladin fell the creature, already attacking his next opponent.

He saw that another zombie was already rising. They probably had to take the necromancer down to really finish this.

Shocking grasp: [roll0] + [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

If it hits, move one square to the left

2020-06-18, 08:46 AM
Desmond shocks the undead near him and takes a step back. The monster is still up and growling!

It's Niles's turn, but Jacques and Tinsley can act out of order.

Besides the reading man, there are two grey undead monsters:
#3 is hurt.
#5 is at full health.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 18/22


2020-06-18, 05:37 PM
Jacques fires a quick laser at the undead surrounded by his friends before marching off through the mud in an attempt to back up Nile.

Sacred Flame DC 13 dex or [roll0] radiant damage and Jacques moves to H19

2020-06-18, 10:17 PM

Cursing the wizard's apparent power, Nile is forced to switch his attention to a much closer threat. He reaches out with a hand cloaked in shadow, grasping the undead closest to him.

Casting Chill Touch on #5 and then moving to E-15. If it hits, it grants disadvantage on the creatures next attack against Nile if he tries.

Spell attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: ouch

John Cribati
2020-06-18, 10:25 PM

Sizing up the situation, Tinsley loads his sling and, only vaguely considering the consequences- all of which involve taking some sort of magic attack to the face- he fires on the necromancer.

Eat Room-temperature Lead, Wizard! (Sling Attack)
Attack Roll: [roll0]+ Bless [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2020-06-19, 11:27 AM
The cleric Jacques conjures another flash of radiant flames at the clawing undead! It burns the creature’s left ear clean off, but the monster keeps fighting!

Nile’s chill touch fails to hit the mark and the reading man, all dressed in dark clothes, laughts at him “Ha! Unimpressive witchcraft. Surrender to me now, enchanter of shadows.. Me and my benevolent patron will teach you the higher forms of sorce--” The speech is suddenly interrupted by a high-speed sling bullet, knocking out some teeth! “WHO DARES?!?!” Livid with anger, the reading man grabs a spear from his cabinet and marches towards Tinsley and throws the spear at him!

Spear attack: [roll0], disadvantage: [roll1].
Damage: [roll2] piercing

Near the entrance of the muddy room, one undead claws Franklin!
The other undead monster targets Nile with his black sharp claws!

Claw attack at Franklin: [roll3], damage: [roll4] slashing
Claw attack at Nile: [roll5], damage: [roll6] slashing

It's Desmond's turn!

The reading man is slighly hurt.
Undead #3 is hurt.
Undead #5 is at full health.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 10/22


John Cribati
2020-06-19, 11:34 AM

Tinsley grins and easily sidesteps the thrown weapon.

Wild shot there, mate! What's the matter, don't have any proper physics books in your study?

Vicious Mockery.
Wizard makes a Wisdom Save of 12, or takes [roll0] psychic damage and also has disadvantage on his next attack roll.

2020-06-19, 11:40 AM
The paladin Franklin took a nasty hit from one of the undead monsters and becomes paralysed!

It's Desmond's turn!

The reading man is slighly hurt.
Undead #3 is hurt.
Undead #5 is at full health.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 10/22


2020-06-20, 04:48 PM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 14/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

Desmond hears the wizard boast, but sees Franklin was barely able to shrug of the paralysis, and so decides it might be best to help paladin finish off this foe first, before aiming for the creatures' leader. He aims his hand at the creature, a cylinder popping out of his palm and spitting fire.

Firebolt at #3: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-06-20, 05:43 PM
The fire hurts the undead monster, but it refuses to fall down!

The reading man responds to Tinsley “A foolish attempt to insult me! I’m a loyal knight of Kyogramull, my will is iron forged from the souls of hoodlums who defy me!”

It's Nile's turn, but Jacques can act too. Tinsley already posted his round 5 action (Vicious Mockery).

The reading man is slighly hurt.
Undead #3 is very hurt.
Undead #5 is at full health.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 10/22


2020-06-20, 08:19 PM
Jacques reads himself to fire another beam at the undead attacking Franklin. (Gods there’s so many of these things. We can’t even get to that Knight till we get them off our backs, but what the hells are we supposed to do? There could be more of them under the...)

Jacques own thoughts trail off as he feels something. Like a fish feeling something through the currents of the water, Jacques can feel something move through the ripples of magic in the room. A pensive look flashed across his face for an instant and he rubs the rosary around his left wrist as he concentrates to interpret what he’s sensing. With a little focus it’s almost like magic itself is whispering in his ear.

His eyes pop wide open as they bestow a supernatural secret to him and he steps down to position himself between the two ghoulish monsters. He throws his arms wide, closed his eyes and lets his head tilt back relaxed.

And the room erupts with light.

Jacques moves one square south and activates Turn Undead catching both undead (and any further possible undead under the mud) in its area. DC 13 Wis save or it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.

“A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.”

2020-06-20, 08:27 PM

Pulling his dagger free of it's sheath, Nile cloaks the blade in shadow, concentrating the magical pressure into a mote on the tip of the blade. As he slashes across the undead, he allows the point of shadow to detonate, triggering a thunderous blast that echoes through the enclosed cavern.

Booming blade dagger attack: [1d20+4[/roll]
Damage: [roll0] slashing plus [roll1] sonic damage.
Additional damage if the creature moves: [roll2]

2020-06-22, 06:01 AM
As the sorcerer Nile skillfully fights his enemy, a blinding flash of light repels the undead creature that was ready to claw at him! As the monster turns flees, Nile’s blade emits a thunderous boom that forcefully strikes the creature!

