View Full Version : Succubus / Incubus Aesthetics

Xar Zarath
2020-06-10, 06:18 AM
So has anyone tried to describe the succubus/incubus besides what's already provided in books and such?

Instead of bat wings, maybe feathery wings or insect-like wings. Instead of a red, tendril tail, its more flesh-like or looks more suited to a big cat.

Maybe they don't have horns, or their horns are curving and large and ram-like, instead of feet, maybe they have hooves or taloned feet.

Since demons and the Abyss by nature are chaotic, has anyone homebrewed their own sexy demons unique appearance?

2020-06-10, 08:19 AM
Fiendish Codex 1 does suggest that demons with powerful demon lord bosses, may take on some of the appearance of their boss.

Example here, on the far left - Succubus whose boss is Pazuzu, Demon Prince of Avians - has feathered wings and eagle-taloned feet.

FC1: Demonic Minions, by Ralph Horsley


2020-06-10, 08:27 AM
You might have more luck with this in General Roleplaying (https://forums.giantitp.com/forumdisplay.php?30) as it's not specific to any one edition/game.

From a purely gameplay perspective, I would caution against messing too far with their physical appearances as that could easily lead to them being confused for something else. For example, feathered wings are a hallmark of the Erinyes, so putting those on a Succubus might not be fair to a player who should be able to identify both creatures on sight and wouldn't confuse the two in-character.

2020-06-10, 09:01 AM
True - erinyes are never described as having horns or tails though.

That succubus's wings look more like "a bat's wings with a few feathers on" rather than a bird's wings - so if the feathers are only mentioned "up close" (and in the context of the wings themselves having bat fingers), then, if all the regular succubus features are included too, the variation may be subtle enough to pass muster.

2020-06-10, 03:24 PM
You might have more luck with this in General Roleplaying (https://forums.giantitp.com/forumdisplay.php?30) as it's not specific to any one edition/game.

From a purely gameplay perspective, I would caution against messing too far with their physical appearances as that could easily lead to them being confused for something else. For example, feathered wings are a hallmark of the Erinyes, so putting those on a Succubus might not be fair to a player who should be able to identify both creatures on sight and wouldn't confuse the two in-character.

That's why you should always roll a knowledge check. Maybe Pazuzu wants you to think his succubus are Erinyes.

2020-06-10, 04:44 PM
That's why you should always roll a knowledge check. Maybe Pazuzu wants you to think his succubus are Erinyes.

Sure, but what would the DC for such a check be? By RAW there's nothing to indicate that a Pazuzu-succubus is any harder to identify than a standard one. Is it just pointless fluff?

2020-06-10, 07:54 PM
Probably the same DC it always is, unless a disguise roll or something was made or something else is in effect. My point is the player may know its a succubus or an erinyes, but the character doesn't if it doesn't make the knowledge check, unless he or she has specifically seen one before, and then if this one happens to look drastically different than the first one he or she saw, maybe he or she doesn't realize its the same thing. Is it not the very nature of the abyss to be chaotic and have all sorts of random variations anyway?

2020-06-10, 08:49 PM
Is it not the very nature of the abyss to be chaotic and have all sorts of random variations anyway?I'd say so. Codified Demons that come in a known set of distinct, recognizable varieties are rather a mismatch, although not as bad as doing the same thing with Slaad.

It's a great fit for Devils though.

2020-06-10, 09:59 PM
So has anyone tried to describe the succubus/incubus besides what's already provided in books and such?

Counterpoint: how often does a succubus even look like its base demon form? Its first and best defense is that it doesn’t look like a threat, and it can put its Charisma and mind-meddling (Sp) to work.

Having said that, I suppose I don’t see any reason that demons wouldn’t exhibit all manner of variations, and though it’s not strictly RAW, I could imagine a slight variant of a succubus’s Change Shape ability that also allowed it to make apparent , cosmetic alterations to its demonic appearance as well.

2020-06-10, 10:36 PM
This is purely a personal opinion,; nothing official at all. But - I've read in multiple places that the original stories about succubi/incubi could be based on sleep paralysis. Vastly oversimplifying, but the person is half-awake, eyes are half-functioning, and the part of the eye that sees what's right in front of you (rather than peripheral vision) isn't quite "on," and isn't giving any feedback through the nerves. Because the brain wants to see patterns (even where there aren't any), it interprets the lack of visual input as a black or grey something, and assigns a human-ish shape to it. Since the reproductive system is one of the things that's still "on" when you're in the state, the brain notices arousal and assumes that the thing you're "seeing" is sexy. The whole thing seems extraordinarily real, because you're half-awake for it, and your senses are actually giving you that input; your brain just can't parse it properly.

So, take that description and run with it. The "true" shape of a succubus (it is a shapeshifter after all) would be blacker than black, almost a negation of light. You can scarcely see it move, but what little you can make out suggests a body utterly (masculine or feminine, as the case may be). As it approaches closer, the blackness comes into relief, and you see a body beautiful beyond your wildest dreams. It seems to draw from your deepest memories and desires, almost as though your own wishes are bringing it into being.

2020-06-10, 10:56 PM
I am a comics fan, so make a succubus / incubus into Mystique :smallamused:

el minster
2020-06-10, 11:11 PM
I'm thinking goth with raven wings and a dark fire in their eyes.