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2021-03-03, 03:07 PM
Pran looks thoughtful.
"The Temple of Bones... I well remember the power of that place. If it could be wrested from the Betrayer, it might suffice."

Meeting Rosalind's gaze, he smiles in an almost shy fashion, admiration in every line of his bearing. "You have been the best mentor I could hope for, Sister. I don't know what you saw in a hapless urchin, but I will always be grateful that you took me under your wing. Your wisdom is truly humbling; and if you say we should do this thing, I trust your judgment.

"Are you going to the Temple as well? I must say I would be glad of your company. Death may no longer hold much fear for me, but I would sooner not be devoured by a demon!"

The divine visitor regards Gunn with eyes that see clear to his soul, and nods slowly.

"I believe you, mortal."

She holds out a hand, and abruptly the Sapphire Staff is in her grasp.

"My sister and I disagreed about many things," She says quietly. "But the fate that has befallen Her is an evil I will no longer endure. Take the Staff; free Her from this most foul bandage.

"Be warned of this: many would rather Maltur destroy this city than risk the lives of the gods themselves. And the ritual you think to use carries just that risk. The gods are deadlocked on this issue; I have done all I can, just by giving you this artefact.

"Now, my favoured servant is dead - too weakened from her fight by your side to repel the demons when they came. Her spirit I have already claimed; but I will not leave her body in this state."

There is no spell voiced, no obscure gesture to direct otherworldly forces; but a pillar of intense white flame suddenly consumes the temple ruins, the heat of it like standing too close to a furnace. You blink away afterimages; when you can see again, Maya is gon.
So too is every sign a temple ever stood here; only a circle of bare earth, already budding with grass and wild flowers, marks the site.

The Staff is in Gunn's hands, though he does not recall taking it. It quivers with pent energy, as though eager to act.

Thuril looks awed, but shakes it off quickly. With a nonchalant shrug, he spreads his hands.

"Well, that didn't take long. Which is just as well: the air grows thick with anticipation, with power building behind the rift. I suspect our time is almost at an end."

2021-03-06, 12:35 AM
"The power sleeping there was once the Mother's, one half of a greater whole from what I understand. And when he tried to force one of the people who can control the ways between worlds to his side he invested far more than he believed. I plan on trying to take the power back, and return it to the Mother this day if I am able. I believe you could find a way to wrest control of smaller fragments of its that sleeping power and use it up until the point we get into a tug of war match. At which point your will would need to focus heavily on those you created to keep control of." she explains, letting him know that once they began what the others were going to do he would have to keep a constant hold on the power he was using so it didn't spiral out of control.

"I will be going to the temple as well, though for another matter. I can tell you all the demons that were a threat have been dealt with at the moment, though how long that holds true remains unclear as our ally is investigating an immortal trying to hide their presence and tampering here on this plane. Whatever happens I cannot be distracted by Malture and his minions so I will be counting on you to help our ally in my steed. As for what I saw in you Pran, hope and a wish to make the world better. It is easiest to find in children, however it is hard to cultivate and water. You were eager to learn and wished to fix what was broken even if it meant you had no more power than any other who worked at the hospice. I believe that is why the Mother choose you, the Father simply showed me you were there wanting to grow." she says with a warm smile before looking to Theo and Manny, stating they were ready to leave.

2021-03-06, 07:37 PM
Yara looks around the empty field where the temple once stood. One of her friends were dead along with their fellow clergy, an entire temple had been miracled away and the demon invasion wasn't even over yet. But Yara couldn't help thinking with a bit of distaste, couldn't Maya have stopped this? What stopped her from protecting her own temple at the very least? Were the gods lacking in power, in which case how did the temple vanish, were they uncaring, which wouldn't make sense in the case of some gods, or were they such limited beings that the thought would have never occurred to them?

"Well, the Maya worshippers will have to spend a fortune rebuilding," Yara said finally. She nods at Thuril, "We've got what we came for, lets go."

2021-03-07, 11:46 PM
Theo is grateful for Pran's calm demeanor in the moment; many who had experienced more years than this lad would panic in this moment. But they had to show haste. We must make for the Temple, yes, and the sooner the better. Let us be off! I know that you all abhor violence, so Pran, if you see my sword drawn, take cover and stay defensive. Sister Rosalind and I can handle anything that stands in our way.

2021-03-08, 04:16 AM
The healers of Berun have little attention to spare from their tasks, fighting a war of their own to spare the wounded from joining the dead. Yet the High Priestess meets Rosalind's eye; her mouth is tightly compressed with loathing for this conflict, but the nod she gives the recently elevated Saint shows recognition that this is a battle which must be fought.

As agreed, you reconvene at the site where Maya's temple once stood. Looking at the perfect circle of blooming wildflowers where the building used to be, Pran's face grows pale, as though he sees some hidden darkness amidst the new life.

For all of the adventures you have shared, it is painfully apparent you go to face the most dangerous. The risk that some of you may not survive hangs in the air between you.

Between Manny, Thuril and Yara there is ample power here to take you directly to your destination; but now may be the time for any final words you wish to share, and any last minute preparations for the conflict to come.

2021-03-08, 06:05 PM
All right, everyone, Theo says addressing the group one final time before their biggest challenge to date. We have all sacrificed so much, worked so tirelessly, to get to the moment after this. Our next moment will likely be the final chapter for some of us. That may be our destiny. But if we lose today, it will not just our lives lost - if we lose, every soul in this world will be at the mercy of the divine embodiment of War. This cannot be allowed. I have already pledged my life in the cause to defeat Maltur, and it is He who comes to give us battle. I have fought alongside you all before, and though it has come to conflict between us at times in the past, I am happy to fight alongside you all today. If the strength leaves my arm before we finish the job, I am confident that every one of you would make haste to pick my sword up and finish the deed.

He looks to Perseus directly, though I do hope that you will not allow Sister Rosalind to pick it up before you. Such would be embarrassing he said in one final joke, hoping that a few smiles would make it easier to face certain doom in the eye.

2021-03-09, 10:04 AM
Perseus looks at Theo, stoic as ever. Then, a smile starts to appear on his lips, followed by a barking laughter. Gunn looks at his dwarven companion, and smirks. "I don't think I've ever heard a dwarf laugh," he says with a chuckle. Then the smile fades, and his expression darkens to a more serious one. He tightens his grip on the Staff of Maya, ready for their final act.

2021-03-12, 09:52 PM
As Mother Matilda meets Rosalind's eyes she simply smiles at the woman before bowing her head, as if saying everything would be alright, before turning to depart with Pran and Theo.

When they arrive at where the temple of Maya once stood Sister Rosalind is shocked to see it so changed, and given Pran's face it is clear it is a mass graveyard for the entire clergy. Had she not asked Sister Katraya to help her who knows if this would have happened, she had left herself and her temple weak to help Rosalind in a task that aided her not at all and she had lost her life in the process. Sister Rosalind had hoped the woman would have had a chance to recover before anything like this could happen, and seeing she wasn't able to brought her a great deal of personal pain. And seeing Pran's face she could tell he saw all the lost souls there. "Look at all the Flowers they have become Pran, just like in the next life for the Mother. Each shall be remembered when we have a chance, until then, they must first be avenged. Yara, I take it you used your new found powers to do this?" Sister Rosalind asks cautiously, unsure if the new godling had already begun to shape the world.

"Your blade would only hinder me Theo, my own hands are my most powerful tools. I would loss far more than I would gain by lifting up your sword, but I will make sure it is returned to your temple should you fall." she assures him before looking to Gunn. "We have not always seen eye to eye on what is best for the people, and how best to serve them, however I do not want our last words to be on bad terms. If you live I would like to donate 100,000 gold to the restoration of the poor quarters to build a school for the poor to learn as well as a smaller trust in which people can go and ask for money to pay to learn a trade. This will help the vision we share grow and with luck make the people of the poor quarters life easier. And the beneficiary of the remainder of the trust I would like to pass on to Pran and Sister Margline together to rebuild the temple of the Lovers and open the clinic once more to protect the people of the poor district as well as treat them for their illnesses." Sister Rosalind says hoping that Gunn would be able to make a better future for the people with that money, while making sure Pran and Margline would be looked after once she was gone to remake the temple and hospice.

"Perseus, we may have started on the wrong foot, however I consider you a trusted friend after the adventures we have shared. If you live please be an advocate for peace between New Ganther and Kharheim in my steed. Do not let the bloodriver clan get away with the trearcy they tried to pull over both of our people." she says to the dwarf not really knowing what else to say.

Turning to Yara Rosalind looks at her curiously. "When first we meet you were possessed by a demon, and now you hold the powers of a god in your hand. Remember that even the most humble beginnings can be led astray with power Yara. Knowledge is a great tool, however leads down many roads that are not always savory or morally acceptable. If you will keep your powers remember your story and the story of the one who came before you to keep you humble. Do not become the dragon that hoards for the sake of doing so." she cautiously warns knowing that Yara was still new to her powers, and no doubt still unsure what she wished to do with them. All knowledge was at her fingertips good and bad, she had to be careful now and understand when to use her gifts.

Lastly the priestess of the Lovers turns to Theo. "A lot rides on us not dying until the battle is over you know. Try and make my job a little easier." she half jokes before adding, " If you fall before I do I will ask for a guide to walk you to the hall. But be warned there are things greater than death beyond the veil to fear. Protect those that walk with you, and use the light to your advantage." she says finish saying her possible last words.

2021-03-14, 05:25 PM
Yara shakes her head at Rosalind's question.
"Maya took her temple, leaving this garden."

At Theo's speech, Yara thinks on death. She had died before, she could die again. But she knew what lay beyond, and presumably her fate had changed with her redemption. Dying didn't worry her, but failing did.

"Thank you, Rosalind," Yara replied to the priestess. She did not have much else to say, as she had already figured out how she was going to use her power. She was going to change the world.

Offering Power Resist 31 to whoever wants it. Also Mind Blank but that may still be active. Also, who has cast spells on us that are still active?

2021-03-16, 03:38 PM
"Well, this is it," Gunn says with a nod to Rosalind. "Any last minute preparations before we go?"

Haste on everyone.

2021-03-27, 02:31 PM
Once your preparations are complete, you teleport to the Mountain of Skulls, and the ruined temple atop the Daughter's ancient prison.

By the eerie light of the rift above, the crumbling stone edifice seems more otherworldly than ever. The altitude makes the air cool enough that your breath mists in front of your eyes; but it is not solely the cold that elicits a shiver in this monument to undeath.

The site is crawling with activity. As best you can determine, a three-sided battle is underway: approaching the ruin on all sides and filling the air above you are demons of every kind you can name and many you can't; occupying the ruin itself are numerous undead, fighting a defensive battle that seems to be gradually falling further and further back; and to the south west of the ruin, on your right and about 80' away from you, Bhatren and the warriors of Kharheim are grimly forcing their way through the melee.

It is clear that Thuril has to restrain an immediate urge to rush to his kinsmen; instead he waits, looking to you for permission or instructions.

Pran, meanwhile, has eyes only for the undead, his lip curling in distaste. "The Betrayer is at work here," he says quietly, his youthful voice cracking with emotion and conviction.

2021-03-31, 01:46 PM
As the group prepares to leave Sister Rosalind begins casting a few spells upon her friends, knowing every little bit will help in the coming minutes, and even the smallest ray of hope would be the difference between life and death.

(SLA) Bless 17 Minutes +1 Morale bonus on attack rolls, and Saves against fear
Path of the Exalted to use her ties to the Mother and the realm of the dead to help her know what the best thing to do about the Daughter is
Mass Resist Energy (Electricity) 170 Minutes 30 points of electricity damage absorbed from each attack (as the daughter is Charis who is known for Electricity seems like a good idea)
Night Shield 17 Minutes +3 Resistance bonus to Saves and blocks magic missile (Gunn, Theo, Perseus)
Life's Grace (https://dndtools.net/spells/spell-compendium--86/lifes-grace--4367/) on Theo as I can resurect just about everyone else with ease. Him getting hit with negative levels will hurt a lot more

As the group arrives at the top of the mountain Sister Rosalind cannot help but revert back to her human habits as she begins to breath in the sight before her, her breath misting in the colder climate. A great battle is going on and while all her instincts tell her to banish and destroy the undead, they were holding the demons at bay at the moment, even if they were slowly losing ground. It meant the Betrayer and Malture had two very different ideas of how to deal with the daughter. And division in their ranks only served to help her and her allies at the moment.

"As is Malture child, their forces are not working together even though they are allies for the most part meaning they both want different things when it comes to the power that lays dormant here. We can use this to our advantage as the two groups will weaken each other." she says to herself as she mentally tries to contact Melchizar and inform him that they had arrived at the temple of bones and of what she saw, asking if his own investigation had born any fruit.

"Gunn, Theo, I think we should allow our friends who are not needed for the ritual to go to our dwarven allies and aid them. This will better their chances of reaching the temple while also conserving our strength while the undead and demons fight each other." she points out believing that Pran, Manny, and Thuril would make the most impact helpping their other allies outside secure the temple and killing the demons. "Pran normally I would say destroy these undead, however we may need them. Try to wrest control of those closest to our allies by following the strand that belongs to the Mother. If you cannot convert them destroy them if they get to close to you and those in your care. No that no matter what happens after today you have my respect and my blessing Pran. I trust you to use the Mother's gifts as she guides you while I go and use the Father's to do his will." she says giving him a quick hug before turning to Yara and asking, though it is clear she is very uncomfortable doing so. "Is there any way your newfound ability could help refuel my spells? It would give us a better chance once inside."

2021-04-01, 01:09 PM
Thomas Gunn takes a moment to reflect on how far he has come. From a street urchin to a mob lawyer to nobility, and now here, on the precipice of becoming a savior of the world. Even his wildest dreams had been fulfilled, and then some. He tightens his grip on the staff in his hand, and nods to Rosalind. "Let us make haste, and quickly. The battle we see is a distraction. It can not be won, only ended--and we are the ones to end it."

Fly on himself, Haste on everyone. Are we still doing Dream Travel to get straight to the portal?

2021-04-01, 08:59 PM
Yara looks on the battle uncomfortable with not being able to do anything directly about it. She was needed inside.

"I presume I can grant spells to my worshippers, but I'm not sure if I can do so to you. Perhaps my divine energy can substitute that of your gods?" Yara says to Rosalind, trying to think over the possibilities.
I guess this is an ask the DM if this can happen kind of thing.

"Alright, we have no time to join the battle or fight through it. Anyone who's here for the ritual take hold of me."
Once everyone was ready, Yara began to tear a passage through the plane of dreams. With all demons about, the Daughter awakening and the general ancient evilness of the place, she wondered what dreams they would encounter. But the distance was very short, a few seconds shouldn't be to dangerous.
Taking the group as close to the Daughter's room as possible, inside it if on the same plane/accessible through dream travel.

2021-04-09, 01:57 PM
As Yara considers Rosalind's request, she mentally takes stock of her own abilities. In so doing, she realises that some residual energy from her time within the Light at the heart of the Heavens still remains. It is not much in comparison to the crucible of power that made possible her own rebirth; but it might be enough to do what Rosalind asks, to refresh her and the others for the battle ahead.

Is that coincidence, Yara wonders? Or did Relath, in equipping her to battle His enemy, foresee this need and plan accordingly?

Ultimately it matters little. It is a gift to be gratefully received, whatever its origin.

Yara can give all the PCs a one-off blessing, that will restore all hit points, spells and power points. Spells can be prepared freely.

Pran and Thuril prepare to join the fray. The eyes of the former acolyte turn black as he draws deeply on the powers of the Mother; ahead of him, the undead abruptly turn on their peers, creating a path through which they can walk freely.

Rosalind tries to warn Melchizar of this development; but, for whatever reason, is unable to reach him. A troubling development, but one there is no time to fully explore.

A brief act of will by Yara casts you into the realm of dreams, bearing you effortlessly past the conflict to the chamber where the Daughter - or rather, if what you have been told is to be believed, the essence of Charis Herself bound in an undead body - lies imprisoned. You revert to reality precisely where you intended: in the rough-hewn rock cavern, standing over the pit that had caged a deity and surrounded by the shattered remnants of the ancient seal. But there is no warding magic in that pit; and the body of Sigrid the Foresworn lies on its face in front of the hole, lifeless and dessicated, no longer a bulwark against the captive's escape.

Three figures form a sinister tableau on the opposite side of the hole. One kneels in chains of black fire: a gaunt and pale mockery of the Charis you recognise from statue and vision, dressed in tattered rags that were once fine robes, eyes milky white and lifeless as they stare up at the second figure.

That other is the dwarf Durhelim, the Rune Warden you met in Kharheim; but there is something in his bearing and demeanour that implies his will is no longer his own. Even were that not the case, the negative "light" of the fiery chains makes it possible to see a second presence superimposed over the dwarf's own.

Each of you cannot help but feel a moment of dread at the sight: for here stands Vlarath the Shade, known to Rosalind as the Betrayer, the dark god of undeath. Most of his form is smoke and darkness: you glimpse a broken skull within his head, illuminated from within by the emerald flame of his eyes; and a skewed ribcage silhouetted against a shrivelled heart that burns with the same unnatural fire. Each beat of that heart resonates through you, a bass note that makes reality itself shiver.

As for the third member of the tableau, his presence is a knife to the heart. Black blade in hand, looking to Rosalind with eyes that plead for understanding, Melchizar is back at the right hand of the Betrayer.

Into the silence that follows, Durhelim's voice - underlaid with eerie synchronicity by a rasping graveyard whisper - voices a greeting.

"At last," he says with satisfaction. "After all this time, the pieces are in place. And the age of the gods can finally end."

2021-04-10, 12:04 PM
My Lady, Theo mutters, a tear welling up in each eye. He blinks twice to dismiss the salt, and mutters again. My Lady, if You are still in there, I swear to you that the Betrayer will not win this fight. If You are in there, please, show me. Show me that it is not too late to save You. He says at near-whisper.

