View Full Version : Disqus isn't showing up on sites I visit, please help

Fiery Diamond
2020-05-13, 01:49 PM
I first noticed this yesterday, but when I visit websites with my computer that use Disqus for the comments, Disqus isn't showing up. I know that it has to still be working because on notalwaysright.com I can see the number of comments listed for each story, but when I load the individual pages to see comments the comments don't load. Disqus isn't showing up at all for me on notalwaysright.com or boywhofell.com, which are the sites I was interested in. It's not even showing the Disqus loading symbol or displaying anything else. I have no idea why this is, and my google fu is very weak, so I thought I'd come here for suggested solutions.

Thanks in advance!

Fiery Diamond
2020-05-13, 01:55 PM
My googling worked for me, I think. I think I figured it out. Apparently when I updated Avast Antivirus was when it happened. Setting it to automatically block trackers on websites disables Disqus, apparently. Which is unfortunate.