View Full Version : Heroes of the Golden Generation! [IC]

2020-05-05, 04:14 PM
Unification Day

The streets of Refuge bustle as the capital city of the Human Kingdom of Xander plays host to a momentous day in the history of the Allied Nations. The preparations for the celebration have been months in the planning, and the streets of Refuge are festooned with brightly colored ribbons and flowers. Near every street is lined with stalls selling food, drink, or baubles of all kind, and every street corner and open square is filled with performers and street magicians showing off their skills and illusions all the while musicians and the voices of the crowd fill the air with joyous music and laughter. Some Gnomish skylights also are sent into the air adding to the cacophony as they burst in the air.

You are here with fellow members of your respective Factions. Some are here to witness and experience this historic event first hand (Gnomish Academy), others are here to keep the crowd safe of thieves and other forms of violence, or even just to break up drunken revelers who are starting to fight (Beasts of Faybar and Torch Bearers), and a few are required to be here for the ceremony and diplomatic talks that are soon to be underway between the nations (Monk of Bound Oath, Elven Initiate). All are here with some purpose in mind, but all can feel the energy of the crowds. There are children darting between adults. Older folks sit at shaded tables off the main thoroughfares smoking pipes, people watching or merely telling stories of times long past to any who listen.

Truly it was an idyllic day. A celebration of the hope of an enduring peace between the allied nations. The hope of sharing knowledge and resources to bring civilization itself to new heights leading to a brighter future than they could have reached individually. A hope that some wish to strangle in it's crib.

Each of you hear several Gnomish Sky Lights go off in the distance, but the sound is far too close to the ground. Even worse, black smoke and screams of pain and panic follow where the explosions occurred. Before you can respond to this terrible accident another sound reaches your ears, the sounds of blades clashing and voices crying out only to be horrifically cut short. The realization comes quickly to all of you that this wasn't an accident occurring.

The celebration was under attack.

Starting it off on a startling event!

You arrived in Refuge with the Elven Representative. You were given time to wander the city alone before meeting back up with the Elven Representative at the Royal Square before the big speech that was scheduled.

Hannibal is with the Abbot, you and a group of fellow monks were making your way to the Royal Square to officiate the unification treaties with Oaths.

Lena is with her Supervisor. You were enjoying (or dragged along and told to enjoy) the festivities with your supervisor who brought you to the festival as a sort of field trip before starting a new project that she recommended you for. She has been tight lipped as to the nature of this project besides mentioning that it would be huge for any work you wish to take in the future.

You were working security alongside some more senior members of your Order. You are considered to be fresh from your initial training and were going to be assigned to a task after one last training patrol during the festivities.

The Beasts of Faybar are also present and performing security duties. Mostly they are just their to let their presence be known, but it was obviously insufficient to keep trouble at bay. You are with other members of the Beasts of Faybar, specifically two other young members of the Beasts, and an grizzled old member who's best fighting days are behind him acting as pack leader. The veteran is old, but seeing an elder active among the Beasts is telling of his strength and cunning to have survived so long.

You are free to act as you wish. You are not currently in combat, but chaos is beginning to spread around you.

2020-05-05, 04:20 PM
As he doesn't have "Adventurer" stamped onto his forehead, and any skill in combat he has is incidental to being a well-rounded envoy, Messr. Masson heads to the sounds where his skills are truly in need .... not towards the sound of fighting, but towards the din of screams and pain.

2020-05-05, 04:24 PM
Hannibal reacts more notably to the sound of fighting than that of the explosion. He certainly wasn't here for security, but knew the event to be important nonetheless. He turns to the Abbot, waiting for an affirmative nod. Once he gets the approval, Hannibal starts off towards the noise, ready to help. Or potentially hurt, as the case may be.

2020-05-05, 05:12 PM
Lena had been 'enjoying' the festivities with Professor Spinwhistle. She'd much rather be in the garage rather than dealing with the hoity-toity-ness of this ceremony, whatever it was, but the Professor insisted. She'd also been planning something, but she'd been tight lipped over what. She had actually caught herself smiling when she heard the explosion (at least that would have been a bit of excitement), but once it became clear that it was an attack, she began to grab something from her pocket space. "Professor, we have to do something. Do you have anything on you that could help? Or do we just have this?" She says as she grabs her musket, powerder horn and bullets from the extradimensional space they were kept in.

2020-05-05, 05:49 PM
Zo'dar closes his eyes as his armor bursts into a bright white light. He shouts to be heard above the crowd. "If you are unharmed, please exit the area calmly and allow us to handle matters and tend to the wounded! The Torch Bearers are here!" He points in a direction away from the explosions and sounds of battle. After it's clear whether the crowd payed any attention to him he turns toward his CO for orders.

2020-05-06, 05:22 AM
Already showing off his bestial shape, Sekyrn looks at the old one for a second, mostly giving him his due respect in front of the younglings, then start running toward the source of the noise, avoiding panicked folks whenever possible by jumping at walls, still trying to get a glimpse at everything, looking for inspiration at the same time.

Using wall stunt to get there somewhat quicker.

2020-05-08, 10:11 PM
Before you manage to make it to far from where you started, the breeze picks up around you, and a voice you recognize travels on the wind. "Anthariat, return to my side at the Royal Square. It seems security arrangements have been found subpar for this event." The breeze dies down and the voice of Thariat fades with it.

What do you do?

To Hannibal's surprise, the nod he was expecting from the Abbot doesn't come. Instead he turns to the other Monks and says, "Go." Your Brothers and Sisters from the Order salute before disappearing towards the sounds of chaos, the Abbot gestures to Hannibal to follow him as he continues on his course towards Royal Square commenting, "Trust in your Brothers and Sisters to handle this chaos. We need to see how the Alliance representatives fair."

What do you do in response to the Abbot's order?

Ella is flapping her arms in a near panic as explosions sound and fighting occurs. "NO!!! What is all this?!? None of this was supposed to happen!" Before you can even begin to calm her down she rounds on you and cries out, "LENA! You gotta go to the Royal Square! Ugh this attack ruined EVERYTHING! There was going to be speeches and the big surprise in front of everybody. Go see the Federation representative Lena. I'll... I'll uh, go help people evacuate! Yeah!" With that Ella trots off almost getting squished by the fleeing crowd rather than directing it to safety.

What do you do?

Turning to your CO, you catch him nodding in appreciation of your words before he gives you an order, "Zo'Dar, you will split off and head to Royal Square on the double. Avoid conflict when you can. Your objective is to rendezvous with the King and alliance representatives and render all aid and requests as needed. May the light guide your path." Your CO then turns to the rest of the squad and shouts, "The rest of you on me! We will purge these villainous scum that dared crawl out of their dark holes into the light!" With that the squad sanas Zo'Dar makes their way to the nearest sounds of fighting.

What do you do?

You just finished kicking off a burning building when you feel someone cuff you about your ear. It isn't damaging but the pain is enough to stop you cold. You turn around to meet the glare of the Veteran you left behind who you didn't even notice catch up with you until he struck. "Not so fast cub." the Veteran says in a low grumbling almost growl, "You're to head to the Royal Square. You can either go on your own or I drag you there by the scruff of your neck. Which is it gonna be?" Once he is assured that you will go to the square, the Veteran gathers up the other younglings and begins to hunt.

What do you do?

2020-05-08, 10:20 PM
Lena groaned; she wanted to go help, but without a clear end point, she was forced to admit that she had a better than decent shot of just causing more panic. "Fine." Lena said, frustration clear in her voice. "I'll go. Just don't get yourself hurt while I'm gone."

And with that, she quickly loaded her musket, and began to run to Royal Square.

2020-05-08, 10:50 PM
Messr. Masson continues towards the sound of anguish and pain.

2020-05-09, 11:53 AM
Grumbling as well, Sekyrn takes the direction of the Royal Square.

2020-05-10, 08:59 AM
Hannibal had expected to be allowed to go, and was already halfway through a step when the Abbot stopped him. As his comrades head off, he falls forward, faceplanting on the ground before getting back up and sighing. "You've got a point. But why must you take my fun away? I mean, what are the odds that this is a feint to..." He sighs again, and starts walking in pace with the Abbot. "You're expecting an attack on the Representatives aren't you?"

2020-05-11, 09:14 AM
Zo'dar clanks his shield against his chest plate in salute and dashes off toward King's Square. His glow cools back to candle light as he shouts for the crowd to make a hole. He strides forward with determination, but takes care to not step on anyone along the way.

2020-05-11, 09:49 PM
You reach the site of a bombing and the scene is like a tableaux depicting legends of hell. People are strewn about, either whole or in pieces, either wailing in pain or silent in death. Some brave souls move about to stop the fires which the bomb started, others try to aid the injured. The attackers seem to have left the explosive and moved on before detonation leaving the area relatively peaceful for now. In the distance you hear continued sounds of combat in the direction of Royal Square.

Near at hand you see a man carrying a girl. The man stumbles unsteadily across the street showing injuries from being caught near the blast. He is crying almost incoherently for a healer for his daughter who you assume to be the young lady in his arms. At a glance though you can see that the man's requests are hopeless as blood seeps from her orifices and she stares unblinkingly out at the world.

You arrive at the Royal Square. The way there was strangely peaceful but strewn with signs of combat, and it is now clear to see why. The square is currently the site of a melee. The fight is in an arc around the grand stage prepared for the ceremony scheduled later in the day. On one side you see city guardsmen blocking the path to the stage and on the other side are masked men and women trying to break through to the stage where the representatives are.

Closer at hand you each notice that you are not alone in arriving at the scene late. Those just arriving to the scene of the conflict include the semi-humanoid form of a Beast of Faybar in some feline-humanoid form, two monks one older and one a young man, a half-orc knight in glowing armor, and a female gnoll carrying a Federation weapon with her.

Before the rest of you can react the Old Monk speaks, "You wished to have your fun Hannibal? Well have at it then. Just remember that if they show mercy be fair and show the same courtesy. Of course if they seek your life it is fair to respond in kind." The monk ends his speech by gesturing to the gathered Masked forces.

What do you do?

2020-05-11, 10:05 PM
Messr. Masson begins triage, but to do that, he finds anyone that looks like they might help and starts to try to organize them.
I don't know if you are doing round-by-round or general, so ...

1) Establish scene safety, if necessary.
2) Communicate orders to anyone who who might help, including calling for volunteers.
3) Begin triage.
4) Begin life-saving efforts.
5) After life-saving efforts, deal with mass trauma, and then work on down from there.

I expect I may be out-of-play for awhile. Feel free to liberally give folks temporary hp when needed if they are bleeding until I can stop the bleeding itself.

He will not utilize any real healing, as with wild magic - if it should happen - might be truly dangerous in such a crowded place.

2020-05-11, 10:32 PM
Lena rolled her eyes at the older man. "Okay, I don't know who you guys are or why you're here, but I'm gonna start shooting the people attacking this place. I recommend you do the same." She pauses, realizing she's the only one with a firearm. "Or punch it, or whatever it is you people do." She then turns and heads towards the masked intruders, as a circuit like pattern flowed from her hands and into her gun.

SA: Enhance my gun with Merciful (+1) and Shadowake (+1). This will make it do an additional 2d6 NL damage. (Shadowake does 1d6 NL if it would hit touch AC but miss regular AC, but since I'm attacking their Touch anyway, it's effectively just another +1d6 NL. (We'll want prisoners to interrogate, after all.)
MA: Get within range.

2020-05-12, 10:32 AM
The were-mustelid moves closer and growl at the masked one seemingly most dangerous.

"As the heroes appeared on the battleground,
Masked ones were already inbound."

Basically, move action to get nearby, then standard action to challenge the masked one that seems to be the most dangerous (which is an opener).
Current sequence : 1/5
Inspired sequence bonuses : +1 to attack, damage, and CL (next bonus at sequence 4)
The one challenged has +2 to attacks that targets only me, and -2 to attacks that does not include me as a target (and are aware of it, not of the duration though : 4 rounds). I have AC 20 against that one, 19 against the other.

Also, if any of those masked one are in melee range after those 2 actions, I'll be counting coup as a swift action : it's a touch attack that does nothing except count for the sequence.


2020-05-12, 06:07 PM
"Yes yes yes, I remember the rules. Should I attempt to bring one in alive even if they are after my life?" Hannibal smiles as he starts slowly away from his mentor, drawing upon his mental power to augment his body as he had done so many times before.

Slowly walking towards the fight while activating my bound fists.

2020-05-13, 08:51 PM
"Matters not to me." the Old monk replys to Hannibal.

After your discussions among yourselves, one of the Masked ones near the back of the fighting turns around, crying out in surprise, "Enemies!" Which causes a few others at the back to turn and face you all.



Hannibal, a total of five enemies have turned to face you and the others who have arrived at the square. Two wield reach weapons and shields, the rest are dual wielding knives. The spear wielders are slightly closer and the dual wielders are arrayed behind them.

What do you do?

Graphic of enemy positioning. S = spearman, D = dual wielder.

So pulling all this into an initiative order. I am somewhat stealing Lostsole's system of running combat. You can either keep your above actions and rolls when your turn comes or Adjust them as you see fit depending on the changing situation. I mostly wanted to give the time before the battle for preparatory buffs. So Lena can have her musket enchanted and get her full round of actions, Sekyrn can do something else that doesn't target an enemy to begin your sequence (if such a thing is an option), and Zo'Dar can standard action to buff himself before entering the fray if he wishes.

2020-05-13, 09:24 PM
Through force of will you manage to rally the nearby victims into a somewhat organized group working towards mitigating this disaster. Groups now work to search rubble for survivors and fires are quickly combatted. Those with the skills to assist begin aiding the wounded, and others work on gathering and guarding the dead should they rise.

As Masson begins his magical healing to extend lives with temporary vigor, the man carrying his deceased daughter approaches you. "Master! Good master healer, please save my daughter!" the man cries as he kneels down before you and gently lays his daughter down for you to examine.

2020-05-13, 09:38 PM
The very first thing Messr. Masson does, even before actual triage, is to give her them both (Medic and patient) a bulwark). Then, he triages the young girl to get a sense of the extent of her injuries and how to begin.
Provide her with +3 thp.
Conduct Heal check for diagnostics and stopping immediate blood loss [roll0]

2020-05-13, 10:14 PM
Lena moved east to line up her target and took aim at one of the spear men. While it would have the added benefit of clearing a path for the melee folks, that's not why she did it. If she lined up her she right, she should be able to not only hit the masked marauder, but also the knife wielding one behind him.

FrA: Spend SP to maintain enchantment
MA: Move into position.
AA: Attack a spearman. [roll0] vs touch; +1 to that if I moved 10+ feet during the move action. [roll1] +[roll2]; all NL. If this hits, I hit the knife guy behind him. [roll3] vs touch; +1 if I moved 10+ feet. [roll4] + [roll5], all NL.

2020-05-14, 06:49 AM
Zo'dar points his blade at the spearman (spearwoman? Masks make matters muddled.) to the far right. "Drop your weapons, lay face down, and submit to justice. This is your only warning."

Move action: Challenge the far right spearperson. They get +2 to hit me, -2 to hit anyone else, and I get +1 to hit and +2 damage against them. All of that lasts 4 rounds.
AOOs: Active defense on Zo'dar granting him +2 AC and DR 2 on the next 2 attacks against him this round.

2020-05-14, 01:40 PM
"Making it easy on me. And the others wonder why you're my favorite." Hannibal puts on an unusual smile and suddenly breaks into a dash towards the nearest foe, bringing his fist into his targets chest while injecting his magic into the punch, attempting to disturb the bloodflow of his target.

Move action: Move in to one of the ones in front. There should be no concern for movement with my 50ft move speed.
Standard action: Spell Attack (Exsanguinating Strike)

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
If the attack connects, the target starts taking 1 Bleed damage from Blooded Strike, and similar suffers a -1 penalty to Weapon Attack Rolls for the duration of the bleed.
In addition, the target must make a Fort Save DC 16 or be affected by my Blood Control, using my Migraine talent to cause it to be sickened.

Depending on how you consider the order of events, the target may suffer a -1 penalty to save for me wielding a weapon that had dealt bleed damage in the past minute from Bloodmonger, and the target may also suffer a -4 penalty to save for suffering from bleed damage. This only applies if you treat the action as sequential and not if it is treated as simultaneous.

If Blood Control succeeds, he will concentrate on it at the very least until the next round, so concentration checks will be needed for any attack he might take.

2020-05-14, 07:12 PM
Your spell fails to take hold, and it soon becomes clear why when your examination shows that the young woman is dead. Your examination indicates that she died instantly the blast having ruptured her internal organs including her heart. The man looks at you expectantly, obviously either not realizing she is dead or deep in denial about the fact.


"Making it easy on me. And the others wonder why you're my favorite." Hannibal puts on an unusual smile and suddenly breaks into a dash towards the nearest foe, bringing his fist into his targets chest while injecting his magic into the punch, attempting to disturb the bloodflow of his target. The blow connects for 6 damage and Hannibal feels the enemy fall under his magic's control as his opponent's head turns red from excessive blood flow.

Sekyrn, the young monk has landed a blow on one of the spearmen bringing you into the rhythm of combat. What do you do?

Rhythm of combat = Sequence was started.

2020-05-14, 07:32 PM
Messr. Masson shakes his head and motions for the man to take the girl. "It's too late. She is an innocent who has gone onto her reward, out of the clutches of evil."

He moves on to his triage.

2020-05-15, 05:04 AM
Moving in toward the left side, Sekyrn does his best to draw the attention of the top left dual wielder.

"Thank you for in your downfall taking part
So that it turns into a piece of art."

Move action : closing the gap
Standard action : Challenging the top left one. They get +2 to hit me, -2 to hit anyone else, and I get +1 dodge to AC and +1 sacred to saves against them.
Swift action : Counting coup, hitting as a touch attack doing nothing. If it hits, I'm at sequence 4, giving all my allies +2 to hit, damage, and caster level. If it doesn't, I'm at sequence 3, for a +1 instead (but the first action that would count as sequence will bring me at 4, so just moving in melee range would count (not in a charge though).

