View Full Version : Channel Divinity: Does Radiance of the Dawn require verbal components?

2020-05-11, 10:29 PM
I'm playing a Light Cleric and recently I was just dragged into the water by a Green Dragon. Unable to speak I could do nothing as I was taking a bath in a river at the time. No weapons, only my holy symbol pendant.

Could I have used Radiance of the Dawn without the use of verbal action? Or does it, because it's a Channel Divinity, require verbal action?

Thanks for the feedback.

2020-05-11, 10:54 PM
I'm playing a Light Cleric and recently I was just dragged into the water by a Green Dragon. Unable to speak I could do nothing as I was taking a bath in a river at the time. Understandable. Happens to everyone.

No weapons, only my holy symbol pendant.

Could I have used Radiance of the Dawn without the use of verbal action? Or does it, because it's a Channel Divinity, require verbal action?

As far as I can see, the line about speaking a prayer appears to be specific to Turn Undead. As such it seems like you should be able to use Radiance of the Dawn on your bath dragon.

2020-05-11, 11:19 PM
By my understanding of the wording “present your holy symbol” I take it you just need one hand free to hold it and present it.

Though my last DM ruled the verbal prayer thing from Turn Undead was part of all sub-set abilities.

2020-05-12, 05:40 AM
Normally i'd say yes for RP reasons, but i wouldn't try to gatcha someone in water like that. Gurgling it out should be enough, especially for a prayer.

2020-05-12, 08:40 AM
Unable to speak I could do nothing as I was taking a bath in a river at the time.

I'd just say that technically, you can totally speak underwater without any problem other than (1) Peoples don't hear you because the sound doesn't go through water (but still goes through the air you're expiring, contrary to a zone of silence where you're just not emitting any sound) (2) You're losing significant portion of oxygen, making survival harder.

While (1) is not a problem at all for spellcasting/channelling [you're talking to the universe itself, so the bubbles of airs are largely enough] (2) might be, especially if the incantation require you to maintain your mouth open for multiple seconds in a row.
Spells/channelling like counterspells that we know from game mechanics to have a very short incantation time should probably be fine, but even then, you'd need to ask your DM to know the details on how incantation works for your character.

But when the alternative is probable death, I'd say trying to channel anyway is worth the risk of drowning. (I'd just hope you have a good enough constitution).