View Full Version : Help end world hunger, increase your vocabulary

2007-10-27, 01:35 PM
I recently found out about freerice.com (www.freerice.com), a website which donates rice to the U.N. when people answer vocabulary questions. You can generate about 200-300 grains of rice in 4-5 minutes, and it can really make a difference. It doesn't cost anything, and can help people who need food. I'd recommend doing it whenever you get a chance, as it is an excellent time filler. Also, please post how many grains of rice you have donated, for the running total, below.

Running tally of rice donated by GITP posters: 351,460
Last recorded philanthropist: Cinders
Single Largest Amount: Ted_Stryker, 22,470

2007-10-27, 01:38 PM
I recently found out about freerice.com (www.freerice.com), a website which donates rice to the U.N. when people answer vocabulary questions. You can generate about 200-300 grains of rice in 4-5 minutes, and it can really make a difference. I've only spent about an hour on it total, and I've already donated over 3000 grains of rice. It doesn't cost anything, and can help people who need food. I'd recommend doing it whenever you get a chance.

...I don't get it. Why answer vocabulary questions when they could just give them food?? Either its a setup or its to annoy the heck out of people who want to help others:smallannoyed:.

Though if they are really doing it, thats a neat idea... but kinda strange... I mean, answer vocab questions and donate rice?!?!? That is off the randomness scale!

2007-10-27, 01:40 PM
Look at the FAQ section, it should answer any questions about how it works. For convenience, what happens is that the advertisements on the site, instead of being charged for the room they take up instead pay for the rice being donated.

2007-10-27, 01:43 PM
Look at the FAQ section, it should answer any questions about how it works. For convenience, what happens is that the advertisements on the site, instead of being charged for the room they take up instead pay for the rice being donated.

Oh, that makes ALOT more sense:smallbiggrin:

2007-10-27, 01:53 PM
Yes. I had doubts about it too, when my friend showed it to me.

2007-10-27, 02:03 PM
This seems a good site. I was just wondering what level people are at.

2007-10-27, 02:07 PM
I'm usually around 33-34ish.

2007-10-27, 02:35 PM
I just did 6,000. My range was 36-43, averaging around 41 I'd say. :smallamused: I'm supposed to be studying for the SAT right now and this counts right? Expand my vocab! :smallbiggrin: Anyway it was fun.

2007-10-27, 02:36 PM
This is making me realise my vocabulary is nowhere near as good as it should be.

2007-10-27, 02:38 PM
I just got an idea...if people want to, post the amount of rice you've donated and I'll start a running tally.

2007-10-27, 02:39 PM
I just got an idea...if people want to, post the amount of rice you've donated and I'll start a running tally.

A problem is that once you navigate away it doesn't keep a record of how much you've donated. So now I have no idea how much I've donated.

Crispy Dave
2007-10-27, 02:42 PM
ill start mabey i can get vocab pionts for my vocab course

2007-10-27, 02:42 PM
3050 donated.

I might link my english teacher over to this and see what he can do to put this into class.

2007-10-27, 02:44 PM
I wonder what prevents people from cheating. It would be for a good cause afterall.

2007-10-27, 02:49 PM
This was interesting. I only tried it for about a minute, got to level 48 then started missing words and quit when I slipped back to 46. I might try it again later and see how high I can get.

The problem I see with it as a vocab test is that when you miss a word, it doesn't tell you the correct answer, and it doesn't even make it all that obvious that you chose the wrong word. So you're not really improving your vocab, unless you write down the words that you noticed made you slip back a level and look them up later.

2007-10-27, 02:51 PM
It does tell you the right meaning...right above the new question.

Crispy Dave
2007-10-27, 03:10 PM
3000 shipping to Africa with crispydave on the return address:smallbiggrin:

Mad Scientist
2007-10-27, 03:25 PM
Interesting site. It has a much broader range of words and more varied definitions than most I've seen. Sadly, I'm only at 42 or so right now. But I'm home sick so my brain isn't working very well today. I'll try again when I'm feeling better.

The Great Skenardo
2007-10-27, 03:59 PM
EDIT: 3300 From me. High reached at 47, but those words get really really obscure.

2007-10-27, 04:02 PM
Wow, this is fun AND altruistic. I generally average around 43, but I am tired. My high was something like 48-49. Will post my totals later.

And I too have my suspicions about the validity of the program, but worse comes to worse, you only learn new words :smallbiggrin:

A Rainy Knight
2007-10-27, 04:03 PM
220 so far. I didn't have a whole lot of time.