2020-05-17, 02:14 AM

Sekyrn closes in gracefully on the Masked one on the far left, challenging him to combat and landing a delicate touch in an invitation to respond. Respond he does.

A swift flurry of moves attempts to throw Sekyrn off balance, but the wary weremink sees through the deception. The first blade is dodged easily, but the second only barely avoids Sekyrn's throat scoring a cut on the collarbone for 5 Slashing.


The dual wielding foe in the middle of the enemy formation steps forward, shoulder to shoulder with the spearmen and in range of Hannibal. He too darts and dips trying to confuse the Monk managing to catch Hannibal off guard. Both of his strikes are however stymied by Hannibal's magical protections.


The spearman struck by Hannibal finally reacts to the strike, coughing up blood and backing away for a moment trying to shake off the effects of Hannibal's magic and succeeds in doing so.


Zo'Dar battle has been joined. What do you do?

Enemies are flip flopping between amazing rolls and crap rolls.

2020-05-17, 05:34 PM
Zo'dar snarls. He gave them a chance, and they picked the hard way.

He dashes toward the spearman on the right and brings his blade to bear.

Free action: Berserking (-2 AC and reflex, +6 temp HP, DR 3/-).
Full-Round action: Charge the far right spearman with a long sword (-1 AC, +2 to attack).
AOOs: Active Defense on twice on Zo'dar (+2 AC, DR 2/- for the next two attacks made against him this round.

Current Numbers: 37/37 HP, 0/12 delayed damage pool, AC 18, DR 5/-, +0 to Reflex saves.

Charge Attack: [roll0], [roll1]

2020-05-17, 07:47 PM

Zo'dar snarls. He gave them a chance, and they picked the hard way.

He dashes toward the spearman on the Left and brings his blade to bear. But his swing goes wide against the Spearman.

In response to Zo'Dar's attack, the spearman moves back a bit and stabs forth with his spear. The spear Impales Zo'Dar dealing 5 Mod Damage. With a cruel smirk, the villain reverses his thrust, ripping the weapon from Zo'Dar's guts for 7 Bleed causing Zo'Dar great pain.

Swordchucks roll a DC 13 Fortitude Save or be Staggered.


The far right Dual Wielder moves forward to flank Hannibal. She unleashes a flurry of cuts towards him. The fist of which he dodges by a hair's breadth which puts him in position to easily sidestep the second.


Lena's turn.

Since so much movement happened since you posted your action. Please use the below map to plan but you may keep your rolls if you perform the same action with new targets. Lena is approximately 25-30 feet south of Hannibal's position.

2020-05-18, 05:27 PM
Lena was planning on trying something fancy when she saw that the human was being surrounded by two of the masked men. She moved into position about 15 feet west to get an angle on both of his attackers and fired a shot at each.

MA: Move 10 feet west. If I've done my math right, that should put me 30 feet south of MDW2
SA: Using Barrage (-2 to both shots). I have moved 10 feet (+1 from H.E.R.O. Tag Along) and they are both within 30 feet (+1 via Barrage Sphere), so they cancel out.
Attack 1 vs MDW3 [roll0] vs touch, [roll1] + [roll2] (merciful) + [roll3] (shadowwake); all NL
Attack 2 vs MDW2 [roll4] vs touch, [roll5] + [roll6] (merciful) + [roll7] (shadowwake); all NL

2020-05-22, 11:23 PM

Lena was planning on trying something fancy when she saw that the human was being surrounded by two of the masked men. She moved into position about 15 feet west to get an angle on both of his attackers and fired a shot at each.

The first shot strikes it's target for 19 Non-Lethal causing a cry of pain from the masked assailant. The second shot is far off, cracking against a cobblestone in the road and ricocheting off to who knows where.

Hannibal, you are surrounded by two enemies with another threatening you with their longspear. What do you do?

Sekyrn on deck, MDW1 in the hole.

Map Unchanged.

2020-05-23, 07:59 AM
Hannibal gives a twisted smile, a rush of blood flowing through him as he finds himself enjoying this fight more than expected. He strikes out at his original target with his fist, aiming to blast a few more blood vessels with his strike, before sliding away from the enemies, trying to break their attempts to flank him.

Swift action: Activate Mental Escalation (+4 bonus to Wis for 5 rounds)
Standard action: Spell Attack (Exsanguinating Strike) With Unarmed Strike (and Chi Gong attached) targetting the same person from last round.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Chi Gong [roll2]

If attack hits, target refreshes their bleed from Blooded Strike, and the penalty to attacks from Debilitating Strikes.
If attack hits, target must make a Fort Save DC 18 or be afflicted by Blood Control (Bleed (Quicken)), dealing 6 bleed per round. The target takes a -4 penalty to this save due to being afflicted by a bleed already, and an additional -1 because Hannibal dealt bleed damage to him in the previou round with his unarmed strike.

Mental Escalation +4 Wis: 5 rounds remaining

2020-05-23, 06:33 PM

Hannibal gives a twisted smile, a rush of blood flowing through him as he finds himself enjoying this fight more than expected. He slides up and strikes out at his original target with his fist, aiming to blast a few more blood vessels with his strike dealing 15 damage and 11 Bleed dropping his opponent bonelessly to the ground, his movement conveniently slides him away from the flanking enemies.

Sekyrn (currently at 5 sequence) is up.

MDW1 on deck, MDW2 in the hole


2020-05-23, 07:07 PM
Growling while unleashing a flurry of teeth, claws, and knees, Sekyrn tries to take down his opponent, or at least to set up some serious bleeding.

"As the assaillants started falling,
Blood blossoming,
So starts storytelling."

5 foot step up-right, then full attack, starting on the top left. (sequence taken into account)

Every attack that hits deals 1 bleed.

2020-05-27, 01:19 PM

Growling while unleashing a flurry of teeth, claws, and knees, Sekyrn tries to take down his opponent. He lands a blow with one claw for 4 NL damage and lands a knee for another 5 NL damage leaving his opponent battered and bruised.

"As the assaillants started falling,
Blood blossoming,
So starts storytelling."

Okay so a couple of housekeeping issues to sort out. Please remember that when attacking with natural attacks there are primary and secondary attacks. When you use any manufactured weapon or unarmed strikes all natural attacks are automatically secondary and get a -5 penalty to attack and only get 1/2 str to damage.

So when used with unarmed strikes, Sekyrn's bite and claws should have +3 to hit (with current sequence boos) and +3 to damage (1/2 of str rounds down to 0, +1 for finesse fighting, +2 for sequence) If you don't use Unarmed strikes and only used natural attacks you would choose which to have as primary bite or claws then the other would be secondary and have secondary penalties.

Furthermore, the Duelist sphere's bleed damage does not stack with itself, and can only be used on Attack Actions, not Full-Attack Actions.


Sekyrn's taunted enemy steps into favorable positioning, flanking with the spearman, before laying into Sekyrn with a bewildering flurry of cuts. The first strike lands a deep gash on Sekyrn's right arm for 11 Damage and the wound begins bleeding profusely for 1 Bleed the strike was so well placed, that Sekyrn finds it difficult to use his right arm as the nerves in it feel numb and unresponsive (-2 penalty to all attack rolls, ability checks, or skill checks made with that arm.) The next cut swings wide harmlessly.


Seeing his ally die so pitifully, the unharmed masked enemy by Hannibal shouts, "Until the last drop is spilled!" and moves to attack the durable monk. It again tries to fool the monk, but the monk's keen perception causes his attempt to fail. Nonetheless, the masked one attempts to strike out at the monk but Hannibal easily tilts his body and watches as his assailant's blades whiz by hitting nothing but air.


Zo'Dar your life's blood seeps from your wound damaging you for 4 Bleed. What do you do?

MS2 on deck, MDW3 in the Hole


2020-05-27, 03:59 PM
Zo'dar grits his teeth as his blood splatters the street. With a glance toward the poetic wild man, Zo'dar shifts his position to trap his opponent between the two of them.

"There's nowhere dark enough for you to run from me." He says before swinging a luminous sword at the spearman.

5ft step to the east.
Free action: Berserking (-2 AC/Ref, +6 THP, DR 3/-, +1 damage vs challenged target)
Move action: Challenge MS1 (-2 to hit anyone but me, +2 to hit me, +1 to attack and damage for me)
Standard action: Spending 3 SP to use Energy Strike with Admixture (Blinding Blast/Irradiance) and increasing the number of damage dice.
AOOs: Active Defense twice on Zo'dar (+2 AC, DR 2/-)

Lite brite sword attack!: [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]+Sickened+DC 14 Fort save vs Blinded for 1 round.

12 damage empties from the delayed damage pool and eats 6 THP and 6 HP. 4 damage in this round's pool.

2020-05-27, 04:07 PM
The man’s face goes through several emotions as you give your diagnosis. First you recognize denial, then rage as the man almost seems ready to come to blows with you. However, at the last moment he looks to the young woman and visibly deflates. He begins weeping piteously over the body.