Near the entrance, the other monster appears unphased and continues to claw at the paladin Franklin, but the dwarven arnor protects the hero.

Claw attack at Franklin: [roll0], damage: [roll1] slashing.

It's Desmond's turn!

Attack of Opportunity: Nile has an attack of opportunity against Undead #5.

The reading man is slighly hurt.
Undead #3 is very hurt.
Undead #5 is very hurt.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 10/22


2020-06-22, 06:53 AM
Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
HP: 14/17, AC: 19, Concentrating on: -, Save DC: 13

Desmond continues to unleash bolts of fire at the undead creature, hoping to take it down.

Firebolt at #3: [roll0] + [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2020-06-22, 08:24 AM
Franklin nearly needs to crouch down to avoid a wild burst of fire shot by Desmond, but without blinking, the dwarf attacks the undead monster with the greatsword! But the paladin swings too wide and hits nothing but air.

[roll0], damage: [roll1]

It's Nile's turn, but Jacques and Tinsley can act out of order.

Attack of Opportunity: Nile still has an attack of opportunity against Undead #5, from round 5.

The reading man is slighly hurt.
Undead #3 is very hurt.
Undead #5 is very hurt.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 10/22


2020-06-22, 07:04 PM
Jacques trudges forward through the mud as he sees one of the monsters flee from his handywork. He calls out to the living man while holding his right hand out ready to cast magic, You’re horribly outnumbered, your forces are fleeing and you’ve been pinned down. Now seems like a great time for you to surrender. We’re reasonable, and willing to negotiate.

As he talks Ophelia is perched on his shoulder scanning the wind currents in the room and helping Jacques line up the trigonometry of a shot using echolocation.

Jacques moves 3 squares north. Ophelia uses the help action to give Jacques advantage on his next attack and Jacques holds his action to cast Guiding Bolt on the man, with advantage, should he decide not to parley or surrender.

2020-06-22, 07:53 PM

Nile snakes out an attack with his dagger, striking at the undead as it fleets Jacques' holy light. As the cleric proceeds to close with the wizard, entreating him to surrender, it opens up a window for Nile to strike the only undead left standing. He sheathes his dagger leaving a hand free to load his crossbow before he takes careful aim and fires a shot, hoping to put the thing down before it could strike at Franklin once more.

Crossbow attack: [roll]1d20+4[/roll[
Damage: [roll0]

2020-06-23, 07:52 AM
Nile slashes the fleeing monster, but it wasn’t a strong enough blow to stop the creature permanently. With steady hands, the sorcerer shoots a crossbow bolt hitting the shoulder of the undead near Franklin. The monster almost falls back, whatever dark force animates this creature is waning.

With a glint of evil in his eyes, the reading man replies to Jacques “If you expect me to endure the humiliation of being your prisoner, I invite you to defeat me in combat first.” He doesn’t seem leaned towards yielding.

It's Tinsley's turn.

Attack of Opportunity: Nile still has an attack of opportunity against Undead #5, from round 5.

The reading man is slighly hurt.
Undead #3 is barely standing!
Undead #5 is very hurt.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17
Ready to fire

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 10/22


John Cribati
2020-06-23, 08:19 AM

You're doing a good enough defeating y'self, I'd say. And given how you're chucking spears at me instead of spells, I'd take it that ol' Kyo-what's-his-face isn't too happy with the subpar handies you're offering in exchange for sharing his magic. But tell you what, I can be benevolent, as well.

He points theatrically at the cornered spell caster, Tinsley's hand takes on a rich, bright violet glow.

Your choices are sit down or get lit up.

Persuasion? Intimidation? [roll0]
Ready an action to cast a Minor Illusion of the sound of a blaring trumpet, directly next to the necromancer, in the event that the necromancer attempts to attack anyone.

2020-06-23, 10:05 AM
The villain looks at Tinsley and replies “Yes, that is a compelling argument, young man. But allow me to offer you.. A change of view!”

This is what the villain will do and you tell me at which point you want to trigger your readied action. He will move to the tile Q-9 and pull a lever on the wall.

Meanwhile, near the entrance, the undead monster claws at Franklin, once more.

Claw attack:
[roll0], damage: [roll1]

It's Desmond's turn.

Attack of Opportunity: Nile still has an attack of opportunity against Undead #5, from round 5.

The reading man is slighly hurt.
Undead #3 is barely standing!
Undead #5 is very hurt.

Mud: The entire room is difficult terrain.

in the map: the areas with wooden boxes represent the cages. Each cluster of boxes is one cage, because they are large. Also, the areas with a yellow square are the glowing moss. The blue squares are pits with water running beneath them.

Reminder: Jacques has 1 inspiration point!

Spell Slots

Nile (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2198554)
Human Sorcerer
AC 15 (12) HP 14/14
Blessed (d4)

Jacques Galantine (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199104)
Human Cleric
AC 17 HP 17/17
Ready to fire

John Cribati
Tinsley (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199381)
Human Rogue
AC 14 HP 17/17
Blessed (d4)

Reading man

Grey skin humanoids

Desmond (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2199179)
Warforged Artificer
AC 19 HP 14/17
Blessed (d4)

Franklin (https://www.dndbeyond.com/characters/27931232)
Dwarf Paladin
AC 16 HP 2/22


2020-06-24, 12:06 AM
As the man steps forward Jacques doesn’t hesitate.

A beam of piercing white energy jets through the room from Jacques’ outstretched right hand and connects, center mass, with the magician’s enemy. Crackles of pale blue lighting arc around the man’s body and stunt his movements just enough to let the next person to attack the man have advantage in their next attack.