2007-10-27, 04:08 PM
It does tell you the right meaning...right above the new question.


I'm almost certain that wasn't there before. Weird. I was looking all around for the correct answer each time, and ... how did I miss that? Thanks. I see it now.

Edit: YES! I made it to level 50 this time! I only stayed there for three words, but I did it! :smallsmile:

2007-10-27, 04:15 PM
Well, that's 2,180 from me. Will play more later.

2007-10-27, 04:18 PM
500. I got Lucubration as one of mine. Ah, the things DnD has taught me...

2007-10-27, 04:26 PM
3260 here.

2007-10-27, 04:31 PM

How could i not know such a beautiful word? *dreamy sigh*

2007-10-27, 04:38 PM
If you like that, you might like this:

It's called an eviscerator.

2007-10-27, 04:40 PM
If you like that, you might like this:

It's called an eviscerator.

I know. Its mainly used by crazy inquisitional repents and priests and it can actually cut through a tank without problems :smallwink: i do play warhammer 40k :smallsmile:

Raiser Blade
2007-10-27, 04:40 PM
500 grains for right now. I averaged a score of 32-33.

2007-10-27, 04:41 PM
I know. Its mainly used by crazy inquisitional repents and priests and it can actually cut through a tank without problems :smallwink: i do play warhammer 40k :smallsmile:

Ah, good. Rice.

2007-10-27, 04:45 PM
I stopped at 5010 when I grew bored with it. I mainly used it to learn new vocabulary, which it was okay at, though a better description would be nice for people who learn the language like me.

2007-10-27, 04:46 PM
Stopped at 100 grains.

2007-10-27, 04:59 PM
2000 grains.

i was around a 34-35 all the time

2007-10-27, 05:35 PM

Mine hovered from 28-32

Though a lot of the times I think it was just me not stopping to think.

Like "oculist", I should have known what that meant -.-

I could have done better but I got bored.

2007-10-27, 05:57 PM
Just out of curiosity, how many grains of rice in a cooked cup? In a dry pound? Are we making any difference at all with this? And toss in another 200 from me. I have over a thousand on my screen now, but I intend to keep playing, and the 200 was what I had when my brother logged me off :smallmad: .

2007-10-27, 06:00 PM
In a cup? I'd wager about 200.

Then again I always was bad at these kinda things.

2007-10-27, 06:01 PM
Anyway, ignore my above question, I looked it up. Apparently, there are about 29,000 grains in a pound of rice according to this (http://www.producersrice.com/rice/facts.html). How many hungry people that will feed is beyond me.

Edit: Damn you Setra! Ruining my good rule violation :smallmad:

Edit: And you're a bit off. According to a different page its about 7,250 in a cup.

2007-10-27, 06:04 PM
Just remember that a cup uncooked is three cups cooked.

A person could probably live off a cup of rice a day. And water.

2007-10-27, 06:16 PM
Low to mid thirties in level and donated 200 grains so far.

2007-10-27, 06:21 PM
Well, now I know what I'll be doing with my free time from now on.

Nice find.

2007-10-27, 06:23 PM
Thank you, but my friend was the one who found it. I just put it up here.

2007-10-27, 06:42 PM
Edit: And you're a bit off. According to a different page its about 7,250 in a cup.
Well it looks like 200 to me.

But yeah I was always bad with that kinda stuff.

"Guess how many beans are in the jar, closest gets a prize"

"Uh, 500?"

"Try 20,000"

It was a big jar.

Ego Slayer
2007-10-27, 06:45 PM
1,460. Was between 30 and 37. X_x

2007-10-27, 07:12 PM
400, usually score was around 40 - 44. I don't have enough time to go for hours.

2007-10-27, 07:35 PM
So far I am at 1200. Making the questions easy makes them fly by. But I'm doing it for the rice and not to learn.

But if you want to help and not click forever, The Hunger Site (http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=1&link=ctg_ths_home_from_ths_thankyou_sitenav) and related tabs are easy and great.

2007-10-27, 07:44 PM
another 2100 from me.

2007-10-27, 08:31 PM
320, and some of those words are plain weird. It's funny how you can guess the meaning of a word by related words that you do know...:smallamused:

2007-10-27, 08:40 PM
I chipped in 2640 grains. I hit level 50 a couple of times but didn't stay there very long, and ended at 43. Spent most of my time between 40-46. The climb from 43 to 50 is pretty tough, and I had several educated guesses and a few blind guesses that panned out on the way up.

Gaming-related terms I encountered along the way:

D&D/medieval - greave, jambeau, tabard, kobold, wyvern, mattock, malison.