Around the square, the fires have been contained and new fires have sprang up as survivors and volunteers begin the process of burning the bodies. Mementos are collected and sorted to be delivered to next of kin should they be found. Masson has just completed triage on those he could help leaving the stable patients to other healers who have since arrived at the scene when an altercation breaks out.

“Keep your filthy hands off her!” shouts a man who Masson recognizes as the man who lost his daughter earlier. Another man is near him and replies, “Look mate, I don’t want to do it neither, but if we leave her lying she could-“
“SHUT UP!” the first man interjects angrily, “Don’t you dare say another word!”

What does Masson do? Triage is complete and you have saved all you could without risking wild magic. The sounds of fighting are still ongoing in Royal Square but seem to be less than before.

2020-05-27, 04:36 PM
People are saved as well as possible, or in position to be handled by other healers that come on scene. Messr. Masson heads off to the sounds of fighting, taking out his buckler and readying first as he goes.

2020-05-27, 10:33 PM

Zo'dar grits his teeth as his blood splatters the street. With a glance toward the poetic wild man, Zo'dar shifts his position to trap his opponent between the two of them.

"There's nowhere dark enough for you to run from me." He says before swinging a luminous sword at the spearman. His glowing sword is attention grabbing and the Spearman is able to catch the blade on his shield and safely redirect the blow away.


Backing off from the Advancing swordsman, this masked assailant also takes up the battle cry of his compatriot, "'Till the last drop spills!" His shout seems to have a provoking effect on Sekyrn (Challenged, -2 to hit others, +2 to hit MS2), and the spearman turns his spear towards Zo'Dar again still wet with his blood. As though a blade returning to it's sheath, the spearman finds his mark once more. Zo'dar again feels the sting of the spear this time for 1 Mod Damage and is Impaled.


The masked dual wielder that Lena shot turns and stares at the gnoll holding a gun. Lena sees the foe perform a strange bladed dance. Lena is so caught up in the dance that before she realizes it the foe she just shot is right in front of her, bloodshot eyes promising murder and blades going for blood. The first blade catches Lena completely off guard dealing 11 Damage and 1 Bleed as the blade carves a deep furrow into Lena's right shoulder causing the limb to go numb (-2 to all attack rolls, ability checks, or skill checks made with that arm.)
The pain of the blow wakes Lena from her daze and she easily avoids the second blade. The foe stands before Lena shouting out their battlecry "Until the last drop is shed!"


Lena, a foe has quickly crossed the battlefield and injured you. What do you do?

Hannibal on deck, Sekyrn in the Hole.

Sequence above 4: +2 to attack, damage, and CL. Source: Sekyrn


2020-05-27, 10:58 PM
Lena swore in Gnomish when she was hurt, but defiantly raises her rifle. "Shed this, @#$%face!" she said, firing two rounds into her assailant.
Firing twice at point blank range at this guy. Note that this doesn't trigger AoO's because she has Close Combat Specialist.
-2 from her injury, -2 from Barrage, +2 from Sequence, +1 for target being w/in 30 feet=net -1 to hit.
+1 Enhancement to damage, +2 insight from sequence=Net +3 damage
[roll0] vs touch; [roll1] + [roll2] (Merciful) + [roll3] (Shadowake)
[roll4] vs touch; [roll5] + [roll6] (Merciful) + [roll7] (Shadowake)

2020-05-27, 11:16 PM

Lena swore in Gnomish when she was hurt, but defiantly raises her rifle. "Shed this, @#$%face!" she said, firing two rounds into her assailant. The first round is barely avoided by the enemy tilting his head to the side right before Lena fires, leaving a bloody line in the wake of the shot. The second show Lena aims at the center of mass and there is no dodging a bullet at this range. The Masked attacker takes 3 NL damage and 8 Damage as he gasps for breath before passing out.


Hannibal, there is only one foe in melee with you. What do you do?

Sekyrn on deck, MDW1 in the hole.

Sequence above 4: +2 to attack, damage, and CL. Source: Sekyrn

Map is Unchanged.

2020-05-28, 05:55 PM
Hannibal smiles at the man trying to attack him. "You're gonna have to try harder than that." He laughs as he envelops his body with more of his Ki, sliding into an opening on his foe, he aims an uppercut at his chin, pumping his ki into the strike as he does.

Swift action: Activate Physical Escalation on self. (+4 Dex for 7 rounds)
Standard action: Spell Attack (Exsanguinating Strike) With Unarmed Strike (and Chi Gong attached) targeting MDW3

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Chi Gong [roll2]

If attack hits, target takes 1 bleed from Blooded Strike, and a -1 penalty to attacks from Debilitating Strikes.
If attack hits, target must make a Fort Save DC 18 or be afflicted by Blood Control (Bleed (Quicken)), dealing 10 bleed per round. The target takes a -4 penalty to this save due to being afflicted by a bleed already, and an additional -1 because Hannibal dealt bleed damage to him in this round with his unarmed strike.

Mental Escalation +4 Wis: 4 rounds remaining
Physical Escalation +4 Dex: 7 rounds remaining

2020-05-30, 02:23 PM
Unleashing yet another flurry of claws and teeth, Sekyrn tries to get rid of one of them quickly.

"Yet the battle lasted some more.
While it is making the fighter quite sore,
That's the best way to add lore."

Of course, some words are separated by bites.

This time, full attack without the unarmed attack, but still nonlethal (-4 taken into account).

2020-05-30, 05:18 PM

Hannibal smiles at the man trying to attack him. "You're gonna have to try harder than that." He laughs as he envelops his body with more of his Ki, sliding into an opening on his foe, he aims an uppercut at his chin, pumping his ki into the strike as he does. The enemy takes a half step back making the blow miss by inches.


Unleashing yet another flurry of claws and teeth, Sekyrn tries to get rid of one of them quickly.

"Yet the battle lasted some more.
While it is making the fighter quite sore,
That's the best way to add lore."

Of course, some words are separated by bites. The bite connects for 6 NL damage, but the claws are held off by the opponent's blades.


The enemy that Sekyrn is fighting strikes back. Once more using confusing bladework to try and catch the Beast off guard. Sekyrn sees through the trick this time, and fends off the blades attacking him.


This assailant continues his somewhat futile struggle against his implacable foe. His feints are useless against the monk, and even his cunning blow is harmlessly cast aside with a swipe of the monk's hand.


Zo'Dar, the enemy's blade is still inside of you. It leads to a staggering 8 Bleed Damage as blood drains from you like a tapped tree drains sap. Your tormentor is outside the reach of your blade, and you must overcome his weapon's impalement to advance upon him. What do you do?

Map unchanged.

Sequence above 4: +2 to attack, damage, and CL. Source: Sekyrn

2020-05-31, 05:25 PM
Zo'dar grits his teeth and brings his blade down on the spear itself.

Beginning of turn: 12/12 damage in pool

Free action: Berserking (-2 AC/Ref, +6 THP, DR 3/-, +1 damage vs challenged target)
Swift action: Spend a Sentinel's Reserve point for Second Wind and heal 2d6+3
Standard action: Energy Strike to sunder the spear, provoking an AOO.
AOOs: Use both for Interposing Shield (DR 2/- for two attacks)

Second Wind Healing: [roll0]
Energy Strike Sunder: [roll1], [roll2] slashing+[roll3] bludgeoning Edit: +2 from the sequence bonus

9/12 damage healed from pool, then 3/6 THP is eaten as it empties. Pool now empty, 3 THP remaining

2020-06-04, 11:23 AM

Zo'Dar goes to sunder the Spear impaling him, and the spear wielder lashes out with the impaled spear dealing 4 Mod Damage and 1 Bleed. This does not deter Zo'Dar, as his sword lands upon the spear and leaves it cracked and broken, but still impaled in him and still threatening as a weapon.


Angry at his broken weapon, SW2 attacks with his spear still impaled in Zo'Dar, but only deals 1 Mod Damage to the sturdy knight. With a cruel gleam in his eyes, SW2 twists the spear imbedded in Zo'Dar and yanks it from the wound leaving it gaping and causing 1 Bleed once more. Zo'Dar stuggles to function against the pain.

Make a Fortitude save vs staggered please. Just to clarify on the bleed, the duelist sphere dealt 1 on the AoO, then the impale removal dealt 2, but I just added 1 since you already took 1 from duelist and since these are from separate 'attacks' the don't stack.

TL;DR: roll a fort and you took 2 bleed damage total since your sunder.


Lena it is your turn. Map unchanged.

Hannibal on deck, Sekyrn in the hole.

2020-06-04, 11:58 AM
Fortitude save: [roll0]

2020-06-04, 01:54 PM
Lena rushed forward, uncaring that she stepped on and over the fallen enemy. She gets into position and fires at the two closest masked figures, her arm continuing to be a both literal and metaphorical pain.
Move northwest 2 squares, then 3 squares north.
SA: Attack the two closest.
+ 1 (enhancement) +1 (w/in 30 feet) + 2 (Sequence buff) - 2 (injury) - 2 (barrage)= Net 0 to attack.
+ 1 (enhancement) +1 (w/in 30 feet) + 2 (sequence buff)= Net +4 to damage.
Attack 1 [roll0] vs touch. [roll1] + [roll2] (merciful and shadowake)
Attack 2 [roll3] vs touch. [roll4] + [roll5] (merciful and shadowake)

2020-06-05, 02:09 PM
Hannibal tries another strike on his foe, aiming to finish him off with a dangerous blow.

