View Full Version : Have you guys ever experienced this before?

2020-05-31, 07:33 PM
So, apparently one of my players tried to do something really bloody stupid, and rules-breaking. Something you'd think would be very memorable.

One of my group straight up said they're leaving because of it. (And apparently it was just the straw breaking the camel's back of him skirting the rules.) The rest of the group says that everyone, including me got onto him about it. (I don't tend to do that.) But the group doesn't remember what he did. And the problem player didn't even show up last session, and isn't responding to messages.

I don't remember this at all. And I make pretty damned sure I'm sober and clean when I run games. The other players only remember that it was something stupid that blew up, but combat logs didn't record anything that would hint at what it was. Even the guy who left over it didn't say what exactly that issue was. I am so bloody confused.

Like, clearly the group is playing a long con over me, right? A prank?

2020-05-31, 10:42 PM
Sounds about like the gold standard of human communication ability to me. A big case of he said she said.

2020-06-01, 12:29 AM
This kind of sounds like a scene from one of those sci-fi movies like Men In Black where people get their memories replaced so they won't suspect what really happened

2020-06-01, 01:28 AM
There's some unclear antecedents in your post, which makes an already confusing situation more confusing:

One of my group straight up said he's leaving because of it. (And apparently it was just the straw breaking the camel's back of him skirting the rules.) The rest of the group says that everyone, including me got onto him about it. (I don't tend to do that.) But they don't remember what he did. He didn't show up last session, and isn't responding to messages.
Am I reading this correctly that pronouns 1 and 5 are the person who left and pronouns 2, 3, and 4 are the person who committed the rules violation? Or is pronoun 3 also the person who left, and he caused some sort of kerfuffle during the session?

Seems like an all-around weird situation and the person who may be most likely to know details is the one person you can't contact (assuming 1 and 4 are the same person).

2020-06-01, 05:17 AM
Edited for clarity

2020-06-01, 05:20 PM
Human memory and communication are strange things.

Once upon a time, I said something to my group about the "spiders" we had encountered in a game, like, a year ago. They stared at me like I'd lost my mind.

Well, I didn't actually remember "spiders", I remembered "dark creepy scary things with strange movement capabilities (that let them end up on the ceiling, maybe?)". Sounds like an apt description of spiders, right? Checking my notes between sessions, they had actually been "wraiths". Oops. (I was pretty much dead on about how the fight had gone, though).

With my growing senility, kids are "reminding" me of things I've "said"… and I can't remember well enough to know how much mishearing, misinterpreting, or misremembering said kids are guilty of - assuming, as you say, it isn't a con.

Let us know how it goes.

(EDIT: and, if you find the "Berenstein Bears" portal, let me know)

2020-06-01, 06:59 PM
Human memory and communication are strange things......

(EDIT: and, if you find the "Berenstein Bears" portal, let me know)

I'm with you there on that. I have vhs copies of the original star wars were C-3p0's leg is goldish to solid gold in the film's. Except for a new hope where it's silverish for the first hour(could be sand dunes glare though).

2020-06-02, 10:39 AM
I've had similar and worse happen. A DM quit and drove off before we finished making our characters for session 1. Didn't see him again for years.

2020-06-02, 03:06 PM
I've quit 2 campaigns run by the same gm, and quit a different campaign because of the same person as a pc. Some people are just toxic. Might be your group is gaslighting you, may be you dont remember,if other people werent sober, you could've had a contact high....dunno. I've had the opposite kinda thing happen, no one but me remembers something until I literally replay the entire session verbally and most other people remember, I've got a nearly eidetic recall for events though, I'm far from the norm.

2020-06-04, 11:43 AM
Never had a player or GM (we rotate) quit because of something another player did, however, I did have one quit the group all together because of something I, as the GM did.

They all had fair warning that the current campaign was ending and I was going to segue into something else. After the party killed the BBEG and had thier night on the town I woke them up aboard a broken Scout in an empty hex in the Traveller RPG universe. Said player scooped up his dice and ¨F*** NO!! I ain´t doing this!¨ Walked right out the door he did.

2020-06-05, 03:13 PM
Never had a player or GM (we rotate) quit because of something another player did, however, I did have one quit the group all together because of something I, as the GM did.

They all had fair warning that the current campaign was ending and I was going to segue into something else. After the party killed the BBEG and had thier night on the town I woke them up aboard a broken Scout in an empty hex in the Traveller RPG universe. Said player scooped up his dice and ¨F*** NO!! I ain´t doing this!¨ Walked right out the door he did.

So… did you play the intended next campaign? What was it… about? (I don't know Traveler, beyond "space", but "broken Scout" is not sounding like an auspicious start (EDIT: sorry! I mean from the PCs' PoV, not from the PoV of a fun game!)) And, if you did play, what were the PCs, and how did it go?

2020-06-06, 11:39 AM
So… did you play the intended next campaign? What was it… about? (I don't know Traveler, beyond "space", but "broken Scout" is not sounding like an auspicious start (EDIT: sorry! I mean from the PCs' PoV, not from the PoV of a fun game!)) And, if you did play, what were the PCs, and how did it go?

They kept their D&D abilities, once they figured out how to fix/fuel the scout ship and get it to a planet they had to figure hjow to mask their abilities and take on roles/classes (Traveller doesn really have classes in the sense D&D does) that fit into the setting. Once they finished the little linear mini campaign I had set up it was the next GMs turn and we went back to D&D. PCs were a standard mix: D&D(Traveller) = Cleric(Medic/Pilot), Wizard(Engineer/Pilot), Barbarian(Marine/Gunner), Rogue(Purser/Broker), Bard(Steward/Entertainer/Diplomat). It was fun.

Yahzi Coyote
2020-06-08, 01:39 AM
If nobody can remember what you were fighting about... why fight about it? Just shrug and go on.

Life is too short to hold grudges when you can't even recall the offense. :smallsmile: