View Full Version : Scourge’s Landing: Dirk Falseer

2020-05-14, 08:18 AM
Date: 8 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.
The hot sun beats down on you as you stand on the deck of the Floundering Buoy, a small, three mast shipping vessel that you were able to procure a ride from, crossing the ocean from your far away homeland. The deck is bustling with deckhands, shuffling about, preparing to unload the current shipment of goods and repairing sails from lasts night’s rather brisk storm. You had planned to take the ship farther, but due to the storm, the ship will be grounded for a few days, and will head directly back from whence you came once repaired. Good thing you didn’t have a specific destination in mind. You find yourself at port in what appears to be a small port town. Looking around, you notice the ship’s captain, Captain Traegar Crushskull on the dock. Crushskull is a mountain of a beast. The minotaur stands nearly a full eight feet, towering above everyone around. He is speaking with an elf, most likely a member of the port authority. The conversation is cut short as a halfling, the ship’s first-mate, Flitwood Stunkernickle, slips something into the pocket of the elf. The three shake hands and the Captain begins barking orders for the boat to proceed to be unloaded.

Floundering Buoy Top Deck
The top deck of the shipping vessel, the Floundering Buoy, is usually bustling with activity. Three tall masts rise high above you, allowing for the vessel to be one of the fastest cargo ships around. The boat rocks back forth, how hard depends on the temperament of the wind and water.

Move Options:
North: Scourge’s Landing Dock 4
East Stairs: Floundering Buoy Lower Hallway
West Stairs: Floundering Buoy Cargo Hold
South: Overboard

Talking Options:
Random deckhands

Character Sheet

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome. (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

2020-05-14, 04:13 PM
Date: 8 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

The sweat pouring down from his head was welcome when compared to the early days he spent below deck or gripping the rail while regurgitating his meals as an offal offering to the sea god. So when Dirk was presented with the opportunity to escape the Floundering Buoy he did so almost immediately. Shouldering what little belongings he possessed he disembarked the ship.

Noticing the Captain and what appeared to be the local port authority Dirk limped towards them. But he veered away once nearby and sought the busy deckhands. Approaching a group of them he belted out, "Morn'n Gents. Where do ya rec'n'men' a weary dwarf quench his thirst? While he waited for an answer he tried to recall if he'd ever read anything about this new land he was about to discover.

Scourge’s Landing Dock 4

Talking Options:
Inquired about a bar or inn from Deckhands

Does Dirk recall anything about this port? Specifically regarding the port and the nation it belongs to and any geographical things about the local area?
History Check:

Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-14, 06:32 PM
The dock is bustling with people. Captain Crushskull seems quite happy with the arrangement at the port, and immediately begins barking orders at crewmen and dock workers alike.

One of the crew stops to answer, being mindful not to stop working while he is talking, “We head over to the Rusty Gauntlet.”

He points towards the main pier. You can barely spot the building he must be pointing towards, well with your height and all the ships, and workers around.

“Fairly simple town, mind your business, they mind you. I‘m sure there nicer establishments in side the walls, but we ain’t never here longer than a night or two.”

Scourge’s Landing Dock 4
One of several docks that run from the main pier that stretches horizontal to the coastline, the dock is about a hundred and twenty feet in length, long enough to hold two average size shipping vessels on each side, and is twenty feet wide for the length of it. Various loads of cargo await to be loaded onto ships, or be moved to the warehouses that lay beyond the docks.

Move Options:
North- The Dainty Maiden (Cargo ship)
East- Overboard
South- The Floundering Buoy
West- Scourge’s Landing Main Pier

Speaking Options:
Random Pier Guards
Random Dock Workers
Dock 4 Port Authority Elf
Captain Crushskull
First-Mate Flitwood

You remember very little of the area. You know it is called the Sun Coast, and loosely linked string of unified districts up and down a very warm coast, some parts have rain forest, other parts of the coast, desert. Around here seems to be surrounded by dense jungle.

2020-05-14, 07:57 PM
Date: 8 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

With a gruff thanks to the deckhand that directed him to the Rusty Gauntlet, the dwarven sage pulled a freshly rolled cigar from his component pouch on his hip, lit it, and shuffled west towards the main pier dragging his busted leg.

