View Full Version : TV Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. VIIa: The Robot Heart Beats On

2020-05-23, 09:27 PM
So, it seems the seventh and final “season” (really a half-season) will air this Wednesday the 27th. Here’s a new clip:


Sadly, it seems Deke will still be with them. I was hoping he’d be vaporized somehow.

Otherwise I have no real expectations. It’ll be one last little romp.

2020-05-24, 07:10 AM
I've been considering getting into Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but my understanding is it contradicts the movies, and I don't want to have to keep track of competing canons. @_@

2020-05-24, 08:48 AM
I don't recall that it contradicts any movies per se, but I haven't re-watched any of the seasons, and it's been almost a year since Season 6.

That last season exists in a bit of a grey area in terms of the timeline (although someone else may have a better sense of this) but as I recall, it's designed to more or less sidestep those issues to avoid any conflict.

In fact, I can see one way how this new season might end up resolving any potential issues.

Since they're lost in time right now, when they finally jump back to their native time they may skip a few years and come out on the post-Endgame/Phase 4 side of things. That would bring them into sync with the next crop of movies, although since the show is ending that may not have much practical effect.

As far as getting into the show otherwise, it does track closely with at least one other MCU movie, and there are some major show-specific surprises related to that, so definitely best to watch the episodes and seasons in order. Don't let your expectations get too high, and be prepared for a ton of name-dropping in the first season. Second season is when it really picks up and hits its stride.

2020-05-24, 03:20 PM
Yeah, it doesn't contradict the movies. They tried, very hard, at first to match the movies. So if some big event happened in a movie, it would affect the show, for instance. But the movies completely ignored the show, and eventually it became more and more difficult to keep up with the movies, so toward the end they just more or less stopped worrying about it. (In the last season, for instance, there are numerous references to Thanos and his attack on Earth, but it has no bearing on the show's story whatsoever.)

2020-05-24, 04:29 PM
(In the last season, for instance, there are numerous references to Thanos and his attack on Earth, but it has no bearing on the show's story whatsoever.)
Well, trying to stop Thanos does become part of one character's stated motivations in season 5.

The movies ignore the show, but the show incorporates consequences of movie events into its story, and I don't recall the show ever actually contradicting the movies. The closest it gets is that some of the show's events seem major enough that the movies really should at least mention them, but it's always explainable as just all conversation about those events happening offscreen.

The main thing to keep in mind when starting to watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is that it changes drastically late in season 1, and that's when it really comes into its own. It's a decent show from the beginning, but not especially great. Then Captain America: The Winter Soldier happens, and the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. organization gets torn apart as Hydra reveals itself. This event fundamentally changes the core premise of the entire show, and it gets a great deal more interesting to watch.

2020-05-24, 04:36 PM
I would respectfully suggest putting those last two sentences in a spoiler, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

2020-05-24, 04:46 PM
That seems more of a spoiler for Winter Soldier than for Agents to me. "It gets more interesting" is the only part that isn't an obvious direct consequence of a) the movie's events, b) the show's name, and c) the shared setting, continuity, and time span of the movie and show.

2020-05-24, 05:16 PM
Someone who hasn't seen the show yet wouldn't know which organization is involved, and the first season spends some time on character development in a way that the movie tie-in ends up being a surprise. Knowing that ahead of time only detracts from the surprise and the tension it creates.

I'd say to err on the safe side and drop in the spoiler.

2020-05-24, 06:50 PM
The organization is clearly and prominently identified in the movie, and I gave only a high level general description with no details. I really don't see how anything I posted amounts to spoiling more than "X movie takes place during season 1 of this show."

If we're concerned about someone who has seen neither the show nor the movie, then it would be a spoiler, but the person I was responding to already expressed that they do follow the movies.

2020-05-26, 05:58 PM
Okay, so, 'probably not going to give me a canon-headache' is the vibe I'm getting. Thanks! :smallsmile:

2020-05-27, 05:27 AM
It feels like forever since I watch AoS, and I wasn't overly gripped by the Sci-fi drama of seasons 5 and 6, so I may have forgotten, but wasn't Coulson dead? Or is this another Coulson they picked out of his timestream? LMD?

2020-05-27, 05:42 PM
It feels like forever since I watch AoS, and I wasn't overly gripped by the Sci-fi drama of seasons 5 and 6, so I may have forgotten, but wasn't Coulson dead? Or is this another Coulson they picked out of his timestream? LMD?

Yes, Coulson died (again) last season. This new Coulson is a Chronicom-based LMD that had his entire personality and memories downloaded into it.

You can watch it again here in this clip if you need to refresh your memory:


2020-05-27, 10:03 PM
I enjoyed the new episode.

2020-05-27, 10:28 PM
So, finally the first new episode, and it was surprisingly good. Hella fun time, actually.

So, S.H.I.E.L.D. is now doing the Terminator schtick. Go back in time to stop cybernetic assassins from changing history. Okay, sure.

The premise is silly and contrived, and between Skynet and the Borg it’s hard to think of cybernetic assassins who haven’t tried to change history. And of course, it has to be New York, because nowhere else in the past is ever interesting.

That said, it was fun, engaging and frequently hilarious. I didn’t remember enough from last year to have a clear picture of who was where and why, and I only vaguely remember that the Chronicons were ticked because their planet was destroyed or something.

But it was great to see Coulson again; I hadn’t realized I’d actually missed him. Also, Daisy looked like a million bucks, and the new 30s hair is a huge improvement over the old purple hair. And for the first time in forever Daisy was completely non-annoying. And did I mention she looked great in that dress?

Deke is less welcome, but he was less irritating than expected, and I think there were a couple nanoseconds where he was almost useful. Still wouldn't mind seeing him vaporized.

I’ll admit, I didn’t see the Hydra connection coming, but the green vials probably should’ve tipped me off.

It’s one more fluffy pancake on the giant stack of contrivance, that the Chronicons are targeting the one evil organization that S.H.I.E.L.D. has the most experience with. But “save Hydra to save the world” is certainly inventive, and promises all sorts of fun hijinks.

However, I’m a little confused by what they said about Malik Sr. and Jr. I may have misheard the dialogue, but I thought Daisy said something about Malik founding Hydra, when as far as I knew it was Skull who founded Hydra and Zola who engineered its rebirth inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Did I mistake the dialogue, or are they doing a little retconning of Hydra’s history?


Did not see that coming, but it was just perfect. The mustache just slays.

Really missed Fitz here. Worse yet, at this point I’m not even sure which Fitz I’m missing, or where he is.

Is the Fitz we’re missing the one who’s in cryofreeze out in space somewhere? I feel like there’s a lot more I’m not remembering, but after all the time loops, space travel, alien wars and general shenanigans, I’ve completely lost track of Fitz.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-05-27, 11:32 PM
The only time travel stories that've worked are Back to the Future and the fifth season finale of MLP.

The New Bruceski
2020-05-28, 04:06 PM
I’ll admit, I didn’t see the Hydra connection coming, but the green vials probably should’ve tipped me off.

