View Full Version : Pathfinder Protection from negative energy effects

Chaos Jackal
2020-05-17, 04:35 AM
Our Pathfinder home campaign has featured a number of undead encounters in the past, but so far they've been the occassional crypt dweliing or haunted village scenarios. Oh, and a ghost ship once. Starting from the next session though, we'll be heading into a country which currently faces a zombie apocalypse kind of situation, so chances are we'll be knee-deep in corpses soon enough. We're a lv9 2-man party of Knife Master rogue (low optimization, low UMD) and magus (decently optimized, but forced to act as frontline, striker, control caster and utility caster, so stretched thin at times). We're usually aided by a bard NPC one or two levels below us.

Now, from those previous encounters with undead we've had, I know the DM pulls no punches with negative levels. They're bound to come up, and probably often too. However, going through spells and items in the SRD, I come up nearly empty-handed regarding ways to protect the party, and especially my frontliner self, from negative energy. Since we don't have access to divine casters, those ways become even more limited. My character has the Craft Wondrous Item feat, but all I could find is the Black Soul Shard, which only absorbs one negative level. I could spring for a custom Death Ward item, but this gets pretty expensive even for a 1/day use and would take time we don't have to craft, assuming my DM even allows it in the first place. I guess there's also Death Ward scrolls, but my faerie dragon has a +9 on UMD, which isn't very promising given the activation DC of a 4th-level scroll. The bard NPC likely has more, so maybe I could entrust her with them.

So, do I have any other options? Any items more effective than a Black Soul Shard? Any lower-level spells I've missed for cheaper, easier to activate scrolls? Maybe a feat or some not-terrible multiclass (we just levelled)? Or is my Fort save all I can depend on?

Kurald Galain
2020-05-17, 05:26 AM
Deathless armor could help; that's a flat resist 10 to negative damage, and a 25% chance to negate negative levels.

2020-05-21, 06:18 PM
is it straight pf or 3.p? my group does 3.p and my dm letme put this on my armor

(Book of Exalted Deeds, p. 112)

Price: +4 bonus
Property: Armor
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate; Abjuration
Activation: —

This armor's wearer is immune to all death spells, magical death effects, and energy drain, and any negative energy effects (such as from chill touch or inflict spells).

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor , Death Ward .

2020-05-21, 08:04 PM
The Tomb-Tainted Soul feat from 3.5's Libris Mortis makes negative energy heal you and positive energy harm you, as if you were undead. I wouldn't take it unless you have a source of negative energy or fast healing available, but it's should fit your needs.

Chaos Jackal
2020-05-22, 06:28 AM
We're PF-only, for the most part. 3.5 stuff is DM approval only, and it's mostly spells, funnily enough; I've been promised assay spell resistance once I get 4th-level spells.

They're not entirely out of the question, however, so that Soulfire, while pretty hefty at +4, isn't out of the question. The Deathless enchantment is an OK alternative if it's not allowed.

Tomb-Tainted Soul is definitely out though. The nongood alignment makes it a non-option anyway, but even if we waive the requirement it still doesn't protect against most effects that bestow negative levels, which is my primary concern. A shame really, since I do most of my healing through a Wand of Infernal Healing I could've pulled it off.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I guess I should get my armor enchanted.

2020-05-22, 07:02 PM
The Tomb-Tainted Soul feat from 3.5's Libris Mortis makes negative energy heal you and positive energy harm you, as if you were undead. I wouldn't take it unless you have a source of negative energy or fast healing available, but it's should fit your needs.

hands down one of my favorite feats but it does make your healing options limited. my buddy played a modified dread necromancer and we were having trouble at some points keeping him alive because of this

2020-05-22, 07:04 PM
We're PF-only, for the most part. 3.5 stuff is DM approval only, and it's mostly spells, funnily enough; I've been promised assay spell resistance once I get 4th-level spells.

They're not entirely out of the question, however, so that Soulfire, while pretty hefty at +4, isn't out of the question. The Deathless enchantment is an OK alternative if it's not allowed.

Tomb-Tainted Soul is definitely out though. The nongood alignment makes it a non-option anyway, but even if we waive the requirement it still doesn't protect against most effects that bestow negative levels, which is my primary concern. A shame really, since I do most of my healing through a Wand of Infernal Healing I could've pulled it off.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I guess I should get my armor enchanted.

just promise me you will hug every negative energy being while laughing maniacally in their face... fear immunity may be common but making them think you are bat crap insane really changes the fight

2020-05-22, 08:01 PM
The only other PF item I know is the Scarab of Protection, but at 38,000GP that's out of your price range for now.

There's a list here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?187851-3-5-Lists-of-Necessary-Magic-Items) of 3.5 items which protect against negative levels (scroll down to "Immunity to Death effects"), some of which are affordable, like the Talisman of Undying Fortitude, the Choker of Life Protection and the Death Ward armor enhancement; maybe see if you DM will let you get one of those.