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View Full Version : Free baby kittens...... ( which of course means thread discussing Untapped Potential)

Sir Jason
2007-10-26, 12:04 PM
Sorry about the title, I needed to do something to get views... I'm not desperate at all....

Anybody heard of the e-book Untapped Potential? I recently got it. Haven't had a chance to read through it all yet, but I took a liking to the marksman base class. For those who have heard of it, is it just me, or does it seem really good? Maybe not brokenly so, but it is a base class with effectively death attack, plus quite a few really -at the very least- fun abilities and powers.

Those who have this book, any comment about the class, or the book in general?

Fax Celestis
2007-10-26, 12:31 PM
Strong, but not overpowering, book with quite a good deal of good ideas and expansions of psionics.

2007-10-26, 12:44 PM
Oh.. I though there would really be kittens.

And aren't kittens babies anyway?

(And I quite like the Marksman)

2007-10-26, 12:49 PM
Oh.. I though there would really be kittens.

And aren't kittens babies anyway?Baby kittens, as differentiated from adolescent kittens.

btw, I think the discussion on whatever class that is qualifies as off topic... you should probably take that to it's own thread :biggrin:

2007-10-26, 02:19 PM
Untapped Potential Good. Complete Psionic Bad. As the saying goes, the best thing to come out of Complete Psionic was Untapped Potential.

As for the Marksman, he's pretty much balanced against the Ranger baseline (according to the lead designer of the class). You can also look up the playtesting data with a quick search through the Wizards boards.

2007-10-26, 02:35 PM
Baby kittens, as differentiated from adolescent kittens.

Hmm, just as long as we stay shy of geriatric kittens...:smallwink:

Sir Jason
2007-10-26, 02:36 PM
I just thought of something. Zen Archery plus Wind Reader equals 2 x Wis to hit instead of Dex. Does this work? Good idea / bad idea?

Oh, and I agree that this is much better than comp psi.

2007-10-26, 10:10 PM
Untapped Potential Good. Complete Psionic Bad. As the saying goes, the best thing to come out of Complete Psionic was Untapped Potential.

I thought Hyperconscious was the anti-Complete Psionic? *Is clueless*

2007-10-26, 10:38 PM
If Complete Psionics weren't so bad, none of the UP authors would have made it. I'm sure somebody else will have a more detailed knowledge, but I believe that's the basis of the statement.

Lord Iames Osari
2007-10-26, 10:44 PM
Where can I find this book?

2007-10-26, 11:31 PM
I never actually checked it out, but I remember being on the Wizards forums around the time it came out, and a lot of people really liked it. If I ever play a psionic character or do a psionic campaign, I'll probably get it.

Sir Jason
2007-10-27, 12:10 AM
Osari, to tell you the truth a friend gave it to me as a gift, so I wouldn't be able to tell you for sure. But I know that it is exclusively online, so googling it should tell you.

2007-10-27, 07:34 AM
How many kittens do we have left?

And why do people keep posting psionics in a kitten thread?
Yes, cats hatch evil plans, and yes, they are able to read your body language preternaturally well. But kittens they were actually psychic, then cat owners would commit murders much more frequently than regular people.

Oh, they do?

2007-10-27, 11:07 AM
Have the book, use it thoroughly, love it. The Maverick Voidshaper in particular is four different shades of cool, and the Sighted Seeker, and a lot of the powers, and crystalics go so nicely with my Dreaming Dark antagonists, and...

So yeah, it's a very nice book. Probably among the best 5$ (plus printing) I ever spent.

Oh, and yep, UTP was mainly done due to the backlash among the psionic fans after the horrid pile of screwage that was CPsi. Tempest basically said as much himself in the Wizards forums.

2007-10-27, 02:28 PM
Oh, they do?

Yes. They do.