Standard action: Spell Attack (Exsanguinating Strike) With Unarmed Strike (and Chi Gong attached) targeting MDW3

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Chi Gong [roll2]

If attack hits, target takes 1 bleed from Blooded Strike, and a -1 penalty to attacks from Debilitating Strikes.
If attack hits, target must make a Fort Save DC 18 or be afflicted by Blood Control (Bleed (Quicken)), dealing 10 bleed per round. The target takes a -4 penalty to this save due to being afflicted by a bleed already, and an additional -1 because Hannibal dealt bleed damage to him in this round with his unarmed strike.

Mental Escalation +4 Wis: 3 rounds remaining
Physical Escalation +4 Dex: 6 rounds remaining

2020-06-06, 04:23 AM
With a rythmic rupture, Sekyrn starts spinning, aiming at the feet of his opponents all the while jumping through their lines.

"And everybody fell."

Let's try that finisher ! As I have 5 links, I have 5 trip attempts, max 2 per target, and I can do it as a full action to be able to move half my speed between attempts. So basically : starting at the one near me, and if he falls or after the 2 attempts, moving on the top right diagonal, 2 more attempts, and then if they are both down or if no AoO triggered hit me, keep moving to the third one (two square right) to land the remaining trip attempts with the flanking bonus.

Of course the first one fails so bad they can try to countertrip.




As I used a finisher, my sequence ends.

2020-06-12, 08:24 PM

1 Bleed causes blood to drip down Lena's arm and unto her weapon.

Lena rushed forward, uncaring that she stepped on and over the fallen enemy. She gets into position and fires at the two closest masked figures missing one and hitting MDW2 for 19 NL, her arm continuing to be a both literal and metaphorical pain.


Hannibal tries another strike on his foe, aiming to finish him off with a dangerous blow. The strike hits MDW2 for 17 damage and 10 Bleed causing the assailant who was merely only hurt by Lena's bullet to have his heart crushed and die.


1 Bleed occurs as Sekyrn's wounds weep.

With a rythmic rupture, Sekyrn starts spinning, aiming at the feet of his opponents all the while jumping through their lines.

"And everybody fell."

Sekyrn's first attempt at tripping his foe ends poorly, but his second attempt fells MDW1. He then moves gracefully over to MS2 despite his attempts to ward him away, and sends him tumbling to the ground.


MDW1 stands back up and steps up to Sekyrn, slashing down with both blades bared. The first blade lands deeply, dealing 10 damage. His second blade is deflected away by the now alert Sekyrn.


Zo'Dar feels his blood draining his vitality for another 5 Bleed from his newest ugly tear in his flesh.

What does Zo'Dar do?

Working on making a new one. There are only two enemies left one is prone and the other has already eaten a lot of NL damage so you all should be fine. Sekyrn is flanked atm though.


2020-06-17, 02:42 PM
Zo'dar steps up to the troublemaker still on their feet and swings with a glowing blade.

Move action: Move to engage the standing enemy. If I can flank without provoking an AOO, I'll do that.
Free action: Berserking (-2 AC/reflex, +6 temp HP, DR 3/-)
Standard action: Energy Strike with no blast type on the masked person.
AOOs: Use one for Active Defense (+2 AC) and the other for an attack if one is provoked.

Longsword: [roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]

HP Stuff: 9 damage, 6 temp HP before the pool empties. End of Turn Total: 28/37 HP, 0 Temp HP, 0/12 damage in pool.

2020-06-20, 02:15 AM

Zo'dar steps up to the troublemaker still on their feet and swings with a glowing blade. The blade lands on the standing assailant and coupled with his preexisting wounds from fighting Sekyrn falls unconscious.


The last remaining assailant sits prone at the feet of Sekyrn and Zo'Dar. His spear broken, but his spirit unbowed. He determinedly stands from his seated position fending off the opportunistic blow from Zo'Dar. He takes a step back to reposition himself and thrusts at Zo'Dar, but his fouled weapon and poor stance prevents the blow from landing.


1 Bleed Damage

Lena, you are bleeding, your arm hurts, and there is only one foe remaining upright in the group that turned to face your impromptu group. What do you do?


Sequence 2 Link: +1 to attack, damage, CL 30ft. Sekyrn

2020-06-20, 02:49 AM
Lena fires once more, doing her best to ignore the dripping sounds of her bloody wounds.
Attack with Deadly Shot and expend focus.+ 1 (enhancement) +1 (w/in 30 feet) + 1 (Sequence buff) - 2 (injury)= Net +1 to attack.
+ 1 (enhancement) +1 (w/in 30 feet) + 1 (sequence buff)= Net +3 to damage.
[roll0] vs touch.
[roll1] + [roll2] (Deadly Strike) + [roll3] (Merciful) + [roll4] (shadowake).

2020-06-20, 03:21 AM

Lena fires once more, doing her best to ignore the dripping sounds of her bloody wounds. The bullet hits for 18 NL causing the spearman to grunt in pain but remain standing in defiance of the party.


Hannibal only sees one injured foe remaining of the group that intercepted the party's advance. What does he do?

Sekyrn on deck, Zo'Dar in the hole.


Sequence 3 Link: +1 to attack, Damage, CL 30ft Sekyrn

2020-06-20, 07:28 AM
Hannibal rushes up to the last foe, giving him a powerful palm strike infused with his magic, aiming to burst the mans heart open with it. "You made today more exciting for me, but this will not save you from this painful death."

Move action: Move up to the last enemy
Standard action: Spell Attack (Exsanguinating Strike) With Unarmed Strike (and Chi Gong attached) targeting the last standing enemy

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Chi Gong [roll2]

If attack hits, target takes 1 bleed from Blooded Strike, and a -1 penalty to attacks from Debilitating Strikes.
If attack hits, target must make a Fort Save DC 18 or be afflicted by Blood Control (Bleed (Quicken)), dealing 8 bleed per round. The target takes a -4 penalty to this save due to being afflicted by a bleed already, and an additional -1 because Hannibal dealt bleed damage to him in this round with his unarmed strike.

Mental Escalation +4 Wis: 2 rounds remaining
Physical Escalation +4 Dex: 5 rounds remaining

2020-06-20, 11:26 AM
Having delayed pain far too long, Sekyrn manages to utter loud enough to be heard, and low enough to still be theatral just before falling inconscious :

"And so ends the first act."

Well, just end of combat, so the 9 delayed damage I had finally happen, so I fall (and bleed, too).

2020-06-20, 11:48 AM
Lena opens her pocket space and puts the gun back in. It was probably a bad idea all things considered, but she needed her hands free to try and make a makeshift bandage for her bleeding arm.
MA: Put gun in extradimensional space
MA: Heal check on self to stop the bleeding. [roll0]

2020-06-20, 11:56 AM
Zo'dar moves to Sekyrn's side and ball of soft light appears near his head. Zo'dar commands it with a forceful point, and it enters Sekyrn's chest.

"I can heal us a bit more in a moment. We'll need to step away from the masked ones first, lest they get healed as well." he says in a voice just lower than a yell.

Using Lovelorn Soul on Sekyrn: 9 Temp HP and stable.

2020-06-21, 07:17 AM
Hannibal glares at the fallen foe, and curb stomps his face, then turns on the others. "Since you are clearly not the enemy, I can help patch up your wounds a bit, although it is only makeshift and not at all proper healing."

Coup de Grace on my fallen foe.

2020-06-27, 06:16 PM
Now mostly done with their battle, our heros are able to take in the changes to the surrounding square.

The first thing of note is that a half-elf makes his way into the square.
Made it to the scene, may post after this this post. You also take in all the events in this post.

Sekyrn collapsed from his wounds, lying unconscious on the hard cobblestone of the square. His life is temporarily out of danger as Zo'Dar touches on the edges of life and death to preserve Sekyrn's life for 9 Temp HP and stabilizes Sekyrn's condition. Sekyrn is not out of the woods yet though as he continues to bleed for 1 Bleed reducing his newly gained vigor by 1.

Zo'Dar also has yet to deal with his own gaping wound causing him to bleed for a startling 7 Bleed.

Lena quickly switched from violence to self care after the last foe fell. However, her unpracticed movements and her injuries hampered her recovery and suffering 1 Bleed from the wound she failed to close. She has however adapted to the pain her arm is in so she will no longer be burdened by it. (-2 penalty removed)

Hannibal in a show of prideful dominance, breaks the neck of the foe that resisted longest (and who arguably did the most harm) with a vicious stomp.

In the main battle, the masked assailants are clearly at their breaking point. The disciplined guardsmen are pushing them back and putting them down with ruthless efficiency. However, right as it appears that the battle is over, the assailants with a final burst of effort break through the guards defensive line allowing three crossbow wielding men into the center of the square to point their weapons against the Alliance Representatives.