V:tM - thaumaturgy, protean, poltroon, autarkic.

There are probably others I'm forgetting, but they did crop up from time to time.

2007-10-27, 09:33 PM
Some of my teachers would be obsessed about this and try to make us do it...
and my emo hippie friend.

i should tell my emo hippie friend, he has a very sucky diplomacy skill,
he only has the annoy skill but then people just punch him.
its kinda fun watching him gripe about the world, then people beating him up.

he is kinda evil so its ok :smalltongue:

(edit: My friend i was talking about doesn't go on this forum so im worry free)

2007-10-27, 10:06 PM
Gah, tack on another 8070 from me. Levels 43+ don't even seem like words after a while. My brain hurts.

The Great Skenardo
2007-10-27, 10:18 PM
Add on another 3280 from myself. Too much words... x_x
Hovering between 45-48

2007-10-27, 10:29 PM
1040 grains, then I had to go do real work. stayed right at about 40-42

2007-10-27, 10:53 PM
1000 grams here.

I stayed between 30-32. Nothing bad for a non-native, huh?

2007-10-28, 12:35 AM
This is very nice. And fun, and useful, and awesome. I've always been proud of my vocabulary, which has moved from crazy huge in elementary school down to quite good now that more is expected so many years later. I like this.

I was staying around 37-40 at first, but then at around 600 dropped to 33-35 and after that I just spiked upwards to 39 a couple times.

I really like the idea of taking a running tally.

I'd also like to note how much dnd has helped me here. Every once in a while I come upon one which is SO EASY and I realize that its due to dnd vocab. Hell, I even got 'Paladin' as one. :smallbiggrin:

Highest I reached and noticed was 41 (not counting the spikes at the very beginning), Lowest was 31, immediately followed by a no-mistake spike upwards to 38.

I stopped at 8000.

2007-10-28, 01:12 AM
1,240 grains from me. I thought I had a good vocabulary, but I've never even heard of some of those words before. I find that knowing root words helps. A lot. I usually hover around 40 or a little above.

Raiser Blade
2007-10-28, 01:14 AM
I did another 330 so my total is 830.

2007-10-28, 01:46 AM
1080 for me, then I got bored with it.

2007-10-28, 01:55 AM
I couldn't get my vocabulary level above 49. >_< Is it just me or are the Latin-derived words actually easier to guess than words straight out of English's Germanic origins?

2007-10-28, 02:55 AM
I couldn't get my vocabulary level above 49. >_< Is it just me or are the Latin-derived words actually easier to guess than words straight out of English's Germanic origins?
It's not just you.

Also.. 49!?!?!?!?!?!?!111111oneoneoneohgodicanseeforever

The maximum is 50!

Emperor Demonking
2007-10-28, 05:28 AM
I got 3,000

2007-10-28, 06:46 AM
Well... I'm going around 26 ._. This is what you get if you're not a native speaker! But then again, it has words I doubt I'll see/use much.

900 grains.

2007-10-28, 07:51 AM
:smalleek: So...many posts...while I was asleep...:smallbiggrin: Well, the new totals are up, as well as a section on the single largest donation.

2007-10-28, 08:00 AM
I can't seem to get above level 23. :smallfrown:

200 grains.

Emperor Demonking
2007-10-28, 08:11 AM
Add an extra 1,000

2007-10-28, 08:28 AM
I've been doing this instead of going to bed. But I have to get up early in the morning so I've stopped at 2000 grains of rice and Vocab Level 31.


2007-10-28, 08:44 AM
Ooh, I like this.
I did 260 grains in a few minutes. I'm going to be doing this during most of my free time now...

2007-10-28, 08:59 AM
Yay I'm temporarily in the lead!:smallbiggrin:

Toss in another 1160 for me.

And bugsysservant has 3 "s's" in it, bub. :smallannoyed: :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-28, 09:02 AM
I donated 310 grains of rice, but I cheated and used dictionary.com (which is really not in the spirit of the test :smallredface:, but it's for the poor). I'll do it again seriously later on.

But, if anyone wants to see a level 47 word, fugacious means 'fleeting' :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-28, 09:08 AM
I donated 310 grains of rice, but I cheated and used dictionary.com (which is really not in the spirit of the test :smallredface:, but it's for the poor). I'll do it again seriously later on.

But, if anyone wants to see a level 47 word, fugacious means 'fleeting' :smallbiggrin:

Yay, I think I actually would have gotten that one. I love that I am finally seeing a use for my high school latin.

2007-10-28, 09:12 AM
It's not just you.

