View Full Version : Bloodlust mechanic question

2020-05-17, 04:53 PM
Hey all,

So my group debated over this subject regarding bloodlust. Bloodlust states the following: "Bloodlust. If you begin your turn with no more than half of your maximum hit points, you must succeed on a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw or move directly towards the nearest creature to you and use the Attack action against that creature. You can choose whether or not to use your Extra Attack feature for this frenzied attack. If there is more than one possible target, roll to randomly determine the target. You then regain control for the remainder of your turn."

So, my character was below half hit points and lost the saving throw. Ok, I run to the closest creature...but I don't reach within attack range. What then? Can I now act rationally and decide to use my action to Dash away? Some people at the table thought "no, you are lusting for blood" and stated that I should use the Dash action to keep moving towards the nearest creature. But my argument against that was that I can choose not to use my Extra Attack, so I have some control. DM ok'ed a middle ground, that I would hold my action to attack should anyone get into reach but that we should research this later.

I am wondering if there are any definitive answers for this predicament.


2020-05-17, 05:18 PM
Just to be clear for anyone else, this is about the DnD Beyond Bloodhunter (Lycan) class.

Bloodhunter isn't particularly OP so i wouldn't want to be super strict in rulings regarding them, but on other hand i can definitely see and feel the argument that retreating like that conflicts with the intended fiction of the mechanic. Wanting to dash away is the problematic part to me, so i think your DM made the right compromise.

2020-05-17, 07:59 PM
I think a good way of implementing it would be to have a list of options should you be unable to attack, such as:

Dash to the nearest creature
Ready an Action to make a melee attack against the first creature that gets into range.
Take the Dodge Action.
Throw a weapon (even if it's improvised) at the nearest creature.

That way, the player can make some tough decisions without being able to do the most optimal thing with his turn. Having a player pick his poison is a lot more interesting on both sides than randomly choosing one for him.