The bolts are fired and the Elven and Federation representatives are unscathed. The Elven Representative safely relaxing behind a ward which stops the bolt cold mid air for the Elf to examine. The representative from the Federation, a stocky Dwarven man with his beard tied around a Cog merely turns his forearm towards the attack, and an unassuming device springs into action unfolding into a Tower Shield which blocks the projectile completely.

It is King Xander and his entourage which has the most tragic fate. One of the Kingsguard steps forward to block the bolt meant for his king. He stops the bolt with his body causing the bolt to flash with a sickening green glow activating some fell magic stored upon it. The Kingsguard who was hit quickly begins to rot and his hollow eyes begin to glow red with the hunger of the undead before space itself Shatters where the Kingsguard once stood leaving only broken pieces behind.

With their last push thwarted, the assailants fold almost instantly falling to the guard's blades.

2020-06-27, 06:36 PM
Hannibal will head to Sekyrn first, placing his hand upon the creatures skin, he will channel his Ki into his body, slowing the bloodflow and forcing it to clot where he was bleeding first and foremost. "I can only do so much. I'll get to you two in a moment." Hannibal speaks, looking at Lena and Zo'Dar as he works.

Using Chi Gong to heal Sekyrns wounds. Hannibal will continue to do that until he can't help anymore, and then will move on to Zo'Dar, and Lena, in that order.

First heal [roll0]. Remember that Chi Gong cannot heal above half max HP.

2020-06-27, 06:54 PM
Messr. Masson will give sing an elven healing song to give aid to the first wounded, bleeding hero that he sees (GM decides). When he does so, a tattoo of a rose on the back of his left hand sprouts viny branches wrapping around the lower part of his arm, digging into his skin.
Fort save DC 11 for Max or be sickened 1 rd [roll0]
Perform (sing) vs. DC 18 [roll1]
Wild Magic [roll2]; if 01-10, then Wild Life result = [roll3]

Ranged Healing/ Cure [roll4]

2020-06-27, 07:58 PM
Masson is sickened as the thorns dig into his flesh, but nevertheless his spell is successful in healing the nearby gnoll (Lena) for up to 16 Healing and stopping her bleeding.

Likewise, Hannibal preforms healing measures on the fallen Sekyrn restoring 8 Healing and staunching the bleeding wounds.

2020-06-27, 08:24 PM
Messr. Masson rushes to the next bleeding patient and casts invigorate (+3 hp) to givem a bulwark of healing until he can do more for them.

2020-06-28, 04:46 PM
Lena nodded at the elf perfunctorily. While she could feel the healing mending her wounds, she was convinced that her patch job did good enough. She then put her hands on her hips, taking in the devastation. "Well, this got out of hand quickly."

2020-06-29, 04:54 AM
As he is working on patient #2 (whomever that may be, as above), Messr. Masson regards the strange gnoll. "What happened here? I went to a blast site to patch people up, but it looks like there was a pitched battle here."

2020-06-29, 10:58 AM
Now standing on his feet again, Sekyrn is still heavily wounded nonetheless.

"I am Sekyrn, artist from the Beasts."

2020-06-29, 11:59 AM
"Stand close and be healed. Zo'dar says as he steps away from the fallen foes while applying pressure to his most grievous wound. When he stands still a wave of vitality washes over those near him.

Channel Energy to heal: [roll0] for everyone in a 30ft radius.

After a sigh of relief he says "I am Zo'dar the Shining Bulwark of the Torch Bearers. Thank you for rendering aid. I plan to patrol the area for evildoers and those in need if any of you would like to join me.

2020-06-30, 01:53 AM
"Sekyrn ... Zo'Dar," he says with a nod to each, "I am Monsieur Masson, of the elven delegation. I would be happy to join you, but alas, I am already in trouble for running off to save lives."

Messr. Masson will go report to the elven delegation ... that he ignored to help people.

2020-06-30, 07:50 AM
Lena shrugs at Zodar. "I mean, I suppose I can help you with that. I really should go find Professor Spinwhistle, and that seems like as good a way to find her as any."

2020-06-30, 03:22 PM
Hannibal, now sure that the allies he fought alongside aren't dying, looks at the others and speaks up. "Hannibal. Any of you got rope?" He asks his question while checking the other foes that he hadn't curb stomped, to see if any are still alive.

2020-06-30, 03:42 PM
Zo'dar lets out another wave of vitality and digs through his bag. Presenting 50ft of silk rope to Hannibal, he says "Always. Never know when you might need it."

[roll0] healing in a 30ft radius.

2020-06-30, 03:46 PM
Rather than take the rope, Hannibal checks all the bodies, and points out whichever ones might still be alive but unconscious.

2020-06-30, 04:39 PM
Getting bored waiting for Zodar to finish helping Hannibal, Lena remembered that Professor Spinwhistle had told her to meet with the Federation representative, so she figured she'd best do that while she was over here anyway and save a trip. She causally approaches the Dwarf and says "Hey. Professor Spinwhistle said I should talk with you about something...?"

2020-07-02, 11:25 AM
As the party finishes their post battle healing and begins to think about moving on, a guard detaches from the group of guards currently sweeping the battlefield and approaches.

The young guard is nervous as he approaches, going as far as to give an awkward half-bow as he speaks to you, "Sirs, a-and ma'am. I was told to erm... The Representatives have ordered me to guide you to a meeting at the castle. P-Please?" His tone at the end is somewhat desperate, obviously not knowing the social graces to act in the role he has been assigned.

A few more guards also approach as they expand out from the end of the battle, making sure the assailants that are dead are truly dead, and restraining those still alive. They take care of the assailants for your group. The old monk from before (which Hannibal recognizes as the Abbot) also approaches and addresses Hannibal, "You go as well Hannibal. Listen to the King as you would to me, and try to get along with your fellow Golden Children."

With that the Abbot takes his leave elsewhere and the guard waits nervously for the groups reply.

Looking beyond the gathered guards, you can see that the stage is empty and the representatives might have already moved onto the castle.

2020-07-02, 01:34 PM
Lena shrugs. "Eh, hoity-toity politics ain't my thing, but the Professor sent me this way to talk to them, so I guess I'd better."

She then points to one of the guards that was dealing with the masked intruders. "Hey, you. Go find Professor Spinwhistle and tell her that I got called into some meeting. She's about yay high and I last saw her on Oak Street" she says, giving a rough estimate of her height. She then does a 'Well? What are you waiting for?'-esque shrug before following the messenger.

2020-07-03, 06:00 AM
Before the Abbot leaves, Hannibal laughs at him. "You came back just to make sure I'd listen, didn't you? Yes sir mister boss man sir, I'll follow my instructions to the letter." After the abbot leaves and the group starts moving, Hannibal looks over at the others. "So you lot are Golden Children?"

2020-07-03, 06:06 AM
Messr. Masson is there, as this is where he was going to be, but not knowing the others (the ones he healed were just "local folk of unique caliber" that just happened to need his healing) he doesn't ghost-in-the-machine his way near them.

2020-07-04, 05:31 PM
Following the messenger, Sekyrn answers.

"It seems we are, yes."

2020-07-04, 05:45 PM
Zo'dar salutes the guards and stashes his rope. "They're all yours. Be careful though. They bite." he says as he points to his blood stained clothes.

With a puzzled expression he says to Hannibal "I'm not sure what you mean. I'm much more of a dark green than a gold."

2020-07-05, 10:13 AM
Lena rolled her eyes at Zodar. "No, dumb@$$. Look, most people are either talented in magic or in martial skill. You can mix it up, but for most people it's a matter of diminishing returns; you'll never be as strong with your first one if you dabble into the other." She used her hands in a seesaw motion to demonstrate her meaning.

"At least for most people. The more awesome of us can do both at the same time, and that's what a 'Golden Child' is." she said, raising both her arms at the same time. "Though from what I've heard, there's usually at most only one of us around at any given time."

2020-07-07, 02:20 PM
The nervous guard releases a visible sigh of relief as you agree to follow him toward the castle across the square. As you go, you notice common post-battle practices carried out. Pyres lit for the dead on both sides, though the defeated are tossed into the flames with much less ceremony, and mementos are collected from the fallen guards to deliver to their loved ones.

You have time to chat amongst yourselves and perform introductions should you wish to do so as the young guard leads you past multiple checkpoints and into the castle proper before gratefully handing the group off to a servant at the castle. From there you are led down a series of hallways before coming to a doorway flanked by Kingsguard. One of which enters the room to announce your arrival before you are then ushered into the room.

Inside you see the three representatives seated at a table, the elven representative and dwarf representative sit to either side of the crowned human man who you all know to be King Roland Xander, king of the Xander kingdom. The other two representatives identities are not as well known to all of you. The dwarf representative wears a surly frown as you enter, while the elven representative hasn't looked up at your entrance from a crossbow bolt he is examining.

The dwarf Representative is Gerald of Clan Sundarrack. A renowned dwarf blacksmith and influential voice in Federation politics.

The elven Representative is named Thariat. As with much of Elven politics, not much is known about his position or influence.