Also.. 49!?!?!?!?!?!?!111111oneoneoneohgodicanseeforever

The maximum is 50!

Have to admit a lot of it was guessing. Again it was much easier to guess the Latin-based words.

2007-10-28, 09:14 AM
Have to admit a lot of it was guessing. Again it was much easier to guess the Latin-based words.

Nice Firefox theme. I've been meaning to add one lately. What's yours? (I have tons of extensions, but I never have gotten around to the aesthetic aspects)

Shas aia Toriia
2007-10-28, 10:05 AM
Right, add on another 1540.

Emperor Demonking
2007-10-28, 10:40 AM
Add an extra 1,000

2007-10-28, 12:44 PM
Give me another 1470.

2007-10-28, 01:24 PM
Another 2500.

Apparently conjunctivitis = pinkeye. Should have guessed from the -itis

Emperor Demonking
2007-10-28, 01:29 PM
Add 200 to it.

2007-10-28, 01:48 PM
Have another 1070

2007-10-28, 01:51 PM
I totally recognize that theme! At least, the start menu/bar down there, it's part of the WoW desktop style thingy. I put it onto my desktop about a year back.

Also a question: that single largest total, is that in one go, or total for one person? Because if it's for one I just passed your first by adding 1600 onto my previous 8000.

2007-10-28, 01:56 PM
Hah this made me laugh


1. troglodyte means:
2. booty
3. reverse
4. silver
5. cave-dweller


Actualy question...

2007-10-28, 02:04 PM
Also a question: that single largest total, is that in one go, or total for one person?

That's in one go. I can't really keep track of everyone's totals.

2007-10-28, 02:07 PM
Aw dang, he got 8040 and I did 8000 on the first try I made a little while ago (and posted, don't count mine twice). Oh well.

Also, I hit 42 :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-28, 02:09 PM
Got 1070 before my vocab score dropped to 37 when I was desperately trying to keep it above 40 :(

2007-10-28, 02:54 PM
Another 700 from me.
Was usually between 32-37.

2007-10-28, 03:09 PM
I got to level 41, which I think is pretty good for a not-native speaker. Oh, and about 6000 grains.

2007-10-28, 04:05 PM
Another 2000.

2007-10-28, 04:08 PM
1000 grams here.

I stayed between 30-32. Nothing bad for a non-native, huh?

Could've fooled me. 1700 from me, going from 28-32.

answer for Fortitude: Courage. :smallamused:

Raiser Blade
2007-10-28, 04:15 PM
100 more from me at a 42 vocab level.

2007-10-28, 04:36 PM
The easiest way to end World Poverty is to kill Michael Moore.

1020 rice grains donated
Average level - 45.

2007-10-28, 04:38 PM
30 grains........... man I need to improve.
I'll try again!

Mc. Lovin'
2007-10-28, 04:43 PM
Add another 600 from me

2007-10-28, 04:46 PM
1060 grains at level 36. My attention span isn't long enough to go more, and I began to space out and just click blindly.

2007-10-28, 04:52 PM
340, filler text

2007-10-28, 04:58 PM
Oh crap, I'm starting to get tired of it!

Well, I think its because I've been doing more today. Chalk up another 300 for me.

2007-10-28, 04:59 PM
Just racked up another 2000.

I'm not sure if it's innate generosity or contempt for the word level that keeps me going.

2007-10-28, 05:36 PM
Nice Firefox theme. I've been meaning to add one lately. What's yours? (I have tons of extensions, but I never have gotten around to the aesthetic aspects)

Thanks, it's BlackJapanMAX 5.69.

Oh yeah, there was another word D&D helped me guess. It was "Amanuensis," and there's a spell of the same name that copies magical texts. The answer? "Dictation Taker."

2007-10-28, 05:42 PM
I have to say, this is quite fascinating! I don't know half the words I get right, but I break them down into positives and negatives, root words, etc, and extrapolate something from that, and now I'm up to 1500 and still going. VERY fun to me too.

2007-10-28, 05:47 PM
This was quite interesting, I thought I knew the English language quite a bit, but there's plenty of words I don't know. Luckily there's also words I do know. I'm now at level 24, not too high, got a few streaks of 'weird' words.

I'm up to 500 grains of rice now, though I think I'll try to do some more later, it's a nice test.

