View Full Version : Brake n Charaktar Liskt!

2020-05-14, 07:46 AM
I need a few truly broken characters. They must be level 10, with the appropriate wealth. Leadership is forbidden, and they must be rules as written. No alternate rules unless you want it to be gestalt. And if you show up, King of Nowhere, I'm a huge fan of yours. Have fun!

2020-05-14, 11:09 AM
What's the purpose of this?

Dread Necromancer 10, Arcane Thesis: Enervation, and things like Ocular Spell, Twin Spell, Spit Ray, (rod of) Maximize Spell, Practical Metamagic, Easy Metamagic, Metamagic School Focus, Versatile Spellcaster, etc. Store two Split Twinned Maximized Enervations in your eyes via Ocular Spell. As a full-round action you fire four rays, each of which inflicts eight negative levels, and they can be directed at the same creature or separate targets. For 10th level characters, two rays per target to inflict 16 negative levels on each target should be enough to drop anything you hit that's not immune.

2020-05-14, 11:47 AM
Elan Psion to level 5. Ensure your Int is at least 19 (and probably no higher) by that level. Take Metamorphic Transfer as a feat. You'll need to scrape your gp together, but you should be able to afford a scroll of polymorph any object. And to hire a wizard to read it. (Alternatively, just pay for a casting of an 8th level spell. That's only 1,200 gp.) He is to transform you into a Beholder. Metamorphic transfer gives you the central eye and the eyestalks to sacrifice for your entry prerequisite into Beholder Mage, and your spell stalks. NEVER USE THE EYE STALKS. You can technically do so twice, but you might slip up and expend all uses and not have them anymore to sacrifice for spell stalks. (Once you have spell stalks, they're yours, so you can use them all you like.)

The transformation has a duration of "permanent" because, as an Elan, you are an aberration (thus "same type") and, as an Int 19+ creature, your Int dropped when you became an Int-18 beholder.

Levels 6 and 7 are a bit onerous, as you arguably don't get the flight, so you're limping around or need a wagon to be carted along on. You can manifest fly, I believe, though, for brief stints. Certainly can cast it by character level 8.

That's because, at level 6, you enter Beholder Mage. At level 7, this gets you 2nd level spells. So at level 8, you qualify to enter Cerebromancer, advancing Beholder Mage and Psion together.

By level 10, you're a level 5 Beholder Mage and level 8 Psion in terms of caster/manifester levels, and you are casting 5th level arcane spells and manifesting 4th level psion powers. You can cast a spell of every level you know as a free action once per round, and you can manifest powers as a standard action. Your "spellsong" occupies your mouth, but doesn't take an action, just keeps you from casting anything with a verbal component that isn't a Beholder Mage spell.

Still lacking independent day-long flight, because you need level 6 Beholder Mage to get overland flight, but for combat, you have fly either as a psionic power or as a spell, if not both. May want to invest in a contingent dispel magic against anybody trying to cast dispel magic on you.

2020-05-14, 05:49 PM
Class, race, and literally everything doesn't matter. You are level 10, and have enough starting funds to buy a candle of invocation.

2020-05-14, 05:50 PM
wizard level 10 :P

2020-05-14, 07:04 PM
wizard level 10 :P

I see your wizard 10 and raise you druid 10 with natural spell.

2020-05-14, 11:05 PM
I see your wizard 10 and raise you druid 10 with natural spell.


Strongheart (Water) Halfling, Druid 10, Wis > Con > all else. Ashbound, Greenbound Summoning, Natural Bond, Natural Spell, and if taking flaws, include Multiattack and Improved Multiattack. Animal companion is a Fleshraker Dinosaur with Mage Slayer. Lesser Rod of Extend x2 (6/day), 1st level Pearl of Power, 4th level Pearl of Power, Monk's Belt + Wilding Clasp, Ring of the Beast.

Optional: Take Celestial Companion and give the animal companion Vow of Poverty (but RAW it can't use poison attacks, so Dire Eagle instead).

Buffs: Snowsight on self and animal companion (Pearl of Power), Obscuring Snow, Primal Hunter, Primal Instinct, Heart of Water, Venomfire on animal companion, Greater Magic Fang (+1 all) on animal companion and self, Greater Resistance on self and animal companion (Pearl of Power), Enhance Wild Shape (+2 Str), Wild Shape: Smilodon.

Smilodon stats:
Str 26, Dex 14, Con 16, Wis 18, AC 20 (+4 natural, +2 Dex, +5 Monk, -1 size), BAB/grapple +7/+19.
Full Attack (Improved Multiattack): Unarmed Strike +15/+10 (1d8+9) and 2 claws secondary +15 (1d6+5) and bite secondary +15 (2d6+5 20/x3)
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Pounce, 2 Rakes on pounce or vs grappled foe +15 (1d6+5).
Animal Growth: AC 20, grapple +27, full attack: Unarmed Strike +18/+13 (2d6+13) and 2 claws secondary +18 (1d8+7) and bite secondary +18 (3d6+7 20/x3); 2 Rakes +18 (1d8+7)

His Greenbound summons can use Wall of Thorns and Entangle to trap opponents, and he can cast Call Avalanche from 800 feet away (which also sinks ships and takes down flying ships). He can cast Animal Growth on himself and his animal companion and any non-Greenbound summons. Opponents should be blinded by Obscuring Snow, or at least unable to target him or his companion without a miss chance. Edit: Don't forget mainstays like Kelpstrand, Blood Snow (follow-up to Call Avalanche), Creeping Cold (with Lesser Rod of Extend), Sleet Storm, etc.