View Full Version : Your hit with a permanent "Imbue with Spell Ability" spell. What do you want?

2020-05-27, 10:52 PM
Two 1st level spells and one 2nd level spell. Can be from any source that you can prove.

1st = disquise self??? maybe resist energy instead??? 1st = endure elements??? maybe cure light wounds???

2nd = spider climb??? restoration, lesser???

Those are just a quick look in the standard PH. Lots of other books to go through. They can be from any class list as well.
The spells become permanent spell-like abilities to cast each one once per day each.

Imbue with Spell Ability
Level: Clr 4, Magic 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched; see text
Duration: Permanent until discharged (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You transfer some of your currently prepared spells, and the ability to cast them, to another creature. Only a creature with an Intelligence score of at least 5 and a Wisdom score of at least 9 can receive this bestowal. Only cleric spells from the schools of abjuration, divination, and conjuration (healing) can be transferred. The number and level of spells that the subject can be granted depends on its Hit Dice; even multiple castings of imbue with spell ability can’t exceed this limit.

HD of Recipient Spells Imbued
2 or lower One 1st-level spell
3-4 One or two 1st-level spells
5 or higher One or two 1st-level spells and one 2nd-level spell
The transferred spell’s variable characteristics (range, duration, area, and the like) function according to your level, not the level of the recipient.

Once you cast imbue with spell ability, you cannot prepare a new 4th-level spell to replace it until the recipient uses the imbued spells or is slain, or until you dismiss the imbue with spell ability spell. In the meantime, you remain responsible to your deity or your principles for the use to which the spell is put. If the number of 4th-level spells you can cast decreases, and that number drops below your current number of active imbue with spell ability spells, the more recently cast imbued spells are dispelled.

To cast a spell with a verbal component, the subject must be able to speak. To cast a spell with a somatic component, it must have humanlike hands. To cast a spell with a material component or focus, it must have the materials or focus.

2020-05-27, 11:13 PM
First of all, what class do the spells need to come from? Trapsmith tends to be a fun go-to for lower-level versions of commons spells. Or is it just cleric spells as per spell description?
Second, this will depend a LOT on the character and their strength and weaknesses.

Here are some fun ideas:
Protection from Evil

Close Wounds
Lesser, Restoration
Guidance of the Avatar

2020-05-27, 11:32 PM
Question: do we get the ability to gain XP and levels in the classes we want? Because that will change my answer from the below:

2nd level: alter self. Best 2nd level spell, easily, assuming no XP gain.

1st level: charm person and lesser vigor. The first is to help make friends and influence people, and the second is self-explanatory.

If XP gain is allowed, the 2nd level spell would be ray of stupidity. Go to a zoo near closing and (painlessly) knock a few elephants down to 0 Int. Do this several times to gain enough levels in wizard to learn lesser planar binding, magic circle against evil, and some buff/debuff spells. Get a wish for a thought bottle via buffing myself and debuffing the genie I called. Use the thought bottle, negative levels, and greater restoration (along with curse of lycanthropy (https://dndtools.net/spells/complete-divine--56/curse-of-lycanthropy--719/)) to catapult myself to epic levels in a few days.

2020-05-28, 12:01 AM
Sticking to Cleric spells:

Zone of Truth. And buy a couple plane tickets to various places. Not going to go into more detail, but you can see the benefit. This is absolutely my 2nd level choice.

Lesser Vigor is, of course, great. Go to any hospital ER and proceed to put someone on their feet every time you cast it.
Summon Monster 1 could be fun. Depends on rate of casting, but there's a lot you can do with a Celestial Monkey.
Delay Disease(SPC) works similarly to Lesser Vigor. Won't cure anyone, but will buy doctors an extra day, which means a lot.

I'm not sold on any of the lvl 1 options, honestly. I'm sure there's much better out there in various splats, but I'm not remembering if so.

2020-05-28, 12:02 AM
1st: Endure Elements and Goodberry if you don't want to worry about either of those things ever again.
2nd: Command Undead is pretty good.

2020-05-28, 12:15 AM
2nd level: alter self. Best 2nd level spell, easily, assuming no XP gain.

For overall utility/buff it really is hard to argue with alter self, though I suppose I’d also have to point out that for standard adventuring, another strong contender for its sheer defensive power (even 1/day) is wings of cover (RoD); being able to completely no-sell almost any single attack is pretty, whoa.

Heck, I’d argue that alter self and wings of cover are so good they are up in the lead of the pack even if the Trapsmith list is in play.

