View Full Version : Pun Sword

2020-05-19, 07:00 AM
Recently, a player and I (the DM) were creating a sentient sword, for an incoming high-level campaign. One of the personality traits rolled was that the sword was always cracking jokes, which I am interpreting as me being able to insert puns into the campaign whenever I want, and the only way for the players to get me to stop would be together rid of the sword... which, of course, no PC would ever do :smallamused:. Unless, of course, that player is cautious, and packs a spear weapon.

I hope that, during tough battles, the blade's lighthearted jokes will be able to cut the tension; it's keen wit should help with crafting the perfect retort. I do worry that it lacks a sharp tongue, however, and indeed a tongue at all. It's also wielded by a powerful fighter, so I'm worried the delivery may be quite heavy-handed. They also tend to be straight and to the point. The fighter has a tendency to wield the sword in his dominance hand; the sword's all right with that, though it's worried the other hand is being left out. It's for the best that the sword focused on damage, and not on protecting someone; it can be quite a cross guard. Maybe it should have rogue abilities; it's built like 90% around steeling stuff. Or have bard abilities, and join a heavy metal band. It should probably learn to talk fast, as well; I'm worried the monk may beat it to the punchline. The campaign will be in the Spelljammer setting, which I hear pairs perfectly with the Spelltoast setting. It'll probably be a while before it can start, though, as Spelltraffic-jams can be a pain. I just hope the PCs handle fame well; in this setting, they seem destined for stardom. I just hope no-one gets claustrophobic, while travelling in their ship; eh, who am I'm kidding, they'll have plenty of space!

2020-05-19, 07:23 AM
I hope you're naming it "The Blade of the Ascended Kobold".

2020-05-19, 12:20 PM
lol that was a joy to read, but if I was the player I'd probably find myself chucking it into a river before I finished two sessions wielding it.