View Full Version : Player Help Help needed for porting a PF spell into D&D 3.5 as a custom spell

2020-05-05, 05:18 PM
Hellow fellow scriberinos...

So I have in the past created a few custom spells in our game. A game which now is well into epic level. I realize that a few of these spells might not have been perfectly balanced. In trying to do so, while simultaneously gaining access to a cool spell, I'm looking to porting a Pathfinder spell into D&D, as a custom spell to be created by my wizard character ingame.

The spell in question is the level 9 spell Spellbane (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/aroden-s-spellbane/). I really like this spell, but the question is whether or not its too powerful an option?

I would love to hear your thought and opinions on me adding Spellbane into our D&D game. Would I need to change anything and if so, what would it be - and why? Any suggestions or comments would be highly appreciated.


2020-05-05, 07:43 PM
I'd lose the bits about it being able to block AMF and spells that can function inside an AMF but it otherwise looks fine.

It's not OP even with those bits. I just don't think they fit thematically within the magic system. AMF deadens all magic within its emanation so a spell being able to override that incidentally rather than directly, as with invoke magic, just seems wrong to my mind.

The spells that function within AMF do so because the magic of the spell is either gone or part of an overall spell structure that doesn't leave the magic exposed to outside influence, as with the orb of X spells and wall of force respectively.

Like I said though, it's not OP as it is. You can just direct port it without any problem. Maybe add it to a few more spell lists than just sorcerer/wizard.

2020-05-05, 08:44 PM
It seems like it's just an area version of spell immunity at +5 spell grades. I see no issue with that unless you see issue with spell immunity as well.

2020-05-05, 09:02 PM
It's fine as is, port away.

2020-05-07, 09:52 AM
Ok... Thanks for everyones comments.

It would seem that the spell is pretty much ready to go as is. Again, it is a Pathfinder spell, which I want to copy directly, so I did assume it would be fine, but its good to know. Seeing as I've never played pathfinder, I didn't know if the spell sytems might have been more or less powerful that D&D 3.5.

One question that comes to mind though is, that the spell says it functions as AMZ, but only for a specific spell. However, are there spells that would cover each other? Like choosing Dispel Magic, would that also then affect Greater Dispel Magic?

And lastly, what would be some good spells to chose for the casting of this spell?

2020-05-07, 10:13 AM
One question that comes to mind though is, that the spell says it functions as AMZ, but only for a specific spell. However, are there spells that would cover each other? Like choosing Dispel Magic, would that also then affect Greater Dispel Magic?

I can't suggest specific spells, since I don't know the game world you're in, but I can tell you to read the spell description again. "Only the exact spells mentioned are affected—a spellbane set to prevent the casting of summon nature’s ally II would not prevent castings of summon nature’s ally I or summon nature’s ally III."

2020-05-07, 01:43 PM
I mean, yeah, it functions like a really good Spell Immunity, except it really seems to be something that could really turn the tide of a battle (but, being a 9th level spell, that's par for the course, being up there with Shapechange, Miracle, Wish, etc). The hours/level duration implies that you cast it at the start of a day and keep it on for the remainder of the day as a pre-battle-buff, which is fair
By casting the spell early, the kind of spells I'd select are ones that would really ruin my day if an enemy caster used it against me. These spells include:
-Anti-Magic Field
-Shivering Touch
-Greater Dispel Magic
Also, since the casting time is only a standard action, it can be used to get out of sticky situations, such as if the enemy caster dropped a Fog Cloud, Forcecage, and other BFC/Debuffs, then I could just cast Spellbane (those spells) and essentially waste the opposing caster's previous turns.

Edit: Now what happens if you cast a Spellbane (Spellbane)?

2020-05-08, 03:06 PM
I'm actually considering making it into a permanent emanation. I assume, if I do so, that getting hit with Mordenkainen's Disjunction, in which the enemy spellcaster succeeds his caster-level check, as per the AMZ rules, would then only suppress it for 2d4 rounds, as per the permanent emanation rules?

Would that indeed be correctly understood?

Also, would it be correctly understood to assume that permanent emanation would be under the same rules as a normal permanent spell, as in it can only be dispelled by a caster equal in level to the caster casting the permanency - or in this case the permanent emanation?

2020-05-08, 08:59 PM
Just pick disjunction as one of the spellbane spells so it doesn't work.
The best use by far is to use it to no sell disjunction, greater dispel and antimagic field so that noone can take your precious spells away.

2020-05-09, 05:17 AM
Just pick disjunction as one of the spellbane spells so it doesn't work.
The best use by far is to use it to no sell disjunction, greater dispel and antimagic field so that noone can take your precious spells away.

Im not sure thats quite how it works. You see, it says Spellbane functions like a AMZ for the spells chosen. Disjunction can take down an AMZ, ergo Disjunction can take down Spellbane. However, the rules governing a permanent emanation says that things that would normally dispel the spell turned into a permanent emanation, now only suppresses it for 2d4 rounds...