View Full Version : DM Help Reskinning The Final Enemy

2020-06-13, 12:23 PM
I'm going to be reskinning The Final Enemy (from Ghosts of Saltmarsh) for my group of 5th level PCs. However, I am going for a home invasion feel--the PCs will be invading the fortress with wanton slaughter as their goal. In my version, the fortress is a half-submerged ruined structure in a small lake deep within the jungles of Q'barra that is serving as a major lair for the Poison Dusk. The players will attack the lair while the bulk of the Poison Dusk is away on a major raid.

Environmental Changes:

The lair is not flooded, but the access points on level 3 are submerged. Using these point will require swimming, but most of the fortress does not employ underwater combat rules.
As the lizardfolk do not have darkvision, most of the occupied sections of the fortress are lit up (to at least dim light) with torches.

Creature Substitutions & Eliminations

Replace Sahuagin (CR 1/2) with Lizardfolk Commoner (CR 1/4)
Replace Sahuagin Coral Smasher (CR1) with Lizardfolk (CR 1/2)
Replace Sahuagin Priestess (CR 2) with Lizardfolk Shaman (CR 2)
Replace Sahuagin Champion (CR 3) with Lizardfolk Scaleshield (CR 1)
Replace Sahuagin Deep Diver (CR 4) with Lizardfolk Render (CR 3)
Replace Sahuagin Baron (CR 5) with Lizard King/Queen (CR 4)
Replace Sahuagin High Priestess (CR 5) with Shadow Demon (CR 4)
Replace Sahuagin Wave Shaper (CR 5) with Lizardfolk Subchief (CR 3)
Replace Sahuagin Blademaster (CR 6) with Shadow Demon (CR 4)
Replace Maw of Sekolah (CR 7) with Young Black Dragon (CR 7)
Eliminate Shell Sharks and Sahuagin Hatchling Swarms

The primary goal of the PCs is to capture the Shadow Demons and imprison them within some magical stones. The PCs already have the stones. The secondary goal is to kill off the leaders of this Poison Dusk warband, which includes the Young Black Dragon and the two Lizard Kings/Queens (they don't know the exact details of the leadership yet). Anything else they kill or drive away is just a bonus. Yes, there will be a lot of killing...

Any suggestions?