View Full Version : Pathfinder Construct Armor and Construct Limb questions

2020-06-06, 05:24 PM
I am making an Artificer (Converted from Eberron) that focuses on making Construct Armor and Construct Limbs to allow him to assist in most combat roles as needed, but I have a few questions in regards to using Construct Armor/Limbs, especially since my DM basically handed me the key to inventing advanced technology (or at least the beginnings of it)

1) When wearing a Construct Armor, does the one wearing it also gain the abilities of the Construct?

Example: Clockwork Guardian's Barrier skill. If worn as armor, would the one wearing the Guardian be able to use the ability to unfold the shield and create a wall of iron and gain 2 Slam attacks?

2) Is there a way for a medium character to make Construct Armor that is larger than them?

I want to make something cool for a friend of mine in our group that is a big Gundam fan and I wanted to try and make an armor with a cockpit for him.

3) Can you have multiple Construct Limbs equipped at once?

I know the shield bonuses wouldn't stack, but I would like to try and make multiple Construct Limbs that can be used together.

4) Can you have a Construct Limb and Construct Armor equipped at the same time?

5) If a Construct Armor is wielding a weapon prior to being donned as armor, will the wearer be able to wield that weapon?

6) Can you imbue a Construct Armor/Limbs with armor/weapon properties that can be utilized while worn?

7) Is there a way to give the Construct armor/limbs spell/power-like abilities?

2020-06-06, 06:33 PM
Construct armor only gives you the benefits it states in the description, yes, it's rather disappointing.

If your game is up for third party material the Monster Managerie: Construct Companion has rules for golem armor in which you actually have the benefits of wearing a construct, the mobile suit golem modification.

Anyway, since Construct armor and limbs are constructs, it can be enchanted with armor enchantments just like any other golem, as per the construct modification rules.

2020-06-07, 12:01 AM
If the Construct has Damage Reduction or Spell Resistance, would that apply as Construct armor as well?

2020-06-07, 07:29 PM
According to the FAQ (https://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fz#v5748eaic9op2), the wearer of construct armor does not gain the benefits of any resistances or immunities.

So really it's just a pool of temporary hit points.

2020-06-12, 07:50 AM
there is an article called making ironman that uses a combination of 3.5 a pathfinder stuff, i don't have the link right now but check it out.

2020-06-13, 05:13 PM
there is an article called making ironman that uses a combination of 3.5 a pathfinder stuff, i don't have the link right now but check it out.

There's also the Base Class Engineer book for pathfinder, which is the golem pilot class basically.

Every construct they make is hollow so they can climb inside and pilot it, presuming it's big enough....