View Full Version : Tyrork 40k [IC]

2020-05-13, 06:12 PM
The shattered glass of your tubes crunches on the ground, as you see the bodies of the scientist who made you. It's weird, how something so small, pink, and squishy made something so beefy and powerful. But, odd though it might be, it is the truth of the matter.

Now, what will you do?

OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?612262-Tyrork-40k-OOC&p=24507321#post24507321)

2020-05-13, 06:27 PM
Dis place, it is too exposed.

I feel the warp, I feel like I could jump to that nice shady corner without moving my legs...

Owie!! Won't do that again in a hurry.

I hide in da corner and wait. Dere will be a Boss to call da waaagh, and my place is at his side...

2020-05-14, 05:20 AM
Wincing with disorientation as his many senses overwhelm his unprepared mind this tyranid/ork hybrid has a few very vulnerable moments, thankfully his initial breakout was made in a flurry of claws and saw those immediately before him bloody upon the ground. Without thinking his voice, raspy and deep yet still unused to functioning, came from between his ragged teeth. "Ssso weak, need to...need to find more. Need...more...dakka." Course he wasn't really sure what dakka was at this point but it felt right and natural to say. As his senses started to coalesce and sharpen properly he started to feel the vibrations in the floor beneath his mighty tail, hear the crackling waves of mechanical chatter, and saw the strange signals traveling all around them. Flexing his two powerful claws and his four more humanoid arms, covered in thick but flexible chitin, he locked on to the strongest energy signal and intended to follow it to the source. There had to be something good at the end of that, maybe something to help him bash better? Or something to help him learn about this strange place.

2020-05-14, 11:12 AM
You start to stumble towards the source, quickly finding your bearings and walking with more assurance. There's a door in the way-you push it, and it swings open roughly, the hinges bending a bit. It probably won't close again without some effort, but ah well.

Beyond your first room, you hear scrambling footsteps. No screams, no yells, just people running away as quickly and quietly as possible. But that's not relevant to you-what matters to you is finding the source of power. You move through the next room, and feel it nearby as you reach a wall. It's just beyond there, but there's no door.

2020-05-14, 11:55 AM
Is dat... a boss!? He feels... big in the ways of the Waagh! I scuttle towards the sound of the mutilated door. I didn't realize I had so many legs! I see my brother.
Something feels wrong, but I cant place it. There should be more of us, there shouldn't be such quiet, we should be different....

None of dat matters! There are 'eads to crack and reef to take. Get 'em boss! I'm right behind ya!

I reach out to the warp, and I see, like an unravelling tapestry, how to bend the strands of "time" where they cross with the threads of "up." My brother, who for lack of anyone bigga, I call boss, should feel bigga and fasts for a few minutes.

It feels less draining than jumping, but I need to to breathe for a second. I find a corner and wait.

2020-05-14, 08:26 PM
Slithering towards the source atop his serpentine lower half, lacking any conventional legs, he noted the fleeing sounds of footsteps but ignored them for the time being as nothing mattered but finding this...thing. Coming to the wall though he paused, first searching for any cracks or holes that maybe could be broken or pried apart. He needed to get in and discover what was inside and he would not be denied. Everything changed when he felt the synaptic link form upon his brain, warm and comforting but crackling like electricity that was prickly at the same time. The energy though, he felt that it was good and welcome and thus he did not fight the effects as it surged through him and made him bigger and stronger. "Grrraahh!" Screw being patient and scrutinous, not when his muscles yearned to be tested. He shouted loud and angry and tore at the wall before him, his two sharp and elongated claws trying to cut through while his fists balled and punched hard. "Give it to me! I need me bitz of loot!"

2020-05-14, 08:28 PM
It takes several mighty blows, but you tear down the wall. A bit of the ceiling comes with, clonking your shoulders but leaving you unharmed. Inside, you see a mess of wires and pistons, a glut of electronic circuitry and wood panels.

Touching it, you are smart enough to realize, would likely be painful without figuring out how it works. Then again, it's unlikely to be lethal.

2020-05-14, 08:43 PM
I see now. He, the one I called boss, is a... Mek.. . This is good. They are big and strong and cunning. But... he needs time to loot. I venture forward. The call to Waagh is strong. I rush after the sounds in the distance.

2020-05-15, 01:50 PM
Pausing from his hunter-like stare of the technology before him he regards the one that helped him get inside, another that was different but still like him. "I'z gonna loot but late'a I'll make you some dakka or kit." At this point he went back to his prize and started to examine the wires, pistons, and circuitry. This was all instinct as he tried to figure out what he could do with it, how he could take it apart and make something useful to him, but in the end he'd suffer a bit of a zzap if he had to in order to claim the technology.

He was fairly tough after all so he didn't really fear it and he had busted down the wall so he wasn't going to leave it behind. What he didn't realize just yet was how his body might be able to interface with things similar to how the tyranids worked with biological weapons but for now he was just following his impulses rather than worrying about the bigger picture of their escape.

2020-05-15, 02:15 PM
I wait. I could have... Dakka. I never encountered this concept but it sings and fills a void in me. I need dakka!

2020-05-15, 04:43 PM
Slowly, sluggishly, another crawls from the shards of its shattered tank. It can smell others...like itself, but not. It could feel that...there was much wrong in itself. Every instinct screamed at the wrongness of its own form - and that was keeping it from acting quickly. For now.