It’s one more fluffy pancake on the giant stack of contrivance, that the Chronicons are targeting the one evil organization that S.H.I.E.L.D. has the most experience with. But “save Hydra to save the world” is certainly inventive, and promises all sorts of fun hijinks.

However, I’m a little confused by what they said about Malik Sr. and Jr. I may have misheard the dialogue, but I thought Daisy said something about Malik founding Hydra, when as far as I knew it was Skull who founded Hydra and Zola who engineered its rebirth inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Did I mistake the dialogue, or are they doing a little retconning of Hydra’s history?

Hydra was a doomsday cult that Skull took more public, he didn't found it, and while Zola used his Project Paperclip status to keep Hydra going he didn't do it alone (Whitehall for example was operating in the same way, he's the guy who dissected Daisy's mom). They referred to Gideon Malik as one of the leaders of Hydra, and he was. I don't think the plan was "remove Gideon, change history" but stopping Freddie from delivering that serum would destabilize Hydra's plans and him being Gideon's dad was the clue that Hydra was involved. The color's off, but the timing is such that it could be an early version of the supersoldier serum that made Skull. Stop him, Hydra stays a Skull&Bones old boys' club/cult, the SSR/Shield doesn't get founded to counter them.

2020-05-28, 10:05 PM
Interesting, thanks. I'd never heard that Hydra started as a doomsday cult; I only know what the MCU tells me about it. If Red Skull ever mentioned that in the movies I missed it.

I'm not sure if the Chronicons' plan is all that airtight, though. Even if they do proactively remove Hydra, it's still possible that Red Skull would have done exactly what he did in WW2, just under a different name. Thus despite their efforts, Red Skull founds a Hydra-Not-Hydra, necessitating the founding of the SSR, and Zola perpetuates HNH in the subsequent S.H.I.E.L.D., and everything unspools just as before.

Their best bet would seem to be targeting Red Skull himself, since without him Hydra doesn't gain the technological edge it needs to be a top-flight Evil Villain Agency. Whether or not the Chronicons could actually take down the Skullster is another question, though. They're having enough trouble as it is with a self-doubting robot and a dame in a green dress.

2020-05-28, 11:06 PM
Interesting, thanks. I'd never heard that Hydra started as a doomsday cult; I only know what the MCU tells me about it. If Red Skull ever mentioned that in the movies I missed it.

It was a whole plotline in an earlier season, that established Hydra was actually ancient, originally starting as a cult that sacrificed people in one of the stone portals to a distant world, where they would be killed by Hive, a powerful Inhuman.

2020-05-29, 12:07 AM

I dimly remember that now, but I'd completely forgotten the details.

2020-05-30, 06:46 PM
I have forgotten what happened with May at the end of last season. How many years ago was that? Why/how is she up in the ceiling?

I do like Daisy's new look. Though I would okay with purple highlights to go with that green dress. Oh, it is a dangerous dress. :)

The new/old Coulson is fun.

I like how they are dealing with the racism of the era. It is there, it comes up with Mac, and it doesn't dominate a scene. And nobody really wants to mess with Mac. Oh, I hope the shotgun-axe is still around.

Edit: Coulson could go visit Steve Rogers neighborhood. :smallbiggrin: It is the fanboy kind of thing he would do.

2020-05-30, 07:10 PM
I have forgotten what happened with May at the end of last season. How many years ago was that? Why/how is she up in the ceiling?

May was stabbed by the fake Coulson, but survived in the Shrike dimension because there is no death there. When she came back into our dimension, she started to die, but Simmons showed up and put her in a stasis pod.

2020-06-01, 08:49 PM
May was stabbed by the fake Coulson, but survived in the Shrike dimension because there is no death there. When she came back into our dimension, she started to die, but Simmons showed up and put her in a stasis pod.

Thank you. I had completely forgotten that had happened.

2020-06-02, 06:45 AM
Originally Posted by Dilvish
Thank you. I had completely forgotten that had happened.

I've forgotten most of what's happened in the past couple seasons, to say nothing of the earlier ones.

2020-06-11, 04:27 PM
I haven't been able to watch the third episode yet, but with regards to the second, has anyone yet made a gif of...

Koenig firing a tommy gun at the Chronicoms yelling, "Die coppers!"

2020-06-11, 05:11 PM
I can't find a gif of that particular scene, but I did have some comments on the second episode.

Overall, it's another great new episode. The storyline is ridiculous, but it’s a ton of fun. The show definitely has its groove back. At this point I'm just gonna roll with the crazy fantasy science and enjoy the ride.

Looks like we’ll be randomly jumping through time for this season. I was just starting to like 1931, and it’s a bit of a disappointment to be leaving so soon.

Also, no more Patton Oswalt, although I'm not ruling out their introducing his son, or maybe a nephew. As it is we seem to be going full-tilt nostalgia trip, bouncing through the pinball of S.H.I.E.L.D. history on the flippers of fate, or something like that. Clearly people were having fun when they filmed these episodes.

And probably no one is having more fun than the costume department, because they've outdone themselves with the period wardrobe.

So after the quickest abdominal surgery in history, there’s a mad rush to get the Woman in Red to a hospital, because she was shot in the abdomen.

But then she’s sitting upright in a chair while the Chronicons stomp around, and then she’s sitting upright in a chair for even longer while everyone argues about Red Skull and whatnot. I would think that she would have fainted or bled out by that point, and they really should have taken her to a hospital first and then argued about temporal causality.

In fact, I can’t even remember at what point she was no longer with them. Presumably they ran her by a hospital on the way to their rendezvous with the Zephyr, but if that was mentioned I missed it.

And the green vials in fact had Super Soldier Serum, or at least the precursor formula. We’re definitely hitting all the high points of MCU history, so at some point I’m expecting we’ll run into Tony Stark’s father.

And while they probably can't afford her on a TV budget, one last MCU appearance by Peggy Carter would be a nice bowtie for the show.

This I have problems with. Since when does Daisy order anyone to kill an unarmed kid? And since when does Daisy ignore time-space causality and give an order which everyone else knows is completely wrong, both ethically and practically?

It’s completely out of character for Daisy, and I’m not buying it. And I find it hard to believe that goofball Deke would even consider doing the shooting.

Apart from the last point, I had a blast with this episode. But there's still one thing missing:


I'm hoping we don't have too many more episodes before he's back in the cast. He's always been one of my favorites, and Iain de Caestecker is simply too good an actor to not have around.

2020-06-11, 06:40 PM
And while they probably can't afford her on a TV budget, one last MCU appearance by Peggy Carter would be a nice bowtie for the show.
Having just watched the third episode now...well, you weren't too off the mark here.

The New Bruceski
2020-06-11, 07:23 PM
Traveling through time repairing history... can't control their jumps... always hoping the next jump will be the one home...

Fitz totally needs to show up as a holographic projection.

2020-06-11, 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by JadedDM
Having just watched the third episode now...well, you weren't too off the mark here.

I had the benefit of having watched the third episode last night. :smalltongue:

It would be nice to have the actual Peggy Carter to help wind up the series, since she was there to kick it off. But Haley Atwell is probably a little out of their price range these days.