His voice then turns into a roar, with the might of a commander of Bastion. Vlarath, Betrayer, Corrupter, Foe, hear me. You will not emerge victorious. How can you, a man without friends? You have allies, sure. Products of your corruption to be certain, but no friends. But we here are Legion - friends and allies - with one goal, one mission, who sacrificed and bled and suffered together, who learned and grew and rose together. Theo looked to his right and his left, a small force with the strength of armies; arcane, psionic, and divine energy seldom rivaled by mortals, wielding artifacts of mythical power. There was not a team more prepared for this fight, and Theo was proud to defend the world beside them. His eyes returned to the enemy on the other side of the great pit, and drew the ancestral sword of heroes. This is our fight to win, and yours to lose. Good won before and Good will win again, and you will once again be thwarted, and this time it will be permanent.

Would Theo have been able to cast Divine Power on himself before Yara teleports us? If so, Theo will cast Righteous Might. If not, Theo casts Divine Power. How wide around is the pit?

2021-04-10, 10:15 PM
As Yara contemplates her new found powers and states she is unsure, explaining why Sister Rosalind nods her head in understanding ready to face the end with what she had left when divine energy flowed into her awakening her mind fully as if the Lovers had once more given her her powers. She felt sure of her decision and knew what she had to do, it was just doing it that would be hard for her.

When the priestess of the lovers tries to inform Melchizar of what is going on she notices something disturbing and quickly glances to Gunn. "You may have been right, the helm may be our ace if what I believe happened is true. I trust you will know when best to use it." Sister Rosalind says, knowing that the Mother had made it so that Gunn would be able to use the item once before being able to fall to the Betrayers power over the artifact.

What Rosalind sees as she arrives is shocking to say the least. She had expected to see undead yes, but not the betrayer himself in mortal form, as well as Melchizar by his side with the Daughter bound. Sigrid's lifeless body also did not help, for while they had been enemies as well as allies in different times in the past month, she had respected the dwarf for standing by her decisions even when the rest of her people turned against her.

As Theo calls forth the rallying cry to battle Rosalind cannot take her eyes from Melchizar, in her heart she had hoped he would not fall back so easily, and so when he did and the others words were proven right it stung her deeply. Reaching out with her mind she tries to find a grasp of the connection they shared briefly and latch onto it."You recently swore an oath to me Melchizar, and said trust works both ways. I trusted you to do what you had to in honor of our deal. When you said you were coming to investigate I did not question why, I only showed worry for your safety and then I find you here once more by his side. Tell me it is not what I think Melchizar." the priestess of the Lover's silently communicates to the first vampire, the light that normally surrounds her flickering ever so slightly as she looks on. She was not afraid of the three working together, but saddened that he would never be free from his own curse by going back once more to the Betrayer's feet. She would destroy them both as the Father had instructed long ago and carry out the oath she had sworn even if it killed her.

2021-04-12, 11:34 AM
The communication spell was not designed to be silent, but you hope it can be repurposed.

For a moment, you are not sure if Melchizar heard your mental plea. Then, a sigh fills your thoughts.

"It is not in my nature to break an oath, Sister Rosalind. But I am what I am. Vlaarath means to bring the age of immortals to an end. To end the war I was created to fight. I must consider who has the first claim on my loyalty."

"Indeed he must." The rasping, glacial tones of the Betrayer fill your thoughts, piggybacking on your spell to speak directly into your mind. The foul presence in your thoughts is physically painful, like the sudden sharp stab of a migraine. Melchizar falls silent, shaking his head as he watches you with unnerving intensity. He does not seem surprised by the Betrayer's interjection.

Durhelim's mouth curves into a mocking smile that has nothing of the honourable people of Kharheim in it, as he answers Theo's challenge. "Typical sermonizing from one of Tariel's get. That tiresome creature should have been gelded early on. At least then, I wouldn't have to listen to variations of the same speech every time I turn around.

"You think your ideals will guarantee you victory? You have only to look to history to see it isn't so.

"Look at you, the high priest of nothing, Champion of a cause long lost. You stand there, trusting your goddess to save you - well, here she is! Does she seem worthy of your faith?"

He kicks the chained form of the Daughter in the head, and she flies several feet away to land in a sprawled heap on her side. She eyes the possessed dwarf with animalistic, impotent hatred; but there is nothing in her face to hint at the qualities Theo loves in his goddess. If Charis truly exists within this galvanised corpse, she is buried deep indeed.

With the black fire moved some distance away, the Shade can no longer be seen as Durhelim turns to Yara; but his words leave no doubt who is controlling his tongue. "Little sister. Should I bid you welcome to the ranks of the immortals? At least you had the nerve to seize the power you wanted, even if you had to scavenge the remains of others' kills to get it. But you let that eager puppy Relath dictate terms to you; and in so doing, proved yourself unworthy of respect.

"But fear not; your tenure as a godling will be short indeed."

Turning to Gunn, he tuts and shakes his head, wagging his finger like a disappointed headmaster. "As for you, you had the chance to choose the winning side, and blew it. You think the tyranny of the gods is a price worth paying for their protection? Where is that protection now, as the hordes of demonkind slaughter your citizens?

"I was the first to see it, you know. The first to realise that life under the heel of powers who view us as chattels to be toyed with - or given as a favour to the object of their desire - is an intolerable form of slavery. When first I seized the power to rebel, and led the cause of freedom in glorious battle against our hated overlords, I thought too small. I was a man with a sharp stick facing a dragon in its lair. I, too, was fool enough to think the justice of my cause would see me through." He looks over at Theo as he says that last, a roll of his eyes showing he appreciates the irony.

"Well, I learned the lesson of my defeat. Long have I toiled to reach this moment, when at last the means to secure universal suffrage is at hand. And the truth is I have you all to thank - you and the willing accomplices to slavers you follow."

He glances at Perseus. "Although perhaps I should not be surprised you would do so, considering how you treat your friends. Has this warrior enough will of his own even to perceive his enslavement? I think not. And the rest of you are just as blinded."

Finally he looks to Rosalind.

"And so we come to you. What is there to be said to the servant of my would-be oppressors? Be it naivety or zealotry, you have chosen to blindly follow where a more prudent mind would question. I expect no mercy from you, who have been brainwashed from the beginning, and will grant you none. But know that you have my pity."

2021-04-12, 09:45 PM
"Vlarath, you're either a liar or a useless twit. Your key creations are undead that just kill people. Chattel are all I've seen you and your allies create, from vampires and their prey to expendable Maltur cultists. Your master plan is swarming the material plane with demons to take control of a discarded goddess? Who do you think will be alive to appreciate the world you bring, and will you be able to give up your own power to finally end the gods?"
"And Melchizar, you are definitely just a fool. Your allies will definitely kill you out of self preservation, hells I'd kill you even if you changed sides now. You're a useless remnant of a time that no longer matters, if you cannot change then no one will see you as more then disposable."
"I advise both of you to run. Find a deep hole in another plane to cower in for eternity. I finally have the vision and power to make the world better. No pacts with demons and devils, no subservience to divinities. Remove yourself from the way or be removed."

2021-04-14, 01:15 PM
The possessed Runewarden raises an eyebrow at Yara's words.

"I am a creature of negative energy, as you would call it.
Undeath is my curse and, alas, my creations must share in it. But I am fighting a war: should it surprise you that I create weapons?

"It is true that I sought to end the worship of Torae by the proliferation of necromancy in general, and some of the more repugnant forms of undead in particular. I wrongly believed that Torae, like the lesser immortals, needed worshippers to fuel her strength. Alas, that is not the case.

"Let me be clear: the noblest of ends justify the foulest of means. I would gladly slaughter nine tenths of creation, if it left the remainder free. But this invasion is not my doing. No: that is Maltur, seeking to stop me now He has realised my true objective.

"It is of no moment. Soon he will be dead, along with the rest of the pantheon. And I will have the power of all twenty of my peers: power enough to march into Torae's domain and end her despicable rule.

"So let me offer you some advice of my own. Hand over the artefacts, and I will let you mortals leave unharmed.
As for you, Yara, I can make no such pledge; but your death will be swift and relatively painless, and will advance the most fundamental cause in existence."

2021-04-14, 10:11 PM
"And do you believe one that has broken his oath before and reached for power will not continue to follow the same path until there are none left who can stop him?" Sister Rosalind asks before a cold chill runs down her spine as the Betrayer's voice enters her mind that is warded from all such communication unless she allowed it through. Instinctively she through up her defenses around her and her allies, not trusting the Betrayer for a moment.

Mass Death Ward (Everyone in party is immune to Death spells, Magical Death effects, Energy Drain, and Negative energy effects.

OOC I am hoping V sees it as a dog jumping when it hears a loud noise and not as a sign of attack as it would help us greatly.

Seeing as their mental link was compromised Sister Rosalind spoke openly for all to hear. "Melchizar you say you are who you are and you are performing the duty you were created for but tell me if he has the power to destroy the Mother what is to stop him from destroying you when you come and ask him to finally give up his immortality? While the deal we reached was not great in my eyes or your own it allowed you to for fill your purpose even if it took slightly longer. Serving the Betrayer will speed up the process IF he succeeds greatly, that is until he absorbs all of their powers as he has openly admitted he would and refuses to allow you to destroy him. He is not a creature of Law and Honor, but of Power, Greed, and Opportunity. When you have for filled your use he will dispose of you, even as we speak I can honestly tell you your time on this plane is almost at an end. Either the ritual will consume you or he will kill you himself if it does not as you are a threat in the end to what he will become, what you were born to destroy. There is also the chance we do battle and one of us kills you, I do not have that gift to see all outcomes and judge which one to be closer to the truth, I do know that they are the roads that you are being presented though." Sister Rosalind says looking to Gunn as if asking to wait to see if he could be reasoned with before using what they had to.

"When you finally go to rest in peace do you want to go knowing you upheld your ideals and stayed true to yourself in the end, the very reason you say you betrayed the Mother? Or do you wish to look upon the figure you have become who no longer cares about the ideals and honor they once cared so much about and instead only about the outcome? As there is always a right and wrong way of going about things Melchizar, and when we pass on it is we who have to answer for what we did. We cannot say that we were told to do it by another, as we are free beings, YOU are free to choose, just as I was when I released you from your prison in good faith." she says to him, not with anger or kindness, but simple cold truth.


As the Betrayer speaks directly to her after the others she simply shakes her head. "You and Melchizar were born from the Mother's loneliness and wish to create life, you were her first creations and thus flawed. She may not have always been perfect or kind, however she always did what she thought was best. Melchizar states he believes the Father to instead be a stalker who keeps sending gifts to someone who does not care for him, it is something I never considered as I have felt their blessings however I do understand where he is coming from. He has always upheld his duty, and only turned his back when he felt the Mother no longer trusted him to carry out his task. Just like any son who has spent his whole life protecting his Mother only for her to simply push him away and look to someone else to protect her. He lashed out with anger and confusion, both of which are understandable and you used and manipulated his feelings to your own dark purposes. You hated being weaker then everyone else, I bet before you gained the powers Melchizar won FOR you, that you were even weaker than he. Living always in someone elses shadow. So when he was willing to help you how quickly you tried to twist and turn your brother so that others would hate him as much as you for the Betrayal you led Vlarath." Sister Rosalind says, breaking one of the biggest Taboos of her people back on Pacem and speaking the Betrayers name. "Even now you use your brother and others to fight your battles for you, afraid of losing once again, knowing this time you wouldn't be able to escape. If you really wished for a free world you would not do such things, one who wish for freedom doesn't enslave others. They don't make their family choose as you are now, so save your pitty snake, I have seen your face already once before in the shades of the nether, trying to steal the light of others to feed themselves. You will not have my light, or your brothers!" Sister Rosalind says as her entire body explodes in golden light as the once flicker light around her intensifies to an almost blinding quality as she prepares to battle her greatest adversary ever.

2021-04-16, 04:11 PM
Gunn waits to see how Rosalind's speech impacts the situation, but if she seems to be failing to persuade their enemies, he will attempt one last chance at bettering the odds before battle inevitably unfolds. Donning the Helm of the Undying Prince, and consciously aware of the risks, he reaches out telepathically to Melchizar in an attempt to subjugate the being to his will. He ignores the attempt to incite discord between himself and his dwarven counterpart--and Perseus, for his part, recognizes the attempt for what it is: a feeble attempt to sow disharmony between two beings who are joined at the soul.

Dominate, DC 30 before any modifiers from the Helm.

2021-04-16, 09:32 PM
Creating weapons? That is a fancy fancy word for killer, for slaver. All for you to hide behind. At least we dont lie about who we are, or what we do. A bunch of fools, a Champion of nobody and nothing, and a demigod; all here to stand in your way. So come at us, Betrayer. You want these artifacts? Come and take them.

Theo held his sword in both hands and took a five step forward, in front of his allies. Come and take them if you can. You'll have to get through me. Come at me, Vlarath, let us see if your sword is as sharp as your tongue. I assure you, my blade is sharper.

(Theo casts Righteous Might, lets say last turn was divine power. He is now large sized and ready to take on this pretender)

2021-04-19, 01:02 AM
"Enforcing your will upon the planes and its people, killing multitudes for a cause they neither believe in or know about, for freedom?" Yara says with a shrug. "Ok then."

Further talking would be pointless. She couldn't talk down the dark god and never expected to. But now she would kill it, or at least its host.
Initiative for when we start: [roll0]

2021-04-19, 03:28 AM
Melchizar closes his eyes briefly at Rosalind's words. Stepping to Durhelim's side, he says softly, "I wish things
could have been different."

But, his body angled to hide it from the possessed dwarf, he makes a slight gesture with one hand.

It is an archaic and now little used sign of blessing and greeting, specific to the followers of the Lovers.

Vlarath/Durhelim listens to your threats and challenges with a sneer of self-assured contempt on his face. As you reach the end, he takes half a step forward, arm raised to attack.

And in that moment, Melchizar swings his phantom blade Anathema and cuts the dwarf's head from his body.

"For Torae," he declares, kicking the body into the pit. There is in his voice a tone of wonder and discovery - or perhaps of rediscovery, as he comes full circle to the choice that began his rebellion and finally chooses his creator over his later master.

He turns to look at Rosalind, mouth working silently as he tries to find the words to express all that he is feeling.

Then he is gone, his body consumed in a column of viridian fire.

The severed head rises from the floor, floating by some enchantment. Its flesh is burning away in the heat of the same green fire that destroyed Melchizar, becoming transformed into the true image of Vlarath.

"Treacherous fool!" the rasping voice of the dark god thunders. "Your blade and I are of the same black fire. Darkness cannot destroy darkness. But I am more than I was made to be.

"Enough of this! You want me to take the artefacts? So be it."

Esorscher, since you specified you would see what Melchizar did before using the Crown, it remains unused.

Those who haven't already done so can roll initiative. Anyone who beats 23 may act immediately (i.e. After the "surprise round" where Melchizar is killed, but before Vlarath turns his wrath on you.

2021-04-23, 11:05 AM
Gunn takes advantage of his readiness for battle, opening with an emboldening of his allies and an attempt to dispel, or at least suppress, their godly opposition.

Move to boost CL to 22, Greater Dispel Magic: Caster Level vs. DC 11+spell level [roll0]

Belt of battle 2 charges for an extra standard action, used to Inspire Courage (+5 attack/ +5 damage)

Perseus then charges at the god, understanding this may be his final fight, and ready to die a glorious and heroic death.

Leap Attack, Power Attack, Raging, Reckless Charge, Haste, Inspire Courage:

[roll1], [roll2]
[roll3], [roll4]
[roll5], [roll6]
[roll7], [roll8]
[roll9], [roll10]

2021-04-28, 03:12 AM
Vlarath regards the sudden onslaught of Gunn and Perseus with clear contempt - until the bard's spell tears into his defences, and the dwarf's axe elicits a startled cry of pain.

"What? How…?"

The flaming emerald eyes dart to the place where Melchizar breathed his last, and widen in realisation - before narrowing with intensity.

"Then I cannot afford to toy with you."

With an impossibly swift gesture and a harsh word in a long-forgotten language, the god of dark magic hurls lightning at Perseus.

73 electricity damage to Perseus, Reflex DC 35 for half.

The crackling bolt of energy then cascades from the dwarf to the rest of you.

Everyone else takes 36 damage, Ref DC 35 half.

The hand that lashed out at Perseus sweeps to one side, four globes of fire forming in front of the dark god. The orbs surge out to strike everyone except Perseus - then explode out from the point of impact, repeatedly engulfing each of you in fire. Vlarath stands at the heart of the inferno untouched, the flames stopping short of reaching him each time.

There are four spheres. Vlarath will try to hit each of you with one - if he does, you get no saving throw against that explosion. You still have to save against the others - and indeed against the one targeted at you, should it miss. So you each make at least three and possibly four saving throws.

Each orb deals 36 fire damage, halved on a successful DC 38 Reflex save - so a maximum potential damage of 128 each. For every successful Reflex save, damage reduces by 18.

Whether you get 3 or 4 saves depends on whether that first orb hits you, so attack rolls:

First orb: targeted at Theo, ranged touch attack 17.

Second targeted at Rosalind; RTA 27.

Third targeted at Gunn; RTA 25.

Fourth targeted at Yara; natural 20 to hit; critical confirmation RTA 28 (for an extra 36 fire damage and to double the bludgeoning damage, see below).

If you are hit you also take 12 bludgeoning damage (no save).

Everyone except Gunn and Perseus can now act.

2021-04-28, 05:00 AM
At Vlarath's assualt, Yara through up a barrier around her allies. Temporarily blinded by the multitude of meteoric explosions, Yara emerged from the other end slightly battered but largely protected by a mix of her psionic and divine abilities.

She responds with a massed blast of mixed energies, seeking out any possible resistances Vlarath may possess before committing fully.

Quickened 1: [roll0] Fire damage | Spell resist: [roll1] (ML 19 + 1 for something I have under Yara's divine abilities)
Quickened 2: [roll2] Fire damage | Spell resist: [roll3]
Normal 1: [roll4] Sonic damage | Spell resist: [roll5]
Normal 2: [roll6] Sonic damage | Spell resist: [roll7]

reflex 25 for each to halve

2021-04-29, 02:32 AM
Sister Rosalind watches as Melchizar use the archaic sign of greeting of the Lovers and watches almost in shock as the vampire's phantom blade cuts the sneering head off of the Betrayer. She couldn't imagine all the different feelings he must be having at this moment and she simply begins to walk over to him when the emerald green flames of the Betrayer burn Melchizar the Redeemed alive. What little doubts and worries that had been eating away at her since she had been told she would have to destroy the betrayer vanished as she looked at the severed head rising from the pit. Kneeling down to pick up what was left of Melchizar she looks up and glares at the Betrayer. " You have hidden in darkness for to long hiding from the Father's pursuing light. No longer!" she declares as she begins to rise. It is at that moment her allies begin their assault upon the Betrayer and he to tries launches his own assault.

The electricity from the lighting the dark deity tried to channel strikes Sister Rosalind dead in the chest as she finishes standing, however it seems to dissipate into the ground, leaving her unscratched. "Your tricks have no power here Betrayer, you should have stayed where you were hiding." the priestess of the lovers calls out in challenge as she sees the balls of fire coming towards her. She was ready for death, but before she went she would make sure her promise to the gods of law was upheld, and Melchizar's spirit could rest. So when Yara through up her barrier the priestess of the Lover's smiled as she bowed her head. "Thank you Yara. Now let's see how much our friend her likes being reminded of what he once served." and with that Sister Rosalind begins to muter a hymn to focus herself, her body's natural glow expanding slightly to stab at the undead creature before her before she opened her eyes and began to sing.

Swift Action Assay Spell Resistance for a +10 to CL check to overcome the Betrayers SR (17 rounds remaining)
Standard Action Heaven's Trumpet (Refluffed to her singing in the oldest form of celestial she can think of that was once used in Torae's halls) All foe's within 120ft of Rosalind must make a Fort Save DC 30 or be Paralyzed for [roll0] Rounds
Spell Resistance check for the Betrayer [roll1]
Spell Resistance Against Chained Charis on off chance she tries to attack us [roll2]
Perform check as she is singing [roll3] (Pure fluff)
Holy Radiance (Free Action) [roll4] damage to all undead within 10ft of Sister Rosalind

2021-04-29, 01:53 PM
Theo stands watching as the fire erupts on Yara's shield. The wounding power of the Betrayer's spells was little to Theo, and Theo turned to Yara and Rosalind; Fan out, and stay alert. (Theo activates Order forged from Chaos as a swift action and gives all allies within 30 ft a free move action).

He then turned to join Perseus, and charged at his foe (War Leader's Charge, no AAOs on the charge and add 35 damage to my attack). At the last possible second, Theo disappeared, and reappeared immediately behind the Betrayer (using a Turn Undead to get another swift action, and uses it to cast Knights Move. He is now flanking with Perseus). Theo brings his weapon to bear swiftly, and attacks at the back of the Betrayer with great fury. (As a free action, Theo uses a turn undead for +4 attack and +1d10 damage)

Power Attack for 4. I have a lot of buffs goin on, but I am hoping for a solid hit at the start. Righteous Might, Divine Power, Inspired, Charge, Flank, and RKV powers are surging through Theo. And a bit of THUNDER
Damage: [roll]2d8+2d6+2d6+1d10+1d6+65 those die go weapon damage + holy + sneak attack stance + RKV power + electric

Theo then activates his Belt of Battle for an extra full round action, and continues his barrage into the exposed back of the Betrayer. This is not hatred, for Theo left that behind. Theo attacks wanting to bring DIVINE JUSTICE to Vlarath in the form of the Sword of Tariel, to punish him for his transgressions against Charis.

Removing the Maneuver and Divine Fury from the attacks
Attack 1:
Attack 2: [roll2]
Attack 3: [roll3]

Damage 1: [roll]2d8+2d6+2d6+1d6+30
Damage 2: 2d8+2d6+2d6+1d6+30
Damage 3: 2d8+2d6+2d6+1d6+30

2021-05-02, 01:51 AM
Vlarath's defences shield him from some, but not all, of Yara's powers, both fire and sonic energy proving capable of doing him harm. The potent energies of the Sword of Tariel elicit a shriek of loathing, as every blow lands and sends pulses of holy fire through the dark entity; but he seems not to notice Rosalind's spell at all.

"Maggots all!" he roars. "I am death incarnate! How dare you stand against me!"

Gunn and Perseus have initiative, before Vlarath gets to retaliate...

2021-05-02, 01:56 PM
As Theo orders them to fan out, Rosalind nods, trying to stay central to the others, but enough distance away so that the Betrayer cannot target them all at once.

Basically moving to keep as many covered with her aura as possible so they stay gaining the Magic circle against evil x2 effect as well as the no 3rd level spells or lower being able to harm us.

This is the free move action from Theo's order from Chaos

"You are not death Betrayer, and you never will be the Mother. You are a screaming infant in the dark trying to play with powers beyond your control. Not even Malture or Melchizar believed in your cause fully." Sister Rosalind says smiling to her allies, they had hurt him. And while he was able to resist her first spell to help her allies she was hoping one of her others would be able to stop him, or at least by the others some time.

2021-05-05, 06:00 PM
Gunn can not help but reflect on how far he has come, and how utterly unprepared he is to tangle with a god. Grateful for his allies, he moves closer to Rosalind, whose purpose he now perhaps finally understands. And a final understanding it may be, as he prepares mentally to perish in this moment. Stazia's face flashes before his eyes, then Garrote's, then countless other foes and adversaries, and he realizes that for all he has achieved, all he has overcome, there is none he could call a friend. Even here, shoulder to shoulder with those he is closest too, he finds himself surrounded by those he considers his allies. (And of course, Perseus, who is more an extension of himself by now.) His goals in the rearview, he realizes that if he must die so theirs will succeed, then it is as the gods have ordained; gods whom he now recognizes as not only existing, but capable of exerting their will upon him. How could he not, engaged as he is in combat against one of them? He removes a scroll from his satchel, and uses its magic to grant a long-withheld boon to his friends, and a perhaps inconsequential bane to his enemy.

Snowsong. +4 morale to CHA, attack (does not stack with Inspire Courage), +4 insight to AC, Fast Healing 1, Resistance Cold 15, +1d6 cold damage to melee attacks.

Enemies: 20% chance of spell failure for spells with a verbal component, Will save DC 27 negates

Once a novelty but now utterly predictable, Perseus blinks away with his boots, then charges back in.

Slashy slashy slashy slash. Leap Attack, Power Attack, Raging, Reckless Charge, Haste, Inspire Courage, Flanking with Theo, Snowsong:

[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2] cold
[roll3], [roll4]+[roll5] cold
[roll6], [roll7]+[roll8] cold
[roll9], [roll10]+[roll11] cold
[roll12], [roll13]+[roll14] cold

2021-05-07, 02:47 AM
Vlarath staggers back under this onslaught, seething with mounting fury.

"Enough!" he roars. A blast of viridian energy erupts from his empty eye sockets, lashing out to strike at Perseus.

Ranged touch attack, roll is 16. If its hits, deals 139 damage (can be reduced to 15 with a DC 36 Fortitide save). If Perseus is killed by this attack, he is disintegrated.

The immortal mage then utters another word, and seems to blur in a sequence of impossibly fast motions. Yara alone, possessing senses beyond the mortal, discerns what is truly happening - the manipulation of the fabric of time itself, as the dark god steals a breathing space against you.

When the temporal anomaly resolves, Vlarath is incorporeal and surrounded by a swirling storm of lightning. He seems rejuvenated, and his undying hatred focuses anew on each one of you.

Go go go! :smallwink:

2021-05-07, 02:49 PM
As Gunn's song takes effect Rosalind's natural aura of peace seems to grow more powerful. Looking over to her ally and nodding her head in thanks she turns back to the Betrayer as Perseus attacks and seems to wound him greatly. She was getting ready to ask if he could do nothing without Melchizar by his side when he seems to become incorporeal and looks as healthy as he once did. "Wait how did he do that? Did any of you see what he just did?" Rosalind asks confused at the turn of events. Tending on the side of caution for the moment she calls upon the father to grant her the ability to heal her allies in times of need after watching Perseus dodge that last attack, it was clear what the stakes were in this battle and she had to make sure her allies stayed alive for the ritual. A moment later 10 small golden darts of light appeared around the woman's head circling her constantly, her allies would hopefully recognize the spell with easy as she had used it many times before to help them.

Darts of life, 10 darts remaining
Assay Spell resistance has 16 rounds remaining

Holy Nimbus damage to all undead within 10ft of Rosalind [roll0]

2021-05-08, 02:52 AM
"Don't think for a moment that you have saved yourself," Yara says mockingly. The words were mostly for her own comfort, she had died a few too many times to truly become overconfident in battle. Quickly her mind snapped onto a solution to the sudden increase in power Vlarath displayed. As she has done many times before, she reaches out psionicly to sever the magic from her target.

So a targeted dispel is one check per active power/spell on the target. Lets assume he has at most 5 so I'll make 10 total rolls. If there are more, then I guess the dm should make the extra rolls.
Dispel 1:

Dispel 2:

On seeing the result, Yara follows up with up with either further dispels or karmic retribution.
If Vlarath is sufficiently dispelled, Yara will do the following:
DC 21 Fortitude for both. Augmented for extra damage
Dis 1: [roll10] or [roll11] on save.
Dis 2: [roll12] or [roll13] on save.
Else if some dangerous looking effects remain, dispel again:

Dispel 1:

Dispel 2:

2021-05-09, 10:11 PM
Theo continues his assault on the being that dared corrupt his Goddess. Tears kept coming to the corners of his eyes; the love he had for Charis, seeing her in this state, and knowing that all that stood between him and the ritual that would cleanse the evil from her was a deity in front of him. He hacked his sword into the deity like a butcher cutting meat, not caring where on it he struck, only that Vlarath felt every bit of pain that he made Charis and her followers feel.

same attack structure as before, but with 2 less because no charge :(
[roll0] for [roll1] + [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4] + [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7] + [roll8]
[roll9] for [roll10] + [roll11]

Friends, With me, With me! Attack this foul creation of The Mother, and send him back from whence he came! Theo shouted, and took a brief moment to look around for where Charis may be (Theo uses White Raven Tactics to move everyone right behind him in initiative. Wont do anything for Gunn/Perseus, but Rosalind and Yara will get another turn before Vlarath can go again)

2021-05-14, 03:03 AM
Vlarath watches in horror as Yara rips away his wards, removing the ring of lightning and rendering his physical elements corporeal once more. The two disintegrating rays splash fruitlessly against his innate defences - but all except one of Theo's strikes now find their way to the dark god's body. The holy fire of the Sword of Tariel blazes ever hotter, eager to end this immortal evil.

And, for the first time in millennia, Vlarath knows fear.

2021-05-15, 01:39 AM
As the Betrayers defenses are stripped away and Theo's sword blazes to life striking down against the former servant of the Mother sister Rosalind sees the fear in his eyes and knows full and well why he fears the outcome that is about to take place. However if he escaped now finding him again would take far to long, and no doubt it would not be in this generation."Father, bind the Betrayer down as he has tried to bind Charis. Do not allow him to escape jutice for his crimes again." Sister Rosalind calls out. A few moments later Heavenly chains sprout out of the ground and begin wrapping around the dark god, chaining him down in place, stopping him from moving, and with luck casting anymore spells.

No Save no SR, He is now entangled suffering a -2 to attacks, and -4 to dexterity. Cannot move as the chains are attached to the nearest immobile object. And now on top of the roll to cast spells from Gunn's spell, he also must pass a Concentration DC 15+SL or lose the spell. (As he is undead the nonlethal damage doesn't effect him so not even going to post it)

2021-05-18, 11:53 AM
For the final time, Perseus deploys his "teleport away and charge back in" maneuver. From here on out, he will have no way to escape combat.

Slashy slashy slashy slash part two. Leap Attack, Power Attack, Raging, Reckless Charge, Haste, Inspire Courage, Flanking with Theo, Snowsong:

[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2] cold
[roll3], [roll4]+[roll5] cold
[roll6], [roll7]+[roll8] cold
[roll9], [roll10]+[roll11] cold
[roll12], [roll13]+[roll14] cold

Gripping the scroll tightly, Gunn casts Displacement on himself in an effort to preserve his life just a bit longer.

2021-05-21, 02:48 AM
Vlarath reels against this fresh assault, chains binding him in place, and the relentless blows of Perseus forcing his nebulous form to its knees.

The dark god's unnatural form makes it far from easy to judge how wounded he might be; but the corporeal parts of his form are riddled with cracks, and traces of holy flame from the Sword of Tariel flicker spontaneously over his shadow form. The sense of divine presence that had marked him seems to have dwindled down to a fraction of its previous force.

Vlarath's blazing pseudo-eyes meet Yara's, sensing she is about to manifest some new and devastating psionic power - and, driven to desperation, he acts.

Time distorts again, little more than a phantom discomfort for most of you but a clearly felt aberration to Yara. In a stolen instant of time, the Betrayer snarls a pair of incantations in a vile and ancient tongue.

You all need to make a DC 37 Fortitude save. If you fail, you die.

Timble, ranged touch attack against Yara - 20 to hit. If that beats your touch AC, make a DC 35 Will save. Failure means you are affected as though by an antimagic field, leaving you unable to cast spells or manifest powers.
Your equipment, however, is unaffected. The effect is measured in rounds per level, so without giving away any caster levels, let's just say it will last the rest of this combat encounter!

"You cannot hope to prevail!" Vlarath rasps as he watches his spells take effect. "I am eternal! What are you to pit yourselves against me? Nothing!"

Yara still has an action to take before what would have been Vlarath's turn but for the Greater Celerity he just cast. Vlarath will then have to miss what would have been his turn, so the rest of you can post actions after Timble (and he can post two rounds' worth).

2021-05-21, 07:42 AM
(I'm going to put both of Yara's turns chronologically after Vlarath's actions. I'm only going to be taking the one that was meant to occur before, leaving the others to act before deciding the next action as the following turn is using a concentration power)

Yara feels the wave of death magic wash over her, kept safe through her divine attributes. She was about to smirk at the dark gods uselessness until his next move struck her cold. A massive display of power that Yara new well, the ability to unravel magic. This came in a form that she had never considered, one that would separate her from her power entirely. Desperately she built up her magical defences, watching the spell break through barrier after hastily erected barrier. Closing her eyes and giving a slight whimper, she felt the ray dissipate upon her last line of defence.
For a short time, she stood absolutely still considering what would have happened if Vlarath's spell had worked. It wouldn't have killed her, no. It would have been worse than death, to be powerless and useless.

With a slight stagger she straightened herself to weakly glare at Vlarath.
"Nothing are we? W... what have you even done?" Yara says, still shaken. "Singed us slightly? Missed every other shot? Ju... just die already!"
Raising an arm, she lashes out. Barely visible telekinetic tentacles erupt in the air around Vlarath, seeking to beat him down. Yara knew that they had only gotten this far through luck and chance, many of the god's attacks had been enough to kill or disable them had luck only been on his side. Better make sure that he never got the chance again.
Trying to do a bit of support this round and massively lower his AC for Theo and Perseus. I haven't used Telekeinetic Maneuver much this game beyond I think once on Feronax. So lets spam it.
Forgot Yara got +Divine Rank to caster level checks, so +20 rather than the +19 I did when checking disintegrate

No save, only SR and Trip/Grapple checks
Q + T Telekinetic Maneuver: Aiming to trip
1: SR Check [roll0] for Trip [roll1]
2: SR Check [roll2] for Trip [roll3]
(Augmented for a +6)

T Telekinetic Maneuver: Aiming to Grapple
1: SR Check [roll4] for Grapple: [roll5]
2: SR Check [roll6] for Grapple: [roll7]

Between Constricting Chains and potentially grappled and/or prone, he should be much easier for Theo and Perseus to hit.

Low Caster level rolls. Going off Yara's SR, only one trip has a chance of working unless he somehow has abysmal SR.

2021-05-21, 02:29 PM
As the Betrayer throws his best efforts in trying to stay alive and take out her allies Rosalind can tell he is desperate as he tries to do all he can to take them out. However his spells fall flat against their defenses as a purple bubble surrounds them all as the wail tries to find their ears. "You are simply long lived Betrayer, you were created by a true Eternal to serve her purpose and you choose not only to rebel but to try and kill her. Then when that failed you fled, tricking your brother to follow you and slay others for you as even you knew in that moment you were no match for even a lesser god. Everything you have now was handed to you by another. You earned none of the power that you have, and before this hour is up I promise you all of it shall be returned to where it belongs." Sister Rosalind says calmly as her eyes seem to change and take on a golden glow.

Casting Celestial Aspect, using Eyes of the Firre so every round I can simply look at him and he takes 2d6 fire damage, no save, no SR (if he lasts that long vs perseus and Theo that is). I take [roll0] Str damage, as it is a sacrifice (requirement of the spell) I don't believe death ward would stop it.

2021-05-28, 02:55 AM
Vlarath, already grievously injured, reels under this new barrage of psionic power. His eldritch defences hold off most of the force directed against him; most, but not all. With a startled cry that has little of divine dignity in it, the Betrayer is knocked to the ground. Lying on his back looking up at the warriors confronting him, his unliving visage shows mounting panic.

His eyes land on Charis, so far a silent spectator in these events. "Creature! Aid me!"

The undead abomination that was once the Shield of the Righteous studies Vlarath with its feral gaze. Slowly it stands, and stalks to where Melchizar fell, movements eerily insect-like and mute. Bending, it moves as though to lift some invisible object; and a blade of the blackest void forms in its grasp.


It stares listlessly at the dark god at your feet - then moves the blade twice, chains of black fire peeling away from its limbs at the motion. It stretches, savouring freedom, and a smile flickers around its palid lips.

"If you were going to test your will against mine, Vlarath, you should have done it before these heroes broke you like skittish colt. You who seized divinity, who claimed to be deserving of immortality - and who would see all other gods slain to fuel your own power - now face that which you truly deserve.

"You call me 'creature' - but think now on what it is you have created. You took the living embodiment of righteous justice, tethered it within a husk of unliving flesh you thought you could enslave, and tormented it for an age with the fire of unmaking - giving it every cause to hate you and seek your destruction. Great are the conflicts within me, my would-be master. But all that I am yearns to see you cast into oblivion."

The corrupted goddess raises Anathema, its every muscle straining against some unseen force; it takes one step, as though striving against a hurricane, then another. With a final cry, it brings Anathema down with enough force to shatter mountains - striking, not Vlarath, but one of the seals built long ago to contain the "Daughter."

With a coruscation of conflicting energies, both the seal and Anathema shatter. In an ever expanding ring, the runes scribed into the walls flicker and go out; close behind that, a ripple of unbound negative energy sweeps across the room, the substance of oblivion rushing upon you like a tsunami.

At the last moment, it stops in place. The flames twitch, a motion reminiscent of a dog hearing its master's whistle. A heartbeat later it retracts, surging back to the centre; and then streaming upwards, blasting through the ceiling and into the ruins above where demon, dwarf and dead still battle.

Vlarath looked frightened before. Now, he looks on the verge of mindless terror.

The thing that was Charis meets your eyes in turn. There is madness in that gaze, a storm of conflicting desires and purposes that only by chance align to form coherent thought. Yet it nods to Theo, a flicker of recognition briefly visible.

"End him. Bring justice to the one who cast all reality into war to further his selfish ambition, who would end all life to sate his hatred of the one who created him. And know that the Mother of All stands ready to reclaim what is Hers."

2021-05-28, 05:05 PM
My Lady... Theo muttered with Awe. Theo's heart becomes empty of rage. Seeing Charis, Her voice speaking to him in this moment, Her command to slay the foe, he loses all anger at his enemy and is instead filled with a righteous fervor. She may be bound to rotting flesh, but Her Being was still the Sentinel whom Theo had spent his years obeying, following, and admiring.

Inspired by Her Word, Theo looked to the pathetic would-be-slayer of all, laying on the ground like a pitiful worm, and says with the firmness of a High Priest in the presence of his Deity. By Thy Command, and by my hand, it shall be done.

He reached back with his blade, a sword made for heroes, and aimed for Vlarath's neck. As Theo swung forward, the blade glowed with a white energy that burned with the sun's heat.

I am not power attacking, but am using Divine Surge for an extra 8d8. This is a single attack. Fingers crossed!
[roll1] + [roll2] + [roll3]

2021-06-04, 10:19 AM
The Sword of Tariel sings in Theo's hands, blazing with holy fire as he strikes at Vlarath's shadowy form. The purifying energies of the ancient blade flood out through the dark divinity, consuming and unravelling his body as he raises the ravaged head he had possessed to shriek his terror and anguish at the ceiling - and, perhaps, at the Heavens themselves.

His form dissolves - but to Rosalind and Yara, something else is going on. As the negative energy that animated Vlarath's form falls away, it is freed to return to its source - to Torae, the Mother, Goddess of Death. When Rosalind has seen such things before, there has always been the mortal soul left behind, until it too is called to its final destination.

But Vlarath was not created by Kirest. This time, there is no mortal soul left behind.

The Betrayer is gone. Forever.

17,000xp each.

Pausing there for PC reactions.

2021-06-07, 08:15 AM
Sister Rosalind watches with a mix of emotions. On one hand she was happy the Betrayer could cause no more harm in the world, however he was still a person, even as corrupt and vile as he was, even though he was undead, he still had thoughts, feelings and ideas. The fear in his eyes as Theo dealt the final blow proved as much. In the end it had to be done tough, so that Torae's power could be returned to her and her promise for filled. Now the false Charis would have to honor her part of the agreement made eons ago and restore the bridge to the domain of the Mother, and the final resting place of most souls who did not worship another. This in turn would alleviate the stress on Granig giving his guardians a chance to do their original purpose instead of simply guarding the souls waiting to cross over to the Mothers embrace.

"We did it Melchizar, I hope you find peace in the Mother's embrace once more." Sister Rosalind says to air itself as if her words could simply be carried onto the afterlife in such a manner, even though she knew that wasn't how it worked. Never mind for one who was destroyed by Anathema.

Looking over to the Daughter, the truest form of Charis in this time and place she bows her head in respect. "It is good to see you once more, and I have remembered what you told me. We did not allow Malture to distract us, however if we wish to truely stop him from entering this world you must be freed from your curse. Will you allow us to perform the ritual, and return the Mother's power back to her so that you can once more take on your role?" Sister Rosalind asks, after all the Daughter had been through much and undeath was a blessing and a curse. She had been locked away, unable to not only complete her purpose, but also unable to do anything the Betrayer didn't wish. It would mess with a living persons mind, never mind one who had been given undeath against their will.

2021-06-07, 01:30 PM
Charis regards you with sadness in her eyes. She nods at the scorch marks where Melchizar was consumed.

"A tragic tale, Sister. Of duty frustrated, misdirected, and grown into obsession; of loyalty tested to breaking point, and a failure of the bonds of fealty on both sides. But, thanks to you, it was in the end a tale of redemption. Take solace in that, child of Kirest; and in the knowledge that he, of us all, was truly at peace with the inevitability of death.

"Not so the Betrayer. His end is long and richly deserved; his immortality never part of the Father's design. I do not know if he truly believed the motives he claimed - or if they were lies he told himself to justify the bitter hate he nurtured. I do know that he was responsible for immeasurable suffering across the planes. And in this, I invite you to judge the tree by its fruit."

She takes a deep, steadying breath - although her physical form has no need of such things - and shakes her head.

"I have hoarded my strength of will for generations to have these precious minutes of lucidity. I will not squander this chance. You may proceed with the ritual when you are ready - but I can hold myself together long enough to answer a few more questions first, if you wish."

She meets the eyes of each of you, lingering last and longest on Theo.

2021-06-07, 03:25 PM
My Lady, Theo said, averting his eyes my looking downward, as a common soldier would to a queen. You have set me on this path before I was born. This has been Your Wisdom, seen through, and I will see it through to the end. I have no doubt that this path is the correct one, or we would not be where we are now. I have no questions, I go where You direct me and I act as You desire.

Theo looks around him, seeing his allies prepare their artifacts to complete the ritual. Once everyone is in place. Theo says, We have but one enemy left to defeat before the day is ours. We must defeat Maltur. Charis, your sword is ready for you, Theo goes to one knee and offers the sword of heroes to Charis, hilt first, so that she may take it.

2021-06-07, 09:22 PM
"All I want to know," said Yara, "Is what you want this ritual to do and what you intend to do after."

I think Yara was supposed to do the ritual as she has the highest spellcraft/psicraft check. As such what are the possible options when it comes to the ritual?

2021-06-08, 10:44 AM
Charis regards Theo with love and approval shining from her face.

"Well done, good and faithful servant," she says softly. "Your duty has been a heavy one, but you have proven most worthy of my trust in you."

If she looked at Theo as a proud parent upon a favoured son, her attitude as she now turns to Yara is one of respect for an equal. "It is right that you should ask this, Yara; for the first lesson of immortality is to use power wisely. And the power you now hold between you is great indeed: power to unmake the gods themselves, and to rearrange the Heavens and the Hells as you think fit. It is little wonder Vlarath coveted it; nor that Maltur makes war to prevent its use; nor still that our brethren are so deeply divided on this issue.

"With Anathema destroyed, the potential to use the ritual as a weapon will soon be past; but I cannot hide from you that there is enough lingering power here to attempt so to use it.

"But let me speak of my design, my intent in bringing events to pass as they have.

"Of all the gods, I was the one most blessed - or cursed - with knowledge of the future. And so I knew that Vlarath and Maltur would unmake all that I held dear unless I chanced this most dangerous gambit: to let Valacles have his Covenant, his unholy coalition between archon and devil, until the moment that my foes would so dangerously over-extend themselves that they would be vulnerable. I knew that the gods would not permit this ritual you now hold to exist, unless there were some desperate cause to justify it. And I resolved to be that cause.

"For it is the ritual alone that tempted Vlarath to leave his defences and come into this place. It is the need to contain me that caused it to be built - a place where the power of the gods is blunted, where alone in all the multiverse he was most at risk.

"Yet so many factors had to coincide to make today possible. Had Melchizar not been redeemed, and struck a blow that robbed Vlarath of most of his stolen divinity; had Dalvar's power lain dormant, or been seized by an enemy; or had the five of you not stood together in this moment, with the power you now hold; then there could have been no victory. And so I steered what I could, judged my timing as only I might, and lifted up my Champion in the moment I had foreordained.

"And so it has come to pass. Vlarath lies dead; Maltur comes spoiling for a fight, and you are ready to meet him. You; not me. For even if you use the ritual this day, to end my slavery in this profane shell, I will yet lack even a tithe of my former power. It will take a generation, maybe more, before the Shield of the Righteous can once more stand tall among the pantheon. And the road will be hard, with great heartache for the Temple pledged to my name.

"But I could not have resolved myself to this path, Yara, had I not been graced with foreknowledge of your ascension. I know that, whatever happens to me now, the Heavens have a bright new star to light their way, a new paragon of virtue to inspire and lift up - one who knows what it is to walk the darker path, and because of that knowledge, can seek and save the lost.

"Relath and I were the Sword and Shield of the Righteous. But I would bestow upon you a new title, if you will have it: Yara, the Hope of the Fallen."

As Theo offers the Sword of Tariel, she gently lays a hand on it - not to take it up, but in blessing.

"Indeed, my sword is ready. But my blade is not a thing of metal and enchantments. My blade has been fashioned of honour and devotion; forged in the furnace of leadership and adversity; graced with the blood of angels, but foremost in embodying the virtues of humanity. Theo, my Champion, you are my sword in this dark hour; you are the one who will lead this fight, as your first-father did before you.

"Arise, Theodore Roost. There have been Champions before you; but forever more, you will be the Champion by which all others are measured."

2021-06-08, 01:52 PM
Gunn watches the scene unfold with a look of bewilderment. Silently he takes his position in the ritual, ready to perform what is apparently a pre-ordained duty. If this was all part of some divine plan, it calls into question his entire life of what he thought were choices he made. If he had not been orphaned, if he had not accepted Stazia's help, if he had not worked to replace her, or to seize control of crime in the city, or... and so on, ad infinitum, he would not be standing here today, and so could not assist in Charis's redemption and the restoration of the divine order. Perhaps choice was simply an illusion, or perhaps his choices had brought about this moment. If there were some scales of justice, where the good of one's life was weighed against the bad, then this moment (as the fruit of all his evil actions), might cleanse his slate. Would he do anything different from this moment further? Only time would tell.

There would be time for such ruminations later. For now, it was enough to simply observe, and prepare for their next battle with the divine.

2021-06-18, 08:01 AM
Charis watches Gunn move to his position, a slight smile on her tortured face.

"And have you no words for this moment, Thomas Gunn - you, for whom words are your profession and your gift? Very well, then; but I would ask that you listen.

"I see that my words give you pause. And, since days of old, mortals have grappled with this fear: for if all that you do is foreordained, what then of free will?

"But I will say this, if it is a comfort to you. There is such a thing as destiny, and such a thing as choice; and many a mortal has strayed from their fate through active choice or the action of the enemy. I was privileged to see more than most, to judge what choices mortals were most likely to make and foresee what action the powers of Chaos might pursue; but my foreknowledge does not preclude the role of choice, but merely anticipates it.

"Consider: those who know you well can judge to a fine point how you will react in a given situation. Even your friends might be surprised from time to time; but that is because their knowledge of you is imperfect. After the fact, if you choose to explain yourself to them, they might say: had I but known this, I could have guessed you would do that.

"Free choice must be an expression of who you are. If it were not - if everything you are yearned for a particular outcome, but you found yourself acting towards the opposite end - you would not call yourself free. So do addicts and the afflicted strive with themselves, and feel themselves in slavery to their condition.

"So, then, to say that one who knows you perfectly could anticipate your actions infallibly does not detract from your freedom, but only recognises that free choice is the freedom to express your identity.

"Yet I must say that predicting your actions posed a particular difficulty. You are unique in all creation in being outside the influence of destiny; your motives and purposes are shrouded from the gods. For some, that is a cause for alarm; for others, an opportunity. You have seen that yourself, with those who have tried to use you for their own ends or sway you to their cause.

"I did not know whether you would be swayed to the cause to which Durhelim - even then under the influence of Vlarath - tried to recruit you. Nor could I guess whether you would be able to step beyond your worldly concerns, and the struggle for influence and wealth that defined you.

"Had you sided with Durhelim, even now the five of you would be fighting one another with the continued existence of the gods in the balance.

"Had you not formed this bond with Perseus of Clan Ironshield, and influenced him as you have, many battles would have gone differently. But it has been your less visible actions that have truly changed the world. You have spoken a word in season to princes and thieves, priestesses and magi; your subtle influence has repeatedly changed the fate of this nation, and will have far reaching consequences long into the future."

Pausing, she glances upwards at something beyond your sight, and grimaces.

"Time flees before us, it seems. The hour draws near.

"Then let me make this brief, Perseus Ironshield. You are a warrior and a scion of warriors; now, in the decisive moment of a great war that has lasted aeons, I am glad to have you fighting on our side. Whatever transpires, I shall ensure your clan knows the honour you have brought it, and the truth of what has transpired here.

"Know that, when your time on this world is done, your ancestors will receive you with all honour to join their number in guiding future generations."

It seems there is nothing more to be said. Gathering the relics, you spread out into a circle with Charis and the purified Chalice of Relath at the centre.

Gunn looks uneasy at using an unfamiliar artefact for the first time in this critical setting; but he holds forth the Sapphire Staff entrusted to him by Maya herself, and at his mental command a surge of power sweeps and fills the room. Every ongoing spell is dispelled, and every magic item except the six relics is suppressed, as the Staff hedges out anything that might interfere with the spell.

Taking a deep breath, the air tasting sharp and clean, Yara finds the ritual in the Tome of Dalvar. At first sight, the arcane formulae seem hopelessly alien to her psionic mind; but there is a subtle telepathic emanation coming from the Tome, not unlike communing with a power stone…

Abruptly the words on the page seem to snap into focus, changed from gibberish into meaningful symbols in a moment of pure epiphany. This ritual, Yara realises, is of such sophistication it reaches a point where the distinction between magic and psionics becomes meaningless; and through the power of the Tome and her own elevated consciousness, it is well within her grasp.

The energies of the ritual begin to gather, coalescing around Yara. Perseus stands ready with the Eye, ready to focus its energies on Charis…

And Yara's eye falls on the scorched stone where Melchizar fell.

The residual power of Anathema is all around you. Power enough to kill a god - and certainly Maltur is coming to face you. It is all here in the Tome: you could use the ritual to kill Maltur, to strike him down once and for all across the planes.

For that matter, you could kill them all. All the gods of evil - all the gods, if you felt so inclined.

All it would cost is Charis. For if the ritual is used in that way, it cannot be used again; the Shield of the Righteous will remain in her undead form, and in all likelihood will lose what sanity she is currently clinging to. In all likelihood, you would have to destroy her.

The power to remake reality as you see fit burns in Yara's mind, a temptation both unprecedented and close to irresistible.

Why not? Why not change the multiverse to be as it should? Indeed, is there not a responsibility inherent in holding such power to use it for the greatest good? Perhaps it would even be negligent to refuse…

And so all creation seems to hold its breath, awaiting the moment of decision.

2021-06-22, 08:59 PM
Should I use the anathema? Yara thinks. After all, it could be for the greater good for all evil gods to go even at the expense of Charis. But the power of a god sticks around even after death, Yara was proof of that. Maybe she could bring all that energy into her, but gods seemed bound by their natures and surely so much evil energy would taint her. If people were only able to absorb one god's energy, a new evil god would be easy to deal with, but if they managed to take in all of it, or at least multiple gods, then they would be the most powerful beings below the lovers. Even without the risk of new dark gods, what would occur from the power vacuum left from the sudden upheaval? Yara intended to kill all the dark gods, but she would have to do it slowly over time.
She looks over at Charis.
Could I kill all the gods, good, evil and neutral, and take all the good and neutral for myself and some of the evil. That would have to balance out mostly good. No matter who took the rest, they would be much weaker then me. But I don't know if that is possible, desirable, or if I have the ability to do it. You poor thing, for if I had the gift of knowledge and prophecy I may have had to kill you.

While she had many ideas for a better future, Yara valued practical and achievable over risks. And right now the only way she knew how to make the world a better place right now was to restore Charis, not to the godhood that had been lost to her but back to whatever form of life a god fragment could have.

"I think I understand what to do. Let's begin."

2021-07-04, 03:18 AM
Newly resolved to her path, Yara evokes the ancient power of the ritual. Magic floods the chamber, sending prickles of sensation across your skin and alternately freezing you to the core and blasting you with heat. Psionic energy cascades through your thoughts, power enough to scour away your mind or thrust you to the furthest reaches of the multiverse. The steady pressure of divine will resonates within your souls, growing in intensity until it feels like your very identity must be overwhelmed.

But Yara stands firm, weaving together the disparate forms of energy with an ease and elegance that transcends mortal limits. When it is done, the spell hangs in the air around you, reality trembling beneath it, awaiting direction.

At a glance from Yara, Perseus raises the Lens of the Mind's Eye - and the potent ritual magic bears down on him, assailing his consciousness like nothing he has ever felt. Even with the artefact to help him, it is a trial he can scarcely endure; but he is a son of Kharheim, born to hardship and immersed in honour from the instant of his birth. He can no more yield in the moment of testing than cut off his own arm. Agonisingly, with a mental exertion like none he has ever felt, he redirects the flow of magic through the Lens - and into Charis.