As he puffed smoke rings ahead of himself he looked inwards, silently wondering if the whispers would once again guide him to the answers he sought, or would he need to find them on his own in this strange country he found himself in.

Move Option Taken:
West- Scourge’s Landing Main Pier

Talking Option Taken:


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-15, 06:41 AM
Date: 8:05 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

The docks are bustling with activity this warm morning. Extra ships were clearly brought in by last night’s storm. The market stalls are in full swing, some selling local morning catches, others selling the basics, shipping, goods, and other oddities. The sign for the Rusted Gauntlet sways in the light slight breeze. You notice the gauntlet pictured on the sign is the same symbol you’ve noticed adorned by the port authority and town guards, except instead of bright silver, the sign’s gauntlet is a dull rust color. A couple of sailors pop out of the inn door, clearly still nursing their morning hangover.

Scourge’s Landing Main Pier
The main pier stretches across the length of the dock district. Six long docks stretch out from it for the towns shipping industry. Four warehouse border the inland side of the pier. A small marketplace with few different vendors sits next to one side of a gate leading into the walled town. On the right side of the gate is an inn and tavern. At the far end of the pier, the shipping industry ends, and the docks turn into a fisherman’s wharf for the locals. The pier is usually filled with workers, guard patrols, travelers and fishermen.

Move Options:
North: Fisherman’s Wharf
East 1: Scourge’s Landing Dock 6
East 2: Scourge’s Landing Dock 5
East 3: Scourge’s Landing Dock 4
East 4: Scourge’s Landing Dock 3
East 5: Scourge’s Landing Dock 2
East 6: Scourge’s Landing Dock 1
West 1: Warehouse 4
West 2: Warehouse 3
West 3: The Rusty Gauntlet
West 4: Scourge’s Landing Dock Gate
West 5: Dock Market Stalls
West 6: Warehouse 2
West 7: Warehouse 1
South: Overboard

Speaking Options:
Random Town Guards
Random Dock Workers
Random Ship Workers
Random Fishermen

2020-05-15, 10:39 PM
Date: 8:05 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

Taking his time Dirk hobbled towards the faded sign that hung over the entrance to tavern. He took in the sights, sounds and smells around him... the distinct smell of fish at market, the calls of fishmongers hawking their wares, and a faint but nauseating scent of urine. He made sure to check out the gate to what he'd been told was the city proper as he approached the tavern next to it.

With the cigar gripped in his teeth the budding warlock pushed past the drunken lot still nursing their hangover and made his way into the Rusty Gauntlet Tavern.

Move Option Taken:
West 3: The Rusty Gauntlet

Talking Option Taken:


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-16, 09:48 AM
Date: 8:10 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.
Passing by the wide open gate, you spot two guards watching the gate, but they are doing little to stop the numerous peoples going about their business. Beyond the gate the town opens up with a bustling street with business.

Once inside the Rusty Gauntlet, the first person you spot is the bartender, who is quietly placing a glass of water next to a passed out dwarf. The dwarf snores off his drinking from the night before, still propped up at his bar stool. The bartender is a well built human in his late forties. A young half-elven girl flits around the dining room passing out plates to a table of town guards, most likely coming off the morning shift. They pay little attention as you walk in. She then gathers empty plates from a small group of sailors who must have just stepped off a boat like yourself, and are enjoying their morning pints. A young female dragonborn sits to your right behind the frost desk, paying you little attention as well. In fact, the only one in the room that seems to even noticing you is a cloaked figure in the corner of the room, his facial features are hard to tell in the ill lit room, but his gleaming eyes follow your movements as you step into the tavern. The smells of dirty tavern from the night before, mingled with the morning breakfast confuses your stomach.

Room: The Rusty Gauntlet
You find yourself an a not so well lit tavern, most of the light pours in from outside, and it gets quite dark at night, only lit by candles. During the day the lighting is only slightly better. Straight ahead of the entrance is a long bar. Just to the right of the entrance is a check in desk where a clerk usually sits. Several tables are scatter about the large room. To the far back behind the bar is a doorway that leads, most likely, to the kitchen. The smell of various foods, mixed with that of vomit makes for the Rusty Gauntlet to be a very welcoming place. A stairway past the check in desk leads upstairs to the rooms.