2007-10-28, 05:56 PM
Well folks, that's 100,000 grains of rice, and it's only the second day since this thread was posted. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised at the level of response that the thread and freerice have gotten. I've really been touched at how many people are willing to give up there free time to help with hunger. Good job, everyone! :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-28, 06:13 PM
You can tally up another 21,750 from me, which I amassed in a 4-5 hour session, although I didn't play straight through, I took frequent breaks. Then I ran up against "esurient" and couldn't stop thinking that that was my auto insurance provider, so that was the signal to stop for the night.


If you do it enough, the words start to repeat, although I haven't seen many repeats at level 50. You also get a "Wow" message at 10,000, and the visual running grain tally rolls over. Something to shoot for. :smallwink: :smallcool:

2007-10-28, 06:20 PM
About 5000 now, with a personal high of level 43 and an average of 37-41.

2007-10-28, 06:29 PM
Did 100 works right (and a couple wrong), so add 1k rice from me.

2007-10-28, 06:31 PM
I think the word that I would be least likely to know if I didn't play dnd was Dipsomania. It's one of the forms of insanity psionic blast can cause in 1st edition, and a character of mine got hit with it once. It's addiction to alcohol.

2007-10-28, 06:32 PM
You can tally up another 21,750 from me, which I amassed in a 4-5 hour session, although I didn't play straight through, I took frequent breaks. Then I ran up against "esurient" and couldn't stop thinking that that was my auto insurance provider, so that was the signal to stop for the night.


If you do it enough, the words start to repeat, although I haven't seen many repeats at level 50. You also get a "Wow" message at 10,000, and the visual running grain tally rolls over. Something to shoot for. :smallwink: :smallcool:

Colour me impressed. Wow.

I found that after a 1000 or so I stopped thinking and paying attention, missing easy ones.

2007-10-28, 08:13 PM
Ha! Finally got up to 10000. Personal high: 49.

Shas aia Toriia
2007-10-28, 08:16 PM
Add another 1000

2007-10-28, 08:22 PM
Another 1100.

Almighty Salmon
2007-10-28, 08:39 PM

Then my eyes began to hurt.

2007-10-28, 09:01 PM
Another 2,000 from me.

2007-10-28, 09:27 PM

How could i not know such a beautiful word? *dreamy sigh*


*Points at username*

Thats were it came from :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-28, 11:02 PM
I think I'm addicted to this, I just did another 3,500.

2007-10-28, 11:38 PM
I coughed got 1140. Average level about 29-30. This is a great win-win. You get vocab, people get rice. If you do it often it really adds up too, and not to mention all us GitPers doing it. We've racked up a lot of food.

Plus you get that nice feeling :smallsmile:

2007-10-28, 11:56 PM
1550 for me. ~35-40 or so, high of 43

2007-10-29, 12:17 AM
I like this website. I'm up to 1800 grains at level 31.

2007-10-29, 12:24 AM


Pituitary gland
sixty-fourth note

The answer was sixty-fourth note.

Add another 500. I'm mostly doing it in smallish amounts...except that first 8000

Saithis Bladewing
2007-10-29, 02:08 AM
710 grains added.

It started me at 34 or something, within several hundred grains I was up to 50, and I've only dropped down to 49 twice so far. Do I win a prize or anything for this? I mean, other than the satisfaction of conjuring up rice with my brain?

2007-10-29, 03:14 AM
Too addictive, finally got to 4070, but my eyes hurt too much. I mean, it's nightime.

2007-10-29, 06:50 AM
Chalk up another 5,500 for me. I'm also getting better at this, I've gotten up to Vocab Level 41 from 31. Hooray!

2007-10-29, 01:39 PM
4,050 grains Vocab level: 36

2007-10-29, 02:11 PM
400 more from me.

2007-10-29, 02:24 PM
'Nother 1000. It's strangely gratifying, especially to an English geek like me.

2007-10-29, 02:58 PM
Add another 2000 to the pile :smallbiggrin:

This time, I did it seriously. My vocabularly level varied greatly, sometimes rising as high as 40, a few times falling as low as 33, and mostly hovering around 38. When I quit, I was at 39.

Some of the words I found extremely easy for their level, mainly roleplaying-related ones, others I just had to make an educated guess. Sometimes I failed words that should have been extremely obvious. Such is life, I guess :smallwink:

2007-10-29, 03:18 PM
Well, this sounded fun so I tried.

I donated 1500 grains of sand, and my vocab level was 37. At one point I had a 41, but I missed a few.

2007-10-29, 03:50 PM
Nice, found something to do when I'm bored.

You have now donated
4010 grains of rice.

Raiser Blade
2007-10-29, 04:42 PM
I did another 830.

2007-10-29, 06:10 PM
Something interesting I found:

I would always hover at either 39-41, or if I dropped lower, I would drop all the way to 31-33 and could not get back up, and eventually I'd spike back up to the 40s area and stay there.

I think that I know enough of the 40ish words to keep my own there, and the same with the 32ish words, but I don't know any of the 34-38 words, so as soon as I slip from 40 it plummets another 5.

Occasional Sage
2007-10-29, 06:48 PM
Something interesting I found:

I would always hover at either 39-41, or if I dropped lower, I would drop all the way to 31-33 and could not get back up, and eventually I'd spike back up to the 40s area and stay there.

I think that I know enough of the 40ish words to keep my own there, and the same with the 32ish words, but I don't know any of the 34-38 words, so as soon as I slip from 40 it plummets another 5.

That's weird. I haven't played much with the site (a couple of minutes, so please add 300 grains to the tally) so I don't know what the ranges are like; is there a theme to the lower-level words that caused you problems? I was mostly in the 40-43 range and they seemed to be all over the place, but...

Personal favorite: habergeon

2007-10-29, 06:50 PM
I use to know a bunch of words and now I feel very unintelligent. My level just kept going down and down.:smalleek:

Occasional Sage
2007-10-29, 07:08 PM
Well folks, that's 100,000 grains of rice, and it's only the second day since this thread was posted. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised at the level of response that the thread and freerice have gotten. I've really been touched at how many people are willing to give up there free time to help with hunger. Good job, everyone! :smallbiggrin:

This is one of those nice confluences of goodness. I get philanthropy, language geekery, mild competativeness, self-improvement... all kinds of good stuff!

Thanks for introducing me to this, and especially for spreading the word this way! It's a great idea to enlist people this way, and a very good thing for you to have done.

2007-10-29, 07:12 PM
Favorite word so far: Fuliginous. I got it because of Science! Ok, Gene Wolfe and the Book of the New Sun. I'm currently at around 15500 grains, didn't manage any today. Plan to ge tto 20000 tomorrow.

2007-10-29, 07:27 PM
Did another 1000.

Best word I had: Evocation :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-29, 07:41 PM
@ Occasional Sage:

Thanks. I just figured I might as well let people know and see what happened.

2007-10-30, 08:32 AM
Pretty cool stuff, tally up another 2630 for me!

Sadly I have to go or I'd try to be the first non-native speaker to break the level 50 limit! :smalltongue: Some words are just straight from another language though. Leitmotif? Come on, that's German, and shouldn't be there. But they do make it easier for me. The words that trouble me most are words like flummox...

Occasional Sage
2007-10-30, 09:45 AM
Pretty cool stuff, tally up another 2630 for me!

Sadly I have to go or I'd try to be the first non-native speaker to break the level 50 limit! :smalltongue: Some words are just straight from another language though. Leitmotif? Come on, that's German, and shouldn't be there. But they do make it easier for me. The words that trouble me most are words like flummox...

Now, THAT is some beautiful irony!

2007-10-30, 10:30 AM
I did it several times already, maybe it's time to start adding my scores to the big pile too?
So please add 750 then. My score oscillates in the 32-36 range. I know I'm not a native speaker, but... damn. Must try harder, must reach 50!

2007-10-30, 10:45 AM
Leitmotif? Come on, that's German, and shouldn't be there. But they do make it easier for me.
No it's not. It's an abominating excuse for German. Seriously, it's Leitmotiv.

2007-10-30, 10:48 AM
Wow, I just got blindsided by hemidemisemiquaver. *will edit into post with latest contribution*.

Edit: Ok, add in 1,000.

2007-10-30, 05:58 PM
Another 1000 for me.

2007-10-30, 06:17 PM
Wow, I just got blindsided by hemidemisemiquaver. *will edit into post with latest contribution*.

Edit: Ok, add in 1,000.

Yep, I got that too. Fun.

2007-10-30, 08:49 PM
I got 7700, and recording here seemed the best idea.

2007-10-30, 09:05 PM
1200 grains more from me.

2007-10-30, 10:17 PM
Put down another 10,000 from me. This is your reward when you hit 10,000:


2007-10-31, 12:16 AM
I'm surprised the final message isn't something funny, like

"You do have a life, right?"

because after that long you need something to jerk you out.

Another 2000 from me.

Baboon Army
2007-10-31, 10:46 AM
1,500 from me.

I think I broke a record or something, got to level 13 hee hee...

Oh well...:smallredface: :smallredface:

2007-10-31, 12:10 PM
800 more from me. I occasionaly reach 40's but can't stay there for long. Geez!