Now comes the moment of danger - for the flow of divine energy is now inundating an undead abomination, a creature that could become a greater threat than even Vlarath. The expression on Charis's face flickers between the beatific and the predatory, the profane and the exalted: the two sides of her corrupted nature warring to seize the power now flooding her form.

Rosalind doesn't need Yara's signal to prompt her to step forward. There is a familiarity to the divine energy now swirling around her, as the deepest part of the ritual calls to the deep within her soil. These are fundamental forces of making and unmaking, creation and destruction.

And she has worshipped those forces all her life.

No artefact is needed; Rosalind herself is the missing piece here, the fulcrum where the powers of the Father and the Mother come into balance. As naturally as breathing, she begins to draw the negative energy from Charis like poison from a wound, the dark fire of Torae responding to her call; simultaneously she calls on positive energy from Kirest to take its place. The process continues for long minutes, painstakingly restoring natural life and wholeness to a body long in thrall to undeath.

At last, Charis kneels in your midst - alive and very human in her frailty. Tears streak down her cheeks, her eyes close to despair as the weight of sin's corruption fills her once righteous soul. Like one dying of thirst, she seizes the Chalice of Relath - the Chalice that you have struggled over again and again, to win from the forces of evil both material and spiritual; the Chalice that caught Relath's tears of grief when Charis fell from grace. Lifting it to her lips, she drinks; and as she does so, the lattice of ritual magic floods into her through the vessel. Even as the Chalice redeems her tainted soul, the spark of divinity is rekindled within her.

The change is subtle but profound. Gone is the momentary frailty; instead, the woman before you is timeless in her beauty and untouchable in her grace. Standing in her presence is like the touch of a gentle summer breeze, scented with wild flowers as you bask in warmth and song. It is like the moment when a drowning man feels rock beneath his feet; like a frightened child suddenly wrapped in the arms of a loving mother. The tumult of sensations as your minds try to make sense of that which is beyond mortal understanding continues; but one thing is certain.

Charis has risen.

Her eyes sweep each of you, a depth of feeling there that encompasses love and gratitude and empathy for all that you have endured to reach this moment. At the last, she settles her eyes on Theo - and on the Sword of Tariel in his hands.

As the Champion looks upon the face of the Goddess he has served without truly knowing, he realises something profound. It is not the blade that matters in this moment, powerful though it is in its own right. In this, the Sword is a symbol. A symbol of the bond between the Heavens and mortal men; of the bonds of fealty and honour that define and edify the Templars; of the agency between a Champion and his Lady, a Priest and his Goddess.

Throughout the planes, men and women in their ignorance have offered worship to the Sentinel, to a pale shadow of the true divinity now before him. They have remembered duty, but forgotten mercy; remembered justice, but lost compassion. The reasons may have been selfless, even noble; but a lie has twisted the religion to which Theo belongs for generations.

It is time for the truth to win through.

Kneeling, Theo offers up the Sword of Tariel in an ancient gesture of allegiance. A wondering laugh on her lips, Charis touches her fingertips to the hilt.

Beneath her hand, a fourth gem blazes to sapphire light.

Across the length of the nation, Abigel Starhaven drops to her knees with her eyes wide, her spirit feeling the touch of the Shield of the Righteous for the first time. It is a scene repeated by others around the world - the faithful few who honoured the memory of who Charis was instead of the Sentinel all believed she had become.

Theo is already on his knees, but a surge of joy and a sense of restoration fills him as the whisper of Charis's presence within him grows to a roar. This is the moment for which he was born, the service to which he was called: the servant who redeemed his own mistress.

Into that perfect moment there intrudes a thunderous crash and a screech of tortured stone. The ceiling above you is ripped away, and the ominous light of the rift paints everything an eerie green. Silhouetted against that light is a vast figure, a demonic form with four faces - man, orc, gnoll and fiend - all regarding Charis with raw hate and murderous rage written large in the grimace of mouths and narrowing of eyes. In one hand, this towering creature carries a battle-axe that seems to be formed from ice; in the other, a shield of black iron with a crimson banner embossed upon it - a crimson which, on closure inspection, proves to be human blood.

Maltur, Lord of Boundless War, has arrived.

Roll initiative!

2021-07-08, 08:56 PM
The fourth sapphire alit, warmth spreading from the palm of Theo's hand and reaching his brow... he takes a slow and calm breath and it feels like his first true breath. Theo looked up to his Goddess and it was like seeing Her for the first time. Almost paralyzed in awe, Theo catches Her eyes briefly and then averts his gaze. All too quickly, the moment is over, as a thunderous crash happens above and behind Theo.

In comes he of Boundless War, Maltur. The true enemy. Already equipped for battle, Maltur was a fearsome sight, but in the presence of Charis he would not waver, he would not doubt. The day belongs to Charis, and Theo would deliver it to Her. Theo jumped to his feet and turned to the deity; he points with his greatsword and shouts. At long last, our Foe is before us. Come, Maltur, savior your final moments and die in battle.

Does the fourth sapphire being lit enhance the sword in any way?

2021-07-09, 05:35 AM
As the psionic power begins to press down upon them Sister Rosalind cannot help but notice the similarity from that time that she spent seeing the past, being shielded from the Mother's full glory. Or when the gods of law and herself made a deal, a deal that on her end was now for filled. At first she was able to bear the power, however as it steadily grew Sister Rosalind came to realize just how much of their divine power the gods hide from their mortal followers as soon she simply has to focus on a single mantra she learned as a child and keep repeating it over and over in her head to stay focused.

Grow into the person you wished had saved you.

It seems like hours have gone by when at last the overbearing power seems to dissipate and as she looks up she realizes what must have happened as she steps forward and gently places a hand upon Charis as she begins to sing, using the primal words that flood her very being, of creation itself, as well as unmaking as she begins to call Charis forth by a name she cannot even fathom, all she knows is that it IS what Charis is, it is who she is, who she is supposed to be, and as she does so she takes into herself the powers of undeath, and tries to absorb Anatham so that she may be able to return it to the Mother upon her death.

Using words of creation, plus channeled through song, as thats kinda what Rosalind understands as healing, as singing is known to actually help in the healing process. And fluffing the truename bit of Words of creation, basically it is put in her head and then it is no longer there as if Charis simply needed to hear it to fully be restored to life. Hope you don't mind.

Also trying to take the black flame off the board before Malture tries to scoop it up

Sadly before there can ever truly be peace those who wish for war must always be stopped, and as the ceiling is ripped off and Malture the god of Boundless war looks down upon them Sister Rosalind sighs. "You have lost Malture, you hold no power here, your allies have failed and been defeated, and Charis has risen. No doubt even at this moment the heavenly host is pushing against whatever is left of your forces on the other side as well as the devils, go back to the Abyss where you belong." the priestess of the Lover's calls out to the demonic avatar with the powers of a god. She knew he would not see reason, just as his follower had not, but still she would offer it. After all she was tired of all this killing and fighting and simply wanted to return to the simpler times, she needed to see if the gods had kept their word and restored the bridge to Torae's realm so that all those souls could finally find rest, she needed to help restore New Ganther, and she had to somehow find a way to stop Pacem from going to war, even if it meant defying the empress. There was simply to much to do, why couldn't the wars finally be over?

2021-07-09, 09:51 PM
As Maltur bursts into the room, Yara made a point of doing nothing beyond thinking Typical... Let the other's draw his attention with their shouting. As a slight bully at heart, Yara only picked on enemies she felt she had some chance against. The god of war was still untested. Keep safe, keep quiet and find a way to kill it fast.

2021-07-10, 01:47 PM
Each mouth splitting into bloodthirsty rictus, the titanic figure of Maltur hangs from the edge of the hole he has made and studies you for a moment.

"MORTAL FILTH," he proclaims in a voice like thunder - or rather in four such voices, each speaking a different language, the demonic face's words indescribably foul to your ears. The cacophony is almost deafening, filling the space as though you were inside a giant drum being played by a frenzied percussionist. "TOO INSIGNIFICANT EVEN TO COMPREHEND THE DEATH THAT HAS COME UPON YOU. I WILL FEAST ON YOUR MARROW AND GORGE MYSELF ON YOUR SOULS."

He does not immediately throw himself into melee, though you can see his limbs quivering with eagerness. Instead, he pauses to hurl magic at you with the ease of one born to such power - not a spell as such, for he needs no such incantations, but raw, chaotic power.

Gunn needs to make a DC 24 Will save with a -4 penalty or both his Intelligence and Charisma drop to 1.

He then bounds into your midst, that terrible axe whirling through the air. He strikes at each of you once, testing your defences - but his axe shifts and changes, now freezing the air to icy crystals, then shrouded in shadow as it channels negative energy, its effects unpredictable.

Theo: 51 to hit for 22 damage + 2 Con damage (DC 37 Fortitude negates

Perseus: Critical threat, 42 to confirm, 21 damage + 16 on critical + 3 Con damage (DC 37 Fort negates)

Rosalind: 49 to hit for 12 damage.

Yara: Critical threat, 50 to confirm, 15 damage + 17 on critical + 2 negative levels (no save)

Gunn: 41 to hit, 14 damage + 2 negative levels (no save)

The dark god gives an exultant shout, licking your splattered blood from his lips, delighting in the thrill of combat. And as you meet the eyes of this foul avatar of slaughter, you feel the raw chaos of the Maw of Hell looking back at you, threatening to unhinged your minds.

Each of you must make two DC 32 Will saves at the start of your turn: the first against a charm monster effect, and the second against insanity. In the second and subsequent rounds (i.e. after you know you need to), you can try to avert your gaze:

An opponent can avert his eyes from the creature’s face, looking at the creature’s body, watching its shadow, or tracking the creature in a reflective surface. Each round, the opponent has a 50% chance of not having to make a saving throw. The creature with the gaze attack gains concealment relative to the opponent. An opponent can shut his eyes, turn his back on the creature, or wear a blindfold. In these cases, the opponent does not need to make a saving throw. The creature with the gaze attack gains total concealment relative to the opponent.

Maltur, Lord of Boundless War, God-King of Demons and the End of All Things: 18
Yara: 14
Gunn & Perseus 10
Rosalind 9
Theo 8

2021-07-15, 06:20 PM
(Sorry for the wait, have been having a hard time thinking what Yara should do. Not many interesting options)

Yara hurriedly considers her powers for an interesting and effective way to combat Maltur. Running through her list of powers, she remembers a technique used effectively against a fallen angel. But her divine abilities still allowed her to act. Not seeing any good options, Yara charges up a blast of fire hoping Maltur's resistance wasn't much higher than hers.

1: [roll0] Fire Spell | Resistance Check: [roll1]
2: [roll2] Fire Spell | Resistance Check: [roll3]
Save DC: 24 Reflex (Made separately for 1 and 2) halves

With the boring but expected attack out of the way, Yara focuses on what she considers most vital, defence.
Prepared action for when he commits to an attack or offensive spell.
Wall of ectoplasm in ring form. If possible it will surround the front line only to give two walls of protection to the back line. Maltur will have to waste an attack or two on the wall. Trying to protect as much as possible, favouring Yara if necessary and the attack is dangerous to her, not something like a fireball.

Each 10ft section has 50HP and hardness 5. Strength DC 25 to break. Radius up to 20ft

2021-07-16, 11:15 AM
Using all his prodigious intellect, Gunn decides the best course of action would be the one he has never taken. He draws his shortbow and fires three shots in quick succession.


[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2] cold
[roll3], [roll4]+[roll5] cold
[roll6], [roll7]+[roll8] cold

If Perseus feels fear at the premise of attacking a greater god, head on, he shows no sign of it. He charges Maltur, knowing this moment is likely his last.

Snowsong (Transferred to Power Attack)

[roll9], [roll10]+[roll11] cold
[roll12], [roll13]+[roll14] cold
[roll15], [roll16]+[roll17] cold
[roll18], [roll19]+[roll20] cold

AC 35

2021-07-16, 04:39 PM
As Gunn pulls out a bow Sister Rosalind is caught off guard, she wasn't even aware he owned a bow, never mind knew how to use one. So when he opened fire she realized something must be wrong, quickly running through mentally what it could be, she determined it was no form of mind control as being near her would have stopped it from working. Studying the man she had come to know quite well since arriving in New Ganther she noticed a sense of maddness in his eyes and began to formulate what must have happened, and what would happen to the others if Malture directed his gaze at them once more. "Everyone, divert your gaze from Malture's eyes, he seems to have some kind of power to make people crazy, perhaps thats how he causes boundless war." she calls out to her allies as she heals Gunn of the infliction and whatever damage he had taken from the god's previous attack.

162hp +44 temp hp Standard action

Her own wounds slowly began to close back up leaving almost no trace of the previous attack from the deity as she does so. When she see's Gunn's eyes begin to return to normal from the madness he was under she explains to him what must have happened as she just had to the others. For a brief moment she thinks of leaving this plane to visit the etereal, however comes to realize while there she could not help her allies in this battle, and Yara would need her help, so she instead decides to simply wait and keep her eyes diverted from Malture so that he could not affect her.

2021-08-02, 10:06 AM
Theo eyed his destined foe with contempt. This god of war had done much to harm Charis, and through that all who proclaim to worship Her and live by Her Command. The conflict Maltur had started generations ago would outlive the god's demise, but the healing could not truly begin until Maltur was defeated. Theo would live to see this foul god's head torn from his body.

And Theo took a step back to stay just out of Maltur's reach, and began to pray. Lifting his greatsword in front of him in a warrior's stance, Theo muttered to his ancestors who surely watched above as Theo and Charis met Maltur on the battlefield. All who have walked before me, hear my call. Whomsoever will come in aid of Our Lady, be it now that you join with us in Holy Battle. Theo 5 foot steps and casts Gate as a standard action. I will post in the OoC about this, but wanted to get a post up so White Raven Tactics can let y'all continue.

He continued to mutter in praise of his Goddess, and then finished his prayer. As always, he concluded with a warrior's stance, ready to cross weapons with any who dare approach. Friends, strike now at Maltur, hold nothing back! This is our most glorious hour, and we will emerge this day victorious against the truest evil!White Raven Tactics, Swift Action. Go again friends.

2021-08-02, 11:47 AM
Yara's pyrokinetic blasts splash against Maltur's defences. One is stopped short; the other hisses against his frost-rimed body, dealing minor damage as the supreme warrior twists away from its force.

Perseus then leaps forward, even as Gunn's arrows fly towards Yara. That strange behaviour hardly registers, so focused is he on his enemy. Maltur spots him on the approach, axe lashing out in a devastating counter-strike…

...But both are drawn up short as a wall of translucent ectoplasm springs into being between them.

So Perseus's movement triggers an Attack of Opportunity, but the AoO triggers Yara's readied action. Neither Maltur nor Perseus land blows, and there is now a wall between melee characters and Maltur.

Timble, your options are a hemisphere (effectively, you contain the melee characters and leave Maltur free to go around or over to the casters) or one flat vertical plane. I'm assuming therefore the latter.

Thanks to White Raven Tactics, everyone except Theo now acts again.

2021-08-03, 06:26 PM
Rosalind having just faced the power of a god before already knew that if Malture was allowed to strike them with his full power the dark god of war would more than likely cut through them all quickly. Watching as Yara throws up a barrier protecting Perseus from Malture's attack she realizes her time to help was now. And as Theo calls for a coordinated response to buy him time to call an ally from the outer planes she begins to channel the power of the Mother, pulling from thin air a beam of moonlight that seems to crackle with negative energy meant to sap the strength of the living. She could only hope that it breached the dark gods resistances to hinder him.

Rolls made in OOC
Spell Resistance check 30
12 Str damage or Fort DC 26 for half

2021-08-05, 07:37 PM
Yara quickly throws up a barrier to defend Perseus, but realises her mistake. Maltur hadn't fully committed to the blow, he wasn't going to be easy to disrupt.
She drops the field to allow Perseus through, but quickly summons in some support for him. Two shapeless mounds form behind Maltur, barbed trunks swaying low to the ground. With a roar of psionic energy, the constructs sweep the ground beneath Maltur.

Trip, Improved Natural Attack, Muscle, Extra Attack, Smite, Rend
Con 1: [roll0] HP
Con 2: [roll1] HP

Con 1:
Smite on first attack to +19 Damage
Free trip attempt on hit
1: [roll2] for [roll3]
Trip STR check [roll4]
2: [roll5] for [roll6]
Trip STR check [roll7]
3: [roll8] for [roll9]
Trip STR check [roll10]
If 2 attacks hit, Rend for [roll11]

Con 2:
Smite on first attack to +19 Damage
Free trip attempt on hit
1: [roll12] for [roll13]
Trip STR check [roll14]
2: [roll15] for [roll16]
Trip STR check [roll17]
3: [roll18] for [roll19]
Trip STR check [roll20]
If 2 attacks hit, Rend for [roll21]

2021-08-08, 06:29 PM
Gunn, for his part, casts Haste on the party.

2021-08-09, 08:30 AM
Perseus uses a charge of his belt of battle to move away from Maltur, then charges back in.

Snowsong (Transferred to Power Attack), Haste

[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]
[roll3], [roll4]+[roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]+[roll8]
[roll9], [roll10]+[roll11]
[roll12], [roll13]+[roll14]

AC 36

2021-08-10, 02:25 AM
As the barrier falls, Rosalind sends a bolt of silver light at Maltur; a bolt that explodes ineffectually into a hail of multicoloured sparks before reaching its target, thwarted by the dark god's supernatural defences.

Two creatures from Yara's nightmares arise behind Maltur, lashing their many tentacles at him in an attempt to bind him in place; but none of their blows can find purchase upon his frozen armour.

Perseus darts back and charges in again, determined to get a damaging strike in before the battle is done. He makes no effort to shut or avert his eyes, focusing on his target; and as a result, he locks gazes with Maltur for a fateful second. Fortunately he remains within the protective aura of Theo's Sword; the mental influence of the dark god finds no sway on his mind, and he delivers a series of strikes - one of which bites into flesh, drawing immortal blood.