Move Options:
North: Upstairs Hall
East: Scourge’s Landing Main Pier
West: Kitchen

Speaking Options:
Dragonborn Desk Clerk
Middle Aged Human Bartender
Young Half-Elven Waitress
Passed Out Dwarf
Cloaked Figure
Four Town Guards
Five Sailors

2020-05-19, 10:34 PM
Date: 8:10 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

Grabbing a bar stool so that he can still see the cloaked figure in the corner, Dirk introduces himself to the barkeep, "Greetings friend. Name's Dirk Falseer. I twas hoping to grab a morning pint wid me breakfast." He indicated what he wanted by pointing to an appetizing plate of salmon and eggs he'd seen the barmaid set down in front of a guard. "And I'm in need of some work... you wouldn't happen to know where one would go to make a quick stash of cash would you?" As he spoke Dirk made sure to keep one eye upon the cloaked figure as he tried to glean any details from the mysterious individual.

Move Option Taken:

Talking Option Taken:
Middle Aged Human Bartender


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-20, 09:29 AM
Date: 8:15 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.
“Good choice,” the gruff, unshaven bartender mumbles to your choice of salmon and eggs. He may have had a few too many pints last night as well. He sticks head through to the kitchen and calls out the order.

“Name’s Sam, don’t want you callin me barkeep. I’ll be guessin you ain’t lookin for ship work. There is a notice board in the market on the docks, an ‘nother town board in center market, straight ahead once you pass through the gate. I think there be one outside the keep too, but I don’t make it that way often to be sure.”

The cloaked figure continues to eye you, making little movement except to sip on a glass of wine. It is difficult to glean anything from the mysterious figure. A mostly empty plate sits in front of him. A sly smirk crosses his face as you study him.

At this moment the bartender places pint of ale in front of you. “Food won’t take to long, Dirk Falseer.”

Room: The Rusty Gauntlet
You find yourself an a not so well lit tavern, most of the light pours in from outside, and it gets quite dark at night, only lit by candles. During the day the lighting is only slightly better. Straight ahead of the entrance is a long bar. Just to the right of the entrance is a check in desk where a clerk usually sits. Several tables are scatter about the large room. To the far back behind the bar is a doorway that leads, most likely, to the kitchen. The smell of various foods, mixed with that of vomit makes for the Rusty Gauntlet to be a very welcoming place. A stairway past the check in desk leads upstairs to the rooms.

Move Options:
North: Upstairs Hall
East: Scourge’s Landing Main Pier
West: Kitchen

Speaking Options:
Dragonborn Desk Clerk
Middle Aged Human Bartender
Young Half-Elven Waitress
Passed Out Dwarf
Cloaked Figure
Four Town Guards
Five Sailors

2020-05-20, 03:16 PM
Date: 8:15 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

With a smile the dwarf beamed, "Now now Sam, I would've never called ye 'barkeep' n' would've kept calling you friend. N' I appreciate the tips ta fin'a work.

With his hand he coaxed Sam closer so that he could whisper to the hungover human, "Ye dunna happen ta know aboot the cloaked figure in the corner, eh? He's been eye-****ing me since I walked n'."

Move Option Taken:

Talking Option Taken:
Middle Aged Human Bartender


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-20, 05:27 PM
Date: 8:15 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.
Sam leans over to you, “He comes in from time to time for a few days then moves. Doesn’t talk much. Name is Gregith if I remember correct, I think he’s sweet on Isato.”

At this he motions to the half-elven waitress.

Room: The Rusty Gauntlet
You find yourself an a not so well lit tavern, most of the light pours in from outside, and it gets quite dark at night, only lit by candles. During the day the lighting is only slightly better. Straight ahead of the entrance is a long bar. Just to the right of the entrance is a check in desk where a clerk usually sits. Several tables are scatter about the large room. To the far back behind the bar is a doorway that leads, most likely, to the kitchen. The smell of various foods, mixed with that of vomit makes for the Rusty Gauntlet to be a very welcoming place. A stairway past the check in desk leads upstairs to the rooms.

