View Full Version : Just a Thought

2007-10-27, 09:51 AM
I was sitting in an assembly yesterday, and started thinking. What if a fluke of nature generated a bubble of thought, which would expand slowly from the center of the room. Every human that was over taken by it became part of a collective whole, each adding their own knowledge, strength and intelligence to a single entity.

Now, silly thought aside, would you be willing to join such a being? Would you give up your thoughts, will power and control, essentially what is YOU, for the creation of a single massively intelligent, strong creature?

Edit: I attempted to remove all religious implications from my post. Please don't post about religion. If I can refrain, so can you. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-27, 10:02 AM
This itself isn't a Religious issue (A bit). Though it can and will fall into the religious topic eventually, which will conflict with the forum rules. The way I look at it there is no way we can keep this up without it falling into a banned topic.... Maybe a Mod should close it I think so people don't get in trouble >_<

I persally won't respond since I can't think of a way to reply to this at all without involving issues that conflict with the forum rules (Besides this post of course). If you haven't read them I really suggest you do (I hope you have if you've been on since June...).

So maybe we should get a Mod and see what they think.

2007-10-27, 10:13 AM
:smallconfused: I don't see how asking if someone would give up there individuality in order to create a collective being qualifies as religious, though I will edit my post to remove ambiguities. Essentially it boils down to what you value most: capability or individuality. Having a single being made up of every human would solve many of the worlds ills (hunger, war, global warming) but would it be worth the price?

And yes, when I joined I did read the forum rules. :smallyuk: If this thread breaks them (and I honestly don't see how it does) I appologize and would urge it to be closed/deleted.

2007-10-27, 10:13 AM
Actually, I think I can answer without getting into my religion :smalltongue:

Personally, I wouldn't sacrifice myself for that. What makes this world is variety. Not even two plants of the same species are the same, between their genetics and the circumstances in which they grew (which makes them different too). Humans are perhaps the most notable example of the rich variety this planet holds. Thus sacrificing that would simply not be something I'd like to do or to see happening.

Green Bean
2007-10-27, 10:19 AM
I wouldn't. What's the point of smarts when you can't lord it over dumber people? :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-27, 10:20 AM
For me, not no way, not no how. It isn't even close. I don't want to be assimilated.

I wouldn't. What's the point of smarts when you can't lord it over dumber people? :smallbiggrin:

Oh, you are just bad!
*slaps on wrist*

2007-10-27, 11:18 AM
unless there was an immediate need that required my sacrifice, no. though i wouldn't mind when i was really old and on my deathbed, then i would.

now that i think about it, how would such a being work? many people hold conflicting ideas, and opinions are a dime a dozen. would it be just the sum of all its parts or would it have some kind of internal arbiter.

2007-10-27, 11:22 AM
I wouldn't. What's the point of smarts when you can't lord it over dumber people? :smallbiggrin:

I agree with you absolutely and wholeheartedly. The looks on their faces are priceless.

2007-10-27, 11:28 AM
I wouldn't. What's the point of smarts when you can't lord it over dumber people? :smallbiggrin:

BAHAHA! Too funny.:smile:

I'd have to pass on this as well. Now if you proposed gaining collective thought while still maintaining my sense of individuality, count me in.

2007-10-27, 11:36 AM
Gaia in Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" series instantly comes to mind. Ha - when you meet those people for the first time, they seem bizarre, but by the time you get to the end of the series they're positively normal compared to the other whackos it comes across.

...no, I'm not sure that I would.

2007-10-27, 11:43 AM
Oddly enough I though of Gaia as well, but I thought they were bizarre even after seeing them for two books. I guess I value my individuality very highly. There is exactly one person on earth who I would give up my individuality for, and she is on the other end of the country.

2007-10-27, 12:00 PM
Naw. I'm too sexy for that. As if I'd let some overmind have control of this luscious body and pretty face.