Maltur regards him with ancient rage, then smiles suddenly.

"Your moment will come, dwarf. But first things first."

The foul creature's remaining faces survey the field. The demonic aspect speaks a word of profane invocation, and a portal of blood and bone appears on the opposite side of the chamber, behind the casters. From that foul gateway emerges a demon of familiar and terrible aspect, with flaming sword and whip a scorching contrast to Maltur's ice: a balor.

The orc face focuses on Rosalind, leering cruelly.

"How many times have you saved them, lapdog of the Whores? How often have your spells proven the decisive factor?"

He steps around the fighters, contemptuous of their skill as he stalks towards the healer.

Theo, Perseus, and Yara's constructs get an Attack of Opportunity.

Raising his axe high, eyes flaring wide with bloodlust, the Lord of Boundless War sneers at Rosalind as the blade descends upon her flesh.

"Physician… heal thyself!"

Assuming Rosalind would have kept back far enough that Maltur would need both of his move actions to reach her, so no full attack this round.

So one blow with that axe. 40 to hit. 18 damage, plus 5 points of constitution damage unless she makes a DC 37 Fortitude save. Note: this constitution damage cannot be magically healed.

With White Raven Tactics in play from last round, we now have:


Everyone else!

2021-08-15, 03:30 PM
As Sister Rosalind watches the scene unfold around her she debates on what to do, doubly so when a portal opens up not far behind her made of blood and bone and a rather large demon with red skin, a whip and flaming sword step out. They still had the numbers, but for how long. Looking inward at her remaining spells she freezes in place as she notices Malture's words and sees his lower frame charging at her, she could do little to stop his attack, and had to do a lot of guessing on where he would swing his axe out of fear of looking into his eyes. Thankfully she had been blessed by the Lovers that day as her divine aura seemed to flare up into a blinding white light. It was at that moment she knew that she had been spared by them, and so calling into being a hammer of pure light she sent it flying at the hopefully still blinded Malture before retreating away from the dark god and the ally he had called forth to this realm, making sure to keep Yara and Gunn within her aura.

Malture is the target of Sister Rosalind's Mobility feat this turn so she gains a +4 to her AC vs AoO bringing her AC up to 40 (44 if you include the -4 enemies suffer for trying to attack her)

Hammer of Righteousness always hits so For DC 25 for half damage [roll0] Caster level Check vs SR [roll1]

2021-08-19, 08:41 PM
Theo stepped up to fight next to his friends. His heavenly ally would appear soon enough, but his foe was right in front of him. Maltur MUST die.

My blade craves your blood, Maltur. Come sate it's thirst.

At the last moment, Theo clicked his heels together and disappeared, only to reappear on the other side of his enemy, flanking with Perseus.

Full attack. Hasted so I have an extra ttack.

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]
[roll4] for [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
[roll8] for [roll9]

2021-08-27, 03:02 AM
Divine blood flies as each of Theo's deft strikes finds its mark, the blazing Sword of Tariel singing in his hands. Maltur gives a startled grunt, turning one face with widening eyes to look at the Champion of Charis.

"That sword… You think yourself worthy to wield your ancestor's blade? You, the angry child who was banished from your Order? The unwitting pawn of a goddess who didn't even have the dignity to stay dead when I killed her?"

"He is worthy."

Maltur's bestial visage looks towards the speaker. Radiant in his holiness, the archangel Tariel finishes stepping through the gateway Theo created, his expression one of steel and fire.

"Worthy of my blood in his veins. Worthy of the Sword I bequeathed him. Worthy of the trust placed in him of old. He is the priest who redeemed his goddess; the Champion who stands firm before even you.

"Look around you, Maltur. A saint, a neonate goddess, a Runelord, the Fatebreaker, and my scion. I could never best you; but they will.

"All I need do is even the playing field."

So saying, he produces a two-handed sword of celestial craftsmanship - less impressive than the one Theo holds, but well tested in battle - and interposes himself between the balor and the rest of you, heavenly steel clashing with hellish flame.

2021-08-27, 06:29 AM
Yara uses the appearance of the angel as a distraction to send her constructs hurtling into the dark god. The more shouty people the better, keep Maltur focused elsewhere. Of course, Yara felt she was beneath notice, she had very little options to use vs a fellow god and the others were much more effective. All she could do was protect them.

Both charging at Maltur as I presume a 5ft step won't bring them into reach (Huge), would do a full attack if possible.

1: [roll0] for [roll1]
-Trip STR [roll2]

2: [roll3] for [roll4]
-Trip STR [roll5]

Yara decides that she can't effectively damage Maltur, instead she must delay and distract him. She begins to shape ectoplasm in the air around Maltur, but instead of forming a construct she forms a vague cloud. Indistinct, toothed tentacles tear at Maltur's faces, seeking to blind the god.

Twinned, each deals 10 damage so 20 total.
Those within have their vision limited to 5ft
Casters within must pass 15+Spell Level concentration.
Made up of 10 10ft cubes shaped to cover Maltur, the remaining spots should just be placed out of the way, e.g. straight back in a line from Maltur away from us.
Can move 10ft per turn, so I guess say how far Maltur moves from it if relevant.

With that minor attempt, Yara prepares to defend her friends.
Prepared Action to form a bubble on Maltur during his turn once he targets Yara or an ally.
Each 10ft section has 50HP and hardness 5. Strength DC 25 to break. Radius up to 20ft

2021-08-27, 07:56 PM
If I never see another outsider again, it will be too soon, Gunn thinks to himself. He attempts to banish the Balor, hoping that rather than even the odds, the archangel can tilt them in their favor.

CL check: [roll0], 40 HD of creatures, Will DC 29

Perseus does what he can, little more than an ant nipping at the heels of an elephant.

No charge :(, Snowsong, Haste.

[roll1], [roll2]+[roll3] cold
[roll4], [roll5]+[roll6] cold
[roll7], [roll8]+[roll9] cold
[roll10], [roll11]+[roll12] cold
[roll13], [roll14]+[roll15] cold

2021-09-03, 07:36 AM
Guys, please remember to roll your saves against Maltur's gaze attacks (at least the DC 32 save versus insanity, I get you're all shielded against charm monster) or roll your miss chance if you're closing your eyes. Your actions stand for the round just gone but please roll twice next time if you didn't last time.

His efforts to strike down your healer stymied, and distracted by the arrival of Tariel, Maltur fails to notice an ephemeral tentacle winding around his leg. With a sudden jerk, the astral construct sends the deity tumbling to the ground.

Crying out with wordless indignation, Maltur swats ineffectually at the ectoplasm now shrouding his vision - and, lying prone for precious seconds, he is an easy target for Perseus. The dwarf's axe is ablaze with the mysterious runes of his people, piercing even this god's defences as he opens four gaping wounds in the fiend's flesh.

An ant against an elephant? No. A wolf in his pack. Victory may still be in doubt - but it is not beyond reach.

Gunn pitches his will against that of the balor. The demon shakes his head, giving a bestial snort, and struggles free of the bard's magic this time; but with Tariel still holding it at bay, it has no opportunity for reprisal.

Maltur surges to his feet with a roar.

In so doing he triggers an Attack of Opportunity from Theo, Rosalind and Perseus.

His writhing, frozen axe whistles through the air towards Rosalind - and strikes a hastily interposed wall of ectoplasm. The barrier quivers and cracks, but holds.

Caged, blinded, and harried, the Lord of Boundless War changes tactics - and teleports out. Her eyes shut tight against his gaze, Yara feels the rush of displaced air at her back, experiences the creeping chill of his presence and smells the sharp, metallic odour of blood.

"Congratulations, little sister," he drawls in her ear. "You have my attention. Let us see if you survive it."

Maltur is immediately behind Yara, 15' from Theo and Perseus. Rosalind now on the far side of Yara's wall. Not sure where Gunn is, I've assumed not next to Yara!

2021-09-04, 03:59 AM
Stay calm. Stay calm. Don't let him see your fear. Make HIM afraid. Stay calm.
Repeating those thoughts Yara whirls around to face Maltur, immune to his gaze as a fellow deity.
"I welcome your attention brother but you are mistaken. Can you survive mine?"
She lashes out with her hand, rapidly turning her entire arm into a hungry, black void capable of sucking the essence from a god.

Attack: [roll0] vs Touch AC
I think roll once for twinned but just in case: [roll1]

1: Spell Resist Check: [roll2]
[roll3] damage, Fort 24 halves

2: Spell Resist Check: [roll4]
[roll5] damage, Fort 24 halves

Yara will gain half the damage as Temp HP. As he will likely save and survive, 1/4 of the highest of the two rolls.

More to surprise him and ward him off than actually do anything, Yara turns to more important actions.
Looking at the saves, Mind Blank on Perseus. Autopass the manifest defensively.

With a slight wave to Maltur she stepped back and vanished, appearing nearby where her aura could protect her friends but out of reach.
Augment Dimension Door as a move action, appearing at least 10ft out from Maltur's reach so he can't 5ft step. Manifested defensively autopassing.

Scant seconds after she vanished her construct bursts through where she had once been and swings it's spiked trunk straight at Maltur's knee caps. Yara wasn't going to let him keep his feet for long.
Charges Maltur
[roll6] for [roll7]
Trip STR [roll8]

Her other construct however was directed against the new threat of the balor. She couldn't leave Tariel to face it alone.
Charge at balor
[roll9] for [roll10]
Trip STR [roll11]

The ectoplasmic shambler, no longer in a viable position, was just instructed to hug the walls and stay out of the way.

2021-09-10, 11:05 AM
The sudden assault takes Maltur by surprise. His arcane defences ward off some of the damage, his innate fortitude shrugging off still more; but Yara feels a surge of strength and viciousness as the essence of another god flows into her.

Maltur takes 34 damage, Timble.

He barely has time to utter a profanity before the astral construct again knocks him to the ground, vulnerable once more.

2021-09-10, 03:19 PM
Seeing Malture's axe coming for her once more as she tries to escape the priestess of the Lover's prepares to dodge out of the way when a wall of ectoplasam appears before her, blocking the attack. "Thank you Yara." the priestess of the Lovers calls out, unable to see her friends or what is going on at this moment. Instead of standing in place like a fool waiting for Malture to break free from his hastily constructed prison she begins running around the barrier hoping that the mild break in visual contact would be enough for him to be confused when he comes crashing out of his cage in anger.

Double move action to move around the big globe of ectoplasam

As she begins to clear the other side of the globe, just barely in view of where Yara and Gunn once were she notices Malture engaging her friend. And while she wishes she could help from so far away she knows she can do very little, and instead focuses her mind onto Malture's weapon, trying to project her will against it so that it cannot harm her friends.

Fluff for my Alter Fortune spell should he score a crit against anyone.

2021-09-20, 08:43 AM
As Maltur stands, Perseus takes advantage of the opportunity and attempts to wound the divine creature with his axe. Then, as the God of War moving himself away from Perseus, the dwarf barbarian is able to charge in once more. He has no need to avert his gaze, protected as he is by Yara's Mind Blank.


[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2] cold


[roll3], [roll4]+[roll5] cold
[roll6], [roll7]+[roll8] cold
[roll9], [roll10]+[roll11] cold
[roll12], [roll13]+[roll14] cold
[roll15], [roll16]+[roll17] cold

AC 36

Persistent as always, Gunn once again attempts to banish the Balor.

CL check: [roll18], 40 HD of creatures, Will DC 29

2021-09-21, 09:02 PM
Theo sees Maltur flee to attack his ally, and Theo gives chase. He must avert his eyes, lest the enemy overwhelm Theo with his powerful gaze attack. As part of his charge, Theo recalls a maneuver - Foehammer - that will help eat through Maltur's defenses.

[roll0] for [roll1] which overcomes DR.
50% miss, I want odds to hit evens to miss - [roll2]

Your fight is with me, fiend. You did say you were coming form me, is that not still so? Or are you afraid of my might?

2021-09-28, 02:26 AM
Once again, Gunn pits his formidable will against that of the balor. It is a contest of the meticulously ordered against the rampant chaotic; a test of the lawyer's most fundamental beliefs, that the world is a place where reason and law prevail and where a disciplined and determined mind can prevail against any ordeal. Incrementally, agonisingly, Thomas Gunn imposes his world view on the demon - a view of the world that holds no place for such a being.

And it is the demon who is forced to yield.

Each of you feels a sense of disorientation, as the world as it is gives way to the world as Gunn believes it should be; and then the balor is gone without a trace.

Maltur gives a low growl as two of Perseus's strikes draw blood; and a more guttural cry at the touch of the Sword of Tariel - not, you sense, because it is the more grievous wound, but because the holy blade is diametrically opposed to Maltur's nature. The cumulative effects of your efforts are starting to show now: the dark god's wounds are numerous, none individually life threatening but collectively serious.

And Maltur knows it.

Locking his many-eyed gaze on Theo, he rises slowly, deliberately, like an approaching glacier.

Of course, in doing so he provokes Attacks of Opportunity from Perseus and Theo.

"I had thought to savour the pleasure of killing you, 'Champion.' But if you are so eager to die, then I shall oblige you!"

So saying, he explodes into action, an avalanche of blows following with impossible speed one after the next. Had Theo faced an army, he would not have been so beset.

But then, the enemy now is War itself.

57 to hit for 21 damage plus 4 Con damage (DC 37 Fort negates)

41 to hit for 16 damage, plus 5 Con damage (DC 37 Fort negates)

47 to hit for 21 damage, plus 4 Con damage (DC 37 Fort negates)

55 to hit for 22 damage, plus 3 Con damage (DC 37 Fort negates)

54 to hit for 17 damage

48 to hit for 10 damage

39 to hit for 13 damage

44 to hit for 10 damage

52 to hit for 18 damage plus 1 negative level (no save)

49 to hit for 12 damage plus 3 negative levels (no save)

2021-10-01, 04:21 PM
Maltur steps into a small opening that Theo could exploit, allowing a swift attack before the deity unleashed the fury of the hells at Theo.

Power Attack for 5, because why not.

[spoiler]roll1d20+37[/roll] possible confirm [roll0]
Damage [roll1] possible crit [roll2]

2021-10-02, 04:15 PM
Perseus takes the opportunity to attack the god of war.

[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2] cold.

2021-10-04, 07:49 AM
Rosalind watches from a distance still to far away to completely stop the dark gods assault as Malture unleashes his fury upon the champion of Charis while she was still to weak to face him. Knowing that if any of her allies fell now in battle it could spell the end for them the priestess of the Lovers quickly reached out on pure instinct and began pouring positive energy into Theo. Due to the distance, and how little time she had to react it was not much, and as she watched him fall to the ground she could only hope it was enough to keep her friend alive as she rushed over to his side.

This is her immediate action that kept Theo at -6hp instead of -80

Keeping her eyes on Malture, as she did not fear his powers as they could find no sway in her mind, she made sure to put all her efforts on dodging whatever attack he sent her way as she made it to Theo's side. Kneeling down and listening she could still hear his faint breathing. And so close and with the ability to focus her powers directly into her target she was sure he would live. "Theo come back, your goddess still needs your blade and the Mother has not yet called you to the other side when your ward needs you most!" the priestess of the lovers calls out as she holds her hands up towards the sun and seems to pull its light down as her hands are engulfed in a glowing, warm light that she presses against Theo's most life threatening wound.

Don't think it needs to be said but, Malture is the focus of my dodge and mobility feat. Bringing my AC up to 42 against his AoO (this doesn't include the -4 he takes to attacks against her).

Once At Theo's side she will cast Heal (Spontaneous changing Lucent Lance to heal thanks to combat medic Theo is cured of all Con damage, and 150 points from the spell itself, +12hp from Augmented healing and another 18 from imbued healing, plus 26 temp from Healing kicker.

So with the reverse in con damage thats roughly 242 hp healed and 44temp hp on his turn.

My immediate action for the following round will depend on a few things, as I can either close wounds again on someone if they are going to die. If not I will be using it to stop the most powerful attack malture does with Alter fortune.

2021-10-04, 10:48 PM
Maltur's storm of blows clearly cut deep into Theo, unleashing dark magics upon his body. Theo clearly started to slump for a second, before Rosalind's rapid action restored him to life. In an instant Yara had almost lost one of her only friends, one who had helped her through so much. And while Maltur lived, he still could kill anyone here in an instant if given the chance.
"Don't you dare touch them!"
With that shout one of her constructs came barrelling into Maltur. The other joined in, releasing blow after blow to drive the dark god down.

1: Full Attack: (Realised I was making the same mistake that I realised earlier. Trip is higher, attack is slightly lower)
[roll0] for [roll1]
Trip STR: [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4]
Trip STR: [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
Trip STR: [roll8]
if 2 Attacks hit, Rend for [roll9]

2: Charge Attack:
[roll10] for [roll11]
Trip STR: [roll12]

With a burst of divine, psionic power, Yara brings forth two more constructs. They seemed to be her most effective damage dealers. Immediately they began beating the dark god with their savage spiked trunks.

The same as 1 and 2, but changing Smite for Improved Crit to crit on 19-20.
3: [roll13]

3: Full Attack:
[roll15] for [roll16]
Trip STR: [roll17]
[roll18] for [roll19]
Trip STR: [roll20]
[roll21] for [roll22]
Trip STR: [roll23]
if 2 Attacks hit, Rend for [roll24]
4: Full Attack:
[roll25] for [roll26]
Trip STR: [roll27]
[roll28] for [roll29]
Trip STR: [roll30]
[roll31] for [roll32]
Trip STR: [roll33]
if 2 Attacks hit, Rend for [roll34]

Not willing to let Maltur hurt her friends again after Theo's near death, Yara sets herself up to encircle the dark god.
Prepared action for whenever Maltur tries to target someone on his turn. Will just surround him.
Each 10ft section has 50HP and hardness 5. Strength DC 25 to break. Radius up to 20ft

Edit: The constructs should appear on the far side of maltur, presumably they get flanking bonuses but I haven't included them.

