View Full Version : I Need help finding a book, I don't have the title or author

2020-05-29, 10:13 PM
I'm trying to remember the name of a series I loved, I loved the first book when I read it all the way back in either 2013-2014. I know the rest of the series has to be out now, or at least the first one is still out there, but I don't have the book anymore and I can't remember the name of the book or the author. Here's what I know:

It was in the new releases section of the Scholastic book order form in 2013 or 2014, so it was probably published around that time.

It was fiction, almost sci-fi, and was set in the modern day, with a whole hidden world operating next to ours.

It was around a 5th-8th grade reading level, maybe, I'm not sure what counts, but there was violence and talk of at least 1 guy's family dieing, so you be the judge.

The main characters name started with a K, Kevin or Kieth or Kyle or something close to that.

The books cover is a picture of the MC, with spiky black hair, wearinga blueshirt with a red hoodie over it, hood down, as he creates a massive blast of ice, with the supporting cast in the background, the cover is like a midnight sky with buildings for a background.

I remember the plot by heart:

The Main Character was in middle school, he and his mom had just moved to a new town so she could work at the college as a professor. The MC catches the attention of an elderly professor who is also working at the college, and she sends one of the middle school students who are helping her with an experiment to ask him to help them test it. When the assistant kid comes to talk to him he's being bullied at lunch, and before he can do anything the lunch table they're sitting at folds up on its own loudly. Assistant kid hints that he caused it and the MC is curious and goes with him.

The Professor's experiment turns out to be these hoops that create a field, inside this field certain people can do things that are supposed to be impossible. They can move objects somewhat like minor Telekinesis, or create and control elements like water, ice, air, fire, earth, and electricity. Assistant reveals that, although he hasn't told the professor, he's managed to move objects outside the field, which is the lowest aspect of the abilities. The professor is building a device, in the shape of a gun, that will create a portable field, she hopes to use this to create a better world where these abilities are common place.

Bad guys who can use these abilities outside of the field show up, and kidnap the professor and steal the gun. The MC and Assistant friend are knocked out after MC tries to fight and hurts one badguy with a blast of ice using the gun. They are rescued by a secret government agency made up of people who all have these abilities. It turns out that the augmented fields that the professor created were discovered a long time ago by others, and that with enough practice you an use abilities outside of them, but you will always be more powerful with the field, making the portable field gun a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.

MC and friend learn two things: 1, there are 4 levels to there abilities: level 1 is the minor moving of objects and is almost never used in the book, level 2 is controlling and manipulating elements the most common form of the power, Level 3 is something only a few people have ever done, roughly like 3 if my memory serves, it allows people to create earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, or tornadoes, the director of the entire agency is the only man in north and south america at the moment who can use level 3, level 4 is purely hypothetical and would maybe be reality control, altering the fourth dimension as it were, but it doesn't exist.

The second thing they learn is that they've been "Removed" no one remembers them in normal life anymore, no records exist of them, it's like they were never born. The MC's friend doesn't mind, his parents were apparently not great people, but the MC is floored, he loves his mother more than anything on earth and his "Saviors" have made her no longer remember him. He is very mad, but the onsite leader tells him there is a way to "Re-tether"(I think thats the term, Possibly "Reconnect") him to the outside world. But they'll only do it if the MC, who is naturally powerful, will help them in a sting by pretending to be a level 3 kid working with an agent that betrayed the government who they threaten into helping, so that they can steal the gun back from the gang of users who stole it.

They blackmail the rogue agent into helping them by telling him that his wife and daughter, who they let die, aren't both dead, just his wife, his daughter is, they hint, the MC's new close friend in the agency and if he helps them they'll reunite them. They need the rogue agent because he used to be in the same gang, called the "Cavaliers", that the boss who stole the gun is now in charge of.

to make a long story short, the rogue agents criminal team figures out that he's agreed to help the feds and turns on them, and the plan to recover the gun goes haywire, but they manage to maintain cover long enough for the rogue agent to steal the gun and run off with it as a hostage, to make a deal with both the gang thats now after him, and the agency for his daughter.

They meet at an abandoned circus, with the MC in tow, where the kids break off and confront the Rogue agent. Upon seeing the MC's female friend he knows she isn't his daughter, and is angery, not at the kids, but at the agency for forcing this poor girl to lie to him. He informs them that he tried the gun and it didn't work, it must simply have acted as a focusing item for the MC. He then informs the MC that re-connection once you've been removed is impossible and he only went along with the lie to try and save his daughter. The MC is not mad at the ex agent, but goes out to beat on the agency and escape.

The Level 3 user who leads the agency has shown up and tries to tell the MC what they did is for the greater good, to hand over the gun, and to come join them. the MC is so full of rage that he drops his focus(Now a silver dollar coin, once a Helix fossil that got broken. Focuses aren't needed by everyone, but they help people who have trouble using abilities in the real world control them) and creates a category 1 hurricane. He then tell's the man that if he thinks he can stop 5 more of those he's welcome to try, else he's going to leave.

He then does so unhindered for the most part, and says goodbye to the rogue agent and his two friends, saying he doesn't have any anger or blame for them, and that he's going to try to find a way to make his mom remember him, no matter what. Then the book ends.
EDIT: The Rogue agents Name is Ronin! if that helps at all.
That is for the most part, what I remember. there's a lot of specific scenes and parts I remember like crystal if any of you think that will help. I know it's a long shot but I hope someone has seen or heard of this before.