There were pink flesh-things on the floor. Dead. Dead from what? It shuffled over and tasted one, getting a sense of its biology. Then it finished consuming the biomatter, and gathered the other pink flesh things...is there a sack or tank to keep the raw materials in? No matter - inject some eggs into the fleshbags and drag them behind with the lower arms. Must find others - this place was new and dangerous, but there were others like/not-like him. They would give aid - or provide more biomass. Either was good.

2020-05-15, 09:27 PM
His mind formed a few basic understandings of the parts he was looking over but he couldn't come close to figuring the whole thing out in its entirety. After some poking and prodding he simply decided to pry a few pieces away and, as expected, he groaned and convulsed in pain as the energy surged through him and zapped him good. Whatever it was, after he picked apart what he wanted from it it was nothing now as the energy seemed spent and the circuitry went dark. "Gah dat 'urt. Dis ain't enough to make any kit from but itssss a start. We can keep moving, maybe chase 'dem footsteps from earlier. I hunger, plus you 'an me should stick togetha' for now." He could tell that the energy had hurt him internally more than he would have liked to admit so he'd have to be more careful moving forward. Maybe some food would help him recover though? Or maybe there would be something else to help reinvigorate him.

2020-05-15, 09:39 PM
I'm right behind you, boss! I realize my boss is hurt. It occurs to me I can pull the warp in such a way to help get at enemies he fights. It isn't beautiful dakka, but it is better than nothing. I stand ready to smite whatever enemies we can chase down.

2020-05-16, 10:11 AM
Following the sound of commotion coming from outside the room, I come upon the scene of two more abominations of wrongness standing over a mass of twisted, scorched metal. They are speaking intelligibly at least. "You'se too noisy ta catch prey. Ere, ave a bite." As a show of friendship, I rip the arms off my two corpses dragging behind me and toss them to the wounded one.

I rip the spare legs off of them and toss the meat to the jumpy looking one hugging the shadows. "You too. Eat, then we should hunt more, yeh? We'll be needin' more to feed the little ones." As I say this the mostly-delimbed torsos behind me bulge and squirm slightly with the already-awakening spawn. It will be interesting to see what they look like.

2020-05-16, 11:10 AM
As you get comfortable, you hear more sounds from outside. Heavy footfalls, and hushed orders.

Through a window, you catch a glimpse of something bright, and then the wall explodes. Debris goes flying in towards you, knocking you back and causing some lacerations on your body.

2020-05-16, 11:17 AM
Food!! I suddenly realize this is the best thing, on par with Dakka!!

I eat the delicious food, and, to my shame, I fail to note the explosion.

We are being attacked! This isn't bad, provided we win. And these enemies probably have dakka. They also have clear line of sight on us now that wall is gone.

There is only one thing for it. Da Jump.

Reality flashes in a dozen primary colors and five directions, each at right angles to each other. I collapse for a few seconds. But my brothers, for a few ssecons, they are healthy and safe. And a second, and the natural chokepoint at this door we are behind, should make all the difference...

2020-05-16, 11:22 AM
You hear voices, surprisingly easy to understand. "Move, move! Where the hell did they go?"

"Fire! Just fire!" another voice comes, and there's a barrage of laser fire. Being away from your old positions, none of the shots strike true-but it does conveniently reveal where your assailants are.

2020-05-16, 02:14 PM
There is a rush of disorienting sensations and light - nothing makes sense for a moment and then I am standing next to the others...and there is prey nearby yelling about fire. No, about Dakka - they are using dakka. Fortunately, it is not pointed in the correct direction...but the egg-sacks were left behind.

Well, there's a simple solution for this - time to produce more meat for the hive. My two natures conflict inside me even as I charge into the middle of the group of delicious pink prey-things. Eventually, the green side of me wins out and as I plunge claws into one's side a primal scream of "Waaaaaaagggghhhh!!!" rips out of me.

2020-05-16, 02:17 PM

Any 6s hurt.

As you charge forward, they let loose a small hail of laser blasts.

In the first volley, one tears a chunk off your shoulder, but you slither in under a lot of the rest of the fire, and let slip a cry of havoc as you rip and tear.

2020-05-16, 04:39 PM
Another creature like us appears before tossing the chunks of flesh to us for eating. "I iz more sneaky den you think when I wants ta be. I just isn't afraid of dem pink squishy thingsss." Indeed his slithering lower half moves silently upon the floor and his many senses allow him to keenly remain aware of his surroundings. Munching on the arm proved quite delicious and satisfying and he snapped through the bone and all without issue, almost satisfying enough that he didn't hear the approaching figures. Instinctively he stopped just moments before the explosion and was able to duck down and shield his face, letting the shrapnel scatter off of the tougher parts of his hide.

In a flash the one helping him disappeared and in a howl of rage the newcomer charged the combatants as bright flashes came out of the objects in their hands. Dakka! That was Dakka! He just knew it even though it didn't make too much sense. Quickly and quietly he slithered forward to follow on the heels of the brutish one, dipping his body low to provide a smaller target as he planned to flow around and attack from the side or rear with his own potent claws.

2020-05-16, 07:16 PM
Oww... I did it. It hurt. Oww. I crawl into a corner. Some part of me realizes I am am not weak. I have a half dozen sharp arms instead of the two little stubby ones I somehow think I should. My many legs are better at real jumping than I previously appreciated. But all those glorious bladed appendages hurt... I stop to catch my breath and crouch to jump only as last resort.