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2020-05-08, 03:07 PM
As you travel with the Veterans the lead one changes your groups direction multiple times seeming at random. Until you start noticing that your no longer traveling towards the south west as it seems your tracks are looping around to the northeast...

The vets speed up clearly seeing that it was a flanking maneuver the entire time as they rush faster trying to catch up. You notice some traces of blood here and there telling you that some are pretty injured so they aren’t able to travel that quickly.

You notice the vets leaders face growing a tad glum as he continues seeing the blood.

(What would you like to do?)

2020-05-08, 03:32 PM
"Um..." Sloane swallowed, uncertain of a lot of things. He shook his head at the blood. "...sir, is there a chance that, well, some of Rovil's men split off to lead us away? Y'know, the more wounded men making a sacrifice for the rest of the troops and rabbiting us elsewhere?"

He squinted at the ground. It seemed like the thing to do in a forest.

2020-05-10, 11:34 AM
The vet leader turns to you a trace of surprise on his face as he temporarily forgot about you. No need to worry about that. Just be prepared for when we attack it will be a surprise after all. he says while giving a subtle nod of his head towards the soldiers trailing after you. A nod for attack and another when he says surprise.

2020-05-11, 01:45 PM
...something's hinky here...

Although Sloane nodded at the vet's words and kept his hands near the hilts of his weapons, the situation seemed off. The odd emphasis in the veteran's tone of voice, the glum look at seeing the blood they were following -- and the earlier encouragement of splitting Darius' forces...

...is this a double-cross...? Sloane eyed the other soldiers behind him, half-expecting a knife already aimed for his back.

Then again, what loyalty did he have towards Darius anyways?

Do whatcha gotta do to survive, kid...

2020-05-11, 03:19 PM
The veteran seeing your reaction smiles with a nod as in front of you reveals about a dozen men of Lord rovils posed to attack you. Half are wounded and one or two have heavy wounds that can barely stand. The veterans open up their ranks letting some of the soldiers charge ahead of them. As Lord rovils men’s faces turn grim the veteran leader roars Now! his voice covering the battlefield as the 6 veterans stab fiercely into the backs of Lord Darius troops. 3 fell the other three are wounded.

As your sense motive detected the thoughts of the veterans you are able to get a free AoO on the nearest soldier in front of you.

2020-05-11, 03:36 PM
Sloane moved by instinct at the veteran's command. His rapier thrust out as if an extension of himself towards one of Darius' soliders -- well, an extension just as awkward as the rest of his shell-shocked body.

In for a copper, in for a gold...! The wide-eyed young man told himself that this was what he had to do to stay alive. If he didn't, that veteran and the rest of Rovil's men would cut him down without blinking.

Somehow, survival was a great way of not dwelling on being a turncoat...

14 to hit, 3 points of damage

2020-05-11, 04:26 PM
The Troops you attacked couldn’t dodge from the sudden attack. Unluckily for you your blade failed to injure him sliding off his armor. Turning to face you his shield and sword drawn. He does a quick well trained strike against you his blade biting deeply into your body.

(21atk 9dmg)

Lord Rovils troops understanding the chance lunges and starts fighting against the rest of the troops. The soldiers adjusting to the ambush stand back to back swords poised as the fight both sides. Despite being out numbered they fight calmly their blades drawing blood from both veterans and rovils men.

(-1 rovils side 13 left.)

The veterans swing back hard trying to down more. Sadly the ambush failing making their attempts futile while only a few of Darius troops getting further injured but not enough to drop them.

(Your turn.)

2020-05-11, 05:25 PM
Sloane felt himself freezing up as the pain of the soldier's blade cut into him. He wanted to run, to flee into the woods and leave both these sides behind...

...instead, he twisted and shifted his position, trying to make sure another turncoat was on the other side of his assailant. Adrenaline took over as he thrust his rapier yet again...a little bit stronger this time...

...but, more importantly, serving as a painful distraction to hide the vicious slash from his kukri in his other hand.

Rapier: to hit 15, total dmg 11
Kukri: to hit 29, crit confirmed 16, total dmg 14 (3x2)+8

25 pts of damage!

2020-05-11, 06:09 PM
He barely manages to block your first strike with his shield lifting his arm revealing a small gap in his armor which you don’t miss as your kukri plunges deep into his ribs stepping back he swings feeble while raising his shield going in a defensive stance. Missing he takes a step back switching his position with another soldier who quickly rushes you with a shield bash to push you away.

