View Full Version : Pathfinder Bloodforge Question

2020-05-22, 10:13 AM
First is there errata and of so where can I find it?

More importantly, am I missing something with the half rakshasha template? It gives no scaling SLAs and such but the CR increases with HD? I assume this is merely an oversight as it's perfectly fine at +2 with all static boosts.

2020-05-22, 12:06 PM
I've been doing reading recently, and the CR scaling thing seems to be related to how creature types of varying Hit Die value had different CRs and gained proportionally different effects from a type change. For instance, a 14 HD fey has a lot more to gain from a type-changing template than a 9 HD monstrous humanoid, even though both might have comparable statistics and CR otherwise. This was mostly a 3.5 thing but the principle is the same.

How recently did you download your copy of Bloodforge? There have been numerous outright replacements of the PDF, and my current copy is dated 2017. It changed everything that warranted errata, to my knowledge. If there's red trim on the pages, you're probably using the latest version.

Kris Moonhand
2020-05-22, 12:30 PM
Do you have the first version of Bloodforge or the revised one? The first version has an angry blonde chick punching a necromancer looking dude while a big green troll looking guy is about to chow down on her. The revised version has a bunch of fantastical races sitting around a table and looking at a map.

As for the half-rakshasa... I have no idea. They do gain some extra skill ranks, but that's definitely not worth a CR increase.

2020-05-22, 12:57 PM
Bunch around a table is my cover. The increase seems to be wholly based on SLAs and I would understand that but they do not get any. At least every other SLA as you advance in HD template follows that progression.