Otherwise the third episode continued the trend of "silly but hilarious," and then some. As well as bringing in yet another figure from S.H.I.E.L.D. history:

I'm not as familiar with Sousa, but apparently he's had a promotion since his last appearance.

Now I'm wondering who else they're going to bring in from MCU history. I'm still betting on another Koenig sighting, but that may just be wishful thinking.

2020-06-18, 11:50 AM
I accidentally found agents of shield and i think i have watched 4 seasons. the first 3 were not that bad but to be honest it gets worse and worse ! no offence but i think they were running out of ideas making it.

FWIW, I agree with you. The show has a downward slope, especially in season 4, but then an abrupt upwards slope. The last couple seasons are pretty good. I'd say as good as the first couple. They found their fun again. Season 5 in particular starts with them in the future on a space station and, honestly, for a few sweet episodes they were one of the best sci-fi shows I remember. Then the end of season 5 is kind of a downturn, but season 6 and so far season 7 are pretty good.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-06-18, 01:16 PM
The first part of Season Four with Ghost Rider was good, in part because it was a nice break from All HYDRA All The Time.

2020-06-18, 01:52 PM
Eh, not a Ghost Rider fan myself, so I didn't much go for that. I'd managed to completely forget that arc.

As for last night's episode, more spy vs. spy and hilarity, especially with poor Enoch. I've never felt sorry for him before, but he's definitely taking the slow road home.

I was expecting them to pull a switcheroo, but not for them to take him along into the future.

Still, I don't mind having him around; he's an interesting point of reference, and might even help supply some vital historical details when the rest of the team are drawing a blank. But if he makes it to 2020 I'm not sure how he'll fit in.

Does anyone know what the silver trapezoidal thingy was?

It doesn't ring any bells, but I can't imagine they'd pass up the chance to sprinkle in yet another comics reference. I think Simmons mentioned it was a key item for the development of future S.H.I.E.L.D. tech, and I have the feeling it's a reference of some kind.

And at this point, I'm really ready for Fitz to reappear. Unless Ian was off filming something else when they shot these episodes, it hardly seems fair to him.


This better be late 70s, and they better give me Star Wars references. That is all.


2020-06-18, 04:59 PM
I was expecting them to pull a switcheroo, but not for them to take him along into the future.

Still, I don't mind having him around; he's an interesting point of reference, and might even help supply some vital historical details when the rest of the team are drawing a blank. But if he makes it to 2020 I'm not sure how he'll fit in.
As the episode was playing, I actually thought to myself--what if they wind up saving Sousa, but fake his death, and take him with them? And weirdly enough, that's how it played out.

As for how he'll fit in when they return to the present, I mean, Deke is from the future (a future that doesn't exist anymore at that), and he's managed alright. Maybe the two will even bond over that; both being fish out of water.

This better be late 70s, and they better give me Star Wars references. That is all.


The song playing was from 1973, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are in '73. So who knows?

I am seeing a pattern here, though. Each timeskip is roughly 20 years or so. The thirties, the fifties, and now the seventies. Which makes me wonder if we're going to get a nineties storyline, too.

2020-06-18, 05:57 PM
We did get a quick jump inside the 50s, though. I don't recall the exact dates, but the previous jump couldn't have been more than a couple of years, since they were in the early 50s at the S.H.I.E.L.D. installation.

I was expecting a jump to the 80s, since 80s nostalgia seems to be everywhere, but the 90s are just as likely. Presumably we'll get something in the early 2000s or 2010-ish which will allow for Endgame-style shenanigans with their slightly younger selves.

I do like how they're using popular music to identify each new era.

But I had no idea what that song was, and apparently everyone on the Zephyr did. That's just depressing.

Now that would be an odd couple for sure.

But now that you mention it, there is a certain symmetry to it. The guy from 90 years in the future, and the guy from 80 years in the past, give or take.

2020-06-23, 06:16 PM
This last season of AOS has been a lot of fun. I am going to miss this cast.

I was happily surprised when Souza showed up, and again when he was taken along for the ride. I figured the team would somehow save him; I wasn't thinking Souza would join the team.

Simmons as Agent Carter, I don't remember if I saw that coming. Simmons and Coulson do make a great undercover pair. I did like Simmons' dawning realization of who Souza was.

May has been even more intimidating as an emotionless kill bot. Now she is something of an empath? Poor May.

The racial inequality theme running through the episodes, it has been a weird feeling watching the show. Even eerie at times.

Tomorrow's episode looks like another fun ride.

2020-06-24, 10:30 PM
New episode, and for my money the best one for the past several seasons. They packed a lot into it, and it was absolutely hilarious, starting with that groovy title sequence.

Why didn’t I ever think of taking a date to an abandoned secret base that’s been taken over by a spy agency infiltrated by an evil cult? It’s got a mood all its own.

Were we supposed to have heard about Nathaniel before?

Did we get an explanation for why Enoch wasn’t at the bar this time?

And was the general with the mustache the same one who appeared in the hologram when Coulson accidentally put the Lighthouse on lockdown a couple seasons ago?

Do we know what the three red dots are in Simmons’ neck? And why she can’t think clearly?

I feel like I’m supposed to recognize what that is, but I’m not sure if it’s from the Chronicons, the Shrike, the SPCA or someone else.

The one thing I’m not happy with is Deke murdering Malik. Since when does S.H.I.E.L.D. simply kill people to shut them up? And especially Deke, who made a big deal about not wanting to kill Malik before?

Especially since he was given a direct order from Mac to bring Malik back to the Zephyr. Given this, I'm not sure why Deke didn't have an icer, although that would have been less dramatic.

2020-06-25, 04:52 PM
Were we supposed to have heard about Nathaniel before?

Did we get an explanation for why Enoch wasn’t at the bar this time?

And was the general with the mustache the same one who appeared in the hologram when Coulson accidentally put the Lighthouse on lockdown a couple seasons ago?
Yes, Nathaniel first came up back in season 3. It was during a flashback of Gideon's past; after Wilfred died, Gideon and Nathaniel discover that he had cheated ever becoming a sacrifice for Hive. Long story short, Nathaniel was betrayed by Gideon and got sacrificed himself. In this new timeline, apparently that didn't happen.

No idea why Enoch wasn't at the bar or why he had been missing a year. That might come up later.

And yeah, Stoner was the hologram from the Lighthouse.

Do we know what the three red dots are in Simmons’ neck? And why she can’t think clearly?

I feel like I’m supposed to recognize what that is, but I’m not sure if it’s from the Chronicons, the Shrike, the SPCA or someone else.
As far as I know, no, we aren't supposed to know what that means. But I'm assuming it has something to do with what happened with her and Fitz and Enoch that led to them developing a time machine.

The one thing I’m not happy with is Deke murdering Malik. Since when does S.H.I.E.L.D. simply kill people to shut them up? And especially Deke, who made a big deal about not wanting to kill Malik before?