(5ft step to retreat to second line facing rovils side.)

The other 7 soldiers slash their blades out dropping even more of rovils men and injuring a veteran but not enough to drop him!

(-2 rovils men 11 left)

Rovils men get discouraged as the have yet manage to drop one and they lost three! Thrusting their spears and slashing their swords they try again. Not able to down or even cause one to bleed yet. But granting the Vet mercs a chance as they slash down hard blood spills from 3 of the 9 remaining men two of them are barely able to stand as they raise there shield arms and group up tightly increasing there defense.

(Your up.)

2020-05-11, 07:03 PM
The new soldier seemed to be on to Sloane's tricks, getting his shield up in time to block his attacks. Sloane, no fool (well, at least in this immediate instance), knew well enough to draw back afterwards to try and not be an immediate target...

12 and 14 To Hits miss
5ft step away from his opponent afterwards

2020-05-12, 11:48 AM
The New Soldier blocks your attacks with trained efficiency and does chase after you. Not letting himself break formation instead they coordinate and strike back heavily on your temporary allies

(Crit!-4 men 7 left a vet merc is heavily injured.)

As the men fall down Rovil attacks more recklessly with the veterans and they finally spill some blood downing a few soldiers.

(-3 6left.)

(Your up.)

2020-05-12, 12:38 PM
Great Xan Ye, have pity on my miserable hide...I don't want to die!

"...don't wanna die...!" Sloane echoed in a strangled gasp, casting his eyes around frantically looking for an escape...or at least easier quarry among the soldiers. He fought like the wounded animal he was -- desperate but potentially dangerous as his blades lunged and hacked at the nearest enemy...

29 & 26 to hit (11 with the follow up, so no crit, sadly), 17 pts of damage

2020-05-12, 12:48 PM
You blades bite deeply into the soldier who was distracted from rovils men. Feeble swinging back to get you away from him while trying to move into a more defensive position.

(-2 rovils men 5 left -1 vet merc 5 left.)

A veteran merc falls down. As a loud bellow of rage comes off the leader as he delivers rapid and powerful swings of his sword in vengeance.

(-1 5 left 1heavy injured 3 moderate injured 1 fine.)

(Your up.)

2020-05-12, 01:09 PM
Maybe it was the bellow of rage from the old veteran who had sent him down this path or maybe he was becoming inured to attack and kill Darius' men, but Sloane found his blades cutting into these trained soldiers easier now.

He tried not to think about their families.

Instead, he thought of Rovil's wounded men, getting cut down and how he didn't want to end up like that. A wild cry erupted from his throat...

25 & 26 to hit, 25 dmg total

2020-05-12, 10:41 PM
You blades cuts deep dropping one of the soldiers who seemed nearly invincible to you. Leaving 4 left as they try to cut there way out and escape understanding the dire situation they are in.

(-2 3 left ouch lost a lot.)

Pushing to escape The vets leader charges after them dropping two down with swings of his greatsword which send chills down your spine.

Rovil attacks trying to clean up the last soldier who being surrounding by eight men didn’t have much of a chance and quickly fell leaving a cleared battlefield only corpses and your people left...

All the vets have varies degrees of wounds. Some critical as they tend to themselves. The leader only has a few nicks here and there. Rovils 2 remaining men are injured heavily after two intense fights. As he glares towards the mercenaries who lead a secondary attack.

Sorry for using your men to help remove the thorns in our side. As you might be aware of now you have no more pursuers. Instead of being angry at us you might want to go defend your keep from the second squad that head that ways. He says dismissing Lord Rovil as he walks up to the corpse of his long time friend who passed away.

(What are you doing?)

2020-05-13, 08:03 AM
...first things first...

Sloane took a moment to turn away from the others to discreetly spit up the bile that was rushing up his throat. After expelling such nauseated fear and shock, he dropped to a knee to clean off his blades, trying not to look at the fallen body right next to him. Then he burned a charge on his healing belt.


As Sloane allowed himself to breathe again, he caught the exchange between Rovil and the veteran leader. It was odd -- the way the leader was presenting himself, it was almost like he was higher up on the food chain, politically speaking. Not just that he saved the Lord and what was left of his forces from certain death...

...Sloane kept his distance for a few moments, letting the man grieve. When it seemed there was a safe break, the young man carefully approached the leader.

"I...I'm sorry about your loss, sir..." Sloane began uneasily. "...if I can ask, what was his name...?"

