View Full Version : Need help coming up with character background details

2020-05-19, 11:48 AM
So I posted about this last night, but for some reason every time I try to access the original post I get a 403 error.

Here's the short of it; DM is starting a campaign in Wildemount, wants everyone to roll background information on the associated table. Your background determines who your rivals and allies are and a slew of other disconnected details about them and how they relate to you. After rolling all these things, you lego build them together to determine backstory elements.

On one of my rolls to determine a rival's identity, I got a 100 and this earned me an "adult gold or red dragon" as a rival.

As for details for the rivals, my options were as follows;

1: A person who wants to be my friend, but their help has always made my life harder.

2: This person loved me, but I broke their heart, and they are now obsessed with hurting me back.

3: I bested them in combat, but they believe I cheated. They long to prove they are the greater warrior.

4: I broke a promise to them that caused them to suffer greatly, they seek to do the same to me.

Now because I didn't want to have an antagonistic relationship at LV 1 with a fully grown dragon, I chose the friendlier Gold Dragon and decided to assign it to the 1 slot; they wanna be my friend but make things harder for me. I figure this is both hilarious and also not a quick trip to writing up a new character.

So now I'm trying to decide how I want to write their first meeting so I have that backstory element to give to my DM, but I'm having a bit of trouble. Other parts of the rival system clicked into place for me, but this one is giving me trouble. Any thoughts?

2020-05-19, 11:58 AM
Maybe the dragon is convinced it knows what your character's path should be, and maybe that opinion varies from your character's? It keeps trying to help you become someone you don't want to be. Its intentions are altruistic, but it's very, very sure of itself (because dragon). It's working against your character (in a way), but not out to hurt them, and it's not all that likely to interfere with other Good Deeds.

2020-05-19, 08:04 PM
Maybe the dragon is convinced it knows what your character's path should be, and maybe that opinion varies from your character's? It keeps trying to help you become someone you don't want to be. Its intentions are altruistic, but it's very, very sure of itself (because dragon). It's working against your character (in a way), but not out to hurt them, and it's not all that likely to interfere with other Good Deeds.

Oooh, this is a good idea. I can work with this.

2020-05-19, 09:51 PM
I am happy to help.

2020-05-20, 04:52 AM
Centuries ago,one of your ancestor helped said dragon when it was younger.
Now that it is bigger, richer and more powerfull he wants to 'repay his debt' by helping you.
Except it i big scary and completly inept at social skills.

Example of things he may have done :
- Slipping goods in your carriage so you won't be in need. Except the guards found them at the gate of a city and you were arrested for contraband
- Torching a few bandits that attacked your group, and Half the Forest around, now the local druid hates you because they think you burned it

da newt
2020-05-20, 08:11 AM
Reluctant hero trope could work.

The dragon is sure you are destined for greatness, the fate of the world rests on your shoulders, you need to risk your life again and again to right all of the worlds's wrongs and hand out justice to all the bad guys - you don't want to die or be responsible for EVERYTHING, you just want to lead a normal life that doesn't involve multiple near death experiences every couple days. The dragon invades your dreams, disturbs your peace and quiet and brow beats you into going on exceedingly arduous missions ... you just want a beer, a warm meal, and a good night's sleep in a bed without something trying to kill you.

Stuff like that.

2020-05-24, 04:49 AM
Gold Dragons can Shape Change, so maybe you aided the dragon whilst it was in humanoid form and it is trying to repay you but has no sense of what is appropriate for mere mortal?