Move Options:
North: Upstairs Hall
East: Scourge’s Landing Main Pier
West: Kitchen

Speaking Options:
Dragonborn Desk Clerk
Sam the Bartender
Isato, Young Half-Elven Waitress
Passed Out Dwarf
Gregith, the Cloaked Figure
Four Town Guards
Five Sailors

2020-05-20, 10:38 PM
Date: 8:15 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

Nodding his thanks to Sam Dirk bent over his plate and quietly finished his food and pint. If not interrupted the dwarf plans on shuffling out of tavern and into the city looking for work from a fancier district than here near the wharf.

Move Option Taken:
East: Scourge’s Landing Main Pier
If Gregith doesn't attempt to make contact before he finishes his meal the dwarf will pay for his meal, leave a tip for Sam, and then leave to find work (he'll keep an eye out for anyone trying to follow him).

Talking Option Taken:
Middle Aged Human Bartender


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-21, 07:40 AM
Date: 8:30 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.
Sam charges you four silver pieces for breakfast and a pint. Despite the foul odor of the place and the snoring dwarf next you, the meal was quite decent. Gregith does not take his eye off of you as you exit the inn. Once back outside, the pier is still bustling with business. A crowd seems like it is being dispersed from the dock gate, and you hear a passerby say, “The thieves around here are getting ridiculous.”

Scourge’s Landing Main Pier
The main pier stretches across the length of the dock district. Six long docks stretch out from it for the towns shipping industry. Four warehouse border the inland side of the pier. A small marketplace with few different vendors sits next to one side of a gate leading into the walled town. On the right side of the gate is an inn and tavern. At the far end of the pier, the shipping industry ends, and the docks turn into a fisherman’s wharf for the locals. The pier is usually filled with workers, guard patrols, travelers and fishermen.

Move Options:
North: Fisherman’s Wharf
East 1: Scourge’s Landing Dock 6
East 2: Scourge’s Landing Dock 5
East 3: Scourge’s Landing Dock 4
East 4: Scourge’s Landing Dock 3
East 5: Scourge’s Landing Dock 2
East 6: Scourge’s Landing Dock 1
West 1: Warehouse 4
West 2: Warehouse 3
West 3: The Rusty Gauntlet
West 4: Scourge’s Landing Dock Gate
West 5: Dock Market Stalls
West 6: Warehouse 2
West 7: Warehouse 1
South: Overboard

Speaking Options:
Random Town Guards
Random Dock Workers
Random Ship Workers
Random Fisherman

2020-05-21, 08:01 AM
Date: 8:30 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

With a hand on his purse and an eye looking out for a tail Dirk shuffles toward the city gate. “What’s going on?” he asked those that walked passed him as he moved towards the commotion.

Move Option Taken:
West 4: Scourge’s Landing Dock Gate

Talking Option Taken:
Random Passerby


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-21, 08:15 AM
Date: 8:30 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.
The crowd seems back in order as you approach the open gate. One of the passerby’s stop to answer your question, “Ahh just some kids pulling a prank, got the guards riled up, but its all over now.”

The two gate guards stare around watching everyone who passes through intently.

Scourge’s Landing Dock Gate
The wall and gate are approximately fifteen feet high. There are always at least two guards manning the gate on the ground. Sometimes there are guards on top of the wall as well, but only on particularly high traffic days. During the day, the gate is open, however at night, the gate is closed. Just to the north of the gate is the Rusty Gauntlet, and to the south is the dock’s market. To the west, the town opens up on a cobble stone path.

Move Options:
North: The Rusty Gauntlet
East: Scourge’s Landing Main Pier
South: Scourge’s Landing Dock Market Stalls
West: South Merchant’s Road

Speaking Options:
Town Guards
Random Townsfolk
Child Thief

2020-05-21, 11:37 AM
Date: 8:30 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

With a huff the dwarf passed through the gate towards the town center.

