View Full Version : Becoming gang boss over goblin tribe and trying to organize them and realign them

2020-05-30, 04:38 PM
Recently played as a goblin in a homebrew world, he is a rarity being chaotic good and have a deep urge to try and change the way of his kin, one of our party members became the improvised baron over a small settlement on a forgotten isle, there is small goblin villages and camps here and there on the isle and wanted some advice on how best to take over one of them?

Perhaps arrive with the party(at level 8 so goblins are mostly a nusience), when the goblins attack, show our superiority and then my goblin could challenge their gang boss to a duel over the right to rule, he would not have much choice being outgunned and the duel at least giving him a small chance of surviving?

After winning first order of business would most likely be to banish the priests/shamans dedicated to the evil Goblin deities and installing Kikanuti(rare good aligned goblin goddess) as the patron god of the village.

Goal would be to educate and slowly mold them into at least more neutral aligned and to apply them as scouts and hunters of our small community as goblins are fast for small creatures and naturally dexterous and stealthy, would try to trade with them, teach them the value of allies and at least a semblance of stability.

End goal would be to conquer and subjugate all small tribes, removing the evil priesthood and installing Kikanuti worship and elevate goblins to a better position in the cosmos!

Would such a task be even remotely possible or would it just have to stay a pipe dream of my poor good hearted goblin? Know this will ofc be DM dependent, just curious how you folks would go about such an enterprise?