2020-05-28, 12:49 AM
It's not even legal, like half the things in this thread (in this case transmutation, rather than abjuration, divination, or conjuration (healing)), but if it was, it'd be the most culturally interesting: unity wine, from the Player's Guide to Eberron. Cleric 1, Will negates (harmless), a pint of wine in a touched container gives up to four drinkers a +1 morale bonus on skill checks for its hour-per-level duration.

2020-05-28, 05:54 AM
2 1st & 1 2nd? abjuration, divination, and conjuration (healing)? Hmmm…

This world? Me, but in D&D land? Me, following D&D "physics" (ie, I'm a Wizard)? Me, in this world, but following D&D physics?

Let's go with this world for now.

1) Chain Extended Persistent Lesser Vigor? Can we make that happen?

1) Wield Skill.

2) Guidance of the Avatar.

The mass all-day healing is just nice. The two skill-boosting spells are bloody awesome together.

"When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?" "Last night."

Take any skill you don't know, suddenly become proficient, and then add a +20 bonus. Compare that to our supposed "e7" world. Math says, taking 10, I will meet or exceed the understanding of the greatest physicists / chemists / geneticists / cyberneticists / whatever in the world.

And then I'll write that understanding down, study it, and start building those skill ranks myself.

To which I'll subsequently add a +30 bonus to my rolls.

Yeah, sci-fi tech, here we come. :smallcool:

EDIT: although, honestly, in this world, but clearly touched by D&D? I might aim differently. Nonetheless, in any event, I might consider replacing the healing with a custom Extended Persistent Protection from Aging, or an additional, custom skill boosting spell - the purpose of either being to maximize the chance that I can "invent" immortality before, you know, mortality considers setting in.

2020-05-28, 08:12 AM
1) Wield Skill.

2) Guidance of the Avatar.Okay, I have a new set. Those, and lesser vigor.

El Dorado
2020-05-28, 08:15 AM
Sticking with cleric spells

1. Comprehend Languages
1. Lesser Vigor

2. Make Whole

Fix people and things. Understand words I normally don’t understand.

Edit. Swap Make Whole (wrong school) for Lesser Restoration. Am now rarely tired?

2020-05-28, 08:31 AM
Meh. Cleric spells. Don't get me wrong, they have some good spells, but nothing pops out as fun to me. Lesser vigor, wield skill, and alter self I guess.

2020-05-28, 08:48 AM

I find most 2nds underwhelming, but in a real world where everyone is self convinced of their goodness regardless of how much a douche they are, and where I still suffer from epilepsy, I'll take protection from good and magic missile. I'll be nigh untouchable and not worry about accuracy ever again.

2020-05-28, 09:37 AM
Think I would go with:
1: Cure Moderate Wounds (from Runescarred Berserker).
1. Restoration, Lesser (Paladin).
2: Remove Disease (from Healer).

No more fatigue, able to heal the most severe injuries and able to remove any diseases I encounter - sure not overly flashy but from a quality of life prespective they seem like solid choices.

Lvl 2 Expert
2020-05-28, 10:13 AM
As others have asked, what is the situation? Is it for my current character in a current campaign? For me in the real world? If that one, can we do things like brew potions? Learn more spells?

Assuming any flavor of me in the real world I definitely want a healing spell. They're by far the most valuable things in real life. But let's not lean too heavy into healing, because dancrilis already gave that answer, so maybe...

Cure light wounds (because holy **** healing magic, stabilizing dying people, whoah!)
Speak with animals (because while it may be effectively useless, it's too cool to resist)

And for the second level maybe...

Fox's Cunning

True, Owl's Wisdom in combination with enough visits to politicians might make me the most celebrated hero of all time, but there's something to be said for just being able to boost your own brainpower when needed.

2020-05-28, 11:28 AM
Some of you have asked what this is for, the real world or D&D, Currently character or new? It's for D&D but the real world is cool too. I wasn't even thinking about that. As for the spells some of you have thought they must be cleric but for the purpose of this post they can be any spell from a legal source from/for any class. They don't have to be just cleric.
I was thinking the resist energy for a fireman or cure XX wounds for a Dr or anyone really. Spider climb is just one of my favorite spells for some reason.

2020-05-29, 12:40 PM
Ah. Well then. Animate Wood, Power word Pain, and Blood Blossoms.

Other contenders are Blockade, Aspect of the Wolf, Spore Field, Winged Watcher, Aquatic Escape, Splinterbolt, and Bite of the wererat.

2020-05-29, 02:36 PM
If we go specifically by the spells wording and only choose cleric spells I would choose something like this.

1st lvl: vigor, wieldskill(pgtf)
2nd lvl: estannas stew(BoED), and glorious raiment(BoED)

If we go by any class list though... That gets a little nuts.