Move Option Taken:
West: South Merchant’s Road

Talking Option Taken:


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-21, 12:31 PM
Date: 8:35 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.
The cobblestone street turns north once through the dock gates. People bustle about doing their daily business. From first glance, this is a thriving town. Looking down side streets you see that to your west, the houses behind the main market street are much more run down and the houses behind those on the east side of the street.

South Merchant’s Road
The street is line with various shops of all types. Most buildings are two or three stories in height. The shops on the bottom, living quarters on top. There are several cart vendors that sale various common goods such as fruits and vegetables from local farms. Several side streets run east and west to other parts of the town. At the north end of the street is the town’s center square.

Move Options:
North: Town Center
East: Southside District
South: Scourge’s Landing Dock Gate
West: Scourge Town District

Business Options to Enter:
Big Horn Tavern
Ace’s Magic Shop
Barber Shop
Ale and Wine Store
Fish Market
Hat Shop
Jewelry Store
Multiple Clothing Stores
General Store
Leather Goods Store
Shoe Store

Speaking Options:
Random Townsfolk
Random Cart Vendors
Town Guards

2020-05-21, 02:58 PM
Date: 8:35 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

Sweat began to pour down Dirk's cheeks as he continued straight west, following Sam's directions, looking for the Market District job board and a way to the keep.

Move Option Taken:
West: Scourge Town District

Talking Option Taken:


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-22, 09:06 AM
Date: 8:40 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.
You move from the main road down a smaller side street. The buildings become more and more run down. Stray dogs wander the street, and the peoples seem to become more scraggly. You spot several strange thing, such as a pair of goblins riding a large steer, with a small cart filled with rotting meat. There are various people lying in the side alleys passed out, or maybe even dead. This is most definitely your typical slum town. You begin to think that Sam must have meant stay straight on the main road.

A small, tiny even, halfling boy runs up to you. “Mister, mister, my kitten won’t come down from a tree, and I can’t reach that high. Will you help me?” The little halfling pleads.

The boy points down an alley way.
Scourge Town District
This is the poor, slum area of Scourge’s Landing. Just outside the walls to the dock which run along the areas southern border. All manner of races can be seen wandering the area. Rats dart in and out of alley ways. Trash lines the streets. Unbathed children dart in and out of the crowds. Groups huddle around on stoops playing dice or cards, or worse, more dangerous games. Concubines of all types walk the street corners. The smell of feces and trash wafts through the air.

Move Options
North: West Merchant Road
East: South Merchant Road
South: Boy’s Alley

Speak Options:
Halfling boy
Goblins on steer
Random people

Building Options:
Random Houses
The Green Jo’bli Tavern
Shoe store
Dandelion’s House of Pleasures
Scourge Town Stables
Pawn shop
Barber shop
Alcohol store
Farmer’s market
General store
Smoke shop
General Store

2020-05-22, 05:50 PM
Date: 8:40 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

With a skeptical look Dirk glanced to the alley and then back to the boy. "Yar kitten... is stuck... in da tree... in dat seedy alley?" he pointed and scoffed towards the ally as he eyed the boy's reaction. "Alrighty den, tell me what'cha's kitten's name is?" the mountain dwarf asked around the cigar he was smoking. As the boy answered he looked for clues to the boy's authenticity.

Move Option Taken:

Talking Option Taken:
Halfling Boy


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-23, 11:26 AM
Date: 8:40 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

“His name is Mr. Fluffy,” the boy looks at you pleadingly. “Please sir, I think you could reach him.”

There is something about the boy that makes you think he is lying or at the very least, this isn’t his first time needing help with Mr. Fluffy.

Scourge Town District
This is the poor, slum area of Scourge’s Landing. Just outside the walls to the dock which run along the areas southern border. All manner of races can be seen wandering the area. Rats dart in and out of alley ways. Trash lines the streets. Unbathed children dart in and out of the crowds. Groups huddle around on stoops playing dice or cards, or worse, more dangerous games. Concubines of all types walk the street corners. The smell of feces and trash wafts through the air.

