View Full Version : Any evil Gods living on the material plane?

2020-05-11, 02:06 AM
Hello, just a quick question; are there any evil Gods or deities living on the material plane?

2020-05-11, 02:08 AM
In the Greyhawk-verse, there's Vecna, and Iuz the Evil.

2020-05-11, 02:23 AM
No, no - there are definitely NO evil gods here on your puny mortal plane. Nothing to see - move along, please.

And I'm certainly not an Evil god. Nope, no sir. You can't prove it. Ignore the screams of the innocent, and the profane symbols. I'm just a bit goth, you know. No need to question anything. Thank you! Have a nice day.

2020-05-11, 05:23 AM
Well it depends on the setting mainly. A lot of settings have gods living hidden on the material plane. A key example would be the Outer God Azathoth in the Pathfinder setting, who is deep in space at the center of the material plane.

Ask this question to Afroakuma's Thread of Planar Oddities (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?527699-afroakuma-s-Planar-And-Other-Oddities-Questions-Thread-VII&highlight=afroakuma) and you'll probably get a more definitive answer.

2020-05-11, 05:31 AM
In Pathfinder, there's Rovagug (bound underground) and the Outer Gods (they're in the Dark Tapestry which is just space as far as I can tell...). To be fair, not all of the Great Old Ones are evil, just really alien, but some of them are listed as Chaotic Evil.

2020-05-11, 08:06 AM
In the Greyhawk-verse, there's Vecna, and Iuz the Evil.

Iuz might work :)

2020-05-11, 08:42 AM
In Pathfinder, there's Rovagug (bound underground) and the Outer Gods (they're in the Dark Tapestry which is just space as far as I can tell...). To be fair, not all of the Great Old Ones are evil, just really alien, but some of them are listed as Chaotic Evil.

Rovagug's prison may be inside Golarion, but he himself is in a pocket dimension, not the Material.

There are some entities that reside on Golarion and can grant spells to their worshipers, like Elder Deep Ones. They are not true gods however (see the hierarchy in Planar Adventures for more detail.)