2021-10-17, 06:02 PM
Is that all you've got? Theo asks, eyes blood-red from the number of blows he has absorbed and had to come back from. He is ever grateful of Rosalind's healing magic, but it doesnt exactly take the sting out of being cut by the evil blade of the demon god of endless war.

Same attack as last time, except this time, Mountain Hammer to get through his DR.

[roll0] and to confirm [roll1]
[roll2] and to confirm [roll3]

2021-10-18, 08:36 AM
His ancestors must be watching over him this day, as the god of war has yet to set his sights on the barbarian and give him his glorious death. Knowing that every breath might be his last, Perseus resolves to use his time, not prolong it. Recklessly diving once more into the fray, Brunhilde's smile hopes to taste the divine blood again.

Charge (with all the usual fun):

[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]
[roll3], [roll4]+[roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]+[roll8]
[roll9], [roll10]+[roll11]
[roll12], [roll13]+[roll14]

Gunn has no such compulsions, and his innate need to survive keeps him at a distance. But, he can still be useful. With the Balor gone, and the odds in their favor, he uses a spell he's never used before, sending five force missiles toward the deity. A meager contribution, but all that the master of the mind can offer at this stage.

Force Missiles, 5 missiles. No save, no SR.

[roll15] force damage.

2021-10-30, 01:00 PM
Everyone who didn't successfully avert their gaze this round, please remember to roll your DC 32 Will save vs insanity. Think you're all successfully shielded against the domination gaze!

Maltur wades through the morass of unseen tentacles, watching with visible ire as Rosalind heals Theo of his near-mortal wounds. In moments, the is no sign Theo has been subjected to the onslaught of an enraged god of war.

From behind you, a golden arrow streaks through the air and buries itself in Maltur's chest. Already drawing again, Tariel smiles fiercely at the Lord of Boundless War.

"Losing a lot of blood there, Foul One. When is it going to penetrate your thick skull that you're outmatched?"

Snarling, Maltur continues his attack, eyes now on the healer who so effortlessly countered him.

A handful of new wounds open on the foul divinity's legs, testament to Yara's invisible horde besieging him. But his focus is unwavering upon Rosalind.

Perseus charges in once more, a flurry of blows that Maltur parries with casual ease, before flicking a stinging riposte back at the dwarf.

43 to hit for 22 damage, plus 4 Con damage (DC 37 Fort negates)

Gunn sends a blistering barrage of energy, and the stench of burned hide fills the air as the war god's upper arm turns black.

And still he continues.

Theo gathers his strength and his goddess-given powers behind a lunge at Maltur's midriff. At the key moment, Maltur's balance is disrupted by a construct behind him, and he misses the parry; the Sword of Tariel sinks deep into its nemesis, its ever present song taking on a note of triumph.

Bellowing his rage and hate, Maltur rips himself free of the Sword - doing further damage in the process. He brings up his frozen axe, cutting another golden arrow from the air as he does so; and, lifting it high, brings it down in an arc destined to end in Rosalind's skull.

It never gets there. Evoking the psychic energy that is her heritage and her portfolio, the newest member of the divine pantheon summons a barrier of ectoplasm that encases the Lord of Boundless War.

There is a moment of silence, of stillness. Then, with a thunderous retort, Maltur smashes his axe into the barrier.

Cracks radiate out from the point of impact like spiderwebs; but it holds.

A second blow; a third. A fourth.

On the fifth blow, the barrier shatters - and Maltur emerges, more furious than ever.

His attack blunted but not thwarted, he roars his hatred as he aims a series of strikes at the Servant of the Lovers.

I've remembered the -4 to hit this time! Taking that into account:

39 to hit for 17 damage, + 2 Con damage (DC 37 Fort negates)

42 to hit for 17 damage

48 to hit for 14 damage

48 to hit for 16 damage plus 2 negative levels (no save) - if, of course, the death ward has expired!

Tariel's voice rings out like a clarion. "In the name of Charis, press on! He bleeds - victory is close at hand! The hour is here, the end of an epoch and the dawn of a new age! Let the dogs of war be leashed; let those who cry havoc be still!

"Charis! Charis and the End of War!"

2021-10-30, 04:44 PM
Sister Rosalind watches as the god of boundless war sets his eyes on her, she knew this would happen, she had robbed him of his prize fully undoing his butchery upon Theo's body and soul however that didn't make it any less terrifying to watch as blow after blow landed upon the god that represented everything her own gods denounced and his hate filled eyes did not waiver from her. When the attack came she was ready for it, and hoping once more her faith would protect her, so when Yara once more created a bubble around him stopping his attack Sister Rosalind took her eyes off of their foe. "Thank you Yara." the priestess of the Lovers called out as the dark gods axe rang out against the ectoplasamic wall that surrounded him. The priestess of the lovers was overconfident though in him not getting free and so took to long to turn around, the horror upon her face as that wicked axe came down upon her was enough to make even the most season soldier turn away.

As blow after blow came down upon the priestess she knew she had angered a god. However bloody and hurt she slowly pulled herself up as her wounds slowly began to heal. Turning deep gashes into much less life threatening ones. "The time of war may have started Malture, but that doesn't mean it is your time. Do not forget the dead are just as prevalent in war." Sister Rosalind says as she begins weaving sigils in the air until at last she seems to cast out from herself a golden ring that surrounds all of her allies and herself, seemingly trapping them all within it. However that was not its purpose as ghostly figures seemed to appear besides each of her companions of loved ones they had lost, family member's, and friends. They may have only been their in spirit but that didn't stop them from lifting up and helping keep those they cared about in life alive as everyones wounds slowly start to close over time.

Everyone now has Fast Healing 3, and because it is a conjuration healing spell they also gain +12hp from Augmented healing and +43 temp hp from healing kicker and Imbued healing

Hope you don't mind the fluff

2021-11-18, 10:50 PM
Theo does not dare avert his eyes, not when the bane of his deity was in front of him, nor with Charis Herself at his side. He stared doom in the eye and dared Maltur to blink.

Let this be your end, foul one. To oblivion with you!

[roll0] and to confirm [roll1]
[roll2] and to confirm [roll3]

2021-11-19, 02:57 PM
Sister Rosalind reaches out and at her command, Theo's form shimmers, rewinds, and reattempted his swing.

[roll0] and to confirm [roll1]
[roll2] and to confirm [roll3]

2021-11-20, 06:01 PM
Locked in combat with his foe, Perseus stands firm, whirling Brunhilde in a series of quick, powerful slashes.

No charge so no bonus damage.

[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]
[roll3], [roll4]+[roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]+[roll8]
[roll9], [roll10]+[roll11]
[roll12], [roll13]+[roll14]

Will Save vs. Insanity: [roll15]

Gunn sends another volley of force missiles, like unerring wasps against a rhinoceros.


Will Save vs. Insanity: [roll17]

2021-11-30, 06:54 PM
Yara's constructs don't let up their assualt. Wave after wave of tendril lash out and tear at the dark god.

Note I'm not sure of where Maltur has moved. As such all four constructs could reach his original space. Each is huge and so 15ft reach. If they can hit him from there, full attack. If not only use first attack. 3 and 4 were created behind him relative to us, so are further away.
[roll0] for [roll1]
Trip STR: [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4]
Trip STR: [roll5]
[roll6] for [roll7]
Trip STR: [roll8]
If 2 hit, rend for [roll9]

[roll10] for [roll11]
Trip STR: [roll12]
[roll13] for [roll14]
Trip STR: [roll15]
[roll16] for [roll17]
Trip STR: [roll18]
If 2 hit, rend for [roll19]

3: Crit on 19+
[roll20] for [roll21]
Trip STR: [roll22]
[roll23] for [roll24]
Trip STR: [roll25]
[roll26] for [roll27]
Trip STR: [roll28]
If 2 hit, rend for [roll29]

4: Crit on 19+
[roll30] for [roll31]
Trip STR: [roll32]
[roll33] for [roll34]
Trip STR: [roll35]
[roll36] for [roll37]
Trip STR: [roll38]
If 2 hit, rend for [roll39]

Seeing the god weakened, Yara tries to finish him fast. A wave of sonic energy crashes down upon him, trying to shatter his bones with their intense pressure.

1: [roll40] Sonic damage, reflex 25 halves, power resistance negates so: [roll41]
2: [roll42] Sonic damage, reflex 25 halves, power resistance negates so: [roll43]

Finally, Yara prepares to trap the dark god should he threaten one of her companions.
Prepared action for whenever Maltur tries to target someone on his turn. Will just surround him.
Each 10ft section has 50HP and hardness 5. Strength DC 25 to break. Radius up to 20ft

2021-12-10, 03:39 AM
Maltur gives a mocking laugh as Theo's Sword falls short; a laugh that turns abruptly to outrage as he turns to find Theo approaching from another angle, time distorting to allow the Champion of Charis to attack once more - and to drive the Sword of Tariel deep into the chest of the god of war.

Perseus darts in at that moment, striking hard and fast with Brunhilda. The fiery runes that always appear when Perseus fights an Outsider blaze brighter than ever, so that at the moment of impact you are forced to shield your eyes.

As you blink to clear your eyes, that tableau remains stubbornly silhouetted before you: the Lord of Boundless War, impaled between the holy brilliance of the Champion of Charis and the strength and power of a Runelord of Kharheim, and assailed on all sides by the half-seen phantasms of the neonate goddess hailed as the Hope of the Fallen.

Thick, dark ichor wells up in Maltur's mouth.

"This cannot be!" he exclaims, his words coming out strained and distorted. "What are you compared to me? Nothing! Less than nothing! I -"

Perhaps the Lord of Boundless War would have had some fitting final words; but, in that moment, the cascade of sonic energy Yara had manifested slams into him. There is a torrent of sound which, even for those not at its focal point, strains the limits of tolerance; for the fiend bearing the brunt of the attack, it is violent beyond belief. Even over that tumult, you hear the shattering of bones, the rupturing of organs; and, like a marionette suddenly left unattended, the worldly avatar of Maltur collapses.

The echos of that onslaught fade slowly to silence; and the lights of Brunhilda and the Sword of Tariel wane in the absence of a clear and present threat. High above, through the gaping hole wrought by Maltur's ingress, you can still see the rift through which the demonic invasion poured; it is a stark reminder that there is work to be done, but for he moment, you pause to catch your breath.

Charis rises unsteadily to her feet. You are struck by the weariness in her bearing; and you wonder suddenly what unseen role she played in the fight just concluded, what silent struggle invisible to mortal eyes was waged between the gods of war in your midst.

The Shield of the Righteous looks to each of you with approval. She speaks no words; in the fragile stillness of this moment, even the words of a goddess would feel out of place. But she lays a hand in blessing on each of you willing to accept it, starting with Theo.

She then goes to stand apart with Tariel, speaking softly with the archangel and leaving you to your moment of triumph.

2021-12-10, 01:43 PM
Theo's sense of hearing seems to just go away. He looks around, the entrails of an utmost evil god cover his breastplate, his sword, and the floor around him. Rosalind beaming with the light of a Saint, tends to Perseus's wounds, and Gunn walks over to the Runewarden and claps him on the shoulder as he feels the elation of an impossible victory. Theo next turns to look to Yara, a new Divine in her own right, and the former giantess meets his gaze but looks on. Theo turns to look at what caught her attention.

It is Charis Herself. She whispers to her archangel, for a moment or two, and then they turn to look at Theo. Charis smiles at the Champion. Theodore, My Son, of whom I am proud. Take My Hand, and know that I love Thee best. It was not just Charis's voice, but that of the Archangel Tariel and Aenar the Prophet, and that of his father, and Brother Obren, and Asoryala, and so many countless others who walked now at the Side of Charis, Restored to Her Glory.

Such words snapped Theo out of his daze. He steps forward, and it is as if the weight of the world fell off his shoulders. Free of worry, free of pain, Theo felt as if his duty had finished. Rest does not await him, for Theo must remain vigilant at the side of His Lady.

The rest of the world would not see Theo walk to Charis. They do not see his hand grab that of his goddess... but they would hear it fall to the ground. There, where he once stood, lay the mortal vessel of Father Theodore Roost, Champion of Charis, Knight of the Soaring Eagle, the son of a poor farmer of Petravale. His last breath left him then, and all that remained was dead flesh and blue-crystal eyes that now saw nothing; a scratched and dented breastplate enameled red that disguised so much of the hero's spilled blood, with a golden eagle ornament that is now hacked to pieces; a cloak of midnight blue bearing tears, stains, and burns; and a simple greatsword covered in hard, black ichor and still grasped in a locked gauntlet, with five blue lights that flash and fade, until they return to appear as five normal sapphires.


Far away there is a village, unnamed as it were but called "Jaeda's Tavern" for the only feature worth noticing. It is nestled on the other side of a forest from a town called Atmeia, and bisected by a river. Outside Jaeda's Tavern stood a tall and strong warrior, hair touched gray by age but with a straight back and strong shoulders of a true soldier. Mark Tanner smoked a pipe and listened to the painful moans from the bedroom window on this side of the tavern, wherein Soranus was tending to his patient.

Letter for you, a small young man with tears in his eyes said as he approached the warrior. Mark opened it, read it quietly, and sighed. Not a tear crept to his eye, but he turned his head toward the setting sun and away from the courier. So... You knew him?.... The youth asked meekly and let his voice trail off. Yeah, I knew the bastard. Mark replied. He stood there uncomfortably silent for a second. So... you're name is Pel? They had nothing else to say to eachother, both standing with their sadness. Mark gave the lad a fistful of gold, and bid him off.

Soranus left the tavern with a bloody rag held around his nose maybe thirty minutes later. I have good news, it's a baby girl, born at a quarter to seven as the sun set. And she's already so strong no doubt she will make it. The healer chuckled in delight at the new baby he just helped bring into the world. Mark offered Soranus a drink from his wineskin to celebrate, but the cleric instead used it to wash some of the blood from his nose. The baby took a first breath and started wailing loud enough to carry over battle, and as I held her she swung a fist and I swear with a little aim she would have broken a tooth. He grinned at the idea. Mark remained uncomfortably silent, so Soranus continued.

Jaeda will have her blessed at the Temple of Charis, and will name her Theodora. Soranus gave a wink at his captain. Given the mother's wishes, and that the little baby is stronger than my brother, I am guessing we should write a letter to Sergeant Roost to congratulate him. No, Father Roost, they call him now. And there, Captain Tanner finally could shed a tear and broke his silence. There is no need, friend. I have some very sad news... The wind picked up, and the letter loosely held in Mark Tanner's hand bristled took flight on the warm autumn air as the two men embraced in sadness, and drank to the memory of their friend.


Dora was always angry. She hated her name - one in three people born in Atmeia over the past twenty years had "Theo" somewhere in their name after some "hero" who passed through there before he got famous and died. Her friends were all "Thea" and "Theora" and even one had the masculine name "Theodore." Poor girl.

That is what brought Dora to The Ganthar Republic. All she had heard of was the great things done here by Sir Theodore Roost, how special and brave and handsome and daring he was. That is all you would hear in her small town in woods so remote that nobody ever heard of it. A small town surrounded by small towns that had no names and nobody worth knowing. All of those nobodies would find out that the dead man they held so much passion for was buried six feet under a pile of dirt and lies.

And that is the thought in the mind of some angry nobody named Dora as she walked into "Gunn, Ltd." Her search would be easy enough if she could hire a good attorney to help her uncover the past, and this office was placed in the modest side of town, so it would serve people of little means like herself. With luck, in a few days she could start home with a binder full of proof.

2021-12-10, 04:20 PM
“All wars end Malture, it is the cycle of life. Just as peace must end for war to begin, so must those who are born into war must end for peace to have any hope of lasting. Go and rest now, I am sure the Mother’s bridge will be ready to accept you if you are willing to finally rest.” Sister Rosalind says to the demon lord who had gained the power of a god. She did not hate the being, she couldn’t his life was so different from her own, it was what had shaped him into what he was, just as it was their own lives that had shaped those she stood side by side with this day. They were simply words no doubt to the others, for the being once known as Malture was no more, Yara had made sure of that as his mortal avatar was completely destroyed. However she was speaking to the part of him that was departing this world, the part few ever could see, the soul.

After the rupturing noise slowly begins to fade to silence, the priestess of the Lovers can feel her mortal coil slowly starting to fade. She can tell if she wished to stay on she could, however that would be greedy of her. No instead she would welcome it when the time finally time came and do with what little time she had remaining. After all she had paid her debt to the gods of law, and they with luck would hold the Sentinel to her word to repair the bridge allowing all those souls to finally be free.

Heading instead to her allies to tend to their wounds unbeknownst to her she begins to heal them and as she does the light around her grows brighter as she seems to age slightly each time she does so. As Charis goes to bless all of them Sister Rosalind bows her head in acceptance. With the blessing done she turns and watches Theo step out of his mortal coil and smiles as she catches her friend’s fallen body. “Go in peace Brother Theo and know that your earthly belongings will be returned to where you see fit. Just tell me and it will be done with what time I have remaining.” She says letting him know that his will for his earthly possessions would be honored in this life and the next so he could leave with his goddess in peace.

It had been a few days since the incident and as Sister Rosalind sat in the carter created by her goddess looking up at the alter of marble and white granite she and Pran had made she placed a simple hand on it. She had returned all of Theo’s earthly possessions to the best of her ability to where he had wished, she had passed on her trust to Pran and Marglean to do with as they saw fit. The prince had given them land and a large sum of wealth to spend on the area, and the priestess had choose to rebuild the temple around the centerpoint of the Mother’s touch, with a hospital attached to it and apartment buildings next to it. It was a start in her eyes, and with her dream left in the hands of Pran and Gunn she was sure one day the poor district would be better then it was this day.

The next day Pran and many others who knew of Sister Rosalind and her healing talents went looking for her at the altar Pran and her had constructed and had been spending most of her time at since it had been completed, however all they found were an empty handmade dress that she was known for wearing. Some of the children said they saw a light rise into the sky that night to join the stars, however no one believed a child except perhaps for those who knew the priestess best. For no trace of her remained besides the legacy she left behind for those she had touched to follow.

