View Full Version : Logic vs Emotion (Character Help Requested)

2020-05-29, 03:51 PM
Right now im currently trying to create a conflict for a character backstory of mine that involves a divide between a child and their parents. The family currently works together to help prevent any anomalies from endangering the land, however Im not sure how to incorporate any conflict that would make sense. The parents and their son agree that any temporal threat should be taken care of, yet they diverge on how to achieve it. I know I want a Logic-Emotion/Truth-Ideals dynamic going on, but I don't know how exactly I should implement it. Any ideas on how to better pinpoint what my next course of action should be would be greatly appreciated, as right now I don't know where exactly to look/start.

2020-05-30, 11:57 AM
Maybe the parents, given their experience, understand there is a situation or a threat which must be dealt with using the mentality of sacrificing a few for the benefit of many (the land as a whole), and the son simply based on emotions can't agree with the logic of it.

I hope I understood your premise enough to help 😐

2020-05-30, 12:00 PM
Right now im currently trying to create a conflict for a character backstory of mine that involves a divide between a child and their parents. The family currently works together to help prevent any anomalies from endangering the land, however Im not sure how to incorporate any conflict that would make sense. The parents and their son agree that any temporal threat should be taken care of, yet they diverge on how to achieve it. I know I want a Logic-Emotion/Truth-Ideals dynamic going on, but I don't know how exactly I should implement it. Any ideas on how to better pinpoint what my next course of action should be would be greatly appreciated, as right now I don't know where exactly to look/start.

Strongly advise being careful to avoid doing this (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StrawVulcan).

The most common mistake is to assume that logic and emotion are somehow naturally opposed and that employing one means you can't have the other

2020-05-30, 12:42 PM
Examples of conflicts.

1) Level of proactivity. Should the guardians take the initiative to solve problems before they are threats? "That will attract attention and additional problems" + "Most problems solve themselves before they reach us, so that's a waste of resources" VS "We might be losing potential allies if we don't protect them" + "Tackling problems early is easier".

2) What is protected and what really mater. Are the guardians protecting the lands and the overhaul peace, the protection of the peoples living their and their living conditions being secondary matters? Or is the goal to protect the peoples and protecting the land is just the mean to ensure prosperity?

3) How much exception is right. Are the guardians above the common peoples? Are they above common laws? Is the number of lives they will potentially save in the future make their own live worth more than the lives of common peoples? Are they entitled of rewards, taking anything/anybody they want?

4) Accepted evils. Do the guardians rely on criminal organisations, black market, ... in order to fulfil their mission? Are they tolerating or even funding evil actions because the peoples doing them are useful allies against a greater evil?