So many other questions burned inside him! But Sloane decided it just wasn't the right moment for them.

2020-05-13, 12:07 PM
Due to you not having to immediately worry about your life you see the Veteran leader who just collected a token from his fallen comrade then baring him. Turning to look at your while holding the medallion in his hand that seems to be made from a silvery medal he says. Sergrine. We fought together for over ten years. With a heavy sigh he sheathed his blade. Nothing we could have done. If we left earlier we would have all been killed. This was our only chance of survival. You handled yourself well. Smart enough to see that you would have most likely died trying to go for the keep or leaving the battlefield. He says. Not knowing your real reason.


2020-05-13, 12:40 PM
Sloane nodded, not feeling very smart, but not willing to contradict the man. "Why...?" He struggled to find the right words. "...I mean, yeah, going after the Baron's men when there's just half of them is uh, better...but why turn at all? thatisifyoudon'tmindmyaskingsir..."

Obviously, Sloane felt that, yes, he would have been killed if he had gone to the keep. But that was because he was terrified that he would have fallen victim to the greenhorns (not to mention that far too Creepy and Cheerful About Killing gnome) since he had already shown a bit of a yellow streak. They could write him off as collateral damage easily enough. But Sloane got the feeling that it wasn't his well-being that the vet was looking out for. He scuffed his heel into the forest floor.

"I mean, you seem to have a better head on what's going on around here than most, sir..."

2020-05-13, 01:26 PM
He looks at you confused thinking that you understood his motive. He sighs realizing you were lucky but clueless. He had his men withdraw. Then all the mercenaries who left after receiving their rewards were mostly killed to prevent the battle from spreading. Clearly he wants to keep his attack a secret. If we combined our forces and killed Rovils men. Do you think us alone would be able to defeat the squad he sent with us. Without suffering heavy losses if not being wiped out? The keep is most like a diversion so a portion of his army can attack from another side. When the remaining mercenaries go to cash in do you think they can escape hundreds of soldiers? He explains hoping he made it simple enough.

2020-05-13, 02:26 PM
It look Sloane a heartbeat to realize the gravity of the veteran's words -- and when it did, it hit the young man with the force of a great club.

"...they were gonna -- they would have ki--! Gods above!" Sloane's eyes were wide with horror and his skin had gone pale as a shroud. "Why...?! HOWhow did you know?!"

The image of Donnabella came unbidden into his thoughts, flashing her smile and emerald eyes to him with such need. "Help me...I need you, no one else will listen!" Her kiss was like cherry wine that first night...and then twisted into bitter spite when she revealed how she used him.

"Silly, thick boy! You can't leave now...just one more job..."

Did she know the Baron was going to have him killed all along?!

He thought he would faint, but somehow he stayed upright. And, more surprisingly, found now a bit of steel in his spine. "Lady's shade, I owe you my life, sir! And, miserable though it is, I'd like to keep it going a little while longer. But I pay my debts..."

Sloane straightened himself up and offered the veteran a honest attempt at a salute. "...my name is Sloane. What do we do next?"

2020-05-13, 06:22 PM
The Leader nods Good call Sloane. I’m Rignar. When you get experienced enough you can pick up some of the hints. We have a few options but the safest is to flee directly south to Lord Deon. He is allied with Lord Rovil if we escort him their quickly we might be able to get a reward. We might also be able to get some horses to put a little extra distance between us and that black jackal.

I have a feeling that it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Rignar says looking backwards from where they came from.

Rovil overhearing Rignar face flushes in anger. “You dare use us as a meatshield then have the audacity to say you will escort me? You have no right you commoner!”

Rignar turns his head towards Rovil with a face clearly saying your an idiot. Walking forward he stands tall by half a foot over the lord. With a well trained swing he draws his sword slamming the pommel into rovils skull. Knocking him out cold. Turning towards rovils last two vassals he says to everyone Alright no time to waste. If we hurry we can get there noon time tomorrow. If you want to fight me for rendering your lord sound asleep feel free. But only when we arrive to our location. I don have time to waste on your pretty squabbles. Rignar says giving a dignified expression as he slings Rovil over his shoulder and starts walking south.

2020-05-13, 06:49 PM
To Sloane's credit, he neither laughed nor objected to Rignar's actions in dealing with Rovil. And it did confirm that he wasn't doing this for the lord's sake. He was also relieved that Rignar didn't recommend that they try to thwart the assault on the keep in some way.