It had been weeks since the incident in New Ganther finished and Pacem’s military might was sent back by New Ganther, Pran standing by the prince’s side as Sister Rosalinds heir. The empress was furious at this some say, after all she had planned to return to the old ways, and however one day an apparition appeared in the hall where the empress held court. It was a glowing white gold light, vaguely humanoid and femine so the others knew it could not be the farther, however when it spoke its message was clear. “The past is what it is, the present is the time of change, and the future is what you make it. Remember your oath to the people and know the bridge is restored.”

Walter slowly made his way into the shadow of the building that was under construction, two armed guards by his side, manacles covering his hands. As Pran saw the group coming he made his way over to the group and thanked the officers. “So Walter I hear you wish to serve the Mother like I do after the events that unfolded and you wish to repent for your actions that led to what transpired. I will tell you what my teacher taught me, and then I will tell you what I have learned.” The young man said, his young features showing a slight amount of aging in the past few weeks since he lost his mentor. “We each walk the path the Father has laid out for us to become the perfect gift for his beloved the Mother. Pain comes from refusing to walk the path you were placed on. If you choose this path I will hold you to the same standards I hold myself to, I have seen your talents and you have been touched by the Mother more so then the Father. Our gift is dark and misunderstood because of the corrupting touch of others, it is our duty to change that.” Pran states, letting this all sink in before adding. “And if you fall short, if you take steps backwards and endanger the people of New Ganther ever again I will send you to the Mother so she can love you as you are. For I will not let you trample her garden. If you agree to my teachings and what I am saying then you may find sanctum inside these walls. But know your journey is just beginning.”

Walter looked up to the younger man, and nodded his head. He wanted to make the world a better place, he wanted to keep those he loved safe, and the cult he had joined promised him the power to do that. It was why he had joined, and they did indeed give him power, but at a terrible cost. He could only hope he could make this place safer for the next generation. "I am ready to begin Brother Pran." Walter says, his aging for seeming to lift up slightly as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders.

2021-12-12, 11:20 AM
As the dust settled, Gunn watched reverently as Theo ascended with his god. He would assist Rosalind in ensuring that Theo's relics went back to his Church. or wherever else Theo decided. Later, as he left the Temple of Charis, his mind turned to thoughts of Yara. A new god, with a new purpose. And, at the end of it all, a friend. He didn't know much about worship, but he did know that the sky still had a rift in it, one through which countless demons and devils had poured through. And those fiends would need to be fought. Yara deserved worshippers, and those worshippers needed a purpose.

And so, the man who had never believed in gods, and at a time even considered killing them all, started the Church of Yara. Using his wealth and connections, it was an easy matter to secure land in the Poor Quarter and construct a temple to Yara. The Church had a central tenet: slay demons and devils that dared to cross into the Material Plane. It would take time, but eventually, their charismatic founder would attract enough followers to cement them as a legitimate player in the world to come.

Of course, that wasn't all Gunn was doing. The Church of Yara was only one part of his plans for a rejuvenated Poor Quarter. In the wake of the destruction, new schools, hospitals, and orphanages would be built, all with money from Gunn, all run by his Helping Hand. New roads, sewage lines, aqueducts, community gardens, and more would be built to remake the region as a flourishing source of life and opportunity within New Ganthar. And of course, everyone would know that it was Lord Thomas Gunn who was responsible.

The money for all this would come from Gunn's total control of the criminal underworld, but also from his connections to the nobility, and the clergy. Lady Sindria would help him seek out and secure funding from the wealthy, making it clear that it was in their interest to keep the Poor from rioting in the chaos. By extending a charitable hand, the wealthy would keep their position at the top of the hierarchy, while the masses would be better off enough to be content. And, Gunn's favorable relationships with the leaders of several churches, as well as his reputation as one who restored Charis and slayed Maltur, helped New Ganthar's clergy look past any doubts regarding the offer he would make. As it continued to grow and expand, Gunn, Inc, would offer financial and legal services to the religious organizations free of charge. Their growing accounts would alleviate any concern about the profit he would skim without their knowledge, and put to good purpose. And, ultimately, if he ever had the need, a brief audience with the Crown would find the state willing to take on any debts incurred. After all, who could say no to Thomas Gunn? Most of the time, he didn't even need to use his supernatural powers to subdue their minds. But of course, that card always remained to be played. And play it he would, charming the leader of the Vanguard and the Prince to ensure that he always had their support.

And as his power and influence grew, so too did his reputation. Indeed, the man who was once known as "the Kid," would come to be known as "the Lord," even by other nobility who privately chafed at this upjumped orphan and would whisper behind closed doors. Whatever their enmity or insults, they still publicly kowtowed to Gunn, knowing that any laws they wanted passed, any initiatives they wanted shut down, could all be done with a whisper of his honeyed tongue. The occasional attempts on his life or position were easily foiled by his trusted bodyguard, Perseus, a hero in his own right. Although he never sought more titles, he would eventually become the most powerful person in New Ganthar, all due to the intricate web of alliances, friendships, and partnerships. But he never lost sight of his goal: a city where an orphan like him wouldn't have to murder another child just for a loaf of bread.

2021-12-26, 03:14 AM

Thuril Drakeslayer threaded his way unsteadily between the corpses, staggering under the weight of his kinsman.

He lifted his head briefly, getting his bearings. In the sickly green light of the rift above, his grime-smeared face was a vision of grief; two clean lines mark the tracks of tears on his cheeks, and his eyes were more akin to those of a lost child than a mighty conjurer of magic.

A hand clasped Thuril's shoulder, and he jumped, the first syllables of a spell already on his lips. The other man backed off a step, open hands raised in a sign of peace; it was Arbiter Lothrain, his white and gold tabard stained with demon blood, his demeanour weary but triumphant.

"Peace, friend," he said with unusual softness, his tone like a stable boy calming a skittish horse. "The battle's finished. They won; Theo, Rosalind, Gunn, Yara, Perseus - they did it. The demons are gone. And Charis - the true Charis - is restored. It's finally over."

Thuril stared blankly at him. It was as though Lothrain's words were meaningless; a language utterly unfamiliar to him. After a moment, he knelt, and laid the dwarf in his arms down gently. It was Bhatren; the dwarven cleric lying still in death.

Lothrain looked on with sympathy. Shaking his head, he searched for the words to comfort the grieving man; but, warned by some instinct, he held silent, and simply sat with the Runewarden, sharing in his sorrow.

Time passed. Now and then, a demonic corpse collapsed into a putrid mess, or burst spontaneously into flame; but the tableau of grief remained unchanged.

At length, Thuril stirred. "I need to take him home. It is not right that his bones should lie so far from those of his ancestors."

Lothrain nodded slowly. "You must do what you think is right. But… my friend, I am a cleric of Relath. My god honours those who fight valiantly against true evil, as you and your warriors have done. If you are willing, I can restore this man to life."

Thuril finally met Lothrain's eye; but it was with a wry half smile on his face.

"I know something of divine magic, priest. And I know only a willing soul can be revived. For Bhatren Kudrenson, there can be no end more fitting than to fall in honourable battle against a worthy foe. He has gone to join his ancestors, to guide our people in eternity. No, human, it is not for his sake that I grieve, but for mine. For I truly do not know how I will carry on without him."

His voice caught at the last; for a minute he fell silent, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. Eyes too spent for more tears, he stares out at the bloodstained, body-strewn battleground.

"Besides, if you mean to restore life to all those who fought with valour, where will you start? How many thousands fell in this war? And what of those innocents who were slain by demons? There isn't enough diamond dust in the world to raise them all. How will you choose among them?

"No, priest, if your god will not raise them all, it is hypocrisy to raise any."

Nodding to himself, he returned to the body of Bhatren and knelt beside it. Reaching into his belt, he produced a scroll with a series of dwarven runes immaculately scribed upon it.

Lothrain watched him with sorrow in his eyes. If he had an answer to Thuril's complaint, he chose not to give it voice. Instead, he said, "Go then with Relath's blessing. You have done more for Ganthar than could ever have been expected of you. Know that I will not let it be forgotten."

Thuril grimaced at that. "I fought for this world and for the sake of the few honourable souls I have met among you. But most of you humans treated me and mine with hatred and fear.

"Kharheim has given much for your sake. We have paid a heavy price. And Durhelim - may his ancestors turn their faces from him - ensured that we could not truly end this battle without paying a still dearer one.

"Well, Maltur's avatar is slain, and with him goes the impetus behind the invasion. Without the resonance with the corrupted undead demigod wrought from your precious Charis, the rift will shrink over time - even if it remains a source of danger for one or two of your human generations. It threatens this nation - but no longer the world. And I will not ask one more son of Kharheim to shed his blood for the sake of your island. Too much has been shed already."

Lothrain opens his mouth, perhaps about to ask Thuril to explain his meaning; but the mage barks out a word of power, and with a sudden inrush of air and a noise like distant thunder, he and Bhatren's body disappear.

Looking troubled, Lothrain rises slowly to his feet. Running a weary hand over his face, he murmurs a half-silent prayer to his god to watch over the dwarves; then, resolutely, he goes to look for the next survivor in need of his aid.

* * *

Blood seeped across the floor of the hall of worship.

In grim silence, Father Niall stalked to the ornate chair - practically a throne - that had taken the place of the lectern when he ascended to the role of high priest. Sullen torchlight glinted on his Templar armour, and outlined the naked blade in his hand.

Tension hung thick in the air, the only sounds the pounding of rain on the windows and the rhythmic thud of Niall's boots. All eyes were on him, studiously ignoring the body of the young acolyte now marring the flagstones.

Lowering himself into the chair, Niall paused to consider the blood on his sword. Taking a cloth from his belt, he set about wiping it clean. The minutes stretched as he inspected the gleaming edge, the hilt studded with lacklustre rubies, ending with a stylised eagle, and the flowing script etched into the metal in the celestial tongue.

Finally Niall laid the Sword of Tariel across his knees, unsheathed, and swept the onlooking clerics with his eyes. His voice, when he spoke, was chillingly calm.

"Brothers and sisters, you have heard the lies this heretic spouted. Now hear the truth.

"There is one goddess we are all swore to follow. One lawful and divinely mandated temple. One duty.

"Theodore Roost was a traitor. He broke the Covenant. He freed an ancient enemy of the faith - and raised it up as a pretender to the throne, to the very name, of Charis! That, in so doing, he struck a blow against Maltur is not in dispute - but, my brethren, to abandon one's duty and integrity is impermissible whatever seeming good may come of it.

"Roost put the lies he had told himself about our goddess ahead of the oaths he had spent, ahead of the people he was called to lead - ahead, indeed, of the reality of the Sentinel herself.

"Had it ended there, with Roost's death, it would have been vile enough. But the heresy persists. Abigel and those like her preach their lies in the villages, in the towns - and now here, in the very temple of Charis! They proclaim this new divinity and dare to ascribe to it the sacred name of the Sentinel! They seek to lure the faithful away from their fealty with honeyed words and a dogma of weakness.

"This shall not be endured."

Standing suddenly, his movements punctuated by a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder, Niall held his sword aloft and raised his voice to a battlefield roar.

"Now hear this! We will purge this heresy from our midst! We will hunt them wherever they may lurk, and silence their lying tongues with steel and flame!

"Everyone who professes this heresy shall be put to death, of course - but first they will be made to repent of their sin, to reject the pretender and pledge their souls anew to the Sentinel. By any means necessary.

"I declare this day the birth of the Inquisition! We shall choose from our midst those of unshakeable loyalty and unquenchable zeal, those whose hatred for these vile heretics is matched only by their devotion to Charis. They shall go forth from this place and shall purify our faith and our world. Let there be no place, no written or spoken word, no grubby soul, where these lies can persist.

"Be vigilant, my brethren! Be vigilant. And we will stamp out this heresy root and branch.

"For Charis!"

* * *

Smiling to herself, Natalia replaced the cover on the basin of unholy water and let the vision fade away. Singing softly to herself, a haunting melody long forgotten by most, she sat down before a mirror and began to brush her hair.

One hand absently stroked her abdomen. There was no change there that the eye could see, or the hand feel; but Natalia knew.

It had been a most successful few months, all told. Others might claim the victory, might point to this triumph or that; well, let them. The hidden victory, the subtle success: these were the achievements her lord craved.

Her eyes drifted to a fire-twisted talisman of silver. She knew what symbols had been melded together there, even if no eye could now discern it; how a link had been forged between her lord and a god long dead, in a rite everyone believed had failed - because they thought her true target was the power of Dalvar.

Catching a glimpse of movement in the mirror, she dropped from the chair and to her knees, head bowed low in a gesture of absolute fealty. A hand lifted her chin, cool to the touch, and she looked into a face which few mortals had ever seen - and fewer still looked upon with joy.

"Everything is in readiness, my Master," she breathed, her pulse quickening, her voice quivering with excitement.

"The time is ripe for your true design to unfold."

2021-12-27, 04:47 AM
Theo and Rosalind were dead to the world, but not to Yara. As a god she had easier access to the various afterlifes. Gunn, as a human, would one day pass on to whichever afterlife awaited him. Presumably hers after he founded a church for her. Perhaps Yara would be the only would be the only one to truly die. From Yara's mortal experiences, gods seemed limited in way's mortals weren't. Currently she didn't feel much different, but would the part of her that made her Yara the half-giantess fade away into Yara the goddess? She would have to act before that happened. Leave behind something that would last even after she was 'gone'.

Gunn's help setting up the church of Yara was invaluable. The tenet of slaying devils and demons had one purpose, cement Yara into a position that rival gods wouldn't dare shift her from. She would copy Valacles (OOC: I hope I remember the devil god's name right) in becoming an invaluable part of the defence against evil, hopefully to Valacles's dismay. To start with she hunted down any remaining demon cults. Like she had in the catacombs under the palace, salvageable but deluded cultists were given a chance to reform.
This was also part of her efforts to revitalise the poor quarter. While misery existed the promises of demons and devils could seemingly have merit. Through education and eradicating injustice and poverty, the evil planes would no longer be able to seen as anything other than a threat. The church of Yara would open the school that her early adventures had disrupted, teaching magical and mundane subjects freely.
As the power of Yara became apparent, initially far weaker than other gods but hyperfocused on the mundane world, more cultists left their demon cults behind to join her. Partly out of fear or no longer wanting to serve demons, partly because Yara was nicer compared to demons and didn't kill her followers. Early on the salvaged cultists were some of her more devout followers in New Ganthar.

Yara would negotiate the release and penance of the Feronaxian soldier's. With their god dead, Yara's homeland seemed an obvious for early expansion as she had claimed the power Feronax had long sort. With subtle rewrites and a desperate priest class, the Widow of Feronax became a part of the Feronaxian myth and new chief goddess that Feronax had worked to awaken. Over time she would reform the faith into how a young Yara had been taught it was. People would no longer work to serve the whims of a greedy dragon. Instead she would act as a guide and protector. The application of the presumed Feronaxian ideals and removal of the actual Feronaxian restrictions allowed the isles to flourish not just in psionics and industry, but science, culture and arcane aspects too.
As part of the agreement to release the Feronaxians, they would have to pay reparations to New Ganthar. Yara negotiated that the Feronaxians had to supply a small military force to guard the demon rift, managing to get this only because the size of the force was too small to be a threat and the Feronaxians were somewhat seen as disposable by the country they had just invaded. However this granted the church of Yara an elite military force very early on. While it couldn't be officially used for much more then guarding the city from demon incursions, the soldiers were capable of training volunteers from the ranks of the faithful, or sometimes unbelievers as part of community defence initiatives.

The new goddess needed allies, and Yara reached out to Maya, Relath, the Lovers and other gods that support the cause of good. She also sought out useful but neutral gods if they could come to mutually beneficial agreements. She would aim to protect the newly returned goddess Charis. To her dismay the church of the Sentinel began a bloody inquisition. From that point on she put some of her efforts towards destroying the inquisition. Early on she shamed the church of the sentinel for turning on their own while the demon rift still loomed over the city. She tried to turn laws against them for threatening the practices of religion inside the city. Within the city of New Ganthar the churches didn't come to physical violence, but outside there was much fighting. Yarians would shelter the followers of Charis as best they could and volunteer militias clashed with Sentinel templars. Through underworld connections bounties would be placed on the heads of inquisitors, though no one would be able to prove Yara had anything to do with it.

Yara would branch off into many different projects, either to directly or secretly intervene in mundane issues or secure a future for the new way of life she hoped to develop. Her church wouldn't be based on rigid dogma. While it had standards and positions to guide society towards, the path to get there had to be flexible and realistic while still being effective and expedient. However Yara worried that this flexibility would fade as she became more of a goddess. To solve this, Yara revealed the fate of Old Ganthar. One branch of her faith would be dedicated to arranging a return there to free its inhabitants, both humanoid and monstrous, from the ilithids. There she hoped to recover the Archive. With it she could learn how it was made and create her own, to leave comprehensive copies of herself as she was so that future generations could know the more humanoid Yara. She hoped that her ideals would spread to the mortals and allow them to guide her goddess self, rather than the goddess guide the mortals. Additionally she set the psionic artisans of the Feronaxian Isles to try and recreate their own version of the archive, so as not to rely on only the Old Ganther initiative.

The pursuits of Yara extended into the realms of the dead, where she sought out the lost souls Feronaxians with no afterlife to call their own. Or at least those that remained. To ensure that unclaimed souls would no longer be claimed by the swooping predators her soul had witnessed or lost to the maw (OOC: I can't remember what exactly awaited Yara, I think her soul was going to either destruction or a bad plane for being unclaimed), Yara's afterlife was open to all without

And so continued the story of Yara, youngest goddess of this world. In time her message of "Lets just make the world a better place, don't summon demons please," would spread across the planes. Or not if she's killed by a later plot development. IDK, I'm just a player. Writing an epilogue for a god is kinda hard.