View Full Version : Need Help, prayers and miracles

2007-10-25, 04:02 PM
Hello to everyone,

I have a special request. My husband has been fighting cancer for the third time for about 2 1/2 years now. He seems to get better and then things get worse again. On Monday he will start another round of extense chemotherapy for four days. I keep feeling that we are running out of things to try even though new medicines are ebing developed all the time.

I know that he has the best doctor he could have. (We have sought second opinions over the years and have been told by these other doctor's that our current doctor is the best in the field.) Our doctor is also extremely intelligent, thoughtful, compassionate and always available. He gave us his cell phone number and home number on the very first day we met with him.

I pray everyday that God will guide the doctor's to do what is best for him. But I feel like I need to do more.

I was wondering if anyone out there could help me find other ways to help him. I will try anything from alternative medicines to spells if I have to. I know that anything that I find, I need to check with his doctor to make sure that it won't counteract his treatments. His doctor told me that as long as it doesn't we can try it.

I have tried searching the web myself, but I can't tell which sites are legit and which ones are hoaxes.

My husband's cancer is a form of Leukemia abbreviated A.L.L. which stands for acute lymphocytic leukemia.

I appreciate any help that you can give us.



2007-10-25, 04:03 PM
I have heard that humor and a positive attitude helps keep the immune system healthy.

If not, then at least the humor will make his life more enjoyable.

Raiser Blade
2007-10-25, 04:04 PM

If you are willing to try alternative medicine this site is for real.

2007-10-25, 04:09 PM
i really hope everything turns out allright, stay strong :smallsmile:

2007-10-25, 04:10 PM
I cannot give you anything more than my best wishes, Even though I do not normally, I shall pray for him tonight.

Unfortunately thats the best I can do.

2007-10-25, 05:26 PM
Thank you for the website. I will definitely check it out.

Well wishes and prayers are always helpful. I truly believe that prayers are heard and help. A little over two years ago, my husband was very sick in the hospital. He is a teacher and the private school were he teaches was having a function that my husband wanted to attend but coudn't. Even thought he was given medicine to help him feel better he was still in severe pain, was nauseous, and could barely lift his head off of his pillow. Shortly after the function was supposed to start, my husband started to feel better. He sat up, wanted something to eat, and asked if I wanted to play cards.

The next day, I found out that the school decided to have everyone at the function join together in a prayer for my husband to start the evening. I truly believe that their prayers helped him to feel better.

So please know, well wishes and prayers are greatly appreciated!!


A Rainy Knight
2007-10-25, 05:54 PM
So please know, well wishes and prayers are greatly appreciated!!

Well, he'll be in my prayers tonight then.
I hope that things turn out all right for you. :smallsmile:

2007-10-25, 06:14 PM
Has a BMT been considered? I am on a registry of donors- the web site is http://www.marrow.org/
Although I am sure you have already explored this option. Good luck to you both :smallsmile:

2007-10-25, 06:31 PM
My husband has already had one BMT and they thought they were going to do another one 6 months ago, but there were complications. The doctor's say that another transplant is still an option, but right now they need to get the cancer under control.

Thanks again for all you help. My husband and I frequent this site often. He is the DM of our group and I am a player. We both enjoy "Order of the Stick" and have found that the forums help us with our gaming questions.

Your help with this means a lot!!!


The Orange Zergling
2007-10-25, 11:00 PM
I'm not a big believer in alternative healing, but I wish you and your husband well. My advice is to just keep your spirits high as you try things that might help, or that you know help. Stay optimistic, even though it might be hard.

2007-10-25, 11:08 PM
I wish I could do more to help, but all I can do is send you my best wishes, and prayers for the best.

2007-10-25, 11:13 PM
My prayers are with you:smallfrown:

Two years ago this November my grandfather died of cancer, I wish I could do more.

Yoritomo Himeko
2007-10-25, 11:43 PM
Hello to everyone,

I have a special request. My husband has been fighting cancer for the third time for about 2 1/2 years now. He seems to get better and then things get worse again. On Monday he will start another round of extense chemotherapy for four days. I keep feeling that we are running out of things to try even though new medicines are ebing developed all the time.

I know that he has the best doctor he could have. (We have sought second opinions over the years and have been told by these other doctor's that our current doctor is the best in the field.) Our doctor is also extremely intelligent, thoughtful, compassionate and always available. He gave us his cell phone number and home number on the very first day we met with him.

I pray everyday that God will guide the doctor's to do what is best for him. But I feel like I need to do more.

