View Full Version : Rules Q&A Running a mine as a profitable business

2020-05-07, 05:12 AM
first off sorry for all the text!!

I'm trying to follow the rules in the DMG 2 for working out profit for a gem mine.

The lead miner us a dwarf expert lvl 5, with stats str 14; dex 13; con 14; int 18; wis 16; cha 15.

I was planning on picking up the following skills as class skills with, by my reckoning, 8 ranks in each:
appraise; diplomacy; prof (mining); Craft (stone); handle animal; Climb; jump; know (architure); listen; spot.

1st lvl feat: skill focus prof (miner)
3rd lvl feat: skill focus appraise

Location: the mine is just outside a town in the mountains
Employees: 15 people (so would I have to get a mansion or 3 grand houses or their equiviant to symbolise stables, storage sheds etc?)
Would the location profit modifier be -10 for wilderness? -4 for rural? or +0 for town?

primary skill: prof (miner)
secondary skills: handle animal and know (architech)

As the owner would have 5+ranks in the two secondary skills: +1 mod
40+hours working: +2 mod
location: either a -10 or a -4 for wilderness / rural
low resource: +1 mod
low risk: +1 mod

3 other business dudes with profession (miner)

So questions become this:
1) does my maths look right?
2) for the profit check, am i right in assuming its 1d20+primary skill total (including stat mod etc) + all the mods listed above? then after that -25 from the total, and see what i get?

Many thanks