View Full Version : DM Help [3.5e] A vampire problem

2020-06-09, 02:41 AM
Hello! I never DMd before, and just to make my life more complicated, I decided to start with a thriller, a detective story.
Long story short, the red herring for my plot is a "young" (emphasis on young) half-vampire girl. She is innocent, and the real bad guy tries to frame her. She was taken care of by the victim of the story, the only one who knew she was a half-vampire, feeding her with blood of animals and occasionally, his own.

My problem is what make of her, since I'd like to have her with a couple of Cleric levels (thought about three, just to let her have 2nd level spells, but I'm not against leaving her with only 1st level spells) She had been trained by another Cleric the victim had hired, and she unsually have only healing spells and such. She never really left the mansion (the guy was wealthy). She will also never fight, even if my players choose for some reason to restrain her, she does not fight back aside from maybe screaming and swinging hands around, as a normal girl would do. She suspect she's not human (she did not age the same way he did) but she doesn't know what she is exactly.

So, my problem is: which god shall she have? She is Good aligned, and never hurt anyone purposefully (maybe a few accidents had happened in the past, but she never killed anyone), but she's still an undead nonetheless. Which Good aligned god would accept her and her good will despite her nature?

2020-06-09, 03:26 AM
Ahoi and welcome to Dming :] - hope you´re enjoying it.

Clerics in D&D 3.5 can, as far as I am aware, be removed one step of alignment from their own. So if she´s lawful good, she might also be accepted by a good of lawful-neutral or neutral-good alignment, thus broadening your options.

If she were, for example, neutral-good, boccob, god of magic, would be a good fit. I don´t think he cares too much about your heart rate. :}

Nothing in Yondalla´s description (https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/Canon:Yondalla) mentions she hates undead, thus if you´re alignment compatible, you could worship her halflingnesnes.

HTH. Cheers.

2020-06-09, 04:03 AM
Ilmater might be a thing, from the wiki "He was the god of those who suffered, the oppressed, and the persecuted, who offered them relief and support, encouraged them to endure, and who encouraged others to help them, to take their burdens or take their places. He was called the Crying God, the Broken God, the Lord on the Rack, and the One Who Endures".
The vampire could go for a "woe is me I am cursed with vampirism, I must resist the urge to kill and drink blood of innocent people" silent brooding protagonist thing. (Edward from Twillight comes to mind here, "vegetarian" vampires that drink animal blood.)

2020-06-09, 04:06 AM
Everything is of a great help, thank you!

2020-06-09, 05:46 AM
You should probably get the mods to move this to the 3e sub-forum.

I'll just point out that, in 3e, Clerics don't need gods - she can worship a concept instead. Heck, she could worship me, and be a 4th-wall breaking Cleric with Luck and Madness as her domains, (refusing to realize the truth of her nature having driven her Cthulhu-level insane), and the system should be fine with it.

Although it's a bit cliché, Wee Jas is Lawful Neutral. Heck, even Chaotic Neutral Olidammara could likely accept her as a Chaotic Good follower.

2020-06-10, 11:31 AM
3.5's Half Vampire template actually doesnt change your type. Half Vampires are considered living not undead, and can be healed by normal healing magic and presumably have a pulse and the like. :)

If shes good aligned I think any good aligned deity would have her. Why not think about the setting and what God the cleric who taught her might have had and just give that to her as well? It should work fine.