2007-10-27, 12:05 PM
No way.
I can allways become smarter in my curent form. But there's a lot of things I wouldn't be able to do as part of the larger thing.
Any reason at all to join?

Aramil Liadon
2007-10-27, 12:45 PM
Can I continue to think independently, observing the creature from my own viewpoint as well as contributing to it?

Because if so, count me in. It's like the perfect information sharing device, a compilation of all human knowledge, and no external interference like wars or famine. Pretty much my Nerdvana.

2007-10-27, 12:56 PM
No way.
I can allways become smarter in my curent form. But there's a lot of things I wouldn't be able to do as part of the larger thing.
Any reason at all to join?

besides ultimate intellect, potentialy solving the worlds problem and gaining telekinesis (the inevitable end result of every hive mind)?

2007-10-27, 02:58 PM
I wouldn't. What's the point of smarts when you can't lord it over dumber people? :smallbiggrin:

What's the point of smarts when you can't... Oh, wait. Hivemind. :smallbiggrin:

Obliteration of ego barriers. Perfect understanding of the intent of others. Ideal empathy and sympathy. The chance to be part of something that could do a colossal amount of good in the world. How would this make me any less myself? Sign me up! :smallcool:

transheuvonist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism) Eggy welcomes the onrushing bow wave of the Omega Point.

2007-10-27, 03:10 PM
What's the point of smarts when you can't... Oh, wait. Hivemind. :smallbiggrin:

Obliteration of ego barriers. Perfect understanding of the intent of others. Ideal empathy and sympathy. The chance to be part of something that could do a colossal amount of good in the world. How would this make me any less myself? Sign me up! :smallcool:

the fact that everyone else's mind becomes part of yours as much as yours become part of theirs.
hive minds aren't the internet, they're adding food dye to water.

2007-10-27, 05:47 PM
Yeah, that was pretty much what I was thinking. So many people would dedicate their lives to curing cancer, or ending war, or whatever, and I was just wondering if people would be willing to help do that if the cost was their individuality.

Personally, I'm not sure. I love the thought of joining my capabilities to form a greater being (there is a reason I like the Zerg), but to never have a thought of my own again... I don't know.

2007-10-27, 05:55 PM
A hive-mind is the second-best system of government I can imagine, so sign me right up.

2007-10-27, 06:03 PM
I'm confident that should I join a hive-mind, they would immediately recognize my great mental prowess, and invariably make me the prime personality due to my awesomeness. So, no. I won't join any hive-minds, they will join me :smallbiggrin: .

2007-10-27, 06:07 PM
Naw. I'm too sexy for that. As if I'd let some overmind have control of this luscious body and pretty face.
Would you happen to be called 'Maester Roke' in another forum?

As for me? I would join the borg collective, after all, Resistance is Futile.

.. Wait this isn't borg? Nah I wouldn't give myself up, chances are joining my head with the world would lower my IQ.

2007-10-27, 11:21 PM
No I would not join. I think that what gives us our ability to invent things and to find cures comes from our individuality. If the joining would erase your individuality then it would get rid of the spark in a persons imagination. Yes the entity would be very smart and could recite everything it has ever learned but with the personality being subsumed into a whole the individual ability to not think like the whole, to think away from main stream, would disappear. This would lead to probably some great discoveries but would also lead to a dead end as the entity would not be able to make jumps in thought.

I liken it to the borg. They are VERY advanced only because they have taken technology from others and used it. Hundreds of races lend the technology to them but when they encountered a speices that could not be assimulated and could not be adapted to, they started to lose. They could not make a guess, or a leap in thought to figure out what to do. It took a human, not part of the collective, to figure it out.

Just my two cents. If it was to save lots of lives, I would probably do it but then want to be let out of the collective even if that included having my personality and such erased and thus "dieing"

Green Bean
2007-10-27, 11:27 PM
A hive-mind is the second-best system of government I can imagine, so sign me right up.