Move Options
North: West Merchant Road
East: South Merchant Road
South: Boy’s Alley

Speak Options:
Halfling boy
Goblins on steer
Random people

Building Options:
Random Houses
The Green Jo’bli Tavern
Shoe store
Dandelion’s House of Pleasures
Scourge Town Stables
Pawn shop
Barber shop
Alcohol store
Farmer’s market
General store
Smoke shop
General Store

2020-05-29, 06:44 PM
Date: 8:40 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

Squinting skeptically at the halfling boy as he took a long pull on his cigar before exhaling it over the boy's head. "Just cuz I be limp'n donna mak'n me 'n easy mark... boy." With a scowl he added, "Best be targetin' someone taller dan a dwarf fer dat tall tale. You n' Mister Fluffy's crew o'er der can go pound sand fer all I's be caring." With a watchful eye for any backstabbing Dirk limped away from the boy and into a Smoke Shop he'd spotted.

Move Option Taken:
Smoke Shop

Talking Option Taken:
Halfling Boy


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clanÂ’s mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed DirkÂ’s lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new masterÂ’s surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizardÂ’s tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didnÂ’t recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what heÂ’d nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-05-31, 10:17 AM
Date: 8:45 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.
The boy rushes off down the alley way away from you. You head into the smoke shop, Flamingo Smoke. A tall, slender human male stands behind a counter in the small shop. A human couple are at the counter, paying for the goods. A goblin stands behind them awaiting his turn.

Flamingo Smoke
This small smoke shop is little more than a small rectangle. The goods are all behind the counter. Herbs of all kinds can be seen strategically placed with the more expensive in very plain view. Pipes and other paraphernalia sit in a display case.

Move Options:
North: Scourge Town District
South: Backroom

Speaking Options:
Human Couple

2020-06-01, 02:27 PM
Date: 8:45 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

With piqued curiosity Dirk tried his best to see what the couple had bought. After they left, and while the goblin was negotiating with the store owner, the dwarf browsed the stores wares, paying particular interest to the various pipes available for sale as well as whatever the goblin was interested in.

Move Option Taken:

Talking Option Taken:


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan's mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk's lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master's surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard's tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn't recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he'd nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-06-01, 02:49 PM
Date: 8:50 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R
It appears as if the couple is purchasing an array of indica, tobacco, and something they called Padonthia leaf. They happily hand over coin and excitedly leave towards the door. The goblin steps up to the register and promptly orders.

“Half ounce of Padonthia leaf, two Rangrim cigars and some rollin’ papers,” he says with a squeaky but somehow gruff voice at the same time.

The human behind the counter begins getting the order ready for the goblin. The Padonthia leaf he grabs is a brilliant, bright greenish-orange color. You begin to realize this must be what the unfamiliar smell is in the room. The cigars are long, and charcoal colored.

There are pipes of all types. Small, big, wood, glass, and even bone. Some are in wild shapes, twisty like a snake, while others are in the shape of strange creatures, or even still in the shape of weapons and religious symbols.

Flamingo Smoke
This small smoke shop is little more than a small rectangle. The goods are all behind the counter. Herbs of all kinds can be seen strategically placed with the more expensive in very plain view. Pipes and other paraphernalia sit in a display case.

Move Options:
North: Scourge Town District
South: Backroom

Speaking Options:
Human Couple

Padonthia is the name of the world you are on. However you have never heard of the leaf before.

2020-06-01, 04:41 PM
Date: 8:50 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

Speaking more to the room than to anyone in particular he asked, "Padonthia leaf? Is dat some kinna popular local plant?" Shrugging at any incredulous glances he receives he continues, "Forgive me ignorance, I'sa literally just off da boat."

Move Option Taken:

Talking Option Taken:
The Room


Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan's mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk's lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master's surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard's tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn't recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he'd nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-06-02, 02:40 PM
Date: 8:50 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R
The shopkeeper speaks up as he passes along the goblin’s goods, “Only the best smoke you ever had, young dwarf. Will make you quiet happy.”

The door of the shop closes as the couple passes through it. The goblin mutters, “Good smoke for sure.” He says this as he heads towards the door.

Flamingo Smoke
This small smoke shop is little more than a small rectangle. The goods are all behind the counter. Herbs of all kinds can be seen strategically placed with the more expensive in very plain view. Pipes and other paraphernalia sit in a display case.

