View Full Version : Pathfinder A Psionic Communication Power That I Cannot Find...

2020-05-09, 11:51 PM
Hey all! I'm just trying to find a psionic power that I swear I read about the other day and can no longer find. Does anyone else remember/know about a power that allowed for instantaneous communication via touch? Sort of Vulcan-Mind-Meld-y.

I remember it allowing for like... ten minutes of conversation in a single instant, shared solely between the manifester and the target. But like I said, I can't find this at all, and I'm not sure where I got it from. Can anyone help me out? Thank you so much to anyone looking. For all I know I dreamt it up

2020-05-10, 02:13 AM

You’re probably thinking of the psychic spell, here. It’s annoying to search for because the psionic power that shares the name does something different.

2020-05-10, 03:09 AM
Ohhh heck that's it! Thanks, haha! I've been doing a lot of Psionics-based writing for my current campaign, and it's been a blast going over everything. I must have stumbled onto that Psychic Spell on accident.

Dang Psychic magic and its spell titles.

Thanks, Segev!

2020-05-10, 11:51 AM
Ohhh heck that's it! Thanks, haha! I've been doing a lot of Psionics-based writing for my current campaign, and it's been a blast going over everything. I must have stumbled onto that Psychic Spell on accident.

Dang Psychic magic and its spell titles.

Thanks, Segev!

You're welcome. I only knew what you meant because using d20pfsrd.com's custom search function for "mindlink" brings it up first, before the psionic version, which has thrown me more than once. I really suspect Paizo was deliberately naming it like one of the gold standards of the psionic powers so that they could kibosh the notion that such a psychic spell existed at that level. Annoying. :smallyuk: