View Full Version : Are There Any Jungle-Based Modules?

2020-06-13, 04:22 PM
Are there any modules which take place primarily in a jungle or rainforest environment?

I’m open to all official publications by Wizards or Paizo. I know there’s a Pathfinder supplement involving a lost colony in a jungle somewhere, but not sure if there’s also an AP based in the same region. Any sort of module or AP involving jungles would fit my needs.

2020-06-13, 04:37 PM
Pathfinder's 2e Age of Ashes is at least partially in the jungle, as we're currently there.

2020-06-13, 05:21 PM
Does Savage Tides count?

2020-06-13, 05:52 PM
There was a short adventure, I think it was online or a web enhancement, called Jungle Secrets. It's a 3.5 Eberron adventure for 10th level characters. You can get it here: https://web.archive.org/web/20070221175849/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070219a

Also, The Eye of the Sun is a free 4th level short 3.5 adventure, set in a jungle: https://web.archive.org/web/20040216142812/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/oa/20030725a

2020-06-13, 05:57 PM
Both Shackled City and Savage Tides take place in a tropical/sub tropical area. I know parts of those two modules do go into the wilderness a bit but Shackled City is much more of an urban adventure. I don't know more than the basics on Savage Tide.

2020-06-13, 06:18 PM
Eyes of the Lich Queen (Eberron, 5th level) has a sizable section set in the jungle.

2020-06-13, 07:15 PM
I think PF's Serpents Skull AP has a lot of jungle, but I haven't played it.

2020-06-13, 08:08 PM
We could also help design an adventure. What level and what conflict do you want?

2020-06-14, 12:05 AM
RPGA did a whole Living Xen'drik campaign. Xen'drik is pretty jungly.

2020-06-16, 08:28 AM
If Dungeon magazines are OK, then there are Torrents of Dread (#114, 6th-level) and The Hateful Legacy (#131, 12th-level)

Uncle Pine
2020-06-16, 08:35 AM
Grasp of the Emerald Claw is an official Eberron module. Rana Mor is an adventure featured from Dungeon Magazine #86, starting from page 37. They're both set in jungle enviroments and the ruins therein and built with 6th-level parties in mind.

Kurald Galain
2020-06-16, 08:42 AM
Are there any modules which take place primarily in a jungle or rainforest environment?

Here's a list of a couple dozen jungle adventures (https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Category:Adventures_in_Mwangi_Expanse), including

Agents of the Eye
Beyond Azlant Ridge
The Bloodcove Disguise
Bones of Biting Ants
By Way of Bloodcove
City of Seven Spears
Crucible of Chaos
Cult of Cinders
Dead Man's Debt
Encounter at the Drowning Stones
The Ghol-Gan Heresy
The Golden Guardian
Kaava Quarry
The Lost Legend
Lyrics of Extinction
The Maze of the Open Road
Racing to Ruin
Rescue at Azlant Ridge
River into Darkness
Sanctum of the Serpent God
Signs in Senghor
The Slithering
The Technic Siege
The Thousand Fangs Below
Vaults of Madness

2020-06-16, 09:37 AM

Here's a resource

2020-06-16, 12:35 PM
Both Shackled City and Savage Tides take place in a tropical/sub tropical area. I know parts of those two modules do go into the wilderness a bit but Shackled City is much more of an urban adventure. I don't know more than the basics on Savage Tide.

Shackled City is mostly urban, but there's one part fairly early on where you go out adventuring into the jungle to rescue a bar that's being besieged by a were-baboon named Tongue-Eater.

2020-06-16, 02:25 PM
Lords of madness has a grell jungle encounter