Sloane frowned to himself, expecting to feel some guilt for not running to warn the other mercs of Darius' plans, but then found himself strangely content with staying with Rignar.

Y'did try to get 'em to go this way, kid. And all they did was mock ya for it...

For the first time in a long while, Sloane actually smiled and followed after Rignar and his men.

2020-05-14, 12:35 PM
The pace is a tad fast but not hard to keep up you being fully healed from your belt. Rovils men are struggling to keep up due to their wounds. Tended as they are they just don’t want to risk opening them and bleeding again. Your group moves unhindered until the sky starts to darken.

Rignar quickly finds a small clearing to sit down in for the night. Giving commands not to light a fire. As they don’t want to draw attention. Rovil groggily starts waking up as Rignar casually looks down at him and hits him on the head with his pommel once’s more. Creating a second bump that are growing pretty noticeable.

Half stay awake. Half rest. We will switch at midnight. Then leave at first sun up. He says not caring to settle down the grievances of rovils men seeing him manhandle their lord.

(What are you doing?)

2020-05-14, 12:45 PM
"I'm willing to sit on first watch," Sloane said, grateful for a chance to rest and catch his breath. He unpacked his bedroll, but chose instead to sit on it rather than roll it out just yet, giving him some respite from the hard forest floor.

Besides, given the events of today, he didn't want to risk falling asleep just yet.

2020-05-18, 11:49 AM
As an hour passes you hear a slight crunch on the ground. Not clear enough to make it out you look into that direction. To see one of Darius’s troops there. They caught up and followed you! Looking around you notice at least 6 so far but their dark armor combined with the night makes the numbers questionable.

It seems your the only one who noticed. What do you do?!

2020-05-18, 12:11 PM
Sloane felt his heart catch in his chest. How?! How had the Baron's troops caught up with them so fast? His mind whirred. He could scream -- and be cut down. He could run -- and be cut down. He could try to tip one of the others on guard duty with him -- and maybe be cut down a few seconds later.

Run -- or fight?!

He inched his hands to the hilts of his blades -- then cried out. It wasn't just his own life at stake anymore. There wasn't enough time to be subtle.


2020-05-18, 12:26 PM
Rignar jumps to his feet as if he never slept at all the other veterans were half a breath after him. Rovils men barely getting up and drawing their weapons

(Your the only one who gets to move currently. But you canceled their surprise attack.)

2020-05-18, 12:40 PM
Sloane held his ground, knowing better than to charge at the Baron's men by himself. Instead, he let his blades spin and whirl, concentrating on trying to keep himself safe and buying the veterans time to get armed and in position rather than doing any real damage...

2020-05-19, 02:12 PM
Two soldiers charge towards you. Your loud voice drawing them in. One swings wide his blade cutting the air sending chills down your spine with the force. As the blade of the second takes the slight advantage to send a deadly slash running down your back.

The other four move in towards the mercenaries their blades striking down hard and fast injuring some of the already injured mercenaries. As they try to counter attack. Rovils men finally finish drawing their weapons. As your ears pick up more footsteps approaching from the forest.

2020-05-19, 02:58 PM
Sloane cried out in pain. As he scrambled to get away from both foes and to the safety of his allies, his ears perked up to the sound of movement.

"Sir! More seem to be coming! And these men...there's something wrong about 'em!" The desperate young man gasped to Rignar as his weapons slashed and thrust at the enemy.

25 to hit on both...but only 12 for dmg. :p

2020-05-19, 08:55 PM
Your blades bite deep as he charges and counters missing as you deflected his blade. Rignar hearing your shout forces on the surroundings. You see his eyes widen There’s at least a dozen maybe two You see a flash of silver and hear a loud clash of steel. Rignar is thrown from his spot slamming through two feeble trees and stoping on a thick oak while coughing up a mouthful of blood.

The attacker was the Silver Haired servant from before! My lord is not pleased with the betrayal you have caused him. Death will be the beginning of your sentence as punishment for your crimes. Swinging his blade he rushes towards a veteran merc in a blur of speed which your eyes can barely keep up with. His blade arcs followed by a severed head...then a body dropping to the ground.

Botolf!!! Rignar roars seeing his comrade ruthlessly cut down before him. Everyone flee! We’re not a match for them. Rignar growls as his eyes turn red. But doesn’t show any sign of budging as he tightens his grip on his blade. The veteran mercenaries look towards each other and nod knowing this will be their last fight. Not willing to run. Rignar turns to look at you Boy you should flee as you still have a chance. Rignar says both with sadness in his voice knowing his friends would not abandon him. But also proud knowing that they will stand with him.