I was wondering if anyone out there could help me find other ways to help him. I will try anything from alternative medicines to spells if I have to. I know that anything that I find, I need to check with his doctor to make sure that it won't counteract his treatments. His doctor told me that as long as it doesn't we can try it.

I have tried searching the web myself, but I can't tell which sites are legit and which ones are hoaxes.

My husband's cancer is a form of Leukemia abbreviated A.L.L. which stands for acute lymphocytic leukemia.

I appreciate any help that you can give us.



Well, I'm afraid all I can offer right now are prayers and well wishes. I hope he gets better. :smallfrown: [[HUGS]]

2007-10-25, 11:53 PM
I do not usually pray, but if you believe that will help, I will offer one up. I hope it works out okay.

2007-10-26, 12:31 AM
My prayers will be with you and your husband. As the son of a cancer survivor and a friend of others, I can understand where you're coming from, if only a little. It may seem bleak now, but have faith. Keep hope, keep smiling, never despair; better days will come.

Best wishes and best of luck to the both of you.

2007-10-26, 01:04 AM
The only thing I can do is to tell you to stay strong. I'll pray for you.

blue chicken
2007-10-26, 01:09 AM
Funny; I've recently started college and been without a regular church community...I go to Christian Student Fellowship, but it's not the same, you know? I certainly haven't renounced my faith or anything, but what with school and the social scene and everything...things kind of slide into the background.

Recently, though, here and at another website, I've seen requests for prayers of healing. I'll follow up on yours; it'll help, even if it only gives you peace of mind that things unfold the way they're meant to regardless.

Interesting that one person's pain and cry for help can bring so many other people closer to what they believe in. Thank you, and best wishes.

2007-10-26, 01:46 AM
I'm not christian, but I know that many people find religeon useful for this sort of thing, and I wish your husband all the best. Just remember to keep him happy. My advice? Go somewhere if you can, like on a holiday if its not too hard for him. Otherwise, make sure you both stay positive and remember to laugh, it really is the best medicine, and that's not just an expression.:smallsmile:

2007-10-26, 03:48 AM
My well wishes are also with you, and I add to the people who say going somewheer nice on holiday would be a good thing. One of my best friends from my college days is fighting lukemia at the moment too, and going to Venice and Los Angelses has helped to keep his spirits up, and it seems to be helping his treatment.

I hope your husband keeps up the fight and enjoys life, my thoughts are with you both.

2007-10-26, 12:01 PM
What is your husbands name? I could put him on the prayer list at my church. Just first name is fine, and I'd rather not put him down as cykessa's husband. :smalltongue:

2007-10-26, 12:06 PM
Your husband is the second person this week I have heard about that has Leukemia. I don't know what type the other person has, but she's only 3 years old. They have started her on radiation, and to help her feel better about it, her dad shaved his head, and her mom cut her hair really short. She's got the best care in the area tho... Children's Hospital in Cincinnati.

Both she, and your husband, and you, are in my prayers.

2007-10-26, 12:10 PM
Thank you all so much for your kind words and suggestions. It all means so much and is so helpful.

I don't think that we can take a trip right now (He is about to start treatments again), but maybe I can plan something for the near future. It will give him something to look forward to doing. Thanks!

My husband's name is Andrew. He is known on here as Accolon. Thank you for offering to add him to your church's prayer list. I really believe that prayers can help.

Thank you again for everything! I can't tell you how much it all means to us!

-- Karen

2007-10-26, 12:12 PM
He'll be in my prayers. May he be well; and remain healthy once he's through the ordeal. :smallsmile:

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-10-26, 12:17 PM
He'll be prayed for over on my end. My mom is big into herbal stuff and has helped folks with cancer a bit and it seems to work in general. Will ask her about it.

However... I'd stay away from 'spells'. Far, far away.

2007-10-26, 12:23 PM
I know the healing power of prayer first hand. I’ve also known too many people with cancer throughout my relatively young life. So my prayers are with you and you’re husband. Besides I need to pray more anyway.

Good luck and may the lord bless you and keep you.

Tempest Fennac
2007-10-26, 12:32 PM
This website should be helpful: http://www.vitaminb17.org/ . I'll try sending Reiki later on.

2007-10-26, 03:58 PM
I hope your husband gets cured.
If you deside to use alternative treatment, I hope you will bear in mind that it's defined as alternative because science won't accept it to be helping the patients.
The reason for why institutional medicine won't accept alternative medicine is because there's no proof that it helps. The proof is usually defined that more person than what can be atributed to chance should get better by the treatment.
Also, with such treatments being very expensive and without a guaranty, bevare being taken advantage of.:smalleek:

Infosite about A.L.L. (http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/all_page?item_id=7049)

2007-10-26, 04:19 PM
I hope that you husband gets well, and wish the best to both of you.