Move Options:
North: Scourge Town District
South: Backroom

Speaking Options:

2020-06-02, 03:04 PM
Date: 8:50 am, 12th of the High Sun, 213 N.R.

A friendly nod to each of his fellow patrons as they filed out before Dirk turned to the shopkeeper with a skeptical look as he made his brash claims of best smoke ever. "Alright," he began with much skepticism, "I'll giv'a Padonthia leaf da whirl. How much is it? Also, how much for yer most wild n' weirdly shaped pipe?" He didn't know why exactly but the more off the wall pipes strangely appealed to him.

Move Option Taken:

Talking Option Taken:

Character Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2206368)

As a mountain dwarf Dirk Falseer is still considered to be on the younger side, not quite an adult at the age of 45. Growing up he helped his family, Belor his older brother, Marli his mother, and Torrig his father, in his clan's mine and also as a mason. When he was just into his twenties a mining accident occurred, a cave in, that crushed Dirk's lower right leg. The accident left him gimped and unable to continue his work in the mines and as a mason.

Spiritually and physically crushed, Dirk packed up and went to see Balran the Boastful, a reclusive High Elf Wizard that lived in his tower on a cliffside not too far from the mine where he had worked. He was looking for a new purpose in life and luckily Balran turned out to be the catalyst that would lead him down a path he never saw for himself.

After overcoming some initial mistrust the goodly wizard accepted Dirk as his apprentice. And to his new master's surprise the mountain dwarf took to his new role like a fish to water. For nearly a decade Mr. Falseer performed his lowly apprentice duties diligently under the tutelage of Balran. Eventually he even learned the most basic of all cantrips, prestidigitation. While Dirk was grateful he felt as though his master was keeping knowledge from him. Balaran had given him access to all but one tiny room in the wizard's tower and the secrets behind the door seemed to whisper to him.

Years of this peaked his interest until one day he found the door unlocked. Within the broom size closet was a solitary book found closed upon a pedestal... and nothing more. The book itself seemed to whisper a beckons to him in an alien language he didn't recognize. Before he could stop himself he had lifted the book from its place and immediately he found himself reading as his mind fell, or perhaps pulled, into the Far Realm. The tome drowned him in forbidden knowledge. Abstract concepts, extrinsic calculations, and other such mind numbing notions threatened to forever leave himself in a perpetual state of infinite drooling vegetation. In his desperate attempts to maintain his sanity some entity sensed his presence and in their attempt to devour his consciousness they inadvertently sent him back to his body.

Dirk woke up with Balaran standing over him, extremely disappointed. The mountain dwarf was exiled from the tower. With nowhere to go alien whispers in his mind led him to the ocean. Something wanted him to cross the treacherous sea and Dirk was determined to find out what, he needed to understand what he'd nearly been killed by within that forbidden tome.

2020-06-03, 12:08 PM
Date: 8:55 am, 12th of Growth, 213 N.R
“Three silver for an eighth, five for a quarter of the leaf,” he says to you as he shuffles through some pipes. “I got this one in, kinda creepy if you ask me, but might be what your lookin for.”

He pulls out a long, slightly twisted grayish red pipe. He holds it up, “Supposedly this is a horned devil’s actual horn, turned into a smokin pipe. Two gold, and I’ll throw in an eighth of the leaf.”

About this time a male halfling, in ragged, tattered clothes, dirt smeared everywhere, passes through the door as the goblin exits the building.

Flamingo Smoke
This small smoke shop is little more than a small rectangle. The goods are all behind the counter. Herbs of all kinds can be seen strategically placed with the more expensive in very plain view. Pipes and other paraphernalia sit in a display case.

Move Options:
North: Scourge Town District
South: Backroom

Speaking Options:

2020-06-11, 09:54 AM
I have decided that the world you are on is a flat plane. The sun and moon are actually one object that stays perpetually at zenith, but it fades throughout the day and night. Temperatures and climates tend to stay fairly similar year around, depending on where you are an how close to the center of the sun orb is. At night it fades out, then fades back in as a moon orb.

I’m also changing the name of the month, I don’t think either of these will affect game play much.