View Full Version : How op do you think this would be. Divine sorcerer with warlock spell list.

2020-05-26, 12:13 PM
Would it be too powerful if you can from picking from cleric spell list to the warlocks spell list. Also changing there max healing ability to a max damage.

Sorry I miss read the empowered healing. I meant to make it the opposite instead of implying it to healing but daminging spells. Yes I know sorcerer has a meta magic like this but it's only for the sorcerer this works for any you want within range.

2020-05-26, 12:21 PM
Would it be too powerful if you can from picking from cleric spell list to the warlocks spell list. Also changing there max healing ability to a max damage.

Honestly, the Max Damage one is the worse of the two. Clerics have, by far, the strongest spell list in the game. Not the most versatile(Wizard), but things they can do with it are pree strong.

So sorcerer's piggy backing off of that is riculously strong.

I don't see much problem yoinking a few warlock spells. Most people already multiclass the sorlock for ungodly combinations. Grabbing a few spells but not the invocations? Should be alright.

2020-05-26, 12:24 PM
The final answer is going to be to ask your DM, but a version of Divine Soul Sorcerer that replaces the Sorcerer spell list with the Warlock spell list with some sort of deal struck with the Celestial warlock patron should be acceptable.

The only maximized healing ability I know of is the Gift of the Ever-Living Ones invocation that only applies to yourself. In any case, being able to maximize damage is an absolute no, never-ever. Divine Soul Sorcerer gets Empowered Healing which works exactly like the Empower Spell metamagic.

2020-05-26, 05:49 PM
To be clear, exactly what spell lists would you have? I interpreted your OP as sorcerer plus warlock, but Biffoniacus_Furiou appears to be interpreting it as warlock plus cleric.

Replacing cleric with warlock would be a downgrade. No only is the cleric list a lot longer than the warlock list, but it's also more different from the sorcerer list. A lot of warlock spells are already sorcerer spells, and of those that aren't, many are similar to sorcerer spells. On the other hand, a damage buff is more powerful than a healing buff, because damage is more powerful than healing.