Thariat is also the name of the first Representative that the elves appointed to have their first talk with humanity ~600 years ago when humanity first escaped from the empire.

"Good you're all here. Please have a seat first as there is much to discuss," King Xander says warmly at your arrival and gestures to the five chairs set across the table from the representatives. He waits for you to be seated before he continues, "I am sure you are all curious as to why you have been called here. There was to be a public announcement in the square before such a cowardly attack was carried out."
The King's eyes flash with a mixture of anger and sorrow on the day's events before he collects himself and continues, "As a gesture of peaceful cooperation between our three nations, we were planning to create a new peacekeeping force drawn from exceptional talents from all three nations. They would protect the innocent of all three nations from threats internal and external, while fostering a collective pride in this newly budding Alliance."
The King looks to each of you expectantly as he says, "The exceptional talents I referred to were of course yourselves. Even if you mostly ignored your identities as Golden Children, I can assure you that the people of the three nations have noticed and watched your budding abilities with awe. In your short lives you have already reached the strength and prowess that some aspire to reach over the course of their whole lives, and there is still so much room left for you all to grow. I am sure you all have questions. I doubt this is the direction you expected your futures to turn to. Please ask away and we will do our best to answer your questions and assuage any anxiety you may have over this change."

2020-07-07, 05:48 PM
"Pardon, Your Majesty, Monsieur Masson, of the Elven Delegation," says the russet-brown-haired man, standing out of respect, his name said more as a sign of courtesy than any thoughts that this king didn't know it already. He continues with his soft accent, "While these heroes' puissance saved many people in the main square, I moved to what must have been a diversion, the site of an explosion, but was a sign of blood and misfortune for many innocents. What blackguards, prithee, would perpetrate such needless loss of life?"

2020-07-09, 02:55 PM
Lena looked ambivalent. "I mean, I'm not opposed to being on a team and shooting bad guys from time to time, but I dunno..." She paused, looking at the Representatives. "Do I at least get to still build things and do mechanical stuff if I agree?"

2020-07-09, 03:34 PM
After Masson finishes talking, Hannibal says quietly under his breath. "I've killed for less." Clearing his throat after Lena finishes Hannibal speaks up. "I like the idea of this, but peacekeeping sounds kinda boring. What kind of work are we to be expecting to do? Because sitting around waiting for attacks like today sounds like the exact opposite of how I've lived my life thus far."

2020-07-09, 03:55 PM
Bowing his furred head, Sekyrn speaks :

"I am Sekyrn, from the Beasts, Majesty." There is an drop of sarcasm here, as if stating something well hidden, and although his tune is somewhat inappropriate, it shows respect in a theatral way. "Although I disapprove his methods, Hannibal here is right : limiting us to peacekeeping would be boring indeed. And if we were to limit ourselve to just that, I fear that once our time will reach its end, we wouldn't have brought anything to our folks."

He marks a small break and completes with a smirk.

"At the very least, teaching should be amongst our duties, at some point."

The "somewhat inappropriate yet respectful" is basically because of Sekyrn's "Noble Savage" trait.

2020-07-09, 04:03 PM
Lena frowns slightly. "I mean, sure, teaching is nice and all, but the reason we're being brought together is that we get both magic and martial skills because we're so awesome. I don't think we can teach that."

2020-07-11, 01:25 PM
It is the dwarf representative who responds with a snort. ”Don’t think tha’ just because ya be a PR stunt that we won’t be puttin’ ya ta work.” he shoots a glower over to Lena and continues, “As for yer tinkering, Ms. Gearsocket, ya are still considered a student and will be sending papers and small projects back ta ya supervisor for assessment. Hope ya remembered yer classes on field work because kitted workshops will be a rare oasis to ya in the future.”

King Xander takes over here and adds, ”Indeed we will not let your talents go to waste patrolling the streets. Which brings us to your first assignment and the answer to Masson’s question. You will be assigned to investigate and destroy the perpetrators of today’s attack who are known as the Cult of Blood. They are a rogue element in the kingdom who advocate for human supremacy. We have received anonymous missives we believe to be from this Cult hinting that they will not tolerate ‘surrendering human sovereignty to foreign races’ in response to the announcement of our Alliance.” The King looks bitter after recalling such rhetoric spreading beneath his own kingdom before addresses you all again, “As for teaching, you are all still young and still have much to learn. Leave teaching for you are old and grey hahaha.”

2020-07-11, 04:44 PM
"I am at your service, your Majesty," Messr. Masson says.

2020-07-11, 05:51 PM
Lena groaned. The whole reason she joined GAPP-DIMS was because of their advanced equipment, and now she was going to not only be sent away from campus to go galivanting off with these shmucks, she also still had to do the homework from school, except without said equipment to do it on. No, that won't stand. "Okay, I could stand being pulled away from school. I could stand being forced to use a field kit rather than the proper facilities at GAPP-DIMS. Hell, I could even stand being put into a potentially life-and-death situation by working with these dudes and going on an investigation. But there is nessun modo all'inferno that you expect me to do that and keep up on my homework. C'mon!", she said, dipping into Infernal to curse.

2020-07-11, 07:28 PM
The dwarf representative chuckles wickedly at Lena before saying, ”Ya better speak to yer supervisor ta next time ya see ‘er then shouldn’t ya?”

2020-07-12, 07:28 PM
Zo'dar has been board-straight the entire meeting. He salutes and says to the gathered dignitaries "Xander has had my allegiance since birth. Merely point me in the direction of this Cult of Blood and I'll send them to whatever infernal afterlife awaits them."

2020-07-13, 03:48 PM
Hannibal slings his arm around Zo'dars shoulders. "This is a man after my own heart."

2020-07-20, 12:55 AM
Seeing that much of the questions you had were answered, King Xander says, "Very well, the rest of the day is yours to prepare as you see fit. You may wish to speak with your respective organizations as it sounds like Miss Lena will in regards to her studies. Make what preparations you may need as it may be a while before you return. Tomorrow, you all will set out to the Western Frontier where agents from the crown's information organization are already deployed and searching for clues as to the Cult's activities and headquarters in the area. You will meet up with them, and hopefully they can direct you closer to the Cult's base of operations."

Looking to each of you for a moment, the King continues, "As you may know, the Western Frontier is something of a self governed province on the edge of the kingdom."

"He means it be ta lawless armpit of Xander." the Dwarf representative supplies before turning away from the glance King Xander sends his way.

"It is an area that represents a unique opportunity for citizens who want to start a new life, enjoy the solitude and challenge of homesteading, or even attempt to gain wealth and prosperity claiming resources or establishing settlements." King Xander continues before adding, "Unfortunately, it is true that some fail to make the best of their opportunity or fall on hard times and turn towards the more expedient pursuit of banditry. Nevertheless, many of the communities that form the frontier are made of honest hardworking folk that have grasped their success with their own hands and defend it fiercely. It is truly a shame to learn that this Cult might be spreading it's insidious influence in that region."

Looking to each of the group individually once more, the King carries less concerns in his voice as he says, "You all are dismissed to see to your preparations. Lodging for the night will be covered by the Kingdom and each of you are welcome to bed tonight in the castle guest rooms if you wish. Otherwise, you may stay at any inn in the city should you prefer more informal accommodations."

2020-07-20, 01:29 PM
Messr. Masson reports to Thariat.

2020-07-20, 03:43 PM
Before leaving, Hannibal asks one last question. "I assume the Abbot already knows about this? Did he inform you about my situation?" Assuming either that anyone says he didn't, or any kind of look from his fellow Golden Children, Hannibal will go into detail. "One of the techniques I have learned reduces the inhibitions of my Ki as long as I forswear material possessions. All I can own are the clothes on my back and my heirloom compass, otherwise the materialism hinders my Ki. As such, any payment, treasure, or other reward that would ordinarily be attributed to me is to be sent directly to the Monastery."

Once he's gotten his response and given his explanation, he heads outside and looks for a comfortable tree. He is used to sleeping in a cot, and as such would not like to mess that up by sleeping in a comfortable bed. Once he's figured out the tree he wants to sleep in, he heads out of town to spend some time in the wild until nightfall.

2020-07-21, 11:18 AM
Lena splayed her hands. "I mean, I'm not going to pass up a nice comfy bed. Does the room have it's own shower, or is there a baths that I can hit up before bed? Oh, and..." She goes on for a bit checking on what amenities are being offered.

2020-07-21, 11:48 AM
"Stay in the castle?" Zo'dar says with wide eyes. He bows so deeply and quickly, it looks like he might headbutt the floor from a standing position. "If you insist, I'll take advantage of your hospitality. I'll make sure to get cleaned up first." he continues as he idly puts a finger through the spear-hole of his tabard.

He marches out to give a full report to his chain of command and humble brag to the other Torch Bearers.

2020-07-29, 01:50 PM
"Visiting your guest rooms would be most appreciated indeed."

Turning back to his human looking self to go into the castle, Sekyrn seems quite keen to explore it.

2020-08-06, 08:48 PM
The King claps his hands twice to summon a group of maids to come and escort those who wish to stay to their rooms and explain the amenities, and a maid or two to escort those who wish to leave the castle for the night. The King also leaves along with the Federation Representative, but Theriat and Masson remain behind to discuss in private.