Especially since he was given a direct order from Mac to bring Malik back to the Zephyr. Given this, I'm not sure why Deke didn't have an icer, although that would have been less dramatic.
Deke saw firsthand what his act of mercy led to in the future, and this, along with his conversation earlier with YoYo about the 'status quo' made him change his mind on the matter. (Although yes, it is weird that they didn't bring icers if they had intended to bring him in alive. I mean, it's not like Wildfred would have known what they were, so he was unlikely to call their bluff.)

2020-06-26, 01:35 PM
Did we get an explanation for why Enoch wasn’t at the bar this time?

No idea why Enoch wasn't at the bar or why he had been missing a year. That might come up later.

I assume it's because of the increased HYDRA presence there? He probably saw what was happening and decided to lay low, while still keeping tabs on the place for whenever the team inevitably tried to make contact again.

2020-06-29, 09:04 PM
The last episode had my favorite opening credits yet.

This was a great episode. Starting with those opening credits.

Random thoughts. I hope Souza stays awhile. I like the point of view that he brings to the team. Souza has quickly become a strong character.

I liked the scene with Coulson and May coming out of the room, stolen uniforms on and the feet of the knocked out people. Of course the jumpsuits were the right size. :smallbiggrin:

What is going on with Simmons? I'm beginning to think something really bad happened to Simmons and Fitz. Has Deke's mom already been born?

How will the team get out of this fine mess? LMD Coulson should have knowledge of some really secret stuff that he could use to prove they are the good guys? Oh, there might be Koenigs at the Lighthouse.

Who else was visible on the target list? I saw Victoria Hand and Bruce Banner.

Oh damn, I was thinking of the last scene. Is young Mallick wanting to operate on Daisy? :(

2020-07-02, 03:14 PM
Well...that was heartbreaking.

2020-07-03, 11:58 AM
Well...that was heartbreaking.

Just... wow... :smalleek:

2020-07-04, 07:31 PM
Just... wow... :smalleek:

I agree.

I was disappointed and worried at first when we didn't get a throwback opening credits. By the end of the episode, I realized the episode was much too heavy for that. I think we'll get back to the throwback opening credits next week.

Souza is staying on for a while longer. That is good.

Patrick Warburton - I can't help but think of The Tick. :)

2020-07-05, 11:03 AM
This was certainly the grimmest episode of the season so far, and as Dilvish mentioned the retro credits wouldn’t feel right here.

I’m glad we have a little more information about Fitz, and that we know what Diana is and that it’s more or less on Jemma’s side. (“She’s adorable” is so very Jemma, btw.)

But even though we have a rationale for Fitz’s absence, I’m still missing him. At this point they’ve milked all the tension and drama they possibly can from keeping Fitz and Jemma separated, and I’m just ready for that plotline to be done.

It seems a little odd that May suddenly has, in effect, her own superpower, when she’s been devastatingly competent without a superpower for the entirety of the show until now. I’m not sure where they’re going with this, other than as a way for May to have even more issues with LMD Coulson.

As for LMD Coulson, I’m not sure why he needed to go up with the Chronicoms’ ship, other than Moar Drama. I assume there’s LMD Coulson V1.05 in storage somewhere, but that just gives me images of an army of LMD Coulsons, a la Mr. Smith. Not good.

Coulson’s little chat with Sibyl was fine and all, but I feel like a real opportunity was lost to do some credible damage to the Chronicoms. If Coulson was able to access their system so easily, then he should be able to upload some clever little bit of malware to wreak havoc on them.

This is pretty much SOP when dealing with hostile aliens, especially networked hostile aliens, and even if the Chronicoms are vastly superior, I’d still think it’s worth a try.

It looks like Deke and Mac will be taking the long road home, which is…interesting, I guess. At this point I’m assuming they’re off on some funky side branch of the timeline, since Mac’s personal history is officially off the rails. (Unless his Chronicom parents fell to earth, dusted themselves off, and took their kids to the cookout as planned.)

But if the Chronicoms’ ship is now blended with Coulson bits, I’m not sure where or when the Zephyr is jumping to next. My understanding is that the Zephyr was being dragged along in the temporal wake of the Chronicoms’ ship, jumping whenever they did—but without any more temporal wake, what’s pulling the Zephyr ahead in time?

2020-07-05, 01:31 PM
But even though we have a rationale for Fitz’s absence, I’m still missing him. At this point they’ve milked all the tension and drama they possibly can from keeping Fitz and Jemma separated, and I’m just ready for that plotline to be done.

At this point, I'll be pleasantly surprised if we see Fitz at all before the end of the series.

Coulson’s little chat with Sibyl was fine and all, but I feel like a real opportunity was lost to do some credible damage to the Chronicoms. If Coulson was able to access their system so easily, then he should be able to upload some clever little bit of malware to wreak havoc on them.

This is pretty much SOP when dealing with hostile aliens, especially networked hostile aliens, and even if the Chronicoms are vastly superior, I’d still think it’s worth a try.

It almost seems like he was trying to do that, but with psychology instead of a computer virus. Then again, he may have left some of his personality on their system in some way that will be involved in bringing him back again?

It looks like Deke and Mac will be taking the long road home, which is…interesting, I guess. At this point I’m assuming they’re off on some funky side branch of the timeline, since Mac’s personal history is officially off the rails. (Unless his Chronicom parents fell to earth, dusted themselves off, and took their kids to the cookout as planned.)

But if the Chronicoms’ ship is now blended with Coulson bits, I’m not sure where or when the Zephyr is jumping to next. My understanding is that the Zephyr was being dragged along in the temporal wake of the Chronicoms’ ship, jumping whenever they did—but without any more temporal wake, what’s pulling the Zephyr ahead in time?

Fortunately for Deke and Mac, the last couple of time jumps have been pretty short, so I'm guessing they'll lose at most a couple years before meeting back up with the team. I'm guessing the damage to the Chronicoms' ship caused them to change plans, leading to an immediate second jump.

Speaking of the damage, it's safe to say that Coulson didn't destroy their entire ship. He definitely did a lot of damage to that room in particular, likely eliminating most or all of the spare Chronicom Hunters, but we have no idea how big the ship really is. In fact, if the whole ship was destroyed, it probably would have done a lot of collateral damage to the lighthouse, which would be bad. It's certainly the biggest wrench that the team has thrown into the Chronicoms' gears thus far, but they can't be out of the picture unless the rest of the season just becomes Quantum Leap.

2020-07-08, 10:43 PM
This was a strange episode—heavy and hilarious in equal measure, and packed with more 80s references than a Rick Astley retrospective.

It was hard to see Mac in a massive funk like that. He’s always been the rock of the team, and it was downright painful to see him wallowing for so long.

It was also confusing, because we seem to be following a side branch of the timestream, since young Mac is growing up without the parents that adult Mac still remembers. Is the Zephyr now locked into this alternate timestream, or are they somehow going to snap back to the main timeline?

They went all-in with the 80s references here, with everything from the Daleks and Short Circuit to way too many headbands.

I’m sure I missed plenty more, but the best of all deserves a spoiler of its own:

Coulson as Max Headroom. Pure genius.


