View Full Version : Fueling Travel Devotion for the Swift Hunter

el minster
2020-06-05, 03:35 PM
Is there anyway to fuel travel devotion for a swift hunter without further multiclassing?

2020-06-05, 04:52 PM
You could maybe get an argument for Nightsticks, but otherwise? No, dont think so

2020-06-05, 04:54 PM
Getting turning/rebuking attempts without requiring class levels is pretty tricky.

You might be able to UMD a Bone Talisman (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a) spell?

You may find some other ideas here: [3.5]Turn undead for a non-caster? (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?151480-3-5-Turn-undead-for-a-non-caster)

el minster
2020-06-05, 05:12 PM
but is there a way to gain extra uses without turn undead?

2020-06-05, 05:19 PM
but is there a way to gain extra uses without turn undead?
Take the fear again? Ask your DM for an item that gives you more uses?

2020-06-05, 05:43 PM
but is there a way to gain extra uses without turn undead?

Take the fear again? Ask your DM for an item that gives you more uses?

RAW, taking the feat multiple times is the only way.

Arms and Equipment Guide has guidelines around pricing custom items that grant feats. About 10,000gp each from memory.

Here we go, sidebar on page 128.

If you have enough cash, and the DM allows custom items, you could get a series of Amulets (or Boots, or whatever) that grant the feat, and swap them out after each use.

2020-06-05, 06:34 PM
RAW, taking the feat multiple times is the only way.

Arms and Equipment Guide has guidelines around pricing custom items that grant feats. About 10,000gp each from memory.

Here we go, sidebar on page 128.

If you have enough cash, and the DM allows custom items, you could get a series of Amulets (or Boots, or whatever) that grant the feat, and swap them out after each use.

Or ask your DM to allow you to keep upgrading it for 10k a piece. Seems fair enough to me.

el minster
2020-06-05, 06:50 PM
Seems cheesy. I guess I'm taking a cleric level after all.

2020-06-05, 07:01 PM
Seems cheesy. I guess I'm taking a cleric level after all.

If you dip Cloistered Cleric it won;t affect your skill points too badly, and if you take the Travel domain you can trade it for the feat.

2020-06-05, 07:14 PM
You could also just buy a bunch of quicksilver boots and chronocharm of the horizon walker types of items.

el minster
2020-06-05, 09:09 PM
You can't always really on magic. Also for the otherf domain I'm thinking Celerity

2020-06-05, 09:13 PM
If you're 6th+ level, take Greater Manyshot (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#greaterManyshot) and you won't need Travel Devotion. Or if you're going melee, get Pounce and just charge around.

2020-06-06, 12:51 AM
You can't always really on magic.

While that's true enough, the benefits of domain feats are either spell-likes or supernatural abilities if I'm not sorely mistaken. They are magic. The only situation they work and the magic gear doesn't is if you're doing a prison break scenario where recovering your gear is part of the whole ordeal. That and chain spell dispel magic shenanigans.

2020-06-06, 06:07 AM
For a lot of my Swift Hunter builds, I usually wind up taking Travel Devotion x2/x3, because in most TWF builds the ability to move+full attack tends to be more important than any other feat.

You could also try adding an equivalent turning/rebuke pool. For example, you could use Planar Ranger to put ranks in Knowledge: the Planes, take Planer Touchstone, and link to the Catalogues of Enlightenment to get the Plant Domain power. Rebuke plants is the equivalent of rebuke undead. You could also get the same domain power from Holt Warden 2, although those levels don't count towards your Swift Hunter progression. If Planar Ranger isn't possible, Skilled City-Dweller (Cityscape Web Enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a)) allows you to switch Knowledge (Nature) to Knowledge (Local) on either Ranger or Scout, which would let you pick up the Touchstone feat from Sandstorm (this alternate feat works for planar touchstone sites as well).

If your DM is lenient on cherry-picking from other campaign worlds, there's a variant of the Sun domain in Dragonlance Campaign Setting that gives you Turn Undead exactly as a cleric, which you could pick up from the Catalogues of Enlightenment.

If Dragon Magazine material is available, God-Touched and Divine Channeler from Dragon #305 gives you turn undead 1/day.

Soldier of Light (from Deities & Demigods) gives you turn undead with a 1-level dip, and is not too difficult to qualify for: Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks, which isn't too bad for cross-class.

If you have room for a Cloistered Cleric dip, then I like to use the draconic deity Io, who has some good picks for domains: Dragon, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, Travel, Wealth, and Spell. I usually take Magic for spell-trigger items (Sor/Wiz wands), but Strength is tempting for enlarge person. Sehanine Moonbow is also a good pick if you're an elf/half-elf/archer: Chaos, Elf, Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Moon, and Travel. Elf domain gets you Point-Blank Shot as a domain power. If you're looking for Elf and War, Shevarash or Solonor Thelandira should work. If you're just looking for two of the basic PHB domains, like Magic and War, worshiping the Asgardian pantheon as a whole gets you your pick of any two domains. Favored weapons include composite longbow, longsword, shortsword, quarterstaff, or unarmed strike.

Shroudcrown (Player's Guide to Faerun) will let you turn undead as a 10th level cleric. Very expensive, though: 113,600 GP. If you want a cleric domain on a more temporary basis, Domain Draught (3300 GP, MIC) lasts 24 hours and gives you access to the domain power.