2007-10-31, 12:22 PM
I'm surprised the final message isn't something funny, like

"You do have a life, right?"

because after that long you need something to jerk you out.

Another 2000 from me.
Thank you for instructing me on the proper amount that one should play the game.

2007-10-31, 12:26 PM
... Awkward...

2007-10-31, 12:31 PM
Put down another 10,000 from me. This is your reward when you hit 10,000:


Huh, now that's not exactly a difficult word... perhaps because it really looks like the Dutch word for 'native'.

edit: my personal record now is level 44

2007-10-31, 12:59 PM
Add another 1510 grains for me. Level: 37

2007-10-31, 03:43 PM
1600 grains for me.

Average level: 40

Maz Leve: 46

2007-11-01, 01:20 AM
Only 600 this time, but worth noting nonetheless.

2007-11-01, 01:54 AM
1130 from me.

I had to enlist the help of my father who has a bachelor's degree in english from Harvard. He did most, I did the D&D related ones.

2007-11-01, 01:57 AM
2000 yesterday. I'm not a native speaker, so I don't get very high. Sometimes I don't know either of the words.

Baboon Army
2007-11-01, 06:16 AM
1500 more from me.

2007-11-01, 08:25 PM
1,500 grains of rice at around a score of 38-42

2007-11-01, 08:37 PM
I got like, 640 donated, but I don't know how to prove it... Anyway, it's cool, test the ol' vocabulary. Thanks.

[Insert Neat Username Here]
2007-11-04, 10:29 PM
600 grains donated. Got up to a score of 40.

Thes Hunter
2007-11-06, 12:46 PM
I donated 710 grains. (I got a cake to make for Trog's boy's b-day ya know).

I topped out at 42, with an average around 37. :smallcool:

2007-11-06, 02:34 PM
Topped out at 41. Average: 36-37

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-08, 01:25 AM
C'mon guys, what are we giving up or something? I just donated another 880 during my writing break, surely you busy folks can donate some more time and rice.

2007-11-08, 01:51 AM
1000 grains; top of 42; averaged about 39-40

Lord Iames Osari
2007-11-08, 02:37 AM
2,000 grains here.

2007-11-08, 06:59 AM
Gah this game is addictive. Got a few of my friends hooked to. Keep getting around 34 and 36 and have donated 4000 grains in my last session (I have way to much free time).

Baboon Army
2007-11-08, 02:50 PM
Another 1520 from me today.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-09, 07:59 AM
Just donated another 2350...am I the only person doing this anymore? :smallconfused:

2007-11-09, 08:05 AM
My total is at 15.000 or so by now... I'm not very good or dedicated...

2007-11-09, 08:07 AM
This is awesome!

only a couple of minutes worth so far, but: 280 grains at around level 40ish (43 is my highest so far)

2007-11-09, 09:33 AM
1600 for me.

And I've been up at Level 50 for nearly all of it.

2007-11-09, 09:09 PM
^ ... woah.... WOAH... I'm still stuch in the early thirties... but I donated a thousand so far, in about 10 mins playing.

2007-11-10, 12:26 PM
woohoo got 2050 last time and I hovered around the 40's for most of it.

2007-11-10, 05:21 PM
Hovering between level 43-49, stumbling the worst on French loan words and obsolete regionalisms (Scottish and English alike, haven't been thrown by an Irish one yet).

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-12, 01:47 AM
Let us feel pride at our donations! (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7088447.stm) :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-12, 03:40 AM
Between AP Chemistry, AP Programming, my procrastination, and working on my campaign world, I haven't had time....if I ever have some more free time I'm going to add some more, so far I've already put in something like 10000 which I've already posted in the thread.

2007-11-12, 06:17 AM
Let us feel pride at our donations! (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7088447.stm) :smallbiggrin:

Wow...I have nothing else to say

2007-11-13, 08:35 AM
got to level 46..then started slipping... I quit at around a 1000 rice units

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-13, 08:59 AM
Let us feel pride at our donations! (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7088447.stm) :smallbiggrin:

Something worth noting about that, according to that, 1bn rice for 50,000 people is 20,000 grains of rice to feed someone for a day...I think their math is messed up somewhere. 500,000 people sounds more likely to me...

Baboon Army
2007-11-13, 09:06 AM
and...another 1500 from me.
@^ I too noticed this. How many grains do you think an evarage meal contains? about 200-300?


And another 1500 just because this was a great day!