This was the one aspect I didn’t enjoy. They tried to shoehorn in some 80s slasher vibe, and I really disliked that. I never liked those movies and I don’t like those deaths being played for laughs here.

It was probably the goriest episode of the series, even more so than Yo-Yo’s arms, and that just didn’t add anything worthwhile.

I missed the dialogue about the blue glowy thingy, aka the Chronicoms’ secret weapon, which was delivered to Nathaniel (?) at the end. What exactly is that?

The New Bruceski
2020-07-09, 01:00 AM
I missed the dialogue about the blue glowy thingy, aka the Chronicoms’ secret weapon, which was delivered to Nathaniel (?) at the end. What exactly is that?

"You now have the one tool necessary to control this world's future." "You're full of tricks, computer lady." "I'm sure we'll make a powerful pair."

2020-07-09, 04:55 AM
I missed the dialogue about the blue glowy thingy, aka the Chronicoms’ secret weapon, which was delivered to Nathaniel (?) at the end. What exactly is that?

It is the thing that allows the chromicoms to predict the future - they explained that it was why they invaded the base.

Seperately I quite like Nathaniel so far so good his survived - nice to an antagonist with some personality (which is what I think this series has often missed).

2020-07-10, 12:46 PM
So, any further thoughts on timelines, especially which one they're in?

I am still a little baffled, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be baffled or if I'm just missing something major.

2020-07-10, 12:57 PM
So, any further thoughts on timelines, especially which one they're in?

I am still a little baffled, and I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be baffled or if I'm just missing something major.

they’re in the same time line, just now Alfonso Mackenzie’s parents died when he was 10. Our Mac is now just an anomaly. It’s basically the exact same as Deke

2020-07-10, 03:08 PM
It is the thing that allows the chromicoms to predict the future - they explained that it was why they invaded the base.
Specifically, it's the 'time stream' Sibyl is always referring to.

they’re in the same time line, just now Alfonso Mackenzie’s parents died when he was 10. Our Mac is now just an anomaly. It’s basically the exact same as Deke

I wonder if that means if they return to the present, there will be a second Mac already there?

2020-07-10, 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Androgeus
they’re in the same time line, just now Alfonso Mackenzie’s parents died when he was 10. Our Mac is now just an anomaly. It’s basically the exact same as Deke….

Not really, because Mac’s parents aren’t the only thing that’s changed in this timeline. The elder Malik died before he was supposed to, thanks to Deke, and his son Nathaniel is living much longer than he was supposed to. Nathaniel in particular has already had impacts on the timeline, and now that he’s working with Sibyl it seems likely he’s about to try something catastrophic.

Originally Posted by JadedDM
I wonder if that means if they return to the present, there will be a second Mac already there?

If this is our main timeline, and the current kid Mac is destined to become our Mac, then no, because kid Mac will grow up, join S.H.I.E.L.D., go through all kinds of crazy, and then bounce back in time, and Mac will reappear with the others a little while after they left—presuming everyone makes it back to their native time.

If this isn’t our timeline, but is in fact a side-branch, then at some point the Zephyr needs to get back to the main timeline. If they can’t, then they’ll all be stuck in the side-branch alongside non-timeshifted versions of themselves. It won't just be Mac, but everyone seeing double—perhaps including a still-living, non-LMD Coulson.

Either way, at some point I’m assuming we’ll have Endgame-style time shenanigans, with everyone sneaking around behind their own backs.

Also, I just had a vision of Coulson and Sibyl racing lightcycles and fighting with discs for mastery of whatever cyberspace the Chronicoms use.


2020-07-10, 08:10 PM
They went all-in with the 80s references here, with everything from the Daleks and Short Circuit to way too many headbands.

I’m sure I missed plenty more, but the best of all deserves a spoiler of its own:

There was also some strong Knight Rider energy with the robots' red eye slits.

The elder Malik died before he was supposed to, thanks to Deke

I thought part of Deke's justification for killing him was that, due to allying with the Chronicons, he had already lived a couple years longer than he was "supposed to" by that point. I'm sure they mentioned near the start of that episode that he wouldn't have to worry about seeing him again, then everyone was surprised when he showed up?

Anyway, great episode. I always love a good 80s throwback!

2020-07-10, 08:59 PM
There was also some strong Knight Rider energy with the robots' red eye slits.

Also, the episode title itself ("The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and The D") is a reference to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

2020-07-10, 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye
There was also some strong Knight Rider energy with the robots' red eye slits.

I didn’t catch that connection—for me they were a reminder of the Cylons. Wrong decade, but “robot with roving red eye slit” just says Cylon to me.

Originally Posted by JadedDM
Also, the episode title itself ("The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and The D") is a reference to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

That I did spot, although the tone of the title seems a little off, given how heavy much of the episode was.

The New Bruceski
2020-07-11, 04:33 PM
The robots were a mix of Johnny 5 and Chopping Mall.

2020-07-23, 07:40 PM
Damn, Enoch. Just...damn. :smallfrown:

2020-07-24, 08:11 AM
Eh. The last two episodes haven’t really done it for me.

This was basically an extended romp through Afterlife, with no clear purpose other than to give us a long-overdue character moment with Yo-Yo.

They did tease that we might be meeting Daisy’s sister, but a) this doesn’t feel necessary or interesting, and b) that was a lot of filler to get to that point.

I have a bias here, in that I’m thoroughly sick of time loops, so this entire episode was a slog to get through. The long sequences of robot emotion just bogged it down, and I was never remotely attached to Enoch, so his final scene felt extremely drawn-out.

Also, keeping Yo-Yo locked inside the quinjet for almost the entire episode is quite a jolt after last time. This was a Skye episode, yes, but Yo-Yo was downplayed to near-uselessness.

And it looks like definitely Daisy's sister, so...there's that. Really, I would've preferred to see more of Nathaniel, since he's the best villain they've had in several seasons.

2020-07-30, 05:20 PM
Wow, this timeline is screwed. I about spit out my drink at young John Garret's reveal. The actor does a pretty good impression.

2020-07-30, 10:32 PM
I loved the opening titles, since they took me straight back to Tempest.

After that, very mixed.

Nathaniel is the best villain we’ve had in several seasons, and unlike certain other villains, he can actually pull off the requisite aura of menace. He almost seems like a lightweight, until the medical equipment comes out, and then it's all creepy and spattery.

Also, young Garrett was hilarious, and the fact that he’s played by Bill Paxton’s son is just perfect. That’s why he does a pretty good impression. :smallsmile:

I also like Yo-Yo’s upgrade, and wish it had come a season or so earlier. Yo-Yo has been sadly underutilized, and while it’s difficult to juggle so many characters and give them meaningful arcs, I feel like a little more would have gone a long way with her.

And Sousa's honest approach to Daisy is great. At first he seemed like baggage, but he's becoming the new heart of the team.

So that was the good, but unfortunately the tone went drastically wrong later in the episode.

There was a badly misplaced joke (for want of a better word) when Daisy witnesses her mother being killed, then rises up in slo-mo to deliver heroic retribution before it all skritched to a halt as May ran up.