2020-06-06, 07:22 AM
If you're 6th+ level, take Greater Manyshot (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#greaterManyshot) and you won't need Travel Devotion. Or if you're going melee, get Pounce and just charge around.

I would also stick to an ubercharger build imho. Be it a melee ubercharger or a ranged ubercharger with 4 lvls of Bloodstorm Blade (best with a 2lvl dip of Drunken Master to have more mobility while charging with "Stagger" ability). Much better than travel devotion, cause it doesn't need resources to activate and has more dmg boosting sources available due to the amount of charge related stuff in 3.5 .

bean illus
2020-06-06, 09:50 AM
Is it a melee, or ranged build?

Either way, i prefer the cleric dip on swift hunter. Mystic Ranger, if you can. I sometimes play with the fighter dip, also. You lag favored enemy, but 2 feats let's you pick up xtra favored enemy and improved favored enemy sooner. Or stuff like that.

el minster
2020-06-06, 11:28 PM
Is it a melee, or ranged build?

Either way, i prefer the cleric dip on swift hunter. Mystic Ranger, if you can. I sometimes play with the fighter dip, also. You lag favored enemy, but 2 feats let's you pick up xtra favored enemy and improved favored enemy sooner. Or stuff like that.

two weapon fighting with kasri-gama (DMG) my have misspelled it.

2020-06-07, 08:16 AM
two weapon fighting with kasri-gama (DMG) my have misspelled it.

Take one level of Barbarian for the lion spiritual totem in CC, which trades fast movement for Pounce. You can also get Whirling Frenzy (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/classFeatureVariants.htm#rageVariantWhirlingFrenzy ) to make an extra attack every round.

2020-06-07, 02:58 PM
You could also try adding an equivalent turning/rebuke pool. For example, you could use Planar Ranger to put ranks in Knowledge: the Planes, take Planer Touchstone, and link to the Catalogues of Enlightenment to get the Plant Domain power. Rebuke plants is the equivalent of rebuke undead. You could also get the same domain power from Holt Warden 2, although those levels don't count towards your Swift Hunter progression. If Planar Ranger isn't possible, Skilled City-Dweller (Cityscape Web Enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a)) allows you to switch Knowledge (Nature) to Knowledge (Local) on either Ranger or Scout, which would let you pick up the Touchstone feat from Sandstorm (this alternate feat works for planar touchstone sites as well).

Given precedence with divine feats and the prevalence of "this counts as this for the purpose of being this" I don't think that will fly with most.

Heck, most of the Nightstick arguments are basically "Does Extra Turning act like Extra Turning"

el minster
2020-06-07, 04:11 PM
I would dip cleric but I woujld have to go three levels to avoid xp penalties.

2020-06-07, 04:33 PM
I would dip cleric but I woujld have to go three levels to avoid xp penalties.

Go Barbarian 2/ Scout 3/ Ranger X then, make sure Ranger is your favored class. Use the lion spiritual totem instead of fast movement for pounce, and the wolf totem variant to trade uncanny dodge for improved trip. Take knock-down (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineAbilitiesFeats.htm#knockDown) and you'll automatically have a chance to trip on every attack you make that deals enough damage.

el minster
2020-06-07, 05:01 PM
I would rather take two levels in cleric than have to charge for skirmish.

bean illus
2020-06-07, 05:13 PM
Soldier of Light is a full BAB prc that grants TU at level one, with easy entry and some goodies.

el minster
2020-06-08, 10:52 AM
Soldier of Light is a full BAB prc that grants TU at level one, with easy entry and some goodies.

Where is it?

2020-06-09, 09:36 AM
Where is it?

Deities and Demigods.

el minster
2020-06-09, 11:19 AM
Deities and Demigods.

but that's no different than dipping cleric for turn undead.

2020-06-09, 11:31 AM
but that's no different than dipping cleric for turn undead.

Fair point. The only way I know of without needing the class for the class feature, is the aforementioned and expensive Shroudcrown from PGtF. It will probably be cheaper to buy a couple of Belts of Battle and call it a day. Btw, what does your progression look like for your swift hunter build?

2020-06-09, 11:38 AM
but that's no different than dipping cleric for turn undead.

Prestige classes don't count for an xp penalty though.

el minster
2020-06-09, 12:53 PM
Prestige classes don't count for an xp penalty though.

were does it say that?

2020-06-09, 01:09 PM
were does it say that?

It *should* be in the DMG 3.5 errata, but it isn't. For some reason, they stuck it in the Main 3.5 FAQ (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20070731a):

In the previous version of the D&D game, having levels in a prestige class never caused you to pay the experience penalty for being a multiclass character without uneven class levels. (The prestige class levels didn’t count when checking to see if you had a penalty.) The section on prestige classes in the new DMG no longer mentions that you don’t suffer an experience penalty for having levels in a prestige class. Is this a change or an error?

It’s an error. Having levels in a prestige class won’t give you an experience penalty.

2020-06-09, 01:17 PM
In addition, they apparently fixed this error in the 2012 re-release of the core books.

Taking a prestige class does not incur the experience point penalties normally associated with multiclassing.

el minster
2020-06-09, 02:05 PM
In addition, they apparently fixed this error in the 2012 re-release of the core books.

Taking a prestige class does not incur the experience point penalties normally associated with multiclassing.

thank you I think I have an earlier version

2020-06-09, 03:07 PM
Also, the alternative ends up being really silly as MOST prestige classes would then impose massive penalties. Dwarf Wizard going archmage?