View Full Version : DM Help [3.5] Looking for Monsters

2020-05-25, 06:00 PM
Looking for a snake or serpent-like Evil Outsider, of size huge or larger, for DM purposes.

At the moment I'm looking at an Unholy Scion Giant Constrictor, but I'm sure there should be other options out there.

Ideally no Dragon Mag, PF or homebrew.

Cheers - T

2020-05-25, 06:22 PM
There's Dendar the Night Serpent from Champions of Ruin but she's CR26...

2020-05-25, 06:28 PM
Looking for a snake or serpent-like Evil Outsider, of size huge or larger, for DM purposes.

At the moment I'm looking at an Unholy Scion Giant Constrictor, but I'm sure there should be other options out there.

Ideally no Dragon Mag, PF or homebrew.

Cheers - T

You could slap on a size increasing template onto a Marilith

2020-05-25, 06:33 PM
Aspect of Mammon (FCII)

Even though you said ideally not homebrew, I'll trot out something I put together a long time ago: Sslivorx (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?94139-Why-Did-It-Have-To-Be-Snakes!-!-3-5e#9)

A Legendary Snake (MM2) with a size increase (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htm#sizeIncreases) (+1 CR) and an appropriate template (Half-Fiend if smart, Fiendish otherwise) would work.

2020-05-25, 08:01 PM
Sorry, should have been more specific - by snake or serpent like, I meant ideally without limbs.

Dendar is definitely along the right lines, but CR is possibly a bit too high.

2020-05-25, 08:24 PM
Legendary Snake with a variant Half-Fiend (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a) based on a huge size fiend that doesn't have wings. That wouldn't grant any additional appendages, but it would give it a size increase. So maybe a half Myrmyxicus or Wastrilith (FF) if you want it to be ugly.

2020-05-25, 08:26 PM
Deathcoils (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040709a&page=4) Divine Crusader 4/Divine Disciple 5 (pick an Evil patron)

The Viscount
2020-05-25, 10:47 PM
I assume you're not interested in Nagas?

Alternatively, how about a Greater Flame Snake with something like Entropic or Pseudonatural Creature?

2020-05-25, 11:37 PM
Nagas are a possibility.

Some good suggestions here, thanks everyone, keep 'em coming!

2020-05-26, 01:20 AM
Nagas aren't exactly Outsiders though, they're Aberrations.

2020-05-26, 01:22 AM
Nagas aren't exactly Outsiders though, they're Aberrations.

Yeah, I'd need to add templates...

2020-05-26, 07:05 AM
How about the Divine Messenger template from the Holy Orders of the Stars (Dragonlance)?
I mean - it's 3rd-party, but it's neither Dragon Mag, nor PF or homebrew
It gives the Messenger creature alignment subtype of the deity

For the Outsider type - Monster of Legend template

For the base creature:
Dire Snake (Monster Manual II) is Huge as-is, and become Gargantuan from 13 HD
Or how about the Shadow Sea Serpent (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/4ex/20071105a)?

2020-05-26, 10:12 AM
Hello !

Take a normal constrictor snake (CR 2) or viper snake (CR 2 or less, depending of size. I suggest the Tiny viper for more beastery after template).

Cast on it the template Titanic Creature (CR +13 or CR 13 if base CR lesser or equal to 1), that makes it a beast of gigantic size.

For more beastery, cast on it Monster of Legend (for custom powers and flavor, as well as outsider, CR +2)

And then, I you want to add some Demonic/Evil outsider flavor, add on top of that, as a cherry on the cake one of the followings :

Pseudonatural creature, Half-fiend (choose 50% no wings :) outsider evil), or beast of Xvim (evil).

I tend to Beast of Xvim (can be added to any creature) or half-fiend. the problem with half-fiend is "4 int minimum to apply". Or, you current beast is only 3 int, so :/

With this, you got a mighty "Legendary Titanic Snake of Xvim" (change Xvim by any demon name, cause lore is adapted to your setting), with a CR of 16/17.

Should do the trick, maybe ;)

2020-05-26, 10:46 AM
beast of Xvim (evil).
Note: neither Beast of Xvim, nor similar Beast of Bane template are, actually, giving Evil subtype

Generally, Evil subtype is remarkably difficult to get (unless you're creature who have it by default) - that's why rituals from the Savage Species are so popular...

2020-05-26, 10:51 AM
Titanic Creature (MM2) to make it big, Dungeonbred (DS) to make it not quite so big if needed, Phrenic Creature (XPH) to make it smarter, and Fiendish or Half-Fiend or whatever else you can find to make it an outsider.

2020-05-26, 05:43 PM
I'm OK with it just being an evil outsider, without necessarily having the evil subtype. I'm leaning towards Monster of Legend Deathcoils at the moment.

On a tangent, as far as I can find, these are the only official 3.5 creatures (barring aspects and unique beings) that have the Evil subtype without being Outsiders:

Abomination, Atropal
Conflagration Ooze, Infernal
Demonwasp Swarm
Elemental Grue, Chaggrin
Elemental Grue, Harginn
Elemental Grue, Ildriss
Elemental Grue, Vardigg
Elemental, Taint
Firetongue Frog
Giant, Abyssal
Golem, Gloom
Intellect Devourer
Living Spell*
Pack Fiend
Plague Blight
Swarm, Hellwasp
Whelp of Zargon

2020-05-26, 06:59 PM
On a tangent, as far as I can find, these are the only official 3.5 creatures (barring aspects and unique beings) that have the Evil subtype without being Outsiders:

Abomination, Atropal
Conflagration Ooze, Infernal
Demonwasp Swarm
Elemental Grue, Chaggrin
Elemental Grue, Harginn
Elemental Grue, Ildriss
Elemental Grue, Vardigg
Elemental, Taint
Firetongue Frog
Giant, Abyssal
Golem, Gloom
Intellect Devourer
Living Spell*
Pack Fiend
Plague Blight
Swarm, Hellwasp
Whelp of Zargon
Necrocarnum Zombie

2020-05-27, 08:54 AM
You can use the Golothoma and Aspect of Sertrous from Elder Evils, depending on how nasty you want an encounter to be.