That wasn’t funny. It tried to play one of the worst moments in Daisy’s life for a very cheap laugh. It was in severely poor taste and was tremendously disrespectful to the character, and it was completely unnecessary.

It’s worse because of the hard contrast with Mac’s own loss and grief, which was treated as seriously as it should have been. Why they used a parent’s death as a trite gag is beyond me, but I lost respect for the showrunners’ judgement on that one.

Apart from that, now they’re hinting and teasing about Fitz, which at this point just feels like my chain is being yanked a little.

And as Coulson said, the timeline’s coming apart, and after the whole Quaked Earth storyline I’m just over timelines. As Mac said, the 80s nostalgia is fading fast.

Not sure how they're going to fix everything now, especially with the Zephyr in enemy hands. You'd think they'd have a remote shutdown option or something.

2020-07-30, 10:40 PM
Also, young Garrett was hilarious, and the fact that he’s played by Bill Paxton’s son is just perfect. That’s why he does a pretty good impression. :smallsmile:
No kidding? Well, that does explain that.

There was a badly misplaced joke (for want of a better word) when Daisy witnesses her mother being killed, then rises up in slo-mo to deliver heroic retribution before it all skritched to a halt as May ran up.

That wasn’t funny. It tried to play one of the worst moments in Daisy’s life for a very cheap laugh. It was in severely poor taste and was tremendously disrespectful to the character, and it was completely unnecessary.

It’s worse because of the hard contrast with Mac’s own loss and grief, which was treated as seriously as it should have been. Why they used a parent’s death as a trite gag is beyond me, but I lost respect for the showrunners’ judgement on that one.
Joke? I don't remember a joke...

Apart from that, now they’re hinting and teasing about Fitz, which at this point just feels like my chain is being yanked a little.
Considering there are only three episodes left, I have to imagine Fitz is finally returning next episode. If not, then I'd say there's a good chance he's not returning at all.

2020-07-31, 05:01 AM
Nathaniel is the best villain we’ve had in several seasons

I think he might be the best villian the show has had.

There was a badly misplaced joke (for want of a better word) when Daisy witnesses her mother being killed, then rises up in slo-mo to deliver heroic retribution before it all skritched to a halt as May ran up.

That wasn’t funny. It tried to play one of the worst moments in Daisy’s life for a very cheap laugh. It was in severely poor taste and was tremendously disrespectful to the character, and it was completely unnecessary.

It’s worse because of the hard contrast with Mac’s own loss and grief, which was treated as seriously as it should have been. Why they used a parent’s death as a trite gag is beyond me, but I lost respect for the showrunners’ judgement on that one.

I didn't see it as a joke, she went emotionally unstable after her mother died and was risking bringing the base down - I imagine that if you want to see her reaction to it that will be next week, but frankly I could do with less of her.

2020-07-31, 07:14 PM
I think I understand what Palanan meant by the joke. It was May running up shooting at Nathanial and missing (though she did get one hit in?), and breaking Daisy's focus. We had the great scene with Daisy coming back to full power, then poof.

Speaking of Nathanial, the nickname Ferret-Face always comes to mind when I first see him on-screen.

Is there something significant about the team being stuck in the early 80's? MCU-wise, comic book wise, AoS-wise?

It was a nice touch seeing one of the Deke Squad again, and knowing they did join SHIELD. Though, did they know anything of the time-traveling part?

2020-07-31, 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Dilvish
I think I understand what Palanan meant by the joke. It was May running up shooting at Nathanial and missing (though she did get one hit in?), and breaking Daisy's focus. We had the great scene with Daisy coming back to full power, then poof.

This is exactly what I meant. I’m sure there’s a term for this sort of thing, but I have no idea what to call it.

It’s common throughout the MCU, and it’s been with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. from the beginning. As an example, when Garrett was transformed and began ranting about taking over the world or whatever, and then was zapped by Coulson mid-rant. Another example is Daisy rising up from the gladiatorial ring on Quaked Earth to deliver a Quakey beatdown to the Kree bad guy, only to be sent to sleep and fall to the floor.

Etc., etc. Use of music and cinematography to build audience expectations in the moment, which are then subverted for a cheap laugh. Usually that’s all it is, but given that Daisy’s mother just died, I found it grossly inappropriate.

Originally Posted by Dilvish
Is there something significant about the team being stuck in the early 80's? MCU-wise, comic book wise, AoS-wise?

I think it’s part of the general love for the 80s that seems to permeate the MCU.

2020-08-01, 12:25 AM
I definitely didn't get the feeling that scene was supposed to be funny. It felt very serious to me.

2020-08-01, 02:26 AM
The only thing I'm unsure of is whether Daisy knew that May was back there and did that to distract the bad guy (since they'd JUST commented on it being a bad idea to quake out down there), or whether May legit interrupted her moment.

2020-08-01, 03:37 AM
The only thing I'm unsure of is whether Daisy knew that May was back there and did that to distract the bad guy (since they'd JUST commented on it being a bad idea to quake out down there), or whether May legit interrupted her moment.

My take was the latter. Daisy, in her rage and grief, was going to bring the whole place down on top of them, but May interrupted and distracted her.

2020-08-01, 11:51 PM
The only thing I'm unsure of is whether Daisy knew that May was back there and did that to distract the bad guy (since they'd JUST commented on it being a bad idea to quake out down there), or whether May legit interrupted her moment.

My take was the latter. Daisy, in her rage and grief, was going to bring the whole place down on top of them, but May interrupted and distracted her.

You're probably right.

2020-08-12, 11:21 PM
So, the two-hour season finale. Enjoyable, action-y, some good lines, and wraps everything up—more or less.


Apparently Fitz has been hiding in the quantum realm all this time, which apparently was no time at all for him. Although after that it gets a little fuzzy.

So…Fitz built a machine to bring him back, and then distributed the parts through time among a variety of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and then he hoped really, really hard that no one’s basement would flood and destroy a critical component without which his entire plan would fail.

But never mind, it’s still great to see Fitz. I only wish we could’ve seen him earlier, but for whatever reason the season was structured to keep him offscreen.

They seem to have spent considerably more on visual effects this time around, starting with the cavernous docking bay on the Chronicoms’ ship, not to mention the ships themselves, as well as the scenes in the quantum realm later on. The quality of the effects was immensely better than the effects at the end of the previous season.

It almost feels like the old Highlander series, which divided its production between Paris and California, with a day-and-night contrast in quality. Have to wonder how and why the budget was divided the way it was between last season and this.

Chronicom-warhead missiles. Held together by duct tape. Hilarious, yet so practical.


Apparently Garrett is fated for an anticlimactic demise no matter what timeline he’s in. I almost felt sorry for him, since he never had the chance to show whether or not his white-hat conversion was genuine.

As for Cora and Nathaniel, there was a sleazy manipulative-boyfriend vibe going on, but it seemed a little too pat and easy. Nathaniel was pitching his Evil Distortion Talk as if Cora had the brains of a turnip, and she just…went right along with it.

And Nathaniel was starting to sound almost petulant, which I suppose is reasonable for a spoiled rich kid, but it had me wondering how much longer Sibyl was going to tolerate him.