With a loud roar Rignars eyes turn blood red as he charges forward his blade slicing through a soldier then rapidly clashing onto the Silver Haired mans sword. The clash contained so much force you felt your bones tremble slightly. But Silver-Haired didn’t budge and returned a deadly counter of his own. As there blades clash repeatedly.

Lord Rovils groups faces grim immediately turn to flee not willing to waste a second to flee from the foes ahead of them.

(What will you do!)

2020-05-20, 06:46 AM
Wide-eyed with fear, Sloane could only nod quickly in Rignar's direction...

...then took off after Rovil and his two guards. With a sickening heart, Sloane knew his luck wouldn't hold if he stayed with the veterans. Adrenaline burned in his body, doubling down on the pain.


2020-05-20, 10:25 AM
Seeing your group flee Silver Haired gestures towards you as the elites surge after you. The veterans hold back some but their numbers to many ten break out following you into the forest!

As the distance between you and the Rignar’s party grows you hear the systematically approach of being pursued. Rovil turns his head towards you and says “200g gold to lure them off my trail and draw them away.” He says tossing you a bag of gold coins thinking he settled the matter.

2020-05-20, 12:00 PM
In the dark, Sloane could at least hide his look of disgust. Any sympathy he may have had for Rovil in this plight had evaporated in how this lord was willing to treat him as disposable (though as not to the point of Darius). But he nodded curtly and took the gold. He couldn't get himself and Rignar any vengeance if he was dead as well.

...'sides, you're still shacked up with the walking wounded... Another charge activated on his healing belt as he ran. If Darius' men were dogged enough to track them down this far, Sloane hoped they were smart enough to not be deterred by him splitting off as well.

South. Lord Deon...that's what Mister Rignar said. Oh, Lady's Shade, keep me hidden!

Trying to run far enough 'til he can at least find a suitable place to hide in the dark.

2020-05-20, 12:08 PM
After hours of mad running through the forest. You noticed you haven’t seen any signs of pursuit yet. The sky starts to lighten up as you find a temporarily cozy spot to sit down in.

(-3hp +10nonlethal dmg +fatigue.)

2020-05-20, 12:48 PM
Sloane HURT.

Though he had managed to heal his wounds from the assault, his lungs burned with cold fire from all the mad running. He wanted to scream, to cry and moan his lot to the gods, but...

...he sank to the forest floor, wanting to just let it all be over. What good would it do to keep running? To keep trying to fight off the inevitable? Everyone died -- unless they were a cursed undead -- and even that wouldn't stave off the end if someone wanted you gone badly enough. Maybe it was just Sloane's time now.

No no no, kid...you ain't goin' out like this. Make a damn EFFORT to be a man for once! Rignar saw something in ya -- don't waste it...

...besides, you really want HER to win?!

Sloane's hands trembled with fatigue. He drew in ragged breath after ragged breath as he shook his head, then slowly pushed himself back to his feet. Only a little bit of steel left in his spine now -- but it was enough to at least focus his efforts into hiding himself better.

And then maybe, oh gods maybe, he could risk sleep.

Taking 20 to Hide.

2020-05-20, 03:45 PM
You drag your tired body trying to find a good spot to hide as your foot catches a tree root tripping you bashing your head into a rock as you fall down a hill falling unconscious into a pile of mud with leaves falling on top of you blending you perfectly into the environment... (-4hp +25nln lethal dmg minimum 8hour rest.)

Footfalls arrive at your previous location as the lords troops caught up. A dozen men search the area not able to find your trail after brushing the root. They push onwards towards the south following the direction you were rushing towards.

(1pm is when you awake.)

2020-05-20, 04:49 PM

He wasn't dead.

There was a tender spot on his head -- Sloane winced when he ran his hand across it as he tried to brush the mud and leaves off of him -- but other than that, he was relatively unharmed now. Somehow, he had survived the night.

"Great Lady of Perfection, thank You for taking pity on this miserable wretch of a man!" Sloane gasped. He struggled to rise out of the mud and blinked. Yes, he had survived -- but what in the Nine Hells did he do now?

Maybe he could go back, see if Rignar or any of the others managed to survive but Sloane feared he would be wasting his energy. Could he press on, maybe reach the keep of Lord Deon? Maybe Rovil had made it there safely already. Of course, he didn't even know if they'd give him sanctuary or even listen to his message. Already the dark shadows of fear and self-doubt were gnawing at his thoughts.