Zo'Dar reports back to the Torchbearers before returning to the castle to rest. While at the local Torchbearer chapter house, he is asked if he wishes to accept a task.

Lena will be pleased to learn that the castle does in fact have access to hot showers or heated baths if she so wishes. Upon returning to her room, she is informed that she has a visitor. It's Professor Spinwhistle!

Hannibal takes a walk outside of Refuge. The nearby lands are well patrolled and routinely cleansed of Undead infestation. Allowing for farms and planted fields to flourish as far as the eye can see. He also stumbles upon a suitable tree for sleeping on his walk, if he doesn't mind trespassing onto a farmer's field.

Sekyrn is free to explore the castle... within limits. Some places like the Kings office or the royal family's quarters are obviously forbidden, but many of the gardens and terraces are open to be explored. It is while exploring one of the gardens that Sekyrn spots a familiar face, it is the Veteran that was leading Sekyrn and another pair of younglings before the attack this morning.

Sorry this took so long. Left some hooks that you guys can choose whether or not to pick up. You can either RP interacting with your faction (or finding a place to sleep for Hannibal) either here or via PM on Discord should you wish to keep things private.

2020-08-14, 05:40 AM
Zo'dar raises an eyebrow at being offered a task. This day had already been so action packed. "Gladly Captain. What is my mission?"

2020-09-03, 11:33 PM
A new day rises with the morning sun as our heroes rise and ready themselves for their day.

Those who stayed at the castle are invited by the servants to breakfast at the guest dining hall where they are treated to a selection of breakfast foods.

Hannibal is greeted in the morning by a wary farmer with a pitchfork asking Hannibal to get off his land.

Whatever circumstances they wake to, they eventually head off to the Portal Square in the commerce district of Refuge. There they will take a Portal Arch to Expedition, the closest human settlement to the Western Frontier with a Portal Arch leading back to Refuge.

Portal Arches are the backbone of commerce in the Xander Kingdom. While roads are unsafe with the threat of highwaymen, beasts or undead, Portal Arches allow for the citizens of the Xander Kingdom to travel between the largest settlements in comfort and ease.
The mages of Humankind under the direction of their king raised the first Portal Arches almost four hundred years ago. These impressive constructs allow for instant travel between two points merely by walking through. Each arch is paired with another in a distant location and the destruction of one destroys them both. To this day, it is said that neither the gnomes nor elves have figured out the secrets to their construction.

Upon the party's arrival, you all notice that security at the Portal Square has been heightened in general, but with the Arch leading to Expedition being especially tight with all peoples arriving or leaving to Expedition being closely questioned and inspected.

What do you do?

2020-09-04, 12:17 AM
"Xo'Dar," Messr. Masson says to the half-orc quietly, "Can I get you to step up with me? The people here might be thrown by our stranger fellows. Hannibal is human, but perhaps a bit too severe?"
Assuming Xo'Dar helps (and even if he doesn't), Messr. Masson reports to whomever is in charge at Portal Arch. "Good morning, five of us from the court of the king and his allies on official business to Expedition, please."

2020-09-04, 05:36 AM
Zo'dar's excitement at being at the castle keeps him from falling asleep at first, but eventually the softness of the pillows and the lack of snoring from his fraternity send him on his way.

Now beaming and well fed, Zo'dar gathers with the others. "But ofcourse Messr." he says while striding toward the gate staff. "Zo'dar of the Torchbearers to assist him on special assignment." He salutes.

2020-09-04, 01:18 PM
Lena was feeling a bit sluggish; the bed in her room was amazingly comfortable, but eventually her stomach won over and she got up, eating a bit more for breakfast that she usually would. Because it was amazing food, obviously. All of which had her feeling not at 100%. For a second, she considered grabbing her rifle to show she was armed and a part of the group, but that almost certainly wouldn't go well.

2020-09-04, 03:28 PM
Hannibal's morning was spent cooking a small rat he came across and killed before he rejoined with the party. As a result of this, he is currently with the party tossing a rat head around, letting the others speak until he's addressed.

2020-09-08, 04:29 PM
As the party declares their presence the guards are initially wary, obviously not expecting you, but then a young officer approaches to handle the situation much to the relief of the rand and file guards. The officer who appears to be a human man in his mid to late twenties approaches the party and gives a crisp salute as he introduces himself, "Guard Corporal, Jeffrey Cooper. I have been assigned as a liaison to assist you during the course of this investigation. It is a pleasure to meet you sirs and madam." The Corporal's eyes dart to the rat head being tossed in Hannibal's hands, but doesn't speak out on it.


2020-09-08, 07:37 PM
"Fantastic Corporal, glad to have your help." Zo'dar says while giving a too vigorous, but friendly, handshake. "I think we're all pretty excited to get started. What can you tell us about the mission?"

2020-09-14, 06:19 AM
"Bonjour, Messr. Cooper," says Messr. Masson with a gracious nod, "I am Messr. Masson of the Elven Kingdom. I am an ancient lorekeeper, though likely not the smartest person here," he adds with a self-deprecating smile. "This is Zo'Dar, surprisingly erudite and eloquent. Over there are Sekyrn of the neighboring beastlands. Then we have your countryman Hannibal (don't mind the rat). Lastly, the last is Lena Gearsocket. It is said there are only two things she cannot fix: the crack of dawn and a broken heart.

"What are your mission parameters as liaison, Lieutenant Cooper?"
He pronounces that rank as LYOO-ten-ANH, not LOO-ten-ent.

2020-09-14, 01:14 PM
Cooper eyes the nearby area, noticing both the guards and the crowd at the busy gate terminals before gesturing to the party to follow him through the portal to Expedition. “Perhaps it would be best to walk and talk. I can show you to the space that has been provided for your investigations while I explain my role.” Cooper says, and assuming the party’s cooperation begins to explain after passing through the Portal, “I have been tasked with aiding you in your investigation in several capacities. I will aid in familiarizing you with the local authorities in Expedition, give directions to any goods or services you shall require over the course of your investigation, and aid you in seeking suitable transportation around Expedition. I will also act as a point of contact for any packages or correspondence sent to you. I am also to aid you in utilizing the authority granted by the King and other Alliance Representatives until such a time that I am no longer required to do so.”

While he was speaking, Cooper had also been guiding the party through the streets of Expedition. Which, while not nearly as busy as the streets of Refuge were the previous day, are still busy enough for the Corporal to need almost 5 minutes to explain part of his duties while dodging pedestrians and making way to your destination. The short walk seems to have led the party to an iron gate set in a similarly iron fence surrounding what appears to be a two story residential building complete with it’s own wooded parkland. To the side of the gate on the property grounds is a small guardhouse that Cooper leads you to after pushing open the gate.

“Here we are,” Cooper says after securing the gate behind the party, “This property shall be your base of operations of sorts while the investigation is ongoing. It has beds, kitchen facilities, offices, a small workshop, and plenty of space for training martial and magical skills. It also allows for more privacy to discuss further details of the investigation. We just need to get you registered at the gatehouse here and then you can come and go as you please without the wards stopping you.

2020-09-14, 10:12 PM
Messr. Masson gives a signal with his outstretched hand as if to say "after you" or "lead the way."

2020-09-14, 11:55 PM
Lena had rolled her eyes at Messr. Masson's introduction (she preferred blowing stuff up than repairing it, honestly), but she didn't bother to correct him. Now that they had gotten through the busy streets to get to the guardhouse, she couldn't help sigh at her accommodation. It wasn't exactly the luxurious suite she'd had at the castle, but it'd have to do. Aloud, she remarked "Do we at least have the whole place to ourselves? I don't want any more roommates than I'm already obliged to have."

2020-09-29, 04:08 PM
Zo'dar perks up some more at the thought. Do we get roommates? Are there bunks? I've never gotten to have a top bunk before. The other Torchbearers were too nervous the frame wouldn't hold." He shifts his pack around to be more comfortable.

2020-09-29, 04:15 PM
Smiling as ever, Sekyrn looks at the bunks.

"Those look perfect to sleep under ! Or above. I never remember how I'm supposed to do it."

2020-10-13, 03:49 AM
As the group files into the guardhouse to register themselves to the arcane lock of the property's gate, Cooper tries to answer their questions as he is able.

"It shall just be your party and I here on the property, and I will be staying over here in the guard house." Cooper says as you go through magical registration which mostly consists of placing your hand on an orb while Cooper also has his hand on the orb, "You can decide sleeping arrangements in the manor as you wish, and the garden should provide sufficient shelter for those with more naturalistic living needs."

2020-10-13, 05:09 PM
"Was that farmer that annoyed with me? I figured he'd be happy, what with me fertilizing some of his crops and all." Hannibal laughs a little, while scouting out a place where he feels comfortable.

2020-10-13, 06:17 PM
"Do you have a room overlooking the garden?" asks Messr. Masson.

2020-10-13, 06:21 PM
Lena nods in appreciation. With just them and Cooper here as a liaison, she would have some space. She then checked out the place, checking for a room that had the greatest proximity to the lab and/or baths.