I spent the last forty-five minutes in a mildly confused haze, and they seemed to be counting on the audience remembering a precise and detailed sequence from the end of the last season.

For me that was a grindingly long year ago, and I couldn’t really follow the flashbacks, to say nothing of the scene where they’re interacting anonymously with an earlier version of Jemma. I get that Fitz and Jemma were…somewhere on the Zephyr, during which interlude they apparently had their kid (with Enoch as midwife, presumably) —but I couldn’t recall where exactly they were. Not sure if I'm supposed to know or if that was deliberately vague, but I feel like I should know.

The neuro-conference-call was very S.H.I.E.L.D., but for me it didn’t have the emotional impact it could have. It just seemed…off. Maybe because everyone got a happy ending, without a loss to counterbalance and provide a little more depth.

Also, when did S.H.I.E.L.D. get rebuilt? Did they establish the Coulson Academy, build Zephyrs Two and Three, refit the helicarrier, and restore S.H.I.E.L.D.’s good name all in that one year?

It was fantastic to see Lola again, and they dropped some cash on that transformation sequence. For some reason it reminded me of Mr. Incredible’s car.

Presumably Coulson will be traveling the world in his flying car, which leaves us open for any kind of sequel, in any kind of format.

And that’s the series.

Not sure what to feel. Overall this last season was one of the most enjoyable in years, with a zingy mix of fun, action, and genuine character growth.

The standout acting this season was from Elizabeth Henstridge, who was just phenomenal, especially in last week’s episode and tonight. For the most part I watch this show with a sense that these are actors speaking their lines, but Jemma’s loss, fear and panic completely sold me on the character.

Ian was great as well, but sadly constrained by the plot. I’m wondering if he was unavailable for part of that time owing to other projects; otherwise it seems like a raw deal for him. Most of the actors are working on new series, while Chloe Bennett seems to be switching to a film career, as well as voicing Daisy Johnson for the Marvel Rising series. It'll be interesting to see where they all go from here.

The New Bruceski
2020-08-13, 05:00 AM
Yes, Ian was unavailable due to scheduling conflicts so Fitz had to spend most of the time off-screen.

2020-08-13, 09:25 PM
So, the two-hour season finale. Enjoyable, action-y, some good lines, and wraps everything up—more or less.


Apparently Fitz has been hiding in the quantum realm all this time, which apparently was no time at all for him. Although after that it gets a little fuzzy.

So…Fitz built a machine to bring him back, and then distributed the parts through time among a variety of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and then he hoped really, really hard that no one’s basement would flood and destroy a critical component without which his entire plan would fail.

But never mind, it’s still great to see Fitz. I only wish we could’ve seen him earlier, but for whatever reason the season was structured to keep him offscreen.
Enoch is the one that spread the parts, and he knew which basements wouldn't flood because he had a copy of the time stream to look at for their plans just like Sybil was using. Fitz was unfortunately not available for filming most of the season, so his role had to be mostly off-screen to deal with that. Fitz was also not actually in the quantum realm. He was in (part of) the zephyr's containment pod, which he converted to being a quantum realm tunnel. If you've seen the ant-man and the wasp or endgame, it's the equivalent to the van.

Chronicom-warhead missiles. Held together by duct tape. Hilarious, yet so practical.

It truly is.
Apparently Garrett is fated for an anticlimactic demise no matter what timeline he’s in. I almost felt sorry for him, since he never had the chance to show whether or not his white-hat conversion was genuine.

As for Cora and Nathaniel, there was a sleazy manipulative-boyfriend vibe going on, but it seemed a little too pat and easy. Nathaniel was pitching his Evil Distortion Talk as if Cora had the brains of a turnip, and she just…went right along with it.

And Nathaniel was starting to sound almost petulant, which I suppose is reasonable for a spoiled rich kid, but it had me wondering how much longer Sibyl was going to tolerate him.
I just appreciated towards the end when Nathaniel can't even consistently pretend he's trying to save the world and not just conquer it.

I spent the last forty-five minutes in a mildly confused haze, and they seemed to be counting on the audience remembering a precise and detailed sequence from the end of the last season.

For me that was a grindingly long year ago, and I couldn’t really follow the flashbacks, to say nothing of the scene where they’re interacting anonymously with an earlier version of Jemma. I get that Fitz and Jemma were…somewhere on the Zephyr, during which interlude they apparently had their kid (with Enoch as midwife, presumably) —but I couldn’t recall where exactly they were. Not sure if I'm supposed to know or if that was deliberately vague, but I feel like I should know.
Some of it was refreshed in multiple flashbacks this season to when Enoch, wearing a disguise, rescues Jemma and Fitz towards the end of last season. Then they go somewhere to do something for some time and come back with time-traveling spaceZephyr and everything else needed to save the day. Explaining where and what thing and how much time was the point of Fitz's story, and the saving the day stuff they just hoped you'd remember. So you were not supposed to know but should have learned in the last episode.

The neuro-conference-call was very S.H.I.E.L.D., but for me it didn’t have the emotional impact it could have. It just seemed…off. Maybe because everyone got a happy ending, without a loss to counterbalance and provide a little more depth.

Also, when did S.H.I.E.L.D. get rebuilt? Did they establish the Coulson Academy, build Zephyrs Two and Three, refit the helicarrier, and restore S.H.I.E.L.D.’s good name all in that one year?
S.H.I.E.L.D. was not destroyed in their timeline. Not like it was in the world Deke stayed behind in.

2020-08-13, 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Zalabim
Then they go somewhere to do something for some time and come back with time-traveling spaceZephyr and everything else needed to save the day. Explaining where and what thing and how much time was the point of Fitz's story….

And yet, still not clear exactly where and when they were. I'm not sure if I'm just fritzing out or if this was never really explained in detail.

Originally Posted by Zalabim
S.H.I.E.L.D. was not destroyed in their timeline. Not like it was in the world Deke stayed behind in.

Yes, I got that part, except in their own timeline S.H.I.E.L.D. did fall apart after Winter Soldier, leading to the team being on the run for a while.

I can’t recall now if S.H.I.E.L.D. was ever permanently reinstated, what with all the time-traveling and world-jumping and so forth. They were semi-legal, then legal, then disavowed again. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. ended up becoming fully legal again, they’ve lost a lot of infrastructure and talent, so it seems a stretch for them to be so built out after just a year.

2020-08-13, 10:49 PM
And yet, still not clear exactly where and when they were. I'm not sure if I'm just fritzing out or if this was never really explained in detail.

After disguised Enoch rescues them in Season 6 they travel to the trinary star system that was Jemma's childhood favorite star - this was mentioned while Fitz is telling Jemma the story to restore her memory. They lived on the Zephyr for years - aparently without needing to resupply for food or water - until they'd finished their tech and raised their daughter to her current age, and then returned where Fitz stayed in the half of the container that had the quantum tunnel while Jemma went to meet the 4 hazmat suited "back up" to save the team in Season 6's finale and start Season 7. Fitz and Enoch could plan all those details out because they had the timestream and Fitz sort of mind-melded to it making himself the anti-sybil... that's what I understood.