I'll ask all of my friends to pray for him, and see if they will put him on their church's prayer list.

2007-10-26, 04:31 PM
From my own family's experiences with cancer, the strongest assets we as non-medical types can bring to the table are a healthy lifestyle (diet, physical activity) and a positive outlook. Keeping blood-sugar stable is a big help on both sides of the ball.

The worst thing is to be overwhelmed by stress, fatigue, and despair. Quitting is easy. Fighting is hard - but it's a heck of a lot more rewarding use of your time even if you don't beat the cancer.

Keep your husband's spheres of both concern and influence as wide as they can be. Prayer, study, service, creative work, overcoming challenges, and spending quality time with family and friends should fill as many waking hours of his life as possible. Don't fall into the trap of wasting time worrying and waiting. It not only squanders his quality of life, but it statistically lowers his chances of recovering.

We'll keep you in our family's prayers.

- Marty Lund

2007-10-26, 04:43 PM
I will offer prayers for him as well. :smallsmile:

I think most people have experienced cancer in their family. My grandfather barely made it through his this spring, and I think prayer did help a lot. My thoughts are with you.

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2007-10-26, 04:45 PM
I know what you're thinking. "Golly! Someone is in need and Bor hasn't uttered a word of comfort."

Well, boys and girls, this isn't true. I sent a PM to Karen asking where she is. Just a general location; the specifics can be left to the professionals should the time come.

From time to time, I've mentioned an old buddy of mine. I have known him over 25 years. His life is entirely too busy to stay in touch on a regular basis, but I keep trying. Meanwhile, in Karen's case, he just MIGHT be able to offer some aid. He's a radiology oncologist on the board of directors with the American Cancer Society, and carries an MD PhD in his proverbial pocket. If HE can't help, maybe he knows someone who can.

Some of you may remember my tale of little Lizzy. Not only did she survive a deadly bout with AML (one of the worst in the leukemia batch), but is now a gorgeous teen doing perfectly normal teen stuff. It's a tough and terrible battle, but it can be won.

And to Karen: that you came to plead with a group of virtual strangers says something about your love of your husband. That love, on its own, can have great power. As you and he fight this nightmare of an illness, remind him of that love...(and maybe also how danged lucky he is to have you :smallwink: ).

Raiser Blade
2007-10-26, 07:00 PM
I hope your husband gets cured.
If you deside to use alternative treatment, I hope you will bear in mind that it's defined as alternative because science won't accept it to be helping the patients.
The reason for why institutional medicine won't accept alternative medicine is because there's no proof that it helps. The proof is usually defined that more person than what can be atributed to chance should get better by the treatment.
Also, with such treatments being very expensive and without a guaranty, bevare being taken advantage of.:smalleek:

Infosite about A.L.L. (http://www.leukemia-lymphoma.org/all_page?item_id=7049)

Sigh :smallsigh:

Yes it has been proven to work. I am resisting a spiel on th F.D.A. right now. (I'm a conspiracy theorist. Well not really but...)

There are scams out there so yes be careful but alternative medicine can be a huge help.

2007-10-26, 07:59 PM
My thoughts and well wishes go out to the two of you. I hope everything will work out for him.

2007-10-27, 12:47 PM
Thank you for all of the well wishes. I want all of you to know that since I posted the message, my husband has been feeling better. His symptoms seem to be under control, even though he hasn't started treatment yet.

At the beginning of the week, he wasn't sure if he would feel up to playing DND on Friday (last night). It is our usual game night. Not only was he able to play last night, he seemed more relaxed and healthy than he has in weeks, maybe even months.

He still has a long battle in front of him, but I believe that last night helped him a lot. I also believe that your prayers and goods thoughts have helped him as well.

I have printed information from the various websites that have been posted. I am going to show the information to his doctor.

I appreciate your words of caution in regards to scams. Unfortunately there are people that look to take advantage of people who are scared and desparate. I promise that I will look into anything that I find or that is posted.

I just feel that we are running out of options. I don't want to ever look back and feel that there was more that I could have done to help. Even if I never find a single treatment that he can try, at least I looked.

And even better than that, I am making friends who are now praying for him. And if the past couple of days are an example of what those prayers can do, my husband is going to bet this!! :smallbiggrin:

Thank you!!