The best, of course, being the Zanuari system of government, a method so perfect that it eliminates all needless violence and conflict, ushering in a new, permanent era of brotherly and sisterly love. Unfortunately, the only record explaining how to implement it is written in Susquehannock, a language no one knows how to speak anymore.

2007-10-27, 11:28 PM
I would have to pass, because I doubt the "Collective" would let me sit around my house in my jammies, drinking beer and watching Futurama.

2007-10-28, 12:20 AM
No I would not join. I think that what gives us our ability to invent things and to find cures comes from our individuality. If the joining would erase your individuality then it would get rid of the spark in a persons imagination. Yes the entity would be very smart and could recite everything it has ever learned but with the personality being subsumed into a whole the individual ability to not think like the whole, to think away from main stream, would disappear. This would lead to probably some great discoveries but would also lead to a dead end as the entity would not be able to make jumps in thought.

Once again I am shown why I keep you people around. This puts to words what I was trying to say in a way that makes me want to bow down and worship your language-fu.

2007-10-28, 12:47 AM
why wouldn't this thing have personality? we are formed by our experience, it would be formed by everyone's experiences. no person would fail to have an impact.

2007-10-28, 07:06 AM
A hive-mind is the second-best system of government I can imagine, so sign me right up.

The best being Cthulhuism, of course. :smallbiggrin:

"A world free of sin, and pain, and suffering, oh and human life. At last Big C can read his book in peace."

2007-10-29, 06:26 AM
Personally, I'm not sure. I love the thought of joining my capabilities to form a greater being (there is a reason I like the Zerg), but to never have a thought of my own again... I don't know.

But.. you're missing the point!

In a hive mind of that kind, all thought would be your thought - there would be one individuality. The one. Which, of course, you'd be part of. They'd be your thoughts.

2007-10-29, 06:44 AM
I don't see why a hive mind should not be capable of spontaneity, imagination and creative thought. The Borg are presented that way, but that's mostly because of Star Trek's ultimate message ("alien cultures are fine as long as they are exactly like ours!"). On the contrary, drawing upon so many dreams, interconnecting so many hopes, world views and experiences, I believe that hive mind would excell at these qualities. After all, it does not extinguish the dreams and thoughts of the individual, it lets them become a part of itself.

Anyway... no loneliness anymore, perfect empathy and understanding amongst all people, being a part of something greater? Yes, I would most certainly join.

2007-10-29, 07:12 AM

Now thats out of my system, I don't think I know anyone who would go with that. Its the real reason the Borg from Startrek are scare not all the mechanical stuff the lack of individuality is what is scary.

2007-10-29, 09:11 AM
Nah, my thoughts/personality/viewpoint are far off from what I would consider the "norm", and as such assimilating me would be like poisoning the hive, so to speak.

2007-10-29, 10:58 AM
Nah, my thoughts/personality/viewpoint are far off from what I would consider the "norm", and as such assimilating me would be like poisoning the hive, so to speak.

An interesting idea. Could one, theoretically, poison the hive? If so, then your abnormal (for lack of a better word) are the least of their troubles. Someone with mental problems; or just anger management issues would corrupt the entire hive! I have problems with imsomnia and recurring bad dreams. Would the hive acquire them too? If so, then I wouldn't want to join the hive (still) for risk of contaminating their utopian ideals. :smallconfused:

2007-10-29, 12:42 PM
An interesting idea. Could one, theoretically, poison the hive? If so, then your abnormal (for lack of a better word) are the least of their troubles. Someone with mental problems; or just anger management issues would corrupt the entire hive! I have problems with imsomnia and recurring bad dreams. Would the hive acquire them too? If so, then I wouldn't want to join the hive (still) for risk of contaminating their utopian ideals. :smallconfused:

Actually, I think the best way to "poison the hive" would be to simply be stupid or misinformed. Theoretically, a being with such great mental capabilities would be able to filter out the lies and untruths of humanity, but you never know...