Sloane looked up. The morning was already gone. Whatever he chose, he didn't want to risk staying in the forest any longer. Even if Deon wouldn't listen, at least the lord's lands had to be near a village or town. If that was the case, then let the gods handle it. Sloane had made enough of an effort...hadn't he?

He looked around, trying to get his bearings on figuring out which way to safely go. The tumble last night had caused him to lose track of where he had been going -- not that anyone would have mistaken him for a skilled woodsman to begin with. All the while, Sloane's mind whirled.

Why?! Can't have been that Darius was just a cheap bastard...those troops of his -- hell, he probably wouldn't have even NEED to hire mercs! Was he just trying to make sure no one else could?! It doesn't make sense! Rignar said that Darius didn't want anyone else to know he was attacking -- so who else is he planning on going after?

2020-05-21, 01:01 PM
As you venture towards Lord Deons keep you keep changing your location constantly when you keep seeing footfalls around. Trying to avoid Darius’s elite troops. Very luckily for you every time you’ve changed your spots you managed to avoid the men who have been in pursuit.

Hours pass as you continue your hiding while moving foward tactic. As the sun starts setting down before you manage to arrive at Lord Deons keep. Whiles you are still a few hours away.

2020-05-21, 02:05 PM
...thank the Gods...

The keep was in sight. Sloane again tried to brush off more of the mud and leaves that had stuck on him. He took out his waterskin, taking a swallow to wet his parched throat and frantically hoping his warning wouldn't fall on deaf ears.

He suddenly froze as a sudden thought struck him. Darius' men had also been heading south. Because he had been going in such a roundabout way...

...what if they're here already?!

Sloane slowed his pace, but forced himself to try to keep his senses alert just in case...

Taking a 10 on Spot, Listen & Search as he heads towards the keep

2020-05-25, 02:22 PM
`As you approach the keep you dont see nothing unusual until you start to reach the end of the forest.You then see the silent sentinels of Darius Elites standing in the shadows of the trees silent as if waiting for something or keeping watch.

(What shall you doo?)

2020-05-27, 04:31 PM
Gods, they're already here!

Immediately, Sloane sank into a crouch, though his heart sank even deeper. Were Darius' men still after him? Had they already killed Rovil and his last two guards? Or, worse, was Darius already planning to attack Deon and this was the opening assault?

Either way, Sloane couldn't go back. For Rignar's memory, he had to make it past these unholy bastards. What unnerved Sloane was how silent these men were in battle. No bloodthirsty cries of joy in battle, no screams of pain when injured...to be sure, they were flesh and bone -- and could be killed (But did we actually kill them in the first place?!) -- but for all that, they may as well be statues.

Who wouldn't stop until he was dead.

Sloane flirted briefly with the idea of possibly starting a fire as distraction. And then immediately put it aside as a stupid idea. The air was humid enough. With his luck, the flames wouldn't catch. Or he'd make too much noise and draw EVERYONE'S attention, thereby defeating the entire purpose in the first place. If he could just get past them, then get enough distance to risk the run to the keep -- at least before it got too dark for himself to see...

Lady, grant me Your Shade a little while longer please! It's not just my life at stake any more...

...almost too scared to breathe now, Sloane did his best to silently thread the needle between the grim forces of the Baron....

Move Silently ended up as a 28!

2020-05-28, 12:36 PM
As you step the wind rustles nearly perfect with each step. You move silently as you walk past the troops through the most unnoticeable gap. After a dozen paces the wind becomes silent. But your already put you ahead of the men as you see the keep. Torches on the walls are guards overlooking the walls. You start running towards the safety of the keep your footsteps making some noise but it’s too late for them to catch up to you as the guards notice your approach.

“Halt who goes there! Why do you approach Lord Deons keep?!” One of the guards shot alerting the others who raise there bows and points at you.

(5 bow men with arrows knocked not drawn.)

Looking back you don’t see any signs of Darius’s soldiers but you don’t know if it’s just due to it being dark or due to them trying to remain unnoticed.

(What would you like to do?)

2020-05-28, 12:48 PM
"Baron Darius has attacked Lord Rovil! Oh gods...he sent men to attack Rovil's keep too!" gasped the out of breath Sloane. He raised his hands, making sure his palms were up and empty. "And he has troops in your very woods now! Even now! I saw at least six from where I was...I am lucky to be alive!"