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View Full Version : Rules Q&A Readied Action and Flatfooted

2020-05-12, 05:09 AM
Hello everyone.

we're playing Pathfinder 1 and our next big fight will probably be a Caster. Im playing a Rogue (3)/Wizard (1) and I was wondering how we could start the Fight and there came the following question in my Mind.

I have the Divination School so there is a Chance that if the Enemy gets a surpsrise Round i still can act before him. If i ready a action to cast some Rayspell if he tries to cast a Spell in his Surprise Round, is he still considered Flat-Footed?

Sorry if this already was written somewhere, i didnt find anything about that.

THanks for the Help in advance!

2020-05-12, 09:44 AM
I would rule that neither of you are flat-footed, because he has to start acting in order to trigger your readied action. But you're still aiming for his touch AC so your odds are still pretty good.

2020-05-12, 12:02 PM
Yeah, the ready action is weird, it starts "in response" to a condition occurring but then says it happens "just before" the triggering condition. This leads to potentially contradictory interpretations in quite a few situations.

In this case, I'd have to agree with Psyren, the enemy is just beginning their action, or at least actively preparing to, so they're not flat-footed any more.