Yes, I got that part, except in their own timeline S.H.I.E.L.D. did fall apart after Winter Soldier, leading to the team being on the run for a while.

I can’t recall now if S.H.I.E.L.D. was ever permanently reinstated, what with all the time-traveling and world-jumping and so forth. They were semi-legal, then legal, then disavowed again. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. ended up becoming fully legal again, they’ve lost a lot of infrastructure and talent, so it seems a stretch for them to be so built out after just a year.
Shield is destroyed in Season 1. By Season 2 it has gotten a few more recruits and has a base up and running - there is another splinter group runnign a whole aircraft carrier. By season 3 these groups have combined, but it is not officially back. In season 4 Shield is officially restored with Mace as the director, there is talk that Shield might be disolved after Mace's death and the general getting shot at the end of Season 4. The only part of Shield that we know gets criminalized is Coulson's team though - and in Season 5 two Quinjets including Deathlok showed up for Fitz and Simmon's wedding. In Season 6 Shield is opperating with the Lighthouse as an HQ as they are rebuilding and hoping to open a new Academy. Then over in the MCU - the Quinjet that Coulson prepared in Season 2 is used by Fury to save the day in Ultron and Shield is apparently back and running as before in Spiderman Far From Home - though I haven't actually seen that one yet.

2020-08-13, 11:01 PM
Im enjoying the callbacks.
Wards bouncing betty bomb staff shows up.
Macks issues with robots.
They basically injected Jemma with a truth serum. Shame "Grammsy?" didnt make a comback too.
Obviously the 084

Damn dude, poor Garrett. Hand got her revenge though

Was the old black guy with the tuning fork Mr. Fury?

2020-08-14, 06:26 AM
I have a minor question about the last scene:

When was Mac zombified?

2020-08-14, 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by SuperPanda
After disguised Enoch rescues them in Season 6 they travel to the trinary star system that was Jemma's childhood favorite star - this was mentioned while Fitz is telling Jemma the story to restore her memory.

Aha, thank you. They did mention the trinary, it just got by me.

In fact, I missed the connection because I couldn’t identify the star or the constellation, and that distracted me. Does anyone happen to remember the name of that trinary, or the constellation it was in?

Originally Posted by SuperPanda
Then over in the MCU - the Quinjet that Coulson prepared in Season 2 is used by Fury to save the day in Ultron and Shield is apparently back and running as before in Spiderman Far From Home - though I haven't actually seen that one yet.

I think you mean the helicarrier that Coulson prepared. :smallsmile:

As for the second Spider-Man movie, Nick Fury and a handful of people are working a case, but there’s no indication that they’re supported by a full S.H.I.E.L.D. apparatus, and there are hints that the broader S.H.I.E.L.D. organization is gone.

Can’t tell you more without major spoilers for Far From Home. Fun movie, definitely see it when you can.

Originally Posted by Lvl45DM!
Damn dude, poor Garrett. Hand got her revenge though

Nice catch on this one, I didn’t make that connection.

Most of the earlier seasons are a distant blur to me. I don't remember Ward's bouncing-betty staff at all--when I saw that a couple of nights ago I was immediately reminded of the first scenes from Serenity, when Simon uses an almost identical device to spring River from captivity.

2020-08-14, 09:34 AM
Aha, thank you. They did mention the trinary, it just got by me.

In fact, I missed the connection because I couldn’t identify the star or the constellation, and that distracted me. Does anyone happen to remember the name of that trinary, or the constellation it was in?

I think it was the star Alya in the trinary system Theta Serpentis, which is in the constellation Serpens

2020-08-14, 09:57 AM
Okay, thanks.

That's an odd choice for Simmons to call a "trinary," because it really isn't--it's a binary with a close visual companion, but only as seen from Earth. In space it's a binary with the third star several dozen lightyears away, so not in any way part of the binary system.

Also, the derivation for the name Alya is apparently "fat tail of a sheep," which may not be something Alya will appreciate once she's in high school.

The New Bruceski
2020-08-14, 04:24 PM
I have a minor question about the last scene:

When was Mac zombified?

Back in... was it season 2? The temple where Daisy got cocooned.

2020-08-14, 04:44 PM
Was the old black guy with the tuning fork Mr. Fury?

I don't see how, as Fury would have been younger in the 80s than he is today, not older.

Rogar Demonblud
2020-08-14, 04:51 PM
Might have been meant to be Derek Luke's character from Cap1/Agent Carter.

2020-08-14, 05:38 PM
Anyway, what do you think the odds are, based on that ending...

...that they might pitch Agents of SWORD as a sequel series?

That's probably just me being overly optimistic, though.

2020-08-14, 06:04 PM
Well I enjoyed the ending greatly. I didn't expect them to wrap things up like that, but I figured there was a 50/50 chance they're return to their original timeline.
I especially liked their little Back to the Future 2 move where they all had to sneak around their previous selves while reenacting the events of last season's finale.

And I'm glad everyone got their happy ending. :smallsmile:

2020-08-14, 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by JadedDM
…[odds] that they might pitch Agents of SWORD as a sequel series?

I’d say the odds for a major network series are close to zero. Try pitching that concept and you’d have to explain how it differs from the seven-season show that just wrapped up. That difference may be relevant to comics fans, but not to the average ABC viewer.

That said, the odds of a streaming series, perhaps on Disney+, are just a sliver better, and it’s faintly possible it might show up at some point. But I wouldn’t expect it anytime soon.

Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye
I especially liked their little Back to the Future 2 move where they all had to sneak around their previous selves while reenacting the events of last season's finale.

Pretty sure I called that a while ago.


Rogar Demonblud
2020-08-14, 11:17 PM
Anyway, what do you think the odds are, based on that ending...

...that they might pitch Agents of SWORD as a sequel series?

That's probably just me being overly optimistic, though.

Just shy of non-existent. Marvel Film was trying to get rid of Agents back in season three, which is what lead to them not referencing the movies as far as possible after that. Besides, we know what the schedule is for the next few years and the afterglow won't make it that far.

2020-08-15, 08:30 AM
I don't see how, as Fury would have been younger in the 80s than he is today, not older.

I meant his dad. The guy who carried a bag full of crumpled up ones and a loaded .45.

2020-08-15, 11:30 AM
I think the person we saw was too old to have been Nick Fury's father in 1983. And that would be an extremely obscure reference.

Beyond that, why would Enoch choose him? He would have been an elevator operator, not an operative or anyone with access to an especially secure environment for storing irreplaceable components.

2020-08-15, 04:16 PM
Well according to IMDB, Bill Cobb was credited simply as "Old Man" in the finale, so I guess that (doesn't) answers that question.

2020-08-26, 07:17 PM

Wednesday night, and no S.H.I.E.L.D. to watch. It's a sad feeling. I'll miss 'em.

*turns out lights*

2020-08-26, 10:28 PM
Yeah, the biggest gut punch of the finale for me was:

When I didn't hear "... return in a moment"

Its a shame the show is over but I really loved the ride.