View Full Version : Light Domain VS Stars Druid

2020-05-20, 05:49 PM
So I am torn between two builds. We’re going to level 10.

They’re both designed to be able to do a bit of everything, incredibly versatile. They can blast a bit, they can buff, control, heal.

Another key is the ability to stretch resources. More on that in a moment.

I’ve narrowed it down to Stars Druid or Light Cleric.

Light’s channel divinity is essentially a free AoE, ally-friendly blast spell. Once per short rest, and twice per SR at lv6. That’s pretty darn solid. And for action economy, since it’s not a spell, leading off a combat with that and Spiritual Weapon is an excellent way to begin a battle.

They also get Warding Flare to help mitigate incoming damage. Medium armor and shields, with no restrictions on that (unlike Druids).

Some solid damage options with their Domain list, including the classic Fireball, and the likes of Faerie Fire to help allies hit.

Light Cleric really offers a bit of everything, it’s so darn versatile. I love it, it’s my favorite Domain.

On the other hand...

Circle of the Stars, one of the newer Druid options from UA, also brings a ton to the table.

While Druids cannot wear metal, I think I can work with my DM in bypassing that eventually with ‘bone armor’ of some sort.

Free castings of Guiding Bolt per Wisdom Mod per long rest is pretty darn nice, and will go a long way in the earlier levels.

The Starry Form is such a unique ability. For 10 minutes, I essentially get to choose from free extra healing when I heal, auto-taking a 10 for my d20 roll on Concentration checks, or free Spiritual Weapon. But I have to commit to that choice with each use of Starry Form, I can’t have all 3 abilities going at once. Still, that’s darn impressive. So for two 10 minute instances every short rest, that’s another great way extend my spell slots.

At 6th level, I can either help allies or hinder enemies with a d6 benefit or penalty to their d20 rolls using my reaction.

Eventually getting resistance at 10th level to all physical damage while in my Starry Form is nothing to scoff at.


So that’s where I’m at. They’re both equally good b it In conflicted as to which way to go. Hoping people can add more to this discussion, maybe help me see anything I might be missing.

2020-05-20, 09:31 PM
If your world has dinos in it (or your DM lets you use their stat blocks as "templates" for other cool beasts), go for Star Druid. Even if it doesn't, probably go Stars anyway. Getting two wildshape charges per short rest at lvl2 is glorious when you can use them for all kinds of stuff. It makes things a lot easier. Little wildshape is fine up to the end of level 4 if it's a combat'y campaign, but you've got your constellations too (yes, you can use them both at once if you want as well).

Light Cleric is pretty easy to play, and fun. Do all your cleric'y things, have some damage mitigation, but have direct damage on your spell list/ ability list too. It's simpler, if you want it to be, but certainly not limited in options.

But on a lvl 1-10 run, there's just so many more options with a Stars Druid. They are awesome-sauce, and are one of the better things that should come out of UA into a legal subclass ASAP IMHO. It's good if you know a bit about wildshape and summons, but it's still good if you don't. Free'ish Guiding Bolt + Archer constellation attack is still a pretty good turn. But there's so much more than a pip of extra direct damage to do with a Stars Druid that they're more fun overall. Mini-full-spell-list Bards by 6th, summoners, healers, controllers, buffers, wildshapers (that you can add a shoulder-cannon to if you don't mind burning two WS charges), and all kinds of other shenanigans. They're cool as.
((yes, you can wildshape into a kitty or a dog or a rat or a tiny spider or a giant weasel at lvl2, then at the appropriate time think "Wow, I need a Wis-based shoulder-cannon to murder goblins/ un-named npcs right now, and a bit of light to thieverize their stuff. Wow, I can do this!))

(they're also pretty powerful if you know your stupid-druid-tricks. And not particularly campaign dependant for that level of power, dinos or not, combat'y, intrigue'y, explore'y, or a mix there-of. Tonnes of RP available too, without being pidgeon-holed into a "I'm that character" role, so you can be as creative with your background and the way you approach things as you want. If you want to crank the options into overdrive, be a Firbolg. Now there's nothing you can't try and do in the average adventuring day)

2020-05-21, 02:50 AM
Remember, Light Cleric vs Stars Druid, on abilities and casting:

Light lvl2: gets Wis-mod uses of disadvantage to enemy attacks if they get hit by enemies. Also, 1/sr 2d10+Wis 30' AoE divinity vs Con, save for half. Big AoE, but only scales so far, at least it doesn't hurt friendlies.

Stars lvl2: Gets Constellations. So gets "can't roll lower than 10" on Wisdom/Intelligence *ability* checks (perception or knowledge rolls mostly), or on Concentration *saves* if they want to use a wildshape charge on that. And they get Velociraptor, for an hour. 2x. Possibly with a shoulder-cannon if you only need it 1x per short rest with the Archer Constellation. Yep, 3 attacks, two of them with pack tactics, when you nova out on wildshape charges at lvl2. Nice! Also gets Giant Wolf Spider, so has the Spiderclimb spell, twice per short rest, for movement puzzles. If it ever comes up, you can also be a Giant Badger for a burrow speed. Or be a way better healer than most clerics when necessary with Constellations or Goodberries. Also gets Wis-mod Guiding Bolt spells per day, just in case you didn't realize your caster form is about as powerful as any wildshape form you have, in any encounter.

Light lvl3: Gets Spiritual Weapon, so gets a bonus action attack. Gets more spell options too. Has some extra direct damage (Scorching Ray).

Stars lvl3: Already had a bonus action attack option at lvl2. Possibly gets better spell options than a cleric (maybe). Damage over time, rather than direct damage though. Strange utility/ damage spells too though (Spike Growth, Pass without Trace). Is a brokenly good healer if your DM lets you use Healing Spirit.

Light lvl4: Gets an ASI, I guess? I mean, everyone gets one here, even Stars Druids. So, umm.....

Stars lvl4: Gets Warhorse and Jaculi and Constrictor Snake and Ape and Dolphin (and whatever other swim forms) from wildshape. Lasts 2 hours. More free HP! Big damage and movement and versatility, done! Can still have a shoulder-cannon. Damage mitigation and damage causing set! Sweet.

Light 5: Gets Fireball. Does heaps of damage. Druids are kinda jealous, even though it's fire. A very good spell.

Stars 5: Gets Conjure Animals. There is never a time where having several CR1/2-CR1 summons isn't a good thing. At the very worst, 2 Giant Eagles are always handy. Or Giant Octopi. Or Giant Spiders. Or a couple of Deinonychus. Or four Warhorses or Jaculi. Or one Giant Spitting Lizard. For an hour. A very good spell.

(I can probably edit this more, it's just so that you see, even when not in full caster form (up to lvl5-6, when both are good casters and combatants), Stars just pips out Light at every level. So, yeah. Choose wisely :)

Ogre Mage
2020-05-24, 02:29 AM
I don't have much to add but wanted to say the light domain is my favorite domain too. I have played three light domain clerics! I've played a druid once and had a lukewarm experience. I've never wanted to play one again until I saw the Circle of the Stars Druid. I have never played it and already think it is my favorite druid subclass!

In general, I'd say the light domain has better AC and defense (prior to level 10). It also has better AoE damage via radiance of the dawn, spirit guardians and fireball. But the versatility of the Circle of the Stars looks off the charts. Much of that is due to the starry forms. You can become a superior healer, put out strong round-to-round single target damage or have almost unshakable concentration. You even gain a bard-like ability to manipulate die rolls! A couple free castings of guiding bolt and augury is nothing to sneeze at either. I really want to play this.