View Full Version : Celestial sourcebooks?

2020-06-07, 04:46 PM
hi, I'm going to be running a campaign soon and one of the hooks has to do with devils and celestial, and i was wondering if there are any books about celestials in the same vein as the fiendish codex? thanks anyway

2020-06-07, 05:04 PM
In 3.5, your only real options are Book of Exalted Deeds and Champions of Valor (the latter is more specific to FR but still has some stuff on the upper planes.)

Pathfinder has a few others like Blood of Angels and Champions of Purity. Those are also more setting-specific (to Golarion's Great Beyond) but they may prove helpful.

2020-06-08, 07:11 AM
There is also some stuff in the Manual of the Planes.

Additionally for the Lore you can turn to the 2nd Ed Planescape books which I think have some, possibly in "On Hallowed ground"?

2020-06-08, 07:20 AM
It's near the bottom of the first page, but I made a list of all celestials a while ago


2020-06-08, 08:59 PM
There is also some stuff in the Manual of the Planes.

Additionally for the Lore you can turn to the 2nd Ed Planescape books which I think have some, possibly in "On Hallowed ground"?

the manual of the planes actually helped a bit but i never touched 2e stuff gonna have to look it up, thank you!

2020-06-08, 09:00 PM
In 3.5, your only real options are Book of Exalted Deeds and Champions of Valor (the latter is more specific to FR but still has some stuff on the upper planes.)

Pathfinder has a few others like Blood of Angels and Champions of Purity. Those are also more setting-specific (to Golarion's Great Beyond) but they may prove helpful.

these each have something that helps actually, thank you! was kinda of looking for something more lore heavy but these will do.

2020-06-08, 10:11 PM
Closest you will get is Book of Exalted Deeds. It has Celestial Paragons and such.

2020-06-09, 08:11 PM
If Dragon magazine is OK, then #312 have article with racial classes for "Good monsters", and #351 - Planescape-themed article about the Ecstasy - gate town between the Outlands and Elysium

2020-06-10, 10:53 AM
Pathfinder also has the Chronicle of the Righteous sourcebook in the same vein as the Book of the Damned. It lists all the boons and obediences of the Empyreal lords and various other things about the Good Planes.

2020-06-10, 11:26 AM
Pathfinder also has the Chronicle of the Righteous sourcebook in the same vein as the Book of the Damned. It lists all the boons and obediences of the Empyreal lords and various other things about the Good Planes.

*slaps forehead* I knew I was forgetting a big one.

Note that, much like 3.5's Book of Exalted Deeds/Vile Darkness, the Book of the Damned and Chronicle of the Righteous aren't just sourcebooks for the game - they are artifacts that can be found by the players in-universe to help explain some of these concepts or identify celestials and fiends they might not have seen before. (Pathfinder also added a third sourcebook/artifact, focused on neutrality, called the Concordance of Rivals.)

2020-06-10, 11:33 AM
Note that, much like 3.5's Book of Exalted Deeds/Vile Darkness, the Book of the Damned and Chronicle of the Righteous aren't just sourcebooks for the game - they are artifacts that can be found by the players in-universe to help explain some of these concepts or identify celestials and fiends they might not have seen before. (Pathfinder also added a third sourcebook/artifact, focused on neutrality, called the Concordance of Rivals.)

The early 3.5 Underdark book also had a Book of Perfect Balance as well (and a Talisman of Neutrality).

2020-06-10, 03:28 PM
I like Sword and Sorcery's Anger of Angels book. Its 3rd party, but has some nifty stuff in it.