View Full Version : Leap Attack Clarification

2020-06-01, 04:59 PM
Leap attack states;

"You can combine a jump with a charge against
an opponent. If you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal
distance with your jump, and you end your jump in a
square from which you threaten your target, you can
double the extra damage dealt by your use of the Power
Attack feat. If you use this tactic with a two-handed
weapon, you instead triple the extra damage from Power
Attack." Emphasis mine.

Looking around the internet I've found that the consensus is the while two-handing and leap attacking the bonus from power attack becomes +3 damage for every BaB given up, most of the people that say this say it is because you double a double witch equals 3x.

I see a few problems with this as, firstly you triple the damage from power attack, not double so that would be 2X+3X=4X, this is applied to the bonus damage from power attack, but the damage from power attack is never multiplied in the first place;

"If you attack with a two-handed weapon, or with a one-handed weapon wielded in two hands, instead add twice the number subtracted from your attack rolls." Emphasis mine.

So the formula would be;

X multiplied by 2 = Y
Where X = the number subtracted from your attack rolls, and Y = the bonus damage.

So Y is never multiplied by anything

So with leap attack it would be;
X multiplied by 2 = Y
Y multiplied by 3 = Z

Where Z = bonus damage after leap attack

Making the total damage, effectively, 6X base two-handed power attack damage.

But even assuming that we do stack the multipliers it would be 2X+3X=4X

How are others coming to it being 3X when two-handing?

2020-06-01, 08:07 PM
I presume they mean that the extra damage from leap attack replaces the extra damage from a normal power attack, not adds on to it.

In other words, two-handed power attack doubles your attack bonus, and Leap Attack doubles it again, for a total of a tripling.

2020-06-01, 11:06 PM
Leap attack uses the word "instead" to signify that you should ignore the 2h bonus from power attack and use the bonus from leap attack instead. So 3x is top end.

That being said, the wording is ultimately vague in that "instead" could also just be referring to the description of the feat. This reading would imply that you indeed get a 2x, 3x, 4x, and 6x depending on the type of weapon and how it is wielded.

My groups usually go with the top option to minimize power creep.

2020-06-01, 11:28 PM
This thread explores the issue and also the relevant errata: Leap Attack Wording (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?613373-Leap-Attack-Wording)

2020-06-01, 11:32 PM
This thread explores the issue and also the relevant errata: Leap Attack Wording (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?613373-Leap-Attack-Wording)

I think it's the same guy, use was just created today.

2020-06-02, 10:21 AM
I think it's the same guy, use was just created today.

I was thinking the same thing. The way they type and express themselves match up, and this thread was created after the other one was replied to with answers the OP did not like. Then the OP gave a short answer why they think they're right using the exact same reasoning used by the OP in this thread, just two minutes after this thread was created...

2020-06-02, 10:13 PM
The other thread may have been made by a different person in the same game. I suppose it doesn't matter. Regardless of who the OP is, it seems like the OP has looked at threads that have been made about this over the years. All the relevant analysis has already been posted today. I don't imagine we'll be making any new ground on the subject today. The only authoritative answer will come from your DM in a real game. They may come up with their own interpretation or house rule that makes any discussion here irrelevant.