Baboon Army
2007-11-16, 10:03 AM
*Bumps for the sake of humanity*
*Donates another 1500*

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-16, 10:09 AM
and...another 1500 from me.
@^ I too noticed this. How many grains do you think an evarage meal contains? about 200-300?


And another 1500 just because this was a great day!

More than that, I'd think...looking at my rice holder, I'd guesstimate several thousand for me, but I eat LOADS of rice, probably close to the volume of my head. =P

2007-11-17, 11:14 PM
I got another 800 grains donated. Will do more tomorrow, probably, and Monday. Will tell friends at school to do this.

2007-11-17, 11:21 PM
I chalked up another 5730 grains.

2007-11-17, 11:53 PM
Only 200 grains of rice. Sorry... :smallfrown:

2007-11-18, 06:34 AM
Man, I really need to improve my vocab.

I'm still in the 20s...but I've raised over 2000 grains so far! And I'm gonna carry on with this!

Woo, level 30! At last!

2007-11-18, 01:28 PM
Another 900

personal total: 1700

I have a slow internet connection.

2007-11-19, 03:40 PM
Add 1,000 for me.

And I am in the 38-41 range.

This is neat, nice to be entertained and helpful at the same time.

3,000 more for a total today of 4,000.

2007-11-22, 07:20 PM
added 1500 more!

2007-11-22, 08:59 PM
A quick 1,000 at 39. That was fun.

Jack Squat
2007-11-22, 09:23 PM
1200 grains; might try again later.

2007-11-24, 06:41 PM
Just got 1500 and only stopped because I need to get to bed (sleepy...) Will try to get more later on. :smallsmile:

2007-11-24, 07:13 PM
1010, around level 26.

2007-11-24, 07:21 PM
Nice. My first 500 grains and to level 43 (I can do better and will be back to prove it! :smallbiggrin: )

2007-11-25, 03:10 AM
Well, I made 1,500 grains with an average level 0f 43. I is teh smarts! :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-25, 03:32 AM
...average level 0f 43. I is teh smarts! :smallbiggrin:

Except you used a zero for your o in '0f' :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-25, 05:09 AM
Nice. My first 500 grains and to level 43 (I can do better and will be back to prove it! :smallbiggrin: )

An additional 1,000 and to level 47. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-30, 12:00 PM
Because grinding here is more fulfilling than grinding on ProgressQuest:
Brushed level 50 finally, will continue 'til I have 2000 grains this session, note to self: reread some Robert Louis Stevenson and don't skip the Scottish glossary this time, and their current sponsor is a used-books website which is making me very happy (now sign up some more booksellers on this side of the pond!).

2007-11-30, 12:12 PM
I only did 720 in a few minutes, which is waay less than most people are doing, but every bit helps, right? And it's not like I can't come back to it.

2007-11-30, 12:23 PM
Did you all notice that they doubled their donation? Now they'll donate 20 grains for every correct word. Come on, people, go get yourself some vocabulary!

2007-11-30, 02:59 PM
1590 grains of rice, vocab level 48

2007-12-01, 11:25 PM
4,620 grains of rice donated. You may start licking my shoes.:smalltongue:

2007-12-04, 02:49 PM
If you click the "options" button at the top right, you can let it keep track of your rice amounts. Which results in things like this:


2007-12-04, 04:49 PM
Well, that's 300,000.

2007-12-04, 05:15 PM
First go, a nice round 2000 at 39ish

2007-12-05, 12:10 PM
4000 now. :smallsmile:

2007-12-05, 03:09 PM
10,000! an hour 20 spent well.
EDIT: And now! 12500

2007-12-05, 05:08 PM
6,000. (Computer keeps deleting history, so the site forgets my running total, so I'll keep it here:smallsmile:)

2007-12-06, 05:12 PM
Add 4,080. That makes my total 19,080.

2007-12-06, 07:58 PM
just tried it out, got 4340 grains. average vocabulary level: 39 (max 43)

2007-12-23, 11:14 PM
Another 1500 here.

2007-12-23, 11:39 PM
Just did 400 on my first try.

Admiral Squish
2007-12-24, 12:10 AM
1440, first try.

2007-12-24, 12:48 AM
4240 grains.

top Vocab level was 38

Archangel Yuki
2007-12-24, 12:57 AM
A quick 1000. Add it in.

2007-12-24, 02:21 AM
10,000 grains on my first try! I finally found a game that burns time, makes a difference, and is fun. I played for over a half hour and didn't even realize it; I was so busy trying to keep my vocab level high! :smallyuk: (Highest was 36, generally my score was around 30.)

2007-12-25, 07:10 